Agenda, Penderfyniadau a Chofnodion drafft

Lleoliad: Rhithwir

Cyswllt: Sarah Handy, Members esearcher & Scrutiny Officer  07385401942


Rhif eitem


Croeso a Chyflwyniadau


The Chair welcomed everyone to the second meeting of the 2023/24 Municipal Year and thanked Members for attending. The Chair also welcomed Mr Brace, Co Production Network and Senior PSB Support Officers to the meeting.



Atgoffir aelodau'r Pwyllgor Trosolwg a Chraffu ar y cyd, fel y nodir yn ei gylch gorchwyl, bod eu swyddogaethau statudol craidd yn cynnwys: -


o   Adolygu neu graffu ar y penderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud gan y Bwrdd neu'r camau mae'r Bwrdd yn eu cymryd;

o   Adolygu neu graffu ar drefniadau llywodraethu'r Bwrdd;

o   Paratoi adroddiadau neu wneud argymhellion i'r Bwrdd ynghylch ei swyddogaethau neu'i drefniadau llywodraethu;

o   Ystyried materion sy'n ymwneud â'r Bwrdd fel y gall Gweinidogion Cymru gyfeirio atyn nhw ac adrodd i Weinidogion Cymru yn unol â hynny; a

o   Cyflawni swyddogaethau eraill mewn perthynas â'r Bwrdd sydd wedi'u gosod arno gan Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015.



The Chair reminded Members to note the 5 Ways of Working.


Datgan Buddiant

Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Aelodau yn unol â'r Cod Ymddygiad.



1. Mae gofyn i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr eitem y mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud â hi, a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw: a

2. Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.



In accordance with the Code of Conduct, there were no declarations of interest made pertaining to the agenda.





Apologies of absence were received from County Borough Councillors M. Ashford, B. Stephens, C. Jones, M. Hughes and Co Opted Members M. Jehu and Mr Maguire.


Cofnodion pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 6 Hydref 2023 yn rhai cywir.



The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th October 2023 were APPROVED as an accurate record of the meeting.


Rhwydwaith Cydgynhyrchu Cymru

Derbyn trosolwg gan Rwydwaith Cydgynhyrchu Cymru o'r gwaith y mae'n ei wneud gyda’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus o ran dulliau gweithio, yn enwedig cydweithio a chynnwys.




Members received a Power Point Presentation from Becky Lythgoe, Co Production Network For Wales, in respect of the work they are undertaking with the PSB on the ways of working, particularly collaboration and involvement.


Following the presentation, Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions.


A Member noted that young people who attended the Young Persons event on the 17th November had noted that they felt there was a gap in communication with them and that their views were not counted. The Member sought information as to what the plan would be to take forward all the comments made on the post it notes to ensure tht we take any concerns forward and feed back to he young people who attended the event. Becky Lythgoe advised Members that the information collated from the day will be compiled into a video. It was emphasised that Co Production Network were there to support the PSB to take on these views in a way that makes sense to young people. The importance of relationship building and timely feedback was also emphasised as important tools to take forward and build upon.


Discussion ensued and another Member stressed the importance of working with younger people long term and not just young people in college but also young people from sixth forms and apprenticeships etc. The Member suggested that the PSB could put a plan in place for some of those things to then come to fruition so that Scrutiny can measure the success of the PSB in this area going forward. Becky Lythgoe noted her agreement to this. It was emphasised that this was just a starting point that will hopefully lead to wider engagement with young people.


Mr Brace, the Chair of the CTM PSB, thanked Becky and PSB Support Officers for the work they have been doing with young people. It was noted that the need of the young people to get involved in the event last week was inspiring. Mr Brace emphasised the importance of the PSB facilitating that long term involvement from young people. Mr Brace acknowledged that it can be difficult for young people to attend a Board meeting and that therefore as Chair of the PSB he intends to go out and meet young people in their own environment. Mr Brace also suggested the creation of a young persons sub board as well for the PSB. It was also noted that we shouldn’t see young people as a group and that there are different ideas and opinions within young people as well.


Discussion continued and a Member noted that transparency of the decision making process is crucial. A Member queried whether the PSB will be going further than the ‘How’ and queried if the PSB will be producing regular reviews, community focused outcomes and key performance indicators to review project goals/milestones to regularly review progress. The Member queried what Co Production Wales has done to date to support the PSB in actually achieving collaboration rather than just  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 16.



Craffu ar waith y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus (BGC) mewn perthynas â 'Llais Pobl Ifainc yng Ngwaith y BGC' a gwaith y 'Is-gr?p Llesiant y Gweithlu'.


Dogfennau ychwanegol:


Mr Mark Brace, Chair of the CTM PSB, provided Members with an overview in respect of the work ongoing at the CTM PSB to date. There were two aspects to the report; the Young Persons Event and the Workforce Well-being Sub Board. Emma Howells, the Chair of the Workforce Well-being Sub Board, provided an overview of the purpose and ongoing work of the Sub Board.


Following the overview, Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions and scrutinise the work of the Board. A Member sought further information about the ‘Three Horizons Model’. The Chair of the Sub Board explained that it’s a tool to generate ideas and planning; Horizon one would be to look at the evidence for change, Horizon two is what we are going to do and Horizon three is about the outcomes. The Member queried the timescales involved and when the action plan could be shared with the Scrutiny panel. The Chair of the Sub Board advised that the idea is that topics are being picked out and taken forward and at the moment that’s the stage the Sub Board is working towards.


Discussions ensued and another Member queried what budget is being used to do this work. The Chair of the Sub Board confirmed that as yet there is no financial input but its about how the organisations collaborate and how this is pulled together to impact the workforce. The Member then further queried if Members could be provided with written detail about the Horizon Model and how it came about that CTM PSB use this facility. Mr Brace confirmed that this could be shared with Scrutiny Members following the meeting.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED   


       i.          To scrutinise the current work of the CTM PSB, , primarily against two of the ‘Five Ways of Working’; collaboration and involvement; and,


      ii.          To receive further information and timely updates on the work of the Wellbeing Sub Group; and,

    iii.          To recommend a more focused and wide ranging approach in the work of the CTM PSB with Young People.







Rhoi cyfle i'r Cydbwyllgor Trosolwg a Chraffu drafod materion mewn perthynas â'i Raglen Waith ar gyfer Blwyddyn y Cyngor 2023-24.



Dogfennau ychwanegol:


The Members’ Researcher & Scrutiny Officer RCTCBC provided Members with an overview of the draft CTM PSB JOSC Forward Work Programme for the 2023/24 Municipal Year and invite Members to comment and provide further input for Scrutiny.


Discussion ensued and a Member commented that the Board needs to be a more strategic Board and suggested that we look at the evidence base for the wellbeing assessment which formed the wellbeing plan. The Member noted that there are a number of different areas to focus on; mental health, physical health, community, housing and loneliness and cultural and exonomic wellbeing. The Member suggested incorporating these into the Work Programme and to ask for reports looking at risk factors and take a more thematic and strategic approach. The Member emphasised that the reports from the PSB need to be more thematic so that Scrutiny can add value to the PSB work at a more strategic level.


The Chair referred Members to crisis management and to look at the wider impact of the Pandemic on public services and would like to see emergency planning addressed on the Scrutiny Work Programme. Another Member also referenced the impact on Schools and Children in Education. The Member emphasised that if we are looking at wellbeing of future generations then we need to consider education. The Member raised concerns in respect of cuts and austerity measures in Education in order to balance budgets. The Member noted that there are children now that require support following the Covid-19 Pandemic.


Discussion continued and a Member requested the production of a heat map so that Scrutiny can monitor Key Performance Indicators in all of the wellbeing areas so that the objectives and key results of the PSB can be revieed by the Scrutiny panel. The Chair agreed that this will support Scrutiny in being a critical friend to the Board and challenging.


Another Member voiced their agreement with future planning being a part of the work of the PSB and Scrutiny, particularly with mental health. Mr Brace emphasised that we are here because of the Future Generations Act so we therefore need to think long term in our planning. Mr Brace agreed with a Members earlier comments in terms of following a strategi approach and agreed that this would give the PSB a focus of things to look at. It was referenced that the next Scrutiny meeting will look at the work of the Board in terms of Climate Change and that this is an example of long term planning. Mr Brace agreed with the suggestion of using heat maps and noted that this will give a focus on what the Board need to be looking at.     


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED:


  1. To approve the draft Forward Work Programme for the 2023-24 Municipal Year; and,


      ii.          To recommend that the PSB provides further information in respect of its strategic themes and further performance data to enhance scrutiny and transparency of its work to meet its duty under the Future Generations Act.     


Unrhyw Faterion Eraill

Trafod unrhyw faterion eraill y mae'r Cadeirydd yn eu gweld yn briodol.



There was no other business to report.


Adolygiad y Cadeirydd a dod â'r cyfarfod i ben

Myfyrio ar y cyfarfod a'r camau gweithredu i'w dwyn ymlaen.



The Chair thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Adroddiadau er gwybodaeth pdf icon PDF 233 KB

·       Llythyr ar y cyd i Fyrddau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus (ynghlwm); a,

·       Cynllun Llesiant Cwm Taf Morgannwg 2023-2028




The Chair asked Members to note the information reports and to email any queries to the Scrutiny RCT Inbox.