Agenda a Chofnodion

Lleoliad: Rhithwir

Cyswllt: Claire Hendy - Uwch Swyddog Gwasanaethau Democratidd  07385 401935


Rhif eitem


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from County Borough Councillors L. De-Vet, S Evans, H Fychan, M Griffiths, M Powell and Co-opted Member R Nicholls.


Datganiad o Fuddiant

Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Gynghorwyr, yn unol â gofynion Cod Ymddygiad y Cyngor.




1.    Mae gofyn i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr agendwm mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud ag ef a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw; a

2.   Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.




In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.



Cofnodion pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Derbyn cofnodion cyfarfod blaenorol y Pwyllgor Craffu - Plant a Phobl Ifainc a gynhaliwyd ar 2 Rhagfyr 2020.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the XXXX as an accurate reflection of the meeting.



Dolenni Ymgynghori

Gwybodaeth mewn perthynas ag ymgynghoriadau perthnasol i'w hystyried gan y Pwyllgor.



The Chair referenced the consultation links which were available through the RCT Scrutiny website. The Chair continued and reminded that if there are any relevant item Members would like to consider they should notify the Scrutiny Officers who will deal with the items.


A Member commented that there was an item on School Improvement Guidance and felt that it would be an item the Committee may wish to consider.


After consideration Members RESOLVED to contact Scrutiny with any comments and the Chair and Director of Education would form a response on behalf of the Committee.


Adroddiad Cynhalwyr Ifainc pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Trafod y gwaith sydd wedi'i gyflawni gan y Gwasanaeth Cynhalwyr Ifainc.



 The Service Manager – Carers, presented Members with an updating report on the Young Carers Service.


Members were informed that the Young Carer Service sits within the Local Authority’s responsibilities under the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (Wales) (2014).  It was explained that a new national plan for carers was expected for 2020/2021 however Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown and disruption has led to a delay in progressing the public engagement which is now planned for October 2020 –January 2021.


Officers continued and explained that once confirmed the Regional Action plan will be required to implement the National priorities and recommendations established in the new national plan. It was also highlighted that Welsh Government provided transitional funding of £1million per annum for Wales in 2019/20 (£161,00 for Cwm Taf Morgannwg) to protect and build on progress to date and to support the expansion of Carers rights under the implementation of the SSWB Act . Young Carers are included in this regional work.


Officers updated Members on the following key point of the report:

·         The year has been extremely challenging for young carers as their circumstances have changed significantly. The support provided has continued within  the Coronavirus restrictions and the RCT Young Carer Service has supported young carers and families to deal with challenges;

·         A new national ID card for young carers will be launched before the end of March in RCT. This scheme has been piloted with a group of young cares currently accessing support and additional shopping discount has been added with support from RCT Council’s Staff Benefit Scheme.; and

·         Once restrictions allow, all age carers service in the borough will be co-located in a new refurbished office in Pontypridd, Grant funding has provided equipment and furnishing to allow space for carers events, workshops, training and meetings this will act as a carer’s hub for RCT.


In respect of future plans Members pleased to see that once schools reopen fully the service is hoping to promote the Young Carer Schools Award programme as it shows the hard work and commitment of our young carers.


Members thanked the Officers for the report and presented their questions.

A Member asked a question regarding supporting young carers especially the intensive support and wanted to know if Members have a direct line to the service so they can help those in need. Officers explained Members can get in touch within the IAA Team and Staff there are able to address any issues and will direct the referral to the services that are able to help.


Another Member asked a question regarding the Covid 19 situation and asked if the service is aware of any new carers which may have been put in the situation due to the pandemic and is here any early indication of demand if so how are these young carers managing looking after parents.


The Team Manager Community and Children’s Services explained that Covid has been a worry for all and assured Members that staff were still visiting families and  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 58.


Adroddiad Gwasanaeth Troseddau'r Ifainc pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Trafod Adroddiad Gwasanaeth Troseddau'r Ifainc.



The Head of Cwm Taf Youth Offending Service provided Members of the Children and Young People Scrutiny with an update on the work of the Cwm Taf Youth Offending Service (YOS) 2020/21. Also included within the report is a summary of the Service’s response to the Covid 19 pandemic along with the future challenge for the services.


Members were informed that the Cwm Taf Youth Offending Service is a statutory partnership legislated by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and provides a service across two local authority areas, namely Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil. It was brought to Members attention that in August 2014 the local authority YOS areas merged to form Cwm Taf YOS.


The Head of Cwm Taf Youth Offending Service enlighten Members that the aim of the service is to prevent the offending and re-offending of the children and young people within our communities. The statutory partners involved are South Wales Police, Cwm Taf University Health Board, HM Prison and Probation Service along with Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Tydfil Local Authority areas.


It was highlighted that the overall governance is facilitated by the Regional Cwm Taf Offender Management Board (OMB) which meets quarterly to hold the service to account. In addition to this the performance of the YOS   is also reported to the Youth Justice System and to the Welsh Government.


The Head of Service explained that due to the result of Covid 19 the YOS were not required to provide an annual Youth Justice Plan for the financial year 2020/21. The Head of Service continued and explained that the YJB instead requested that YOS completed a self-assessment and action plan in relation to a new set of National Standards for Youth Justice.


The Head of Service provided Members with an overview of the work carried out by the service since March 2020, it was explained that most of the YOS staff have undertaken the majority of their work remotely which has meant a reduction in face to face contact with young people and families.


It was also explained that during this unprecedented time staff have continued to support young people who appear in the law courts or required an appropriate adult at a police station.


Members were also informed that face to face contact with young people assessed as high risk has continued during this time.


The Head of the Cwm Taf YOS highlighted where the service is at now and what the future priority areas are for the service. It was explained that the service is currently in the process of restructuring the service in order to meet the demands of early intervention and prevention which now accounts for the majority of the workload. Members were updated on the use of the Viewpoint data feedback system, along with the YOS education training and employment team.


In respect of CAMHS the officer explained that YOS has recently negotiated CAMHS provision with Senior Health Managers to provide increased support for staff dealing with young people  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 59.


Adolygiad y Cadeirydd a dod â'r cyfarfod i ben

Adlewyrchu ar y cyfarfod a'r camau gweithredu i'w dwyn ymlaen.



The Chair thanked Officers and Members for their imput in this evening’s meeting and wished the well in the future.