Agenda a Chofnodion

Lleoliad: Siambr y Cyngor, Y Pafiliynau, Parc Hen Lofa'r Cambrian, Cwm Clydach, Tonypandy CF40 2XX

Cyswllt: Claire Hendy - Senior Democratic Services Officer  01443 424081


Rhif eitem



Derbyn unrhyw ymddiheuriadau ffurfiol gan Aelodau'r Pwyllgor Craffu – Plant a Phobl Ifainc



The Vice Chair opened up this evening’s meeting due to the being a technical difficulty with the Chair of the Committee’s device. Members acknowledged that once the Chair was able to join she would then take over the role and continue with the proceedings.

Apologies were received from County Borough Councillor S. Evans, W Jones, S Powell and G Stacey.



Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Gynghorwyr, yn unol â gofynion Côd Ymddygiad y Cyngor.




1.    Mae gofyn i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr agendwm mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud ag ef a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw; a

2.   Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.



In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.



Cofnodion pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Derbyn cofnodion o gyfarfod blaenorol y Pwyllgor Craffu – Plant a Phobl Ifainc ar y 9fed o Fedi 2020



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the XXXX as an accurate reflection of the meeting.



Rhaglen Waith y Pwyllgor Craffu - Plant a Phobl Ifainc 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 835 KB

Aelodau'r Pwyllgor Craffu – Plant a Phobl Ifainc i drafod y Rhaglen Waith ar gyfer Blwyddyn y Cyngor 2020/21.


The Service Director Democratic Services & Communications presented Members with the Draft Work Programme for 2020/2021 from (October to December in the first instance).


It was explained that following the Council’s AGM held on the 16th September 2020 Scrutiny is now able to present its forward work programme for 2020/2021 Municipal Year, It was highlighted to Members that the work programme would initially be that of a three month basis with the Committee having the opportunity to review its Work Programme in December 2020.


Members acknowledged the current pressures  on the Council as it focuses on the impact of the pandemic and its associated plans for response and recovery and agreed  that this approach allows for business critical matters to be priority.


The Chair proceeded to ask the Committee to identify any areas that they wish to review in greater detail and opened up the meeting to Members.


A Member highlighted the FPN Working Group report and it was agreed that this would be added to the work programme for a future meeting. After further consideration Members RESOLVED to Agree the Children and Young People Scrutiny Work Programme for 2020/2021 (October to December)


Diweddariad o Sefyllfa Ddiweddaraf y Cyngor o ran ymateb i COVID -19 o safbwynt Addysg pdf icon PDF 618 KB

Derbyn diweddariad mewn perthynas â sefyllfa ddiweddaraf y Cyngor o ran ymateb i COVID-19 o safbwynt Addysg


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communication explained that the Committee has the opportunity to scrutinise review and challenge the Council’s current position in response to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic and explained that the Director of Education & Inclusion along with Service Director Public Protection and Temporary Service Director for 21st Century Schools would provide Members with a verbal update,

firstly to update Members on the critical actions taken by the Council over the Summer period including the current COVID 19 processes and practices in RCT and secondly, to inform Members of the current plans being undertaken for the Autumn Term and the up and coming Firebreak announced by the Welsh Government..


The Director of Education & Inclusion thanked the Committee for the opportunity to once again update Members on the actions taken during the pandemic and explained that the Service Director Public Health and Temporary Service Director 21st Century Schools was also presented to answer any questions from Members in respect of collaborative actions taken to minimise any positive Covid 19 cases within our schools.


The Director of Education continued to explain that she would provide Members with an overview of some of the support mechanism provided to schools during this current time, it was highlighted that a great deal of guidance had been provided to all schools and communication channels were strong  are illustrated in frequent Headteachers meetings, cluster meetings and termly updates with Chairs of Governing Bodies where Schools and the Local Authority are able to address any current issues and concerns.


Parent and carer communication is frequent with information being passed through various means such as text messaging, Director’s letters to parents/carers, quick referral guidance or frequently asked questions for parents/carers made available on the Council website etc.    


It was also explained that a lot of engagement and partnership working has taken place to ensure that schools are running as smoothly and as safely as possible and to minimise the risks for pupils and staff. Some examples are as follows:

·         Staggered start times and finishing times;


·         Sneeze screens

·         PPE , Face coverings;

·         Sanitiser

·         Social distancing measures appropriate signage etc.

·         Enhanced cleaning

·         Maintaining discrete contact groups


The Temporary Service Director of 21st Century Schools presented Members with an overview of the extensive Health and Safety measures the authority and schools have put in place for pupils’ safety. It was explained that clear guidance documents are in place for all areas such as traffic impact assessment, cleaning, hygiene compliance checks, along with support from health and safety colleagues. All risk assessments and support plans were checked by the Council Health and Safety Team and advice provided where required to ensure completeness and are signed off by Chair of Governors.  The Director thanked the Temporary Service Director 21st Century School for her update.


The Director of Education continued to explain that home/distance learning continued at the end of the Summer Term. The Central South Consortium has developed guidance, support and professional learning for blended/distance learning which has  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 16.




Adlewyrchu ar y cyfarfod a'r camau gweithredu i'w dwyn ymlaen.




The Chair thanked Members and Officers for their time and contribution to the Meeting and at that point wished Members a good evening and closed the meeting.



Trafod unrhyw faterion sydd, yn ôl doethineb y Cadeirydd, yn faterion brys yng ngoleuni amgylchiadau arbennig