Agenda item

Trafod Adroddiad Cyflawniad y Cyngor ar gyfer y Drydedd Chwarter



The Service Director, Finance & Improvement Services (and Deputy Section 151 Officer) presented Members with the Quarter 3 Council Performance Report to 31st December 2019.


The report included information in respect of:-


Ø  revenue and capital budget performance;

Ø  Treasury Management prudential indicators;

Ø  Organisational Health information including staff turnover, sickness and Council strategic risks;

Ø  Corporate Plan priority action plan up dates;

Ø  other national measures; and, 

Ø  Target setting.


The Service Director provided the Committee with an overview of the key information included within the report in respect of financial data and progress against the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities. Members were also provided with information regarding exceptions highlighted within each of the detailed sections and in conclusion the Service Director reported that out of 68 Corporate Plan performance indicators measured and reported during quarter 3, 26 were on target, 8 were within 5% of the target and 19 were not on target by more than 5%.


In response, Members raised a number of questions with the Service Director.


A Member raised a concern in relation to the accuracy of the data. The Service Director acknowledged that information is not being collated strictly in line with the definitions that have been set. In terms of target setting, the Council has proposed new targets for the forthcoming Municipal year and this is something that could be considered as part of the Committee’s work programme.


In respect of transfer of care, a Member raised a number of concerns. Firstly, in respect of the delay of patients from Hospital to Social Care. Secondly, the Member queried the number of sports clubs that are being closed down and thirdly a query was raised in respect of public libraries and reason behind the lack of usage. The Service Director began by advising that the transfer delay was largely down to staff absence, however, he stressed that the 2019/20 budget strategy ensures that staff have the power and resources to deal with the increasing service demand. In respect of leisure, the Service Director reassured Members that the closures are only temporary and that the aim will be to keep the closures as short as possible. In relation to public libraries, the Service Director acknowledged that there had been a significant decrease in usage over the summer months, however, he emphasised that the summer heat wave contributed towards this. Members were advised that an update would be provided during Quarter 4 in respect of the number of virtual library visits and also in respect of the recent changes to the mobile library service.


Discussions ensued and a Member queried the cost in relation to the Pontrhondda Bridge. The Service Director reassured Members that further information would be circulated to Members following the meeting.


A Member sought clarification in terms of missed recycling targets. The Service Director informed Members that the recycling targets are set each Municipal year by the Welsh Government. During the 2018/19 Municipal Year, the Welsh Government changed the recycling targets that the Council could claim by 30%. Members were also advised that recycling usually increases over the Christmas period, however, due to the Christmas holidays the figures were not included in the Quarter 3 period. The Service Director assured Members that the figures should increase by Quarter 4.


Discussions continued and the Elected Parent/Governor Representative referenced the percentage of pupils looked after attending RCT schools in year 11. It was pointed out that the year 11 cohort is a very small cohort and that there needs to be a mechanism in the commentary box to reflect this. Further reference was made to the number of children being excluded from RCT Schools. The Parent/Governor Representative emphasised that although there has been an increase in fixed term exclusions, this figure has been distorted by one school in the area. In respect of leisure facilities, the Parent Governor/Representative queried the reduction in membership and asked for further information in terms of the impact this has had across all sites. The Service Director advised Members that in terms of children looked after and fixed term exclusions, further data will be circulated to Members. In respect of leisure centres, the Director advised the Committee that Membership has reduced by a few hundred across all areas. Members were informed that there is generally a spike in Membership in January and that this seems to reduce towards the end of the winter months. The Service Director acknowledged that the Council needs to engage with customers to identify the reasons behind the reduction.


Discussions ensued in respect of leisure centres and a Member pointed out that the sports centre in Tylerstown has been extremely busy in recent months and has not experienced any downward trend. The Member raised a further query in respect of mobile libraries. The Member sought clarification as to whether volunteers have been included in the performance indicators. The Service Director advised the Committee that he would need to check the definition of the performance indicator and that further information would be circulated to Members following the meeting. In relation to public libraries, a Member queried whether mobile libraries had been included in the performance indicators and emphasised that ancestry and research is important and should be promoted by the Council. The Service Director advised the Committee that the mobile libraries should be included in the figures. However, he will circulate further information to Members in respect of mobile library usage.


In respect of fixed term exclusions, a Member pointed out that the figures do not reflect the local issues behind the exclusion and it was noted that excluding a pupil does not solve the problem. The Member also requested further information in respect of permanent exclusions and the Service Director advised that this would be circulated following the meeting.


Following consideration of the report, it was RESOLVED to note the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at 31st December 2018 (Quarter 3).






Dogfennau ategol: