Agenda item

Rhoi cyfle i Aelodau'r pwyllgor dderbyn adroddiad ar agweddau ar Safonau Masnach sy'n diogelu pobl sy'n agored i niwed.


Members initially head from the Director of Public Health, Protection & Community Services, who explained that this was a timely report, given the current pressures on people’s financial budgets and the vulnerabilities, at this time, before she handed over to the Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager who explained that she had identified a number of areas, where Trading Standards, currently worked to protect the vulnerable, which was even more important, at this time, with the cost of living crises.  Starting at section 3, of the report, the Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager highlighted a number of key points to Members including in relation to the pandemic, the focus on net-zero and the cost-of-living crisis, before highlighting a number of key points to Members in relation to safeguarding and scams, vapes and illegal tobacco, anti-counterfeiting and supporting businesses, with RCT.


The Chair thanked the Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager for presenting the report and sought questions from Members.


A Member acknowledged there was a worrying aspect with regards to children vaping and asked what could be done to crack down on this.


The Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager acknowledged the Members concern and advised that it had been recommended to all suppliers and traders within RCT, that best practice was not to supply to anyone under the age of 18, whether vapes had nicotine in or not, in addition to factoring in any intelligence and complaints, as part of any underage sales operations which, were done throughout the year.  Members were advised that here was a lot of work being done nationally with this, to target an all-Wales response and if anyone had any information or intelligence of local businesses which are supplying, the service would be happy to receive that intelligence.


A Member acknowledged that scamming was a growing problem, noting the figures in relation to the phone blockers, recognising they obviously worked well, and enquired if there were any plans to increase the use of these.


The Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager advised Members that this was something currently being discussed, whilst recognising current budget constraints. Members were advised from the initial call blockers purchased, there was still a little surplus and following national safeguarding week in November, a review would take place with senior management, to see whether it was in the best interest to purchase some more for installation.


A Member enquired what sort of partnership work took place with other local authorities, with regards to this area.


The Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager advised Members that quite a wide range of partnership working took place and provided Members with some examples whilst acknowledging that trading standards was dealing with a much higher level of risk, than it had done, for a number of years.


A Member noted the figures at 4.1.4 of the report, acknowledged they were quite specific and enquired how the figures were calculated.


The Trading Standards and Registrar Service Manager briefly explained to Members the approach taken and agreed to circulate additional information to Members, on how the figures were circulated.


Following consideration by the Committee it was RESOLVED to acknowledge the report.

Dogfennau ategol: