Agenda item


Derbyn cyflwyniad gan Bartner Gwella CCD



The Primary School Improvement Partner presented a presentation to Members which provided a brief overview of the Peer Partnership and collaboration within the region.

The Primary School Improvement Partner acknowledged the extremely challenging time experienced by schools during the lockdown periods and advised Members of the significance of support and guidance to schools through Peer Partnership. Members were advised of the importance of Peer Partnership as it aligns with the regions vision to empower schools to improve outcomes for all learners. Its shifting school improvements from a model that is dependent on central support to one that is led by schools, for schools.


The Primary School Improvement Partner advised Members of the challenges faced during the launch of the Peer Partnership programme; the team were sensitive to school’s positions due to the numerous pressures from the Pandemic. As a result, softer launches were undertaken to certain school’s which were ready to work within the programme; these include, cluster sharing new curriculums in Aberdare by a group of 16 schools who have committed to a shared inset day in May. Advisors will be attending the meeting to facilitate and support areas of learning needs. It was confirmed that 3 cross Local Authority schools (Vale of Glamorgan, RCT, & Cardiff) began Peer Partnership in January. Members were advised of the School Leadership Improvement Partnership (SLIP) which is a well-established network of 12 schools from a wide range of socio-economic and culturally diverse communities within Cardiff. The SLIP have been invited to present to a Peer Partnership group in order to highlight how the group works, and the benefits of Peer Partnership. The Primary School Improvement Partner confirmed 3 schools in Bridgend who will be looking to start Peer Partnership during the Spring.


The Primary School Improvement Partner advised Members of a produced guidance document in May 2021; The document provided a brief overview of what Peer Partnership is and what it’s not; This has been used to create a protocol with larger networks and underpinned a collaboration at every level to ensure schools are protected.

To conclude the Primary School Improvement Partner noted to Members the objectives of the team; these included ensuring sensitivity is maintained towards schools due to the numerous changes and challenges faced towards operations and curriculums. Develop a culture of sharing workload, resources, and professional learning to aid in growth of the school. Refer to Welsh Governments (WG) National Resources for evaluation and improvement to support self-evaluation conversations, and lastly to empower schools to improve outcomes for all learners.


The Chair commended Peer Partnership as an excellent tool forward to empower schools as it can be utilised to improve teaching, learning and leadership. A query was raised surrounding the Curriculum for Wales and the support in place for schools which were less prepared.


The Primary School Improvement Partner advised Members of a useful curriculum designed website which has been implemented as a thinking tool that draws together the variety of professional learning, aligned with the curriculum roll out documentation which can be accessed quickly by schools. Curriculum advisors have been working with individual schools to help with reflection and setting targets.


The Assistant Director Central South Consortium (CSC) praised the School Improvement Partner for the excellent work being undertaken towards support and improvement for schools. He continued by commending Headteachers for developing the model as a mature and evolutionary approach which will target schools at all levels. As part of CSC, the model sits at the heart of the organisations approach in supporting schools’ evolution and processes.


The Lead Director of Education echoed the praises towards the Primary School Improvement Partner and thanked her for the extensive experience she has provided within the team.


Following discussions, the Central South Consortium Joint Education Committee RESOLVED:


-       To note presentation