Agenda item

Derbyn diweddariad interim gan Gadeirydd y gweithgor Amrywiaeth mewn Democratiaeth mewn perthynas â'r gwaith a wnaed hyd yma.



The Service Director presented the interim report of the Diversity in Democracy Working Group and sought Members agreement to approve the interim report and the recommendations contained within it.


The Chair of the Working Group, Councillor M Adams, presented this interim report to the Committee.  It was noted that Diversity within Local Government is all about creating an inclusive environment, accepting of every individual’s differences, enabling all Councillors to achieve their full potential and as a result, allowing Council services to reach their fullest potential for the benefit of its residents. Councillor Adams emphasised that the more representative of society and diverse our Councillors are the better understanding they will have of the needs of the local community and therefore are better equipped at carrying out their duties and responsibilities.


The Chair o the Working Group noted that trying to achieve this diverse culture is challenging and as a working group we have, in a short period of time, already identified potential barriers that may dissuade members of the public to stand as a candidate for election.  We need to ensure that any perceived barriers are eradicated and instead celebrate and promote the rewarding experiences of becoming a Councillor. Councillor Adams advised Members that the work will be ongoing until the 2022 Local Government Elections as we work to ensure that the Council achieves all it can to push the diversity agenda and develop a more diverse democratic profile.  However, there are many things outside of our control and work will need to be taken forward in conjunction with political parties and other stakeholders to  push the agenda forward.


In summary, Councillor Adams informed Committee Members that the interim report allows us to compile the work achieved to date and the recommendations we feel are necessary to positively start the engagement and educating of the democratic process within Rhondda Cynon Taf.  We need to act now to reach out to potential candidates. We also need to continue our momentum of engaging with the youth voters through the voting awareness raising campaigns that have been taken forward for the Senedd elections as our young people are the mouthpiece and potential Councillors of the future.


The Chair thanked Councillor Adams and Members were then presented with the opportunity to ask questions.


A Member noted that the new curriculum for Wales has a strong element that relates to democracy and noted that mock elections in schools encourages diversity. The Member queried what the Council could do to engage with schools in respect of democracy and diversity. The Chair noted that the Council is already engaging with schools and working with young people and noted that the work is of a vital importance. The Service Director confirmed that the Council has already facilitated mock elections in schools across the County Borough and agreed that the work will continue moving forward.


Another Member noted the importance of having these conversations with young people in schools but also within their local communities as well.


Discussions ensued and a Member sought clarity that all schools would be included in this scheme, particularly as some schools haven’t got a sixth form facility. The Service Director confirmed that all schools will be included and that the work will continue beyond the 2022 elections.


A Member queried whether it would be possible to hand over the training to the school itself. The Service Director confirmed that this is done and that a young person would enjoy the experience of attending the Chamber.


The Chair confirmed that the work is ongoing and thanked Councillor Adams for chairing the Group. Councillor Adams also thanked all officers who provided support to the Working Group.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to note that 16 recommendations contained within the report.

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