Agenda item

Trafod adroddiad y Cyfarwyddwr Addysg mewn perthynas â'r newidiadau mwyaf diweddar ym myd Addysg yn ystod tymor y gwanwyn mewn ymateb i sefyllfa COVID-19 sy'n newid yn barhaus.



The Director of Education and Inclusion Services thanked Members for the opportunity to provide an update on the most recent changes in Education during the spring term in response to the ever changing COVID-19 position.


The Director of Education reminded Members of the previous actions taken by the Welsh Government and continued to explain that on the 5th February, the Education Minister announced that schools would begin a phased return for foundation phase from 22nd February. Learners in nursery, Year1 and Year 2 were able to return to their school setting by the end of that week.


Members were informed that on the 3rd March, the Education Minister announced that further year groups would be able to return to school from the 15th March. The Director of Education explained that the following arrangements applied to all schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

·         All foundation phase learners (i.e., nursery, reception, Year 1 and Year 2) continued to attend school throughout the phased introduction of new year groups back in to school.


·         Arrangements for the phased return of learners in Key Stage 2 (i.e., Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) commenced on the 15th of March 2021.


·         Arrangements for the phased return of learners in Years 11 and 13 commenced on the 15th of March 2021.


·         Flexibility was offered to secondary schools, all-through schools and PRUs to provide access to the onsite education provision for learners in Years 10 and 12 from the 15th of March 2021 onwards.


·         Learners in Years 7, 8 and 9 were to access at least one check-in on school premises prior to the Easter break.


·         Vulnerable learners and the children of critical workers continued to access face to face education in school until their year group returned to school.


·         Remote learning continued to be provided for self-isolating learners and those year groups not accessing face to face learning in school.


Members were presented with an overview of the remote learning within the County Borough. It was explained that schools across Rhondda Cynon Taf have implemented a variety of remote learning options and opportunities and with support from the Council’s school improvement officers. CSC has also provided comprehensive professional learning opportunities.


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services also updated Members on the work that has been carried out to ensure no learner is digitally excluded.

It was explained that from the start of the pandemic, digitally excluded learners who did not have access to an appropriate internet connected device and/or internet connection have been supported with devices to engage in online learning activities. The Director highlighted that an audit of digitally excluded learners was refreshed this academic year to identify any new families that have moved into the area or were experiencing challenges in accessing education remotely. Data showed at total of 2,868 devices were provided to DELs in 2019/2020 academic year and a further 2,570 were provided to newly identified DELs in NCY 1 – 13 between January 2021 and March 2021. Members were pleased to see that Welsh Government will make a further 4,456 Chromebooks available to Rhondda Cynon Taf in May 2021 and the plan will be to prioritise further learners that are eligible for free school meals.


Members were also presented with an update in respect of the following areas:

·         Examinations

·         Business Continuity Plans

·         Health and Safety

·         Managing Confirmed Cases

·         Lateral Flow Testing

·         Attendance

·         Partnership Working

·         Free School Meal Provision

·         Breakfast Club Provision

·         Childcare Settings


In conclusion, the Director of Education and Inclusion Services informed Members that going forward a termly update report could be provided to Members to encapsulate all of the key changes and the wide–ranging documentation sent to schools to ensure that they are kept abreast of national and local changes.


The Chair thanked the Officer for a very comprehensive report and opened up the meeting for Members questions and observation.


A Member asked a question regarding the Lateral Flow Test and asked if there is any data available on the take up of tests across schools.


The Member also asked where the service is in terms of a recovery plan, and if there is any plans to extend term times to enable pupils to catch up during the summer.   Also, from a governance point of view are there any suggestion for returning to schools in the near future for hands on support for schools as at present the engagement with schools are being done remotely.


In response to the take up of the lateral flow test, the Director explained that at present there is no data collated as the use of the lateral flow test is not compulsory. Officers could review the data we have and could make this available to Members if required. 


In respect of plan for recovery, the Director highlighted that many statutory regulations have been temporarily suspended due to the pandemic and this makes it difficult to plan ahead. However, the Directorate is currently self-evaluating which will help with forward strategic planning. It was also explained that the impact of Covid on outcomes is being assessed at a school level. The Director continued to explain the key priorities that the Authority is working on to ensure our schools are effectively supported to manage the situation moving forward.


In respect of governance, the Officer explained that this will continue virtually, and engagement levels had been good


In reference to moderation processes, Members raised the importance of consistency of approaches particularly in relation to year 6 learners. The Member also asked a question in respect of ventilation within our schools, especially in older school buildings where space seemed to be area of concern. The Member referenced the strategic planning and asked if there had been any consideration to adapting the Swedish model whereby formal lesson times have been reduced and summer outdoor classrooms have been their main focus. Performance and wellbeing has shown to be better as a result of these approaches. The ALN responsibility for teachers is a concern and some staff are thinking of leaving the Authority because of the pressures.


Officers replied, with regards to the ALNET Act there are many changes ahead and that we have been preparing for these changes for a number of years.  It was suggested that it would be beneficial if the Transformation Lead came to the committee to update Members on the work that is being done both nationally and regionally. The Director explained that we were fortunate in RCT to have high levels of specialist provision.  In respect of ventilation, the Officer explained there has been an exercise carried out within our schools in relation to this, and funding had been received from Welsh Government to improve school buildings so that risks could be minimised e.g. Many schools across RCT have received funding for canopies to extend the outside learning environment. Outdoor learning has been occurring extensively in our schools and forest schools’ programmes are in place in some settings.  The Officers continued to highlight that the SHEP (School Holiday Enrichment Programme) will be in place to support vulnerable families throughout the summer.


In respect of moderation, Officers updated Members what is in place for schools to prepare learning for transition. Schools have effective tracking systems throughout the County Borough, and this ensures that reliable data is provided on transition.


Further questions and observations were put forward and after a lengthy discussion Member RESOLVED to:

·         Acknowledge the content of the report;

·         Receive an update from the ALNET Transformational Lead on the work in place for the implementation of the Act;

·         Receive a report updating Members on the School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP)



Dogfennau ategol: