Agenda item

Trafod Cynllun Gweithredu'r Strategaeth Atal Digartrefedd



The Service Director Public Protection explained to Members that the report provides an update on the delivery of the RCT Homelessness Strategy 2018-2022 that was approved by Cabinet on the 18th December 2018.


The Service Director Public Protection highlighted  that  Members would recall the Draft Strategy was subject to scrutiny   by the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee on the 6th December 2018.


Members were reminded that the objectives of the Strategy, are:

·         Objective1. Preventing homelessness and repeat homelessness from occurring, whenever possible, therefore reducing homelessness.

·         Objective 2. Ensuring that appropriate support and accommodation including temporary and emergency accommodation is available to meet the needs of homeless and potentially homeless people.

·         Objective 3. Ensuring people with housing support needs have these fully assessed and have access to services to maintain independent living.


The Officers explained that the Homeless Strategy has a 4 year delivery plan and Members were updated on where we are against the targets.


The Service Director concluded her report by explaining that the homeless review found that our existing services and prevention activity have helped deliver effective results in the face of increasing demands on the services. It is anticipated there will be further increasing demands on Housing Advice, Homelessness and Supporting people going forward.


With regards to the strategic objectives officers explained that the objectives will allow the Council to meet its statutory duties to homeless people and to prevent homelessness in accordance with Housing (Wales) Act 2014 and build on the good work already in progress.



The Chair thanked the Service Director Public Protection for a very comprehensive report and opened up the meeting for Members questions and observations.


A Member commented on lack of cooperation with outside bodies. He went on to say that trying to access rooms within new developments is a struggle.


In reply the Service Director Public Protection explained that there a range of different housing projects, and we are aiming to move away from emergency accommodation. The Director of Adults Services also explained that with the extra care facilities have temporary beds that accommodated housing rest bite.


Discussions continued and a Member asked if any change to residents on housing benefit and the impact of the Welfare benefit reform, which could cause resident to find themselves in financial difficulty and becoming homeless.   It was explained that the local authority are working on early intervention and prevention to limit any effect.


Another Member asked  for data on how many homeless people do we have at present in RCT.  Officers explained that there are 150 live various cases.


Members commented on the latest flood issues within RCT, Officers explained how the service has responded to the immediate housing needs of flood victims and that  we continue to have staff dedicated to supporting displaced households..


A Member commented on the application process for housing and felt that some people would not put themselves forward as on the application form for housing you have to give the landlords detail and many are reluctant to do so as they feel there could be a backlash from them. They were also concerned about any rent arreas being taken into account by the Council allocating social housing.


The Officer explained that when doing the eligibility check debt is not an automatic reason for refusal and understanding the individual circumstances enabling the service to put the right support in place.


Members discussed the report further and RESOLVED:

·         Acknowledge the report

·         To monitor the action plan going forward.



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