Agenda item

Trafod Adroddiad Cyflawniad y Cyngor ar gyfer yr Ail Chwarter (2019/20).



The Service Director- Performance & Improvement provided Members with the Quarter 2 Council Performance Report (to 30th September 2019).


Members were asked to scrutinise the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at the 30th September 2019 and to consider whether they wish to scrutinise in greater depth any matters contained in the report.


The Service Director referred Members to Appendix 1 of the report, which contains the Council’s Quarter 2 Performance Report that was presented to Cabinet on the 21st of November 2019. Members were informed that the report contains revenue and capital budget performance; treasury Management prudential indicators; Organisational Health information including staff turnover, sickness and Council strategic risks; Corporate Plan priority action plan updates; other national measures; and target setting.


Members were asked to note that 12 Corporate Plan performance measures were ‘Not on target’. In addition, 16 national measures do not form part of the Council’s Corporate Plan and are therefore excluded from the Council’s analysis. The Service Director informed Members that as at Quarter 2, one national measure was ‘Not on Target’, seven were ‘On Target’, and seven were ‘Within 5% of target’.


Committee Members were informed that the Quarter 2 report comprises;


Ø  Executive Summary

Ø  Revenue Monitoring

Ø  Capital Monitoring

Ø  Organisational Health

Ø  Corporate Plan/ Other National Measures


In respect of ‘Organisational Health’, and specifically sickness absence levels showing an improved position compared to 30th September 2018 and 31st March 2019. He added that on-going attention will be afforded to this area to support staff health and well-being. Members were reminded that there continues to be a focus in organisational health related areas, for example, IT infrastructure and invest to save energy efficiencies schemes, with this work being supported through existing resources.


Committee Members were referred to the ‘Executive Summary’ and discussions ensued.


In respect of ‘Adult Services’, Members were informed that the service faced an increase demand during the winter months, which resulted in an overspend of £0.285M.


The Service Director then referred Members to Section 3 of the report and the Council’s Capital Programme. Members were advised in respect of the key capital variances at Quarter 2, which includes a re-profiling of a number of projects to reflect changes in the total cost of schemes and revised delivery timescales and the various grant approvals that were introduced into the Capital Programme.


In respect of the Council’s strategic risks, Members were informed that there have been no changes to the Strategic Risk Register between quarters 1 and 2. The Service Director assured Members that all strategic risks will continue to be reviewed on an on-going basis and, where appropriate, revisions will be made to the Risk Register.


Committee Members were then referred to Section 5 of the Corporate Plan. It was noted that good progress continues to be made on a number of town centre developments, such as the Porth Town Centre Strategy and the opening of the Community Hub in Mountain Ash in June 2019.


Members were also informed of the good progress being made in many key areas relating to ‘People’ and community needs. For example, the Extra Care Housing Development and Supported Housing Schemes as well as the implementation of the Stay well@home service Phase 2 and the new Assistive Technology Model to continue to support people in their own homes and reduce the need for unnecessary hospital admissions.


In respect of ‘Place’, the Service Director told Members that performance during the second quarter of the year continued to be in line with the planned, with some actions already having a positive impact and others where the effect will be felt later in the year. For example, the Council continued to deliver partnership actions as part of the Cwm Taf Community Safety Delivery Plan and anti-social behaviour continues to be a key priority on the agenda.


The Service Director specifically highlighted for Members the 12 Corporate Plan performance measures that were ‘Not on target’ as at Quarter 2 and also indicated that out of 8 national measures reported at Quarter 2 (that do not form part of the Council’s Corporate Plan), one measure was ‘Not on Target’, seven were ‘On Target’ and zero were ‘Within 5% of target’.


Discussions ensued and Members were provided with the opportunity to scrutinise the report and ask questions.


In respect of Waste Services and their overspend of £0.436M, Councillor Bradwick informed Members that he will be asking for an update on this as Chair of the Public Service, Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee. The Service Director advised Members that performance remains positive for both recycling rates and street cleanliness, however, this has also resulted in additional expenditure for the service area. The Service Director also reminded Members that there have been additional transitional costs, however, new facilities in Bryn Pica are now operational. Councillor Bradwick informed the Committee that Members of the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee will be visiting the new facility as part of the Committee’s respective Work Programme. Councillor Bradwick extended the invitation to all Elected Members.


In respect of ‘Children Looked After’, Councillor Adams questioned whether the Budget had been adjusted to account for the demand on the service in times of austerity. The Service Director informed the Committee that the cost of placing one child can be significant and that the service does face significant cost pressures. Members were reminded that the Authority aims to provide a positive and stable environment to support children and young people who cannot live with their families. The Service Director agreed that the cost of providing the service is now dramatically more than previously budgeted and that there is a need to fund the service from other areas.


Discussions continued in respect of ‘Children Looked After’ and Councillor Cullwick questioned whether RCT fund children who come into the County Borough from other areas. The Service Director advised that some children can be housed in RCT and equally some children, particularly those with complex needs, have to be provided for outside of the RCT catchment area.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to;


1.    Endorse the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at 30th September 2019 (Quarter 2).




Dogfennau ategol: