Agenda, Penderfyniadau a Chofnodion drafft

Lleoliad: Rhithwir


Rhif eitem



Derbyn datganiadau o fuddiannau personol gan Aelodau yn unol â gofynion Cod Ymddygiad y Cyngor


1.       Gofynnir i Aelodau ddatgan rhif a phwnc yr eitem y mae eu buddiant yn ymwneud â hi a mynegi natur y buddiant personol hwnnw; a 

2.       Lle bo Aelodau'n ymneilltuo o'r cyfarfod o ganlyniad i ddatgelu buddiant sy'n rhagfarnu, rhaid iddyn nhw roi gwybod i'r Cadeirydd pan fyddan nhw'n gadael.



In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda


Croeso a Chyflwyniadau


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and to the extend invite to the education trade unions and for the benefit of whom, introductions were made.


COFNODION pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Cadarnhau cofnodion o gyfarfod y Cydbwyllgor Ymgynghori a gynhaliwyd ar 7 Chwefror 2023 yn rhai cywir.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the 7th February 2023 were an accurate reflection of the meeting, subject to the addition that Mr G Morgans attended the meeting on behalf of Mr C Jones (GMB).


Hunanasesiad Blynyddol 2022/23 (Cynnwys Adroddiad Cyflawniad Corfforaethol y Cyngor) pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Dogfennau ychwanegol:


The Performance Manager and Chief Executive provided the Joint Consultative Committee with the Council’s Self-Assessment for 2022/23, in advance of consideration by Council, in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, which sets out duties to consult about the extent to which the Council is meeting its performance requirements. The statutory consultees include every trade union recognised by the Council.


For background, Members were advised of the previous assessment for 2021/22 and the Performance Manager continued by noting that the nine themes identified in 2021/22 remain relevant.  In addition, it was added that the Council needed to continue to strengthen its arrangements for service user engagement and participation, particularly the evaluation of outcomes.  It was added that the Council also needed to further strengthen and articulate its organisational culture and values on equality and diversity and, in doing so, support its on-going arrangements in setting out clear expectations for staff and services.


It was explained that the Council’s Self-Assessment is integrated with its annual Corporate Performance Report, which was contained within Appendix 1 of the report, and comprises six sections, as set out at paragraph 4.5. The process in the culmination of the Self-Assessment as also advised upon.


Before handing over to the Chief Executive the Performance Manager concluded that through the arrangements in place the Council could evidence that it meets the requirements of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act.


The Chief Executive reinforced the regular reporting mechanisms taken forward to Members in respect of the Council’s strategies and policy developments which forms parts of the self-assessment. He added that the self assessment reflected the diverse range of functions and services provided by the Council and scale of services delivered upon.


The Chief Executive took the opportunity to reflect on the previous nine themes identified in the previous self assessment including financial resilience, work force pressure and climate change strategy and commented on the good progress against such themes, although reiterated that they still remained relevant due to their wide remit.  The chief Executive referenced the corporate functions within the self assessment, and how the Council have applied the sustainable development principles and confirmed that he was satisfied that the assessment outlined how the Council were discharging its functions affectively for its residents and service users.


The Chairman thanked officers for the detailed reports and the comprehensive information contained within.  The Chair commented on the financial charges experienced by the Council.


Mr P Crews, (Unison) referenced the Local Government Settlement and how this would affect any strategies and priorities identified. The Chief Executive commented on the importance of funding to deliver and inform the Council’s priorities going forward.




       I.          To review the draft Self-Assessment at Appendix 1 and consider whether it is an accurate and robust reflection of the position of the Council and its services and meets the requirements of the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 Part 6.

     II.          To offer any observations to  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 4.



Dogfennau ychwanegol:


Through the report, the Chief Executive provided the opportunity for the Joint Consultative Committee to contribute to the development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan from 2024/25 – 2029/30.


The Chief Executive advised that a Corporate Plan sought to set the overall direction for the Council, describing its vision, purpose and ambition as the local authority for the County Borough and referred Members to Appendix 1 of the document which provided a draft plan for the next six years.


It was added that the new draft Corporate Plan would build on previous Corporate Plans and be a key part of the Council’s budget and performance and delivery planning processes.  As a result, the draft Corporate Plan must take into account the fact that Rhondda Cynon Taf Council and the wider public sector continues to face significant financial and other challenges. It was noted that the Corporate Plan would need to address the current and future challenges as well as meet a legal duty to develop and agree a Well-being Plan.


The Chief Executive highlighted the priorities identified through the plan as:

·       People and Communities

·       Work and Business

·       Nature and the Environment

·       Culture and Heritage


In respect of consultation, the elements that will contribute towards a new Corporate Plan have been informed by listening to and hearing what residents of all ages, communities, partners, and staff have been telling the Council across a wide range of engagement activity.  It was confirmed that this approach would continue during the development of the plan and the associated actions.


Before receiving the Committees comments in respect of the draft plan, it was advised that the new Corporate Plan would be approved by Council in conjunction with the approval of the 2024/25 budget in March 2024.


The Chair spoke of the ambitions and clear vision of the Council over previous years and the resilience of the Council in dealing with unforeseen circumstances and the positive collaborative working during such periods, with organisations, the community and staff.


Mr P Crews,(Unison)  queried how the Council will look to achieve its ambitions reflecting on the recent Local Government Settlement announcement, with particular reference to the cuts to protected business rates.  The Chief Executive agreed on the difficulties of setting an ambitious long term plan when the Council is facing significant financial challenges, however added that the Corporate plan provided a high level strategic framework, with detailed delivery plans set within.


Mr C Jones (GMB) spoke of the leading way of the Council which always put the Council at the forefront and welcomed the ambitions in the plan.  Mr Jones reiterated concerns in respect of financial challenges and commented on the importance of continual staff communication and early engagement to which the Chief Executive noted, commenting on the importance of staff as the Council’s biggest and most valuable asset which was supported by the Chair.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care spoke of the crisis for Health and Social Care although spoke of the recent large investments  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 5.



Dogfennau ychwanegol:


The Service Director Finance and Performance presented the report to Members which sought the views and comments of the Joint Consultative Committee as consultees to the first phase of the Council’s 2024-25 Budget Consultation. Members were advised that the Committee’s feedback would be incorporated into a Budget Consultation report, alongside all other feedback received from stakeholders, for consideration by Cabinet as part of developing a draft Revenue Budget Strategy for 2024/25.


To assist the Committee, the Service Director Finance and Performance proceeded with a Powerpoint presentation on the phase 1 Budget consultation.


The Chair thanked the Service Director for his comprehensive overview of the budget proposals, and the work undertaken to help set a balanced budget. The Chair spoke of the importance of setting a reasonable Council Tax level, commenting on the high deprivation and challenges within the Communities across the County Borough in respect of budget pressures.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care commented on the secure financial position of the Council in comparison to other Authorities and also reiterated the need for a Council Tax level to be as low as reasonably possible.


Mr P Crews (Unison) thanked the Service Director for the presentation and the detail contained within.  A query was raised as to the funding of Police Community Support Officers funding by the Council and also the financial commitment to the Council’s Apprenticeship scheme.


The Service Director confirmed that external funding was made available to Authorities in respect of the Police Community Support Officers and there was no indication that this was to cease from the Local Government Settlement Announcement.  In respect of the apprenticeship scheme, the Council continued to support the Graduate and apprentice scheme, through core funding and workforce planning using core resources or in year resources to create appropriate funding.


Mr C Jones (GMB) referenced the £10 million general reserve recommended by the 151 officer and queried the recommendation by Wales Audit Office and whether there was any alternative view.  Reference was also made to the earmarked reserves and queried how often these were reviewed and reflected upon.


The trade union member also commented on the Council Tax level proposal and referenced the Welsh government comments on Authorities keeping Council Tax at a low level and a potential capping, and queried what the cap might be, commenting on the proposal that a higher Council Tax level may prevent future job losses and service change proposals.


The Service Director advised of the rationale of the £10m reserve by the s.151 officer and advised that Audit Wales do have responsibility to audit the Accounts of the Council and following the most recent review which included the £10M reserve, Audit Wales had not identified any areas of concern in respect of this amount.


In respect of the Council Tax capping it was advised that Welsh Government had indicated that they had no intention of proposing an arbitrary capping, although will urge Authorities to take forward a responsible approach to setting Council Tax levels.


The  ...  view the full Cofnodion text for item 6.