Venue: Hybrid
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Council Business Unit 07385401935
No. | Item |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, County Borough Councillor R Bevan referenced the following in respect of agenda item 2 : “As in accordance with the dispensation provided to me by the Standards Committee on the 27th November 2020 I have dispensation to speak and vote on all matters relating to the Community and Children’s Services Group, save for any specific matters that directly affect my daughter who is employed by the Council in the Community and Children’s Services Group as the Service Manager for Access and Enablement.” |
DIRECTOR SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT PDF 378 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Community and Children’s Services, which provides the Cabinet with the Director of Social Services’ Annual Report for consideration prior to its content being made available for public consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services presented his Annual report to Members which sets out how the Council's Social Services performed last year, highlighting the direction and priorities set for the year ahead.
Members were provided with an overview of the work undertaken, which also reflected on the progress made against priorities set out in the previous annual report. Members were informed that the report differs from previous reports insofar as it also contains a specific chapter setting out the services response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has spanned the entire year. The Group Director referenced the profound impact of the covid pandemic on staff and service delivery and the challenging circumstances faced by all.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Welsh Language congratulated the Group Director on his first Annual Report as Director of Social Services and reflected on the momentous events of the previous year due to the covid pandemic, and the affects on staff and users of the service. The Cabinet Member commented on the challenges faced and the continued delivery of services through the pandemic which was a testament to the dedication, commitment, and efforts of staff, not only in social services but across the whole of the Council. The Cabinet Member continued by discussing the future visions of the service and the need for public engagement in helping to shape these services to ensure they are fit for purpose.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People welcomed the report and took the opportunity to reference the work of the youth services and their proactive approach to delivery of services for the young people of the County Borough, referencing that just 72 hours after the initial lock down virtual offers were being made to those that needed it.
The Leader echoed the comments of the previous cabinet members and the thanks to staff and commented on the immense pressures facing the social care sector.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To approve the Rhondda Cynon Taf Director of Social Services Annual Report attached as Appendix 1 of the report. |
RCT INTOXICATING SUBSTANCES (INCLUDING ALCOHOL) PUBLIC SPACES PROTECTION ORDER REVIEW PDF 320 KB To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection Community Services seeking Cabinet approval for a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhondda Cynon Taf. In addition, to inform Members of the outcomes of the public consultation exercise undertaken to review the 2018 PSPO and establish public and stakeholder support for a new PSPO which controls alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour in Rhondda Cynon Taf. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Public Health, Protection & Community Services provided Members with an overview of the report before them which sought Cabinet approval for a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhondda Cynon Taf. In addition, the Director informed Members of the outcomes of the public consultation exercise undertaken to review the 2018 PSPO and establish public and stakeholder support for a new PSPO which controls alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour in Rhondda Cynon Taf, including two defined exclusion zones to control intoxicating substance use (including alcohol) within Pontypridd and Aberdare Town Centres.
The Director provided the rational for the new PSPO advising that the proposals needed to be considered as part of a wide range of measures to tackle complex problems such as anti-social behaviour and street drinking. She added that the PSPO is a useful tool but on its own, it is not a solution to resolve issues.
Members were advised that the Council have well established and strong partnership links with South Wales Police and other support agencies and would continue to strengthen these relationships to ensure that they use the most appropriate tools available to tackle such behaviour on a case by case basis.
Members were referenced to the data within the report which supported the rationale for the decisions to be taken forward and details of the public consultation undertaken in respect of the proposals were also highlighted to Members.
The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services welcomed the proposals and the comments within the public consultation in respect of the addition of a new PSPO and referenced the data within the report which supported this view. The Member also welcomed the opportunity to review the 2018 PSPO.
The Cabinet Member commented on the need for businesses to have confidence in the PSPO’s and the need to report issues and commented on the frustrations sometimes experienced with current reporting procedures and spoke of the new email service of the police which needed to be further promoted.
With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor J Brencher addressed the committee on this item, welcoming the introduction of a PSPO.
The Deputy Leader commented on the widespread public support and the need to strengthen the reporting arrangements and spoke of the importance of the partnership arrangements with the police which was paramount to its success. The Deputy Leader also referenced the use of the Pontypridd Bid to assist in tackling problems in Town Centre.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the findings of the review of the PSPO established in 2018 and the public and key stakeholder feedback in relation to the establishment of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to include prohibitions and requirements to control alcohol and intoxicating substances related anti-social behaviour.
2. To approve a new PSPO for the whole County Borough to control alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour which includes two defined exclusion zones to control intoxicating substance use (including alcohol) in public places ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT PDF 184 KB To receive the report of the Director, Prosperity and Development, which seek Cabinet’s approval in respect of the contents of the CIL Annual Monitoring Report and the proposed changes to the Regulation 123 List; and advises Cabinet of the pre scrutiny by the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Prosperity and Development sought Cabinet’s approval in respect of the contents of the CIL Annual Monitoring Report and the proposed changes to the Regulation 123 List.
Members were informed that whilst two amendments were needed to the Council’s updated Regulation 123 List (considered at Cabinet on 17th November 2020) the broad thrust of the List remains the same as it proposes transportation and education projects that support and mitigate the growth anticipated through the Council’s Local Development Plan.
The Director referenced the pre-scrutiny undertaken by the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee to assist Cabinet in their deliberations.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing commented on the lower than previous CIL receipt which was an effect of the covid pandemic. The Cabinet Member thanked the Members of the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee and also the Members of the Community Liaison Committee and spoke of the importance work of the Community Liaison Committee in supporting Town and Community Councils to develop their own 123 list to demonstrate to the public on the spend.
The Deputy Leader echoed the comments of the Cabinet Member and reflected on the importance of Town and Community Councils taking a proactive approach to developing a 123 list.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
(1) The CIL Annual Monitoring Report as attached as Appendix A.
(2) The Regulation 123 List as attached at Appendix B of the report for publication on the Council website for a period of 28 days and consultation as set out in paragraph 5.8 of the report.
(3) To approve the subsequent adoption of the Regulation 123 List if no adverse comments are received.
RCT TOURISM STRATEGY PDF 189 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development seeking approval from the Cabinet to formalise the draft RCT Tourism Strategy. Additional documents:
The Director of Prosperity & Development provided Members with the draft RCT Tourism Strategy which highlighted key tourism related priorities. Members were referred to the public consultation exercise carried out on the draft RCT Tourism Strategy, identifying that overall, respondents were supportive of the Strategy and its contents, and welcome the proposals.
Members were advised that the draft RCT Tourism Strategy has been updated to incorporate some minor amends (brought about from comments put forward during the consultation and from Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee).
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing welcomed the report and referenced the importance of the tourism growth acknowledging the positive affects of the pandemic with the stay at home message in respect of tourism. The Cabinet Member referenced the £179 million brought in by the tourist industry to the RCT economy and also commented on the employment benefits.
The Cabinet Member spoke of the positive consultation feedback and the bright future ahead in the tourism industry within the county borough.
The Deputy Leader spoke of the diverse range of activities across the County Borough and the need to continue to invest within the tourist industry to improve the facilities for all.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. That following consider of the responses to the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the draft RCT Tourism Strategy that no further amendments are required to the proposals, other than those already adopted into the Strategy.
2. To approve the draft RCT Tourism Strategy as the official strategic document that will underpin the Council’s tourism priorities and efforts. |
To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development providing Members with an update on the innovative methods used by Trivallis in order to spend their 2020/2021 Adaptations Budget as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic and to receive an update on the wider partnership working that has taken place between RCT and Trivallis. Minutes: The Director of Prosperity and Development provided Members with an update on the innovative methods used by Trivallis in order to spend their 2020/2021 Adaptations Budget as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic. Details on the wider partnership working that had taken place between RCT and Trivallis in order to provide adapted homes for some of the council’s most vulnerable residents across RCT were also highlighted to Members.
The Director referenced how Trivallis had utilised the 2020/21 adaptations budget underspend, built up due to Covid-19 restrictions, in a more flexible and innovative way, whilst testing out new approaches to meeting the needs of the RCT communities. The Director continued by adding that the projects delivered, outcomes achieved and feedback from some of the County Boroughs most vulnerable residents in RCT had been very positive evidencing the success of the way in which Trivallis had utilised the adaptations budget and the continued partnership working between the Council and Trivallis in order to meet the needs of the communities.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing thanked Trivallis for the adaptions taken forward and referenced the photos contained within the report which reflected the investment made.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED: 1. To note that Trivallis have utilised the housing adaptations budget for 2020/2021, following approval from the council, in a more flexible and innovative way that has delivered much needed adapted properties for our communities.
2. To recognise the wider partnership work that has taken place between RCT and Trivallis in order to provide adapted homes for some of our most vulnerable residents across RCT.
3. For Trivallis to continue to operate this model of delivery, subject to officer approval, for the housing adaptations budget for 2021/2022, in order to deliver adapted properties for our communities in response to the Pandemic.
To consider Passing the Following Resolution: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”. Minutes: It was RESOLVED: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.
FOSTERING SERVICES - FOSTER CARER ALLOWANCES To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services including exempt information which provides Cabinet with information regarding the planned changes to foster carer fees and allowances to ensure that RCT is ensuring consistency and equity for all foster carers and seek approval to implement a new policy for foster carer fees and allowances.
Minutes: The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services provided Members with an overview of the exempt report before them, which provided information regarding the planned changes to foster carer fees and allowances to ensure that RCT was ensuring consistency and equity for all foster carers and sought Cabinet Members approval to implement a new policy for foster carer fees and allowances.
Following the consideration of the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services containing exempt information
1. To approve the proposed changes to foster carer fees and allowances as set out in section 7 and Annex A, B & C of the report.
CYNON VALLEY WASTE DISPOSAL COMPANY LIMITED AND AMGEN RHONDDA LIMITED - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To receive the report of the Director of Legal Services, containing exempt information which affords Members the opportunity of inspecting the financial statements of Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited (the ‘Companies’) which are to be presented to the Companies’ Annual General Meeting. Minutes: The Director of Legal Services provided an overview of the exempt report which afforded Members the opportunity of inspecting the financial statements of Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited.
Following the consideration of the report of the Director of Legal Services containing exempt information Members RESOLVED:
1. The current intention to continue the operation of Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited (the ‘Companies’) as Local Authority controlled companies into the future is confirmed;
2. Subject to the Director of Finance and Digital Services being satisfied that there are no irregularities in the accounts of the Companies that the accounts be received on behalf of the Council;
3. Azets Audit Services are appointed as auditors to the Companies for the year-ending 31st March 2022;
4. For both Companies, the cessation of the Directorship of the Group Director – Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services on 30th September 2021 (following the retirement of the post-holder); the appointment of the Directorship of the Director of Frontline Services from 1st October 2021; and the continuation of the Directorship of the Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services;
5. To note the continuation of the non-executive director position on the Board of the Companies through to the 2022 Annual General Meetings;
6. The Director of Legal Services and/or his nominee be authorised to exercise the Council’s vote at the Annual General Meetings of the Companies in accordance with recommendations 2(ii) to 2(iv) above; and
7. The Council be represented at the Companies’ Annual General Meetings by a Cabinet Member. |