Agenda item

To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection  Community Services seeking Cabinet approval for a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhondda Cynon Taf. In addition, to inform Members of the outcomes of the public consultation exercise undertaken to review the 2018 PSPO and establish public and stakeholder support for a new PSPO which controls alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The Director of Public Health, Protection & Community Services provided Members with an overview of the report before them which sought Cabinet approval for a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhondda Cynon Taf. In addition, the Director informed Members of the outcomes of the public consultation exercise undertaken to review the 2018 PSPO and establish public and stakeholder support for a new PSPO which controls alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour in Rhondda Cynon Taf, including two defined exclusion zones to control intoxicating substance use (including alcohol) within Pontypridd and Aberdare Town Centres. 


The Director provided the rational for the new PSPO advising that the proposals needed to be considered as part of a wide range of measures to tackle complex problems such as anti-social behaviour and street drinking.  She added that the PSPO is a useful tool but on its own, it is not a solution to resolve issues. 


Members were advised that the Council have well established and strong partnership links with South Wales Police and other support agencies and would continue to strengthen these relationships to ensure that they use the most appropriate tools available to tackle such behaviour on a case by case basis.


Members were referenced to the data within the report which supported the rationale for the decisions to be taken forward and details of the public consultation undertaken in respect of the proposals were also highlighted to Members.


The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services welcomed the proposals and the comments within the public consultation in respect of the addition of a new PSPO and referenced the data within the report which supported this view.  The Member also welcomed the opportunity to review the 2018 PSPO.


The Cabinet Member commented on the need for businesses to have confidence in the PSPO’s and the need to report issues and commented on the frustrations sometimes experienced with current reporting procedures and spoke of the new email service of the police which needed to be further promoted.


With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor J Brencher addressed the committee on this item, welcoming the introduction of a PSPO.


The Deputy Leader commented on the widespread public support and the need to strengthen the reporting arrangements and spoke of the importance of the partnership arrangements with the police which was paramount to its success. The Deputy Leader also referenced the use of the Pontypridd Bid to assist in tackling problems in Town Centre.


Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:


1.    To note the findings of the review of the PSPO established in 2018 and the public and key stakeholder feedback in relation to the establishment of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to include prohibitions and requirements to control alcohol and intoxicating substances related anti-social behaviour.


2.    To approve a new PSPO for the whole County Borough to control alcohol and intoxicating substance related anti-social behaviour which includes two defined exclusion zones to control intoxicating substance use (including alcohol) in public places within Aberdare and Pontypridd Town Centres.


3.    To approve alterations to the boundary of the 2018 Intoxicating Substances Zone  as outlined in Appendix 2 of the report,  in Pontypridd to include the area around Taff Vale Flats in Lower Graig, the area outside Ty Pennant, Pontypridd and the underpass area adjacent to Pontypridd Bus Station.


4.    To approve a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for a 3 year period to include the same conditions as the 2018 PSPO and give delegated authority to the Director, Public Health, Protection and Community Services to produce the final PSPO relating to Intoxicating Substances including Alcohol and ensure its publication on the Council’s website.


5.    To retain the fine for fixed penalties issued for contraventions of the PSPO at £100.


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