Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Principal Executive & Regulatory Business Officer 01443 424110
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations were made pertaining to the agenda: · County Borough Councillor R. Lewis in respect of agenda item 7 “I have previously benefitted from the scheme and therefore, I will leave the meeting when the item is discussed and voted upon” · County Borough Councillor R. Bevan in respect of agenda item 12 “Tylorstown Primary School is referenced within the report but my interest is non-prejudicial as the report is for information purposes only” · County Borough Councillor G. Hopkins in respect of agenda item 6 “I sit on Llanharan Community Council”
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on the 11th and 24th September as accurate records. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 11th September 2019 and 24th September 2019 as an accurate reflection of the meetings.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE: THE COUNCIL'S DRAFT CORPORATE PLAN 2020-2024 FOR CONSULTATION PDF 148 KB To receive the report of the Chief Executive setting out a new draft Corporate Plan from 2020/21 – 20024/25, including the Council’s vision priorities and objectives, following pre-scrutiny by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 23rd September 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive provided the Cabinet with an update on the Council’s draft Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024 for consultation, following pre-scrutiny by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on the 23rd September 2019.
Members were referred to the draft Corporate Plan, which was attached aa Appendix A to the report and were advised that the Scrutiny Committee’s comments had been included for consideration.
The Deputy Leader spoke positively of the observations and feedback provided by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and was pleased to note the inclusion of actions, which will contribute to the Council’s commitment to delivering the Net Zero Carbon targets.
With the agreement of the Leader, as Chairman of the Committee, County Borough Councillor P. Jarman spoke on the item, to which the Leader responded.
The Leader spoke of the commitment made by the Council in March 2018, to take appropriate action in order to transition towards being a fully environmentally responsible Authority by 2050 and advised Members that he would provide a statement at the next meeting of the Council. It was explained that the year 2050 is legislative, and that it was his ambition for the Council to become ‘Net Zero’ by the year 2030.
The Leader concluded by advising Members of the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group, which was an addition to his Scheme of Delegation (referenced within Item 17 of the agenda) and explained that the Group would be integral in supporting the delivery of the Council’s priorities.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the comments and observations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; 2. To endorse the recommendations outlined within the Council’s draft Corporate plan 2020 – 2024 as follows:
i. To note the actions set out in the plan that will contribute to the Council’s commitment to delivering the Net Zero Carbon targets set out by the Committee on Climate Change; ii. To use the Corporate Plan as a key aspect of the forthcoming 2020/21 Budget Consultation process with the public of Rhondda Cynon Taf; and iii. That the feedback from the consultation processes is presented to Cabinet in March 2020, with the revised Corporate Plan being presented to a meeting of the Council later that month.
RHONDDA CYNON TAF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REPORT PDF 160 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development presenting Cabinet with the Local Development Plan (LDP) Review Report, outlining the key considerations and conclusions of the review of the Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Prosperity and Development presented the report and reminded Members that on the 18th of June 2019, Cabinet agreed to undertake a review of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan (LDP) and agreed for officers to commence work on the preparation of a formal LDP Review Report and a Draft Delivery Agreement for the revision of the LDP.
Members were referred to the LDP Review Report, which was attached at Appendix 1. Within the LDP Review Report was the key considerations and conclusions of the review of the Plan. The Director advised that the evidence was gathered over the past 8 years in relation to the monitoring of the LDP, the success of its delivery and appropriateness of its policies and allocations.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing commented that even in times of austerity, the Local Development Plan policies had been successfully delivered.
With the agreement of the Leader, as Chairman of the Committee, County Borough Councillor P. Jarman spoke on the item, to which the Leader responded.
Discussion ensued around specific sites within RCT and the lack of funding for land reclamation projects. The Leader advised that the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal were hoping to secure Welsh Government match funding to help bring forward stalled sites within the Valleys.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To approve the content and conclusion of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan Review Report, which outlines the reasons for and the need to revise the Local Development Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf; 2. That the Review Report is to be circulated to targeted key stakeholder bodies (such as NRW, utility companies and Planning Inspectorate Wales) in order to gain their formal comments on the content and conclusions of the report. Welsh Government have already been involved in early stages of the preparation and content of the report, and will continue to be so; and 3. To give authorisation to the Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development and Housing to determine, through a delegated decision, that appropriate amendments are made to the Review Report, prior to reporting the Review Report to Council for approval.
To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development seeking Cabinet approval for the content and conclusions of the Draft Delivery Agreement and subsequent targeted consultation on the document. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Prosperity and Development presented the report and advised Cabinet, that following the approval of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan Review Report, approval was sought for the content and conclusions of the Draft Delivery Agreement and approval to undertake targeted consultation on the document.
The Director drew Members’ attention to Section 4 of the report, where the timetable for delivery was outlined.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke positive of the delivery plan. The Cabinet Member commented on the need for statutory consultees to uphold their responsibilities to contribute to necessary Planning application consultations.
With the agreement of the Leader, as Chairman of the Committee, County Borough Councillor P. Jarman spoke on the item.
Note: County Borough Councillor P Jarman left the meeting following conclusion of this item:
Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To approve the content and conclusion of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan Delivery Agreement (DA), which outlines the timetable and method of community involvement and engagement of a Revised Local Development Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf; 2. To allow for the Delivery Agreement (DA) to be circulated to targeted stakeholder bodies in order to gain their formal comments on the content and conclusions of the DA. Welsh Government have already been involved in early stages of the preparation and content of the document and will continue to be so; and 3. To give authorisation to the Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development and Housing to agree, through a delegated decision, that any necessary amendments are made to this Delivery Agreement as a result of the stakeholder engagement, prior to reporting the Delivery Agreement to full Council for approval.
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY ('CIL') PDF 137 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development seeking Cabinet’s approval of the contents of the CIL Annual Monitoring Report, following pre-scrutiny by the Finance & Performance Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Prosperity and Development provided Members with the report, which sought approval of the contents of the CIL Annual Monitoring Report including an extension of time to the approved strategic spend on Ffynnon Taf Primary School and amend the Regulation 123 List.
The Director also advised Members of the pre-scrutiny undertaken by the Finance & Performance Scrutiny Committee in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Scrutiny Committee for the work undertaken and highlighted the importance of Community Councils producing a 123 List.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing echoed the comments made by the Deputy Leader, commenting that the 123 List is fluid and subject to constant change.
The Leader sought clarification in respect of the balance of strategic CIL income and whether the £395,000 agreed for Ffynnon Taf Primary School was included in the £637,568.77, to which the officer confirmed.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To approve the CIL Annual Monitoring Report; 2. To approve the amended Regulation 123 List for publication on the Council website for a period of 28 days and consultation as set out in paragraph 5.9 of the report; and 3. To approve the subsequent adoption of the amended Regulation 123 List if no adverse comments are received.
WARMER HOMES: A FUEL POVERTY STRATEGY FOR RHONDDA CYNON TAF PDF 145 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development setting out the Council’s Fuel Poverty Strategy for the period 2019 - 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: Note: Having earlier declared an interest (Minute No. 49), County Borough Councillor R. Lewis left the meeting for this item.
The Director, Prosperity and Development provided the Cabinet with the report, which set out the Council’s proposed Fuel Poverty Strategy for 2019-2023. The Director advised that the purpose of the strategy was to provide a framework for all fuel poverty activity to provide an evidenced based, co-ordinated and collaborative approach to decrease the number of households who are living in or who are at risk of fuel poverty in the borough and to reduce carbon emissions.
Members were referred to the three key objectives of the Strategy, which were outlined at Section 5 of the report and were pleased to learn that the strategy would seek to mitigate the effects on residents, whilst contributing to the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke of the need for national intervention and the deprivation experienced in some local communities with the increase in tariffs, which cause residents to make a choice between ‘eating or heating’. The Cabinet Member continued by speaking of the community hubs and how they could be used to help communicate with the local communities.
The Leader spoke of the Valleys Task Force Group and the aim to roll out empty property grants within eleven local authorities. The Leader requested that officers look into developing a scheme, to identify the highly deprived communities in RCT and provide them with funding, which could contribute to the reduction of child poverty. In response to the Leader, the Director spoke of a database, which was currently in use to target households in need but agreed that a strategic approach to establish the larger areas in need would have a positive impact.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke of a previous Welsh Government scheme, which targeted homes in need of cladding but resulted in numerous problems. The Cabinet Member was supportive of the Leader’s initiative but asked officers to be mindful of those past mistakes.
The Cabinet RESOLVED to: 1. To approve the Council’s Fuel Poverty Strategy 2019-2023.
Note: Following the above-mentioned resolution, County Borough Councillor R. Lewis returned to the meeting. |
HWB TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME FUNDING PDF 129 KB To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Digital Services advising Members of the receipt of funding from Welsh Government as part of the Hwb transformation programme for improving the use of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools. Minutes: The Director, Finance and Digital Services advised Members of the receipt of funding from Welsh Government as part of the Hwb transformation programme for improving the use of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools.
The Director spoke of the decision of the Welsh Government to deliver funding across all of Wales to support all schools to achieve a minimum level of ICT standards and consistency as part of a proposed 3 to 4 year programme. Members learned that the funding had been set at £50million in 2019/20 across Wales and the Director was pleased to advise that the funding had been confirmed as £3.99M for RCT for the year 2019/20.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report and welcomed the additional funding for RCT.
It was RESOLVED: 1. To acknowledge the receipt of£3.99 million funding for financial year 2019/20 from the Welsh Government; and 2. To approve the approach outlined in Section 6 of the report.
THE DIGITAL WORK PROGRAMME - UPDATE PDF 163 KB To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Digital Services providing an update on the Digital Work Programme which underpins the objectives stated in the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020. Minutes: The Director, Finance and Digital Services provided the Cabinet with an update on the Digital Work Programme, which underpins the objectives stated in the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020.
The Director informed Members of the positive progress made in implementing the actions in line with the Council’s Digital Strategy and spoke of the increased use of online services on the Council’s website and the newly improved Council’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The Director also spoke of the recent funding received from the Integrated Care Fund to further enable the deployment of digital Assistive Technology to support vulnerable clients and independent living.
The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the huge amount of work put into developing the service and advised that the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee would have the opportunity to provide feedback in respect of the Work Programme and to pre-scrutinise the Council’s Digital Strategy.
The Leader also praised the report and spoke of the vast amount of progress made over past years, which was to the benefit of residents and had contributed to efficiency savings.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To acknowledge the progress of the actions within the Digital Work Programme to deliver the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020; and 2. To receive a future report that brings forward a new Digital Strategy for 2020 and beyond, as well as recommendations for further delivery actions as part of a next phase of the Digital Work Programme.
FRONTLINE SERVICES - HIGHWAYS IMPROVEMENT SCHEMES PDF 86 KB To receive the report of the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services providing Members with an update on the progress made to date a in respect of the Highway Improvement Scheme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director, Frontline Services provided the Cabinet with further updates on the progress made to date following the approval of the Council’s Three Year Capital Programme 2019/20-2021/22, the subsequent approval of the Supplementary Capital Programme and Highways Improvement Schemes on 18th June 2019.
Both the Leader and Deputy Leader spoke positive of the excellent progress made within the first six months of 2019/20 and it was RESOLVED: 1. To note the continued excellent progress made to date; and 2. To note the additional schemes brought forward for implementation.
LICENSING ACT 2003 -NEW STATEMENT OF LICENSING POLICY 2020 - 2025 PDF 126 KB To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services seeking Cabinet Member endorsement of the Draft New Statement of Licensing Policy (Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment) 2020 – 2025. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Public Health, Protection and Community Services provided the Cabinet with the revised Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the draft new Statement of Licensing Policy (Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment) 2020 – 2025. The Director advised that a new Policy would have to be in place by the 7th January 2020 but could be revised further during the next 5 year period as circumstances dictate.
Details of the key changes to the Licensing Policy were reported to the Cabinet and the Director drew Members attention to the Draft Policy Statement for 2020-2025, which was reproduced at Appendix 1. It was explained that a public consultation process had been undertaken, consisting of three engagement events in each of the boroughs, Rhondda, Cynon and Taf. Members were advised that a special meeting of the Licensing Committee was held on 29th July 2019, in which the Committee had the opportunity to scrutinise the draft Policy and that their views were incorporated in the report before Members.
The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being and Cultural Services emphasised the importance of safeguarding children and was pleased to see that the intention of minimising the risk of children coming to harm through contact with alcohol, was a key objective of the Policy. The Cabinet Member also spoke of the Policy improving public spaces and town centres.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the recommendation of the Licensing Committee on the 10th September 2019 and endorse the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy (Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment) 2020-2025; 2. To commend the revised Statement to Licensing Policy (Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment) 2020-2025 to Council for approval with a view to the new Statement taking effect from the 7th January 2020.
COUNCIL AND ARTS COUNCIL OF WALES INVESTMENT IN THE ARTS PDF 174 KB To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services providing Members with information on the Council and Arts Council of Wales capital and revenue investments to the arts in Rhondda Cynon Taf during 2018/19 and 2019/20 to-date. Minutes: The Strategic Arts and Culture Manager provided the Cabinet with a comprehensive overview of the Council and Arts Council of Wales capital and revenue investments to the arts in Rhondda Cynon Taf during 2018/19 and 2019/20 to-date.
The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being and Cultural Services wished to place on record his thanks to the team for their ongoing hard work. The Cabinet Member commented on the outreach programmes available, which ensure the whole community has the opportunity to engage with the arts and cultural service.
The Cabinet Member spoke positive of the Council’s commitment to developing the arts in the wider Pontypridd area and the circa £4million redevelopment of the Pontypridd YMCA. It was hoped that through the significant investment outlined within the report, Pontypridd would be considered as an ‘arts quarter’.
The Leader thanked the officer for the report and spoke positive of the engagement programmes and the investment, which enabled residents to be creatively active whilst supporting their health and well-being.
The Cabinet Member for Education and Inclusion Services echoed the previous comments and acknowledged that the Arts Council of Wales investment review is a long process. The Cabinet Member questioned if there would be a transition period and was informed that 2021-2022 would likely be the transition year.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the contents of the report regarding the investment to the arts in Rhondda Cynon Taf. |
ENGAGEMENT ON THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET 2020/21 PDF 134 KB To receive the report of the Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication providing Members with details of the Council’s proposed engagement in respect of the Budget 2020/21. Minutes: The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the proposed approach to resident engagement and consultation in respect of the 2020/21 budget. The Service Director spoke of the increase in the number of people who have engaged with the process since 2016/17, whereby the approach saw 144 people in comparison to 1,560 in 2018/19, and this increasing to over 4,000 people in last year’s 2019/20 consultation process. The Service Director explained that it was the intention for the budget consultation to run alongside and complement a consultation on the new draft Corporate Plan, linking in where appropriate to avoid duplication.
Members were referred to Section 5 of the report, where the proposed approach was outlined.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Service Director for the detailed approach and commented that pre-scrutiny by the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee would be paramount for such an integral process. The Deputy Leader advised that she would be attending a future meeting of the OPAG, where the group would have an opportunity to provide feedback.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services and the Welsh Language praised the success of the previous year’s approach and the proposed approach, commenting that Rhondda Cynon Taf have a widespread consultation process to be proud of.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the success achieved through last year's approach to the budget consultation, with the ongoing commitment to face to face engagement and increased use of online tools; 2. That the budget consultation is to run alongside and complement a consultation on the new draft Corporate Plan, linking in where appropriate to avoid duplication, for example the events and forums will seek views on the budget as well as the corporate plan priorities; 3. To support the Council’s statutory requirements regarding consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax levels will be met via the proposed approach; 4. To support the budget consultation process taking place during the autumn of 2019, with the dates to be confirmed following clarification of the likely Welsh Government budget settlement timescales; and 5. To authorise the Service Director – Democratic Services & Communications to plan the necessary timeline of engagement once the details of the Provisional Local Government Settlement are known, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member & Director of Finance & Digital Services.
Recommendations of the Food Register Scrutiny Working Group PDF 118 KB To reeive the report of the Service Director of Democratic Services & Communication presenting Members with the recommendations of the Food Register Scrutiny Working Group. Minutes: The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the findings and recommendations of the Food Register Scrutiny Working Group, which was established to deal with a ‘Food Register in RCT’ following the Notice of Motion that was considered by full Council at its meeting held on the 24th October 2018.
The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Finance and Performance Committee for the comprehensive piece of work and it was RESOLVED: 1. To note the work of the Scrutiny Working Group; 2. To each of the 5 recommendations of the Working Group, subject to further consideration by the Cabinet Portfolio holder for this area, following which a detailed response will be provided to the Finance & Performance Scrutiny Committee: i. That a bespoke directory of food producers and suppliers is available online to be used by businesses and consumers to identify local food producers and source food products from within RCT; ii. That additional resources are provided within the Regeneration Service in respect of business engagement to ensure that the directory would meet and enhance business needs and to maintain the directory on an ongoing basis; iii. That the Web Development Team identify a suitable landing page for the directory and associated information and to develop an appropriate model; iv. That a specific marketing and publicity campaign is rolled out to support the directory in order to encourage participation; and, v. That specific controls are incorporated into the directory to only allow participation by compliant businesses, such as businesses who have attained a minimum of a three in respect of a food hygiene score, as referred to in paragraph 3.13 of the report; and 3. That an update report is presented to a meeting of Council.
Recommendation of the Scrutiny Working Group - Communal Recycling PDF 4 MB To receive the report of the Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication providing Members with the recommendations of the Communal Recycling Scrutiny Working Group. Minutes: The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the findings and recommendations of the Scrutiny Working Group, which was established to deal with ‘Recycling in Communal Areas’ following a presentation by the Group Director- Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services at its meeting held on the 27th of September 2018.
The Service Director spoke of the 9 month review undertaken by the Public Service Delivery, Communities and Prosperity Committee and the extensive engagement with a number of stakeholders. The Service Director went on to speak of the research culminated in the roll out of the Community Engagement Day which took place in Rhydyfelin, in partnership with the Social Housing Landlords and the Council’s Streetcare Services team as the area had been identified as having a poor recycling rate and high levels of black bag waste.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure and Heritage Services took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committee, officers and the Social Landlords for the robust and comprehensive piece of work, which should improve the situation for future generations. The Cabinet Member was encouraged by the success of the Community Engagement Day in Rhydyfelin and the engagement with the Social Housing Landlords.
The Leader was pleased to announce that the validated recycling record for the current quarter was 67.18, which was a new record.
Members were pleased with the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee but felt that further deliberations would need to be taken forward in relation to recommendation xvi.
The Cabinet RESOLVED: 1. To note the work of the Scrutiny Working Group; 2. To recommendations i - xv contained within the report (and listed below) subject to further consideration by the Cabinet Portfolio holder with a detailed response to be provided to the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee; 3. That further deliberations be taken forward with the Group Director, Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services and Chair of the Public Service Delivery, Communities & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee in relation to recommendation xvi as listed in the report, with a response to be provided to the Committee following such deliberations. i. To continue progressing with the theme of ‘Rhyd Recycle Rescue’ in the trial area of Rhydyfelin where by residents are encouraged to want to take ownership and change their recycling habits; ii. Direct the Council’s legal department to establish the suitability of data sharing and/or Service Level Agreements and to act upon it as appropriate; to consider establishing a formal agreement between RCT officers and Social Housing Landlords to meet formally on a regular basis; iii. That Waste Services continue to be consulted on major planning applications, as appropriate and that Waste Services are consulted with prior to any new residents taking occupancy; iv. To research and review any alternatives to collecting bulky items to address the fly tipping concerns in Rhydyfelin; v. To research and review if recycling participation improves by delivering recycling bags to every resident in the trial area, for example, an agreed allocation of bags every quarter; vi. To ... view the full minutes text for item 63. |
DIRECTOR SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT PDF 109 KB To receive the report from the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services providing Cabinet Members with the final Director of Social Services Annual Report prior to its publication. Additional documents: Minutes: The Group Director, Community and Children’s Services provided Members with the final version of the Director, Social Services Annual Report, which had been amended following consultation with partners and the relevant Scrutiny Committees.
Both the Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language and the Cabinet Member for Children & Young People thanked the Group Director for the robust report.
It was RESOLVED: 1. To approve the Rhondda Cynon Taf Director of Social Services Annual Report for publication.
Leaders Scheme of Delegation To receive the Leaders Scheme of Delegation following the recent amendments which include: · Membership to the Council’s Twinning Steering Group · The creation of a Climate Change - Cabinet Steering Group Minutes: The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication updated Members with the changes to the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation and it was RESOLVED: 1. To note the contents of the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation 2. To note that the Leader of the Council is able to amend the Scheme of Delegation relating to executive functions at any time during the year; and that an update of the 3A will be presented to Members at the next meeting of the Cabinet. |