Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Principal Executive & Regulatory Business Officer 01443 424110
No. | Item | ||
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made pertaining to the agenda:
Agenda item 2 – 21st Century Schools Programme
County Borough Councillor M Webber declared the following personal interests in respect of the matter – • " I am on the Governing Body of Heol Y Celyn Primary School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct.” • “My Grandchildren attend a school referenced within the proposals“
County Borough Councillor A Crimmings declared the following personal and prejudicial interest in respect of the item and left the meeting when the item was discussed and voted upon "I am employed by Coleg y Cymoedd"
County Borough Councillor J Rosser declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - " I was appointed at the Council’s 22nd AGM (17th May, 2017) to the Board of Governors – Coleg Morganwg (now Coleg y Cymoedd) for a 4 year term but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”.
County Borough Councillor S Pickering declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter – “I am on the Governing Body of Hawthorn High School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
County Borough Councillor S Belzak declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - " I am on the Governing Body of YGG Pontsionnorton & Cilfynydd Primary but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct.”
County Borough Councillor M Powell declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of Hawthorn High School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
County Borough Councillor L Hooper - declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of Gwauncelyn Primary School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
County Borough Councillor J Brencher - declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of Maesycoed and Coedylan Primary School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
County Borough Councillor J Bonetto declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of Hawthorn High School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
County Borough Councillor H Fychan declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of YG Evan James and Coedylan School but my interest ... view the full minutes text for item 133. |
To receive the report of the Director, Education & Inclusion Services advising Members of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of proposals to reorganise primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form provision in the greater Pontypridd area. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Education & Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of proposals to reorganise primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form provision in the greater Pontypridd area, following the Cabinet decision on the 3rd October, 2018.
Members were referred to the appendix of the report which provided detailed information regarding the consultation process that was undertaken with the relevant stakeholders, including the rationale behind the proposals, which for the benefit of the Members the Director provided detail on at the meeting. The Director also confirmed that details of all of the consultation feedback had also been made available to the Cabinet Members from the 1st March, to ensure Members had sufficient time to review the detailed consultation responses received.
The Director informed the Cabinet Members that following the consultation period all the proposals had been revisited and the impact of the proposals on the quality and standards of education, the community, and transport arrangements, had been reassessed.
The Director advised that following the consultation it was proposed that all of the original proposals be taken forward apart from the proposal in respect of Gwauncelyn School catchment area. The Director recommended to Cabinet that the catchment area for Gwauncelyn Primary School remains within the Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School catchment area and does not transfer to the new 3-16 school for Hawthorn. She advised that since the consultation commenced in October 2018, the large brownfield site at Llanillid, Llanharan has been purchased by two major developers and the Council has entered into site master planning with the developers, to provide pre-planning advice and guidance. For the site to be developed, a new secondary school would be required, which, would have an impact on a number of other schools as the new housing development grows. Furthermore, the Council’s Local Development Plan would need to be reviewed in 2021, or an equivalent plan developed
Members were advised that if the proposals outlined within the report did proceed, it was proposed that £37.4 million be invested in building new or refurbishing / remodelling existing buildings to ensure that the pupils of Rhondda Cynon Taf have a high quality, viable and sustainable 21st Century learning environment.
The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning thanked the Director, her staff and the consultation team for the work undertaken in respect of the consultation. She thanked all those that responded to the consultation for the feedback, including the work undertaken by the Children & young People Scrutiny Committee and the additional meetings that were provided to assist in discussions regarding the proposals. The Cabinet Member commented that it was disappointing to note that 47% of the responses had been provided on a modified template from the original, which therefore did not provide the full views that needed to be captured adding that 109 of these forms were duplicates with different signatures, however she added that all had still been considered as part of the process.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Director and her team ... view the full minutes text for item 134. |
EDUCATION & INCLUSION SERVICES PLANNED CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2019/20 PDF 132 KB To receive the report of the Director, Education & Inclusion Services outlining details of the capital works for approval for 2019/20 as part of the Council’s three-year Capital Programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of 21st Century Schools provided Cabinet Members with details of the capital works for approval for 2019/20 as part of the Council’s three-year Capital Programme.
The Head of Service reminded Cabinet Members that an amount of £6.886M had been allocated to the planned capital programme (minor works) for 2019/20, as agreed by Council on the 6th March 2019. She continued by advising that continuation of the three-year rolling Capital Programme and sustaining the level of funding would continue to make significant enhancements to the quality of the Council’s school premises and has been a vital part of the Council school modernisation programme which has undoubtedly contributed to improved standards. Members were advised that the 2019/20 allocation includes £1.500M of additional resources allocated to schools and Members were referred to Appendix 10 of the report which outlined further detail.
Members were referred to section 5 of the report where the proposed allocations of the planned capital programme funds for 2019/20 were outlined. It was advised that further details of the programmes of work were detailed in appendices 1 – 10 of the report.
Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning welcomed the report and the investment being taken forward within the schools identified, which she felt would help modernise the buildings and improve the environment for children to learn.
The Leader also commented on the additional investment and the significant progress made with the programme.
With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor P Jarman also spoke on this item.
Following discussions the Cabinet RESOLVED:
1. To approve the Education Capital Programme priority schemes for 2019/20 as outlined in Appendices 1-10 of the repot and to approve scheme commencement.
N.B – A number of declaration of interest were made pertaining to this item which Minute No.133 refers. |
Minutes: The Service Director, Frontline Services provided Cabinet Members with the detailed capital programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects for 2019/20.
Members were provided with the detail against the specific 2019/20 capital allocations of £15.032M in favour of Highways Technical Services and of £10.934M in favour of Strategic Projects. It was added that these allocations were being made in order to safeguard the long-term integrity of the highways and transportation network and to enhance it, so as to deal with ever increasing travel demands. Reference was also made to Welsh Government funding and the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal. The Service Director referred Members of section 4.1.4 of his report which provided details of the programme and funding allocation.
The Leader welcomed the investment and advised Members that the programme was a rolling programme of work with the next phase of approvals coming forward in the Autumn. He welcomed the recognised improvements to highways infrastructure based on the data in the report. The Leader took the opportunity to discuss the additional funding that had been made to the flood alleviation scheme following the effects of Storm Callum and also referenced other potential grants that may be coming forward later in the year from Welsh Government.
The Deputy Leader commented on the successful investment that had been recognised across the County Borough and made specific reference to the investment in bridge structures.
With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillors P Jarman and G Davies spoke on this item.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note and approve the Supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects as detailed within the report.
2. To note that the current allocations are part of a 3-year capital programme and agreed to delegate authority to the Group Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance and Digital Services, to extend activity to deliver additional projects during the financial year where capacity exists for accelerated delivery in accordance with the purpose of the wider programme.
· As County Borough Councillor R Bevan left the meeting when the item was discussed he refrained from voting on the item. · County Borough Councillor J Rosser left the meeting during this item. |
DIGITAL STRATEGY WORK PROGRAMME - DATACENTRE RELOCATION PDF 141 KB To receive the report of the Director, Finance & Digital Services setting out a proposal for the relocation of the Council’s Datacentre facility, which forms part of a wider work programme to support the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020.
The Head of ICT provided Members with his report which looked at the proposal of relocating the Council’s Datacentre facility, which forms part of a wider work programme to support the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020.
Members were advised that following the refurbishment of Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre an opportunity exists to create a new Datacentre facility and to allow for the relocation of the Council’s computer systems, and infrastructure from Bronwydd. Officers from Corporate Estates and ICT have undertaken a review and due diligence with regard to the opportunity and the outcome of this review has been used to inform the proposed way forward.
Members were advised of the benefits of utilising the site and reference was made to the Council’s proposal to transform Adult Social Care with Bronwydd House, the current data centre location being identified as a site for Extra Care housing developments.
Details of the proposed options for the roll out of the datacentre relocation were provided by the Head of Service.
The Cabinet Member, Corporate Services welcomed the investment into the infrastructure for digital services, commenting that any lack of investment would be a risk to the Council and that with continued investment more and improved online services would be available in the future. The Cabinet Member agreed that Option B was the best way forward.
The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure & Heritage Services welcomed the move to the Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre adding that this move could potentially increase the gym facilities membership within the Centre.
The Cabinet member for Enterprise, Development & Housing also spoke positively of the move, adding that this was the first office based move into the Rhondda Fach.
The Leader referenced a similar approach taken with Abercynon Leisure Centre, that had worked well, adding that the Council were maximising on the buildings capacity offering staff accommodation and leisure facilities to then both staff and the general public. The Leader reiterated the Cabinet Members comments in respect of the importance of investment into the area and the opportunity to take forward the development of the Extra Care facility at Bronwydd House.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To the proposals set out in Section 6 of the report for the relocation of the Councils Datacentre from Bronwydd to Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre.
2. For the Head of ICT to work in conjunction with the Director of Estates to ensure that works are undertaken in the most economically advantageous way.
3. To include the scheme in the capital programme utilising funding previously agreed and on the basis of the costs and resource requirements outlined in section 9 of the report.
N.B · Councillor Webber had left the meeting during the discussions she refrained from voting on this item.
· County Borough Councillors P Jarman and G Davies left the meeting at this juncture. |
Pre-Scrutiny - PLAY SUFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT 2019-20 PDF 136 KB To receive the report of the Director of Communications & Interim Head of Democratic Services providing details of the pre-scrutiny undertaken by the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Communications & Interim Head of Democratic Services advised Members of the outcome of the Pre-scrutiny undertaken by the Children & Young People Committee on the 13th March in relation to the Play Sufficiency Assessment.
Members were advised at the meeting of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee Members discussed the Assessment and provided comments in respect of:
• Highways Issues in respect of parking at play areas • Importance of play area developments within the LDP • Raising Awareness of play schemes within School holidays • To receive a progress review in a twelve month time
Following the update by the Director the Head of Community Wellbeing and Resilience proceeded to provide Members with details of the play sufficiency assessment.
Members were advised that the preparation of the Play Sufficiency Audit was a statutory duty of the Council and as well as establishing a baseline of provision, the Play Sufficiency Assessment enables:
• Identification of gaps in information, provision, service delivery and policy implementation • Support the establishment of evidence to give an indication of distance travelled in relation to play sufficiency • Highlight potential ways of addressing issues relating to partnership working • The input and involvement of all partners increasing levels of knowledge and understanding • A monitoring system which will involve and improve communication between professionals • The identification of good practice examples • Increased levels of partnerships in assessing sufficient play opportunities • The identification of actions for the Securing Play Sufficiency Action Plan which accompanies the Play Sufficiency Assessment
Members were referred to Section 5 of the report which highlighted the findings following the assessment through a RAG system
The Cabinet Member for Children & Young people thanked the officer for the report and thanked the Children & Young People Committee for their robust scrutiny of the assessment.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the comments and observations of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee referenced in section 5 of the report.
2. To endorse the recommendations outlined within the Play Sufficiency Assessment report as attached as Appendix B of the report (and for ease of reference as listed below):
i. Consider the PSA for 2019-20 and the supporting action plan.
ii. Endorse the PSA and action plan and agree for it to be submitted to Welsh Government.
3. To endorse the publication of the play sufficiency assessment to the Welsh Government by the 31st March, 2019. |