Agenda item

To receive the results and feedback of the Youth Survey 2022-23 from the Youth Engagement and Participation Service


The Chair welcomed all Officers and Young people to the chamber and thanked them for taking the time to attend and present to the Committee.


The Youth Services Manager, assisted by a number of the young people in attendance presented the report and powerpoint presentation to Members with advised of the results of the Your Voice Survey which is conducted every two years. He advised that over 5000 young people had completed the survey across schools, colleges and youth clubs in the Borough.  The survey asked questions ranging from safety in school, their transition from Primary to secondary school, post 16 options (Employment, Education and Training) and questions around their mental health and wellbeing.


Following conclusion of the presentation Members were invited to ask questions, provide comments and consider how this work could inform their respective Scrutiny Work Programmes


Many Members noted the increase in mental health in conjunction with long waiting lists to be seen by Children’s Mental Health professionals.


A Member wished to congratulate the young people for their contributions that were an excellent inclusion to the presentation.  As Chair of the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee the Member raised the many issues including Children who were not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), Post 16 choices and engagement with Higher Education institutes, Engagement with Youth Forum and promoting the role of the Council to young people and engaging them in the democratic process. She advised officers that she would be looking to include some of the above issues in the Education and Inclusion Work programme for the new municipal year.  


The Member also raised concerns around the responses of children not enjoying school and who were not happy with transition experience and were disheartened that so few young people were aware of the youth forum and stated the important of engaging all learners in this work so they understand the work of the Council.  A Member added if they can see results from the Council, they also may be more willing to engage in the process. In referring to the high number of respondents to the survey who did not feel comfortable reporting a crime they asked if there were barriers preventing them from reporting crimes.


A  Member recommended that future work from the survey should include smart objectives and KPIs to enable Members to measure the results and effectiveness of the survey and also work to explore why children do not feel safe in their communities. The Youth Services Manager responded that smarter targets and KPIs is something they are exploring and these will be developed so they are able to hold themselves accountable and analyse their performance.


Members asked what more can be done to engage people age 16+ to ensure their views are also captured.  The Youth Services Manager responded that traditionally this age group are a more difficult age range to engage with. He advised that they have dedicated officers in each of the schools who are dedicated to this age group, he continued that engagement is improving but acknowledged there is still work to do. He concluded that they work with college and university settings and also take the advice of young people themselves and adapt the survey following their feedback.


A Member asked how can we influence where young people get their information from and ensure it is accurate as he expressed concern at them getting inaccurate information from social media channels.  The Youth Services Manager advised that social media was a real challenge and was particularly evident throughout the pandemic.  He advised that they work closely with Youth Clubs, one to one meetings in schools and encourage open dialogue wherever possible with the young people. He concluded that work is underway to ensure that more information and guidance can be offered at their youth clubs.


Following conclusion of discussion it was RESOLVED to:


  1. Scrutinise and comment on the information contained within this report.
  2. Consider whether they wish to scrutinise in greater depth any matters contained in the report.


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