Agenda item

To receive Members questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.2.


(N.B a maximum of 20 minutes shall be allowed for questions on notice.)



The Service Director Democratic Services & Communication advised that written responses would be provided to the proposers of questions one and three in the absence of the Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language, County Borough Councillor R. Lewis. Furthermore, the Service Director confirmed that he had received instruction from County Borough Councillor M Rees-Jones to withdraw her question tabled at number five.



1. Question from County Borough Councillor R. Williams to the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A. Morgan:


“How is the Council delivering upon the manifesto commitments made at the local elections over the course of this Council term?”

Response from Councillor A Morgan:


The Leader confirmed that the manifesto commitments from the last administration have been delivered in full and this term there are twenty core commitments. He advised that progress has been made in the following areas:

Ø  Funded and recruited ten Community Wardens;

Ø  Discussions with South Wales Police about the recruitment of a further ten PCSO’s;

Ø  £100,000 agreed budget for the war memorials with a War Memorials Officer now in post;

Ø  Increasing the number of School Family Engagement Officers;

Ø  Rolling out Free School Meals across all Primary Schools from September 2022 ;

Ø  Additional funding to the Youth Service (particularly to support and expand the mobile hub vehicles);

Ø  Rolling out the major programme of investment relating to EV charging;

Ø  Reports to Cabinet such as the Strategy on Tree Planting which is currently out to consultation;

Ø  Further funding for highways improvements in the future


Supplementary Question from County Borough Councillor R Williams:

“Can the Leader expand on one of the commitments which is to provide additional support to families in most need, in view of the cost-of-living crisis (and following the recent announcements in the mini budget from Central Government)?”

Response from County Borough Councillor A Morgan:


The Leader confirmed that the Local Authority will be working closely with Welsh Government to roll out the second phase of their programme to support residents with the cost -of-living crisis. Residents on working tax credits and Universal tax credits received support earlier in the year. The original scheme has now been expanded to include those that qualify for Pension Credits, with over £300m available from Welsh Government to support these residents. The Leader urged Elected Members to encourage any residents to claim the support they are entitled to receive.

The Leader referred to the Council’s own support, such as a payment of £125 to all council staff on GR6 and below and £75 to all families with school-aged children. In the coming months, the Leader estimated that the local authority will be making approximately 30,000 payments to residents and with the Welsh Government funding, the Council will be making a total of 70,000 payments to its local residents to assist those in need.


2.  Question from County Borough Councillor J. Barton to the Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Council Business, County Borough Councillor M. Webber:


“Can the Deputy Leader make a statement on the Council’s programme of events for 2022/23 as we move toward post-pandemic life?”


Response from County Borough Councillor M Webber:


County Borough Councillor M Webber confirmed that the Council is now delivering on its events programme through the autumn/winter months which had been suspended during the difficult past two years as the Council put an end to the much-loved and well attended events as it turned its attention to ensuring the safety of its residents during Covid. Councillor Webber advised that recent events have brought record breaking attendance figures such as the Aberdare Festival in June (over 15,000 attendees) and the Big Welsh Bite event in Pontypridd in August (over 30,000 attendees) Further winter calendar events include the Halloween Spooktacular and Santa’s Toy Mine, two very popular events. Five town centre Christmas events will take place to include the Festival of Remembrance concert which will be held in the Coliseum, Aberdare.


Councillor Webber advised that the Council previously implemented and adhered to any recommended Covid 19 guidance for its events held and although there are no longer restrictions in place, the Council continues to undertake risk assessments and implements any necessary measures to protect staff and attendees at all its events.


Supplementary Question from County Borough Councillor J Barton:

“How does the Council support Community Groups and organisations within the County Borough with the ever-increasing demands on organisers to run community events effectively?”


Response from County Borough Councillor M Webber:


Councillor Webber advised that it is difficult for the Council’s events team to provide individual support to all community groups but confirmed that advice and guidance is always available through ESAG (Events Safety Advisory Group) as well as the multi- agency body, with includes the Council’s Licensing and Planning teams, South Wales Police and South Wales Fire & Rescue. The Council’s events team manage the ‘What’s On’ listings which can advertise individual events.



3. Question from County Borough Councillor R. Davis to the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A. Morgan:


“Can the Leader update on budget discussions with the Welsh Government in his role as WLGA Leader?”


Response from County Borough Councillor A Morgan:


The Leader described the current situation as ‘grim and he referred to the Medium-Term Financial Plan which would be reported to Council later in the meeting highlighting the budget gap. He described the situation facing local government as unprecedented and further described the future as ‘austerity on steroids’ with the impact on cost pressures with food prices and utilities costs increasing as a result of the recent changes to markets and global trade.

The Leader added that discussions with Welsh Government have been positive with a commitment that funding will be provided to the local authorities, should funding become available, however under the provisional budget there is no scope for Welsh Government to release further funding. The Leader reminded Council that Welsh Government does not have borrowing powers for revenue, only for capital which is limited.

The Leader advised that local authorities in Wales fare better than those in England as a result of further funding and protection in Wales from austerity. He confirmed that regular discussions will take place with Welsh Government in the coming weeks and months and further local and Welsh Government cross-party lobbying will take place for additional support.


Supplementary Question from County Borough Councillor R Davis:

“ What are the Leader’s thoughts on reforming the Barnett consequential?”


Response from County Borough Councillor A Morgan:


Councillor Morgan provided his thoughts on the Barnett Consequential and also commented on the difficulties when the Treasury provides funds or an award which have derived from ‘existing resources’. The Leader gave the example of the Teacher’s pay award of 5% in England and subsequently in Wales, which had derived from ‘existing resources’ within the Department of Education. This subsequently impacted on the funding available for Wales and removed the option of providing a better pay settlement over and above the 5%.


4. Question from County Borough Councillor J. Turner to the Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor A. Morgan:


“Will the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways please outline the timescales for the installation of the new railway footbridge in Llanharan?”


Response from County Borough Councillor A Morgan:


The Leader responded that the bridge works were delayed due to the deterioration of the bridge since the initial survey which meant an emergency closure had to be put in place. The estimated completion of the work by April/May this year was further delayed due to two key issues, the first was the need to apply for a new licence which took time to complete, the second reason was due to the temporary works undertaken by Network Rail on a challenging section of the main south Wales railway line. He confirmed that work is now progressing as quickly as possible with all the necessary agreements signed off. The new estimated completion date is the end of this year. The Leader confirmed that the local Members and residents would be kept updated and involved with progress.


There was no supplementary question


5. Question from County Borough Councillor Sera Evans to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure,  County Borough Councillor A. Crimmings:


“Will the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure please inform Members how the Council is tackling the continued and increasing litter issues we are facing in the County Borough?”


Response from County Borough Councillor A Crimmings:


Councillor Crimmings advised that in the recent Welsh Government report on fly tipping incidents across Wales between April 2021 to March 2022, RCT was highlighted as the lead authority to take action, with 42 of the 94 court prosecutions in Wales being carried out in this county borough. This is the highest number of all the authorities and the Council will continue its work in this are to send a clear message that blighting the landscape will not be tolerated.


Councillor Crimmings commented that the employment of the 12 community wardens will serve to enhance the Council’s efforts to combat littering with more officers undertaking high visibility patrols to deter people from dropping litter. She added that the removal of fly tipping costs hundreds of thousands of pounds which could be spent on key frontline services and the items which are fly tipped those which could easily be taken to community recycling centres at no cost. Numerous campaigns on social media and community events are held to promote and increase awareness of this issue.


Councillor Crimmings concluded that in the main, the vast majority of RCT residents are great at recycling and don’t litter. RCT is on track to meet the Welsh Government’s recycling targets for 2025 and this has been extended to 80% to widen the agenda and ambitions locally.


There was no supplementary question due to the lapse of the allotted time for the item.



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