Agenda item

Members will have the opportunity to monitor progress in this area and identify whether the PSB is meeting its objectives.


Members of the JOSC were provided with a quarterly update on the work of the PSB by Mr Mark Brace, Chair of the PSB.

The Vice Chair welcomed Mr Brace to the Committee and thanked him for attending.

Mr Brace began by thankingthe Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee of Cwm Taf PSB for giving him the time and opportunity to provide them with an update on Board activity.

Members were provided with an update under the following headings:

PSB Future Focus

·         PSB met on the 18th January, and following on from the October meeting, discussions continued regarding future plans and the need for a ‘roadmap’ for the coming 18 months, leading to the publication of the next Wellbeing Plan.  Both Cwm Taf and Bridgend PSBs have agreed that the merger of the two PSBs to form one CTM PSB will follow the timeline for the publication of the WB Plan.  As last month’s update outlined, the current period is something of a transition as we manage undertaking an Assessment of Well-being in the context of a pandemic and Covid restrictions as well as looking to the creation of one Cwm Taf Morgannwg Public Services Board.

·         The Objectives under the current Wellbeing Plan were on the agenda, and updates were provided by the Leads, which you will find in the reports for today’s meeting.  Discussions continued about what work from the current Objectives could continue moving into the next planning round, in line with what priorities will emerge from the assessment work. There is a continued agreement that the focus must be on the key ‘wicked’ issues, with the central aim of tackling poverty and inequality.

·         Discussions were had around alignment to operational boards such as the Area Planning Board, and the mechanisms for the operational work of the PSB as we move through COVID recovery.  The reprisal of the role of an operational board for the work of the PSB was raised as something we need to consider moving ahead to the next planning phase and with the merger of the two PSBs on the horizon.   Members agreed that if COVID continued to abate, there was appetite for the Strategic Partnership Board to be reconvened.   This will be updated in more detail in the next quarter, in line with the cycle of reporting.


Well-being Assessment and Regional Working (brief overview as Kirsty / Lisa will update on the progress to date)

·         As reported last month, the PSB have been undertaking an assessment of well-being to be published in May 2022. This will be a joint assessment with Bridgend PSB, resulting in one Cwm Taf Morgannwg Wellbeing Assessment.

·         As previously mentioned, we are also collaborating with the Regional Partnership Board as much as possible. They need to undertake and publish a Population Needs Assessment by April 2022 so resources, intelligence, information and opportunities for involvement have been shared as much as possible, this includes the data gathered and engagement activities with members of our communities.

·         As reported last month, the initial engagement work to feed into the data report and assessment ended on December 17th. The Co-Production Network were appointed to analyse all the engagement notes and products. An engagement report was produced on the 14th January, summarising key findings and reflecting the scope of the conversations held. More detail on how this is being used will be outlined in the assessment work update.

·         The draft data report has been produced by Practice Solutions Limited, which members of this committee received at the last meeting.   Both PSBs have had sight and been asked to feed back their comments.

·         The Assessment is still on schedule to be published at the end of April 2022 with the Data and Engagement Reports will be shared as supporting documents.


Ongoing work


·         Work continues against the current Objectives, and if I can refer members to the Update on Quarter 2 of the PSB Work Programme in the document pack, where all the highlights from each of the Progress Reports from the Objective Leads, are detailed, which are also in the pack.  

·       The Board devoted an item at the January meeting to the climate and nature emergency issue to determine what partners are doing, to learn what is already happening, and to support co-ordination going forward. There was also an offer from Natural Resources Wales regarding a Welsh Government initiative that NRW are leading on called Natur a Ni, Nature and Us.  WG are launching a national conversation with citizens in Wales about the future of the natural environment, and the actions we can all take to safeguard it for the future.  The aim is to involve people in a way that builds towards a shared vision for Wales for 2030, 2050 targets.  NRW have offered to support PSBs to be a part of the conversation and co-ordinate involvement in the initiative.   The discussion highlighted lots of work that is already underway through various partners, and it was agreed that NRW would come back to us with the priority areas in relation to Cwm Taf.   Chris Bradshaw suggested a working group of the PSB to co-ordinate action, and it was stressed that community involvement would be paramount in any agreed structure and process. We will update the JOSC on agreed actions and progress in the next quarter.

·       Members discussed preparation for the Annual Report 2021-22, which will need to be published Spring/Summer, and members were reminded that this would be the last report of the current Wellbeing Plan 2018-2023.

·       Finally, the annual review of the Chair’s position was dealt with at the January meeting.  There were no nominations for the position and there was unanimous support for me to continue in the role for the coming year, which I was pleased to undertake, particularly given my dual role as Chair of Bridgend PSB.



 Mr Brace reminded Members that the next PSB meeting will be on the 26th April.  This will fall during purdah period and so our quoracy and decision-making abilities will be impacted upon.  As most members of the JOSC will also follow purdah rules, we anticipate that we will not meet again later in May, where Members can be updated on a full quarter of progress. Mr Brace thanked Members for allowing him to attend.


The Vice Chair thanked Mr Brace for providing the JOSC with such a detailed update.


Discussion ensued and Mr Jehu sought the view of Mr Brace in respect of the continuity of Scrutiny in terms of the delivery of the PSB Work Programme. Mr Brace noted that it is crucial in terms of delivery and sustainability. Mr Brace emphasised the importance of working together and taking issues to Welsh Government is critical going forward. Scrutiny has a great part to play in ensuring that the PSB is achieving its goals and work for the community. It’s important that the PSB doesn’t operate in isolation.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to note the update.







Supporting documents: