Agenda item


With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, the Financial and Performance Audit Managers of Audit General for Wales (AGW) provided Members with an overview of the role and functions of the Audit Wales in ensuring Public Bodies within Wales operate effectively and efficiently under the Public Audit Wales Act (2004), Well-being of Future Generations Act Wales (2015) and Local Government and Elections Wales Act (2021).


The presentation was delivered under the following key headlines: -


-       Who we are – The Auditor General Wales (AGW)

-       RCT Council’s Audit Wales Team

-       Main Legislative duties & powers for audit work in Local Authorities

-       Our Work

-       Annual Audit Plan

-       Our Local Government Financial Audit work

-       Key Reports & Assurances – Financial Audit

-       Performance Audit – Out work at RCT

-       Annual Audit summary

-       Addressing Findings

-       Our Good Practice Exchange

-       Code of Audit Practice


The Performance Audit Manager took Members through the content of the presentation, specifically highlighting on the current work programmes being undertaken at RCT. The current work programmes focus on local work such as the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Partnerships and digital ambitions which is work currently underway. The work programmes also focus on understanding the Councils self-assessment and preparedness for changes under the Local Government and Elections Act (2021). Lastly, work is being undertaken on Carbon reduction plans in RCT which will be considered in the New Year.


The Performance Audit Manager continued with the presentation by highlighting to Members the expectation of Audit General for Wales (AGW) to Local Authorities to guarantee that proposals and recommendations made, are acted on by Public Bodies to ensure that progress is monitored and evaluated against any recommendations contained in the reports.


The Performance Audit Manager of AGW stressed to Members the dedication of AGW in improving public services across Wales by encouraging shared knowledge and good practice that are beneficial to Local Authorities.  Webinars and online events allow stakeholders to exchange ideas and share resources. As part of code of audit practice, AGW focuses on 4 key principles that underpin the work undertaken; these are public focus, independence, proportionate and accountability. 


Following the presentation, Members of the Governance and Audit Committee were provided with the opportunity to ask questions based on the information presented.


One Member was pleased with the report, however questioned the effectiveness of liaising with other regulators such as Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and Estyn, as it could cause a duplication in the work programmes. A query was raised in respect of the responsiveness of the team in reacting to any urgent inspections. The Performance Audit Manager advised that regular meetings are held with other regulators to share information, discuss any risks or concerns, and programmes of work.


Despite the collaboration, the Performance Audit Manager gave reassurances that the regulators have separate responsibilities and duties which prevents duplication. In conclusion the Performance Audit Manager advised that although the team does not get involved in serious case reviews, the team is involved in the public interest report and where necessary, an investigation team is put in place to undertake further work.


The Chair thanked Audit General for Wales (AGW) for their informative and interesting presentation.



The Governance and Audit Committee RESOLVED:


-       To note the content of the presentation