Agenda item

For Committee Members to consider the Council’s MTFP 2021/22 to 2024/25.


the Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services introduced the Council’s ‘Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2024/25’.


Members were asked to consider the Council’s ‘Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2024/25’ and were informed that the  Committee’s feedback would be used as a consultee of the Council’s 2022/23 Budget Consultation process.


The Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services reminded Members that the 2022/23 Budget Consultation is an agenda item scheduled for the Committee’s November 2021 meeting, this being subject to Cabinet’s approval of the ‘Engagement on the Council’s Budget’ report on 18th October 2021 (the ‘Engagement on the Council’s Budget’ report also being a separate item for the 21st October 2021 Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee meeting agenda).


Following the overview, Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions.

Councillor Yeo praised the report and noted that the UK Government have promised to support social care with the National Insurace rise and noted his hope that this will be even greater support in the area in the New Year.

Discussions ensued and Councillor Adams, Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, referred the Committee to the Council’s efficiency savings and noted his hope that the UK Government will realise that local governments need support, particularly after the pandemic. Councillor Adams also raised the issue of green bags waste and noted that this was imposed upon the Authority by the Welsh Government and further sought clarification as to who was paying the cost of these bags. The Service Director advised Members that in terms of efficiency savings the Local Authority is working very closely with Welsh Government and lobbying hard on the UK Government to set out that austerity has had an hard impact on public sector services. In terms of the green bags, the Service Director advised Members that there is an element of it which is a pilot and the Council have been able to access external funding and it was noted that there is a 10% reduction estimated on the amount of plastic recycling bags which will be used and noted that there is some innovative work happening in the background.

The Chair continued the discussions and queried whether we have noticed on impact on finances in terms of the funding we would have ordinarily received pre-Brexit from the European Union. The Service Director advised that the impact has not been felt yet as the exit strategy will involve projects coming to fruition over the next few years and advised that there could be elements of the Council being pro active in looking to apply for the levelling up fund and other sources of Government funding. Councillor Yeo also noted his concerns regarding the potential drop in funding from the European Union.

Discussions continued and Councillor Bradwick praised the report and noted his praise for the savings in terms of recycling bags. Councillor Thomas also praised the report and noted his concerns as to how the Council will be able to maintain the level of services provided to residents in light of austerity measures and the increase in inflation and energy price increases.

Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to note the update contained

within the ‘Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2024/25’ (Appendix A) as

reported to Cabinet on 20th July 2021. .



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