Agenda item

For Committee Members to consider the Council’s Quarter 1 Performance Report (2021/22).


The Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services presented the Council’s Quarter 1 Performance Report (to 30th June 2021).


The Service Director explained that the Quarter 1 Performance Report was presented to Cabinet on the 21st September 2021 and contains revenue and capital budget performance; Treasury Management prudential indicators; Organisational Health information, including staff turnover; sickness and Council strategic risks; and Corporate Plan priority progress updates.


The Service Director completed the overview of the Report by providing an update on the progress made across the Council’s 3 Corporate Plan priority areas of People, Places and Prosperity and, following this, Members put forward their questions.


Councillor Bradwick agreed with the reference within the report to the challenge that the Council faces with wood and acknowledged that the suppliers are not taking the wood off the Council to make the pallets. Furthermore, Councillor Bradwick sought clarification as to whether there had been any developments on the park in Bryn Pica. The Service Director advised that in terms of the Eco Park a business case has been in place for a period of time and discussions are ongoing with Welsh Government in terms of funding opportunities for the project. In terms of Brexit and the Pandemic, the Service Director advised that the likelihood is that the cost will increase, however, the current position is that the Council is still in dialogue with Welsh Government in terms of funding opportunities.


Discussions continued and Councillor Cullwick referred Members to page 41 of the report and noted that the sickness figures in schools is very low and wanted to congratulate heads of schools and governors. The Service Director advised that the recording arrangements for the Council’s schools is that where staff are absent due to self isolating or underlying health condition these have been excluded from the figures. The Service Director also emphasised that schools have been at the forefront in terms of supporting children throughout the pandemic. Consequently, Members were advised that there has been an upward trend in mental health reporting absence and the Council has strived to ensure that the appropriate support is given to staff. Councillor Bradwick alo wished to place on record his admiration for school staff and their efforts during the pandemic.


The Chair continued discussions and referenced the number of staff off sick in Children and Community Services and sought information as to which areas those people were off sick from. Furthermore, the Chair referenced page 48 of the report and sought information as to what impact tourism developments such as Zip World are having on the finances of the Authority. The Service Director advised that he would speak to the Director of Prosperity and Development and would present a further report to Members on Tourism and its impact on the Council’s finances. In terms of sickness absence, the Service Director advised that there is a hyperlink in the existing report which does provide a further detailed breakdown of each of the areas.


Mr Fish, the Parent/Governor Representative, noted that in terms of tourism and Zip World, there appears to be a lack of signage in outside areas directing tourists to these attractions. It was noted that this would be passed on to the Director of Prosperity & Development who would update Members accordingly.


Councillor Yeo referred Members t page 101 of the report and praised the fact that the percentage of affordable housing is on target for May 2022 and praised the developments within the Llanilid site.  


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to:


1.     Endorse the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at 30th June 2021 (Quarter 1).


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