Agenda item

To receive an update on the progress of the Arts in RCT during the COVID-19 Pandemic.



 The Strategic Arts & Culture Manager provided a verbal update on the position of the Arts Services during the Covid-19 pandemic. She informed Members of additional staff Members who had joined the team during the time and continued to explain how the service had continued to offer a provision over the last 18 months.


The Theatre Operations and Development Manager provided an update on Theatres and informed Members of the plan to adopt a cautious approach to re-open. He acknowledged the high levels of cases still experienced by Rhondda Cynon Taf and the awareness of the impact any large-scale re-opening may have on case numbers and hospitalisations. He outlined details of plans to re-open cinema provisions on a socially distanced basis towards the end of October 2021 allowing the service to test systems and processes in place to ensure maximum safety of guests and staff can be achieved with a continual building of provision towards Christmas including themed films.


He continued to outline the plan for live shows informing Members of the intention to start in February 2022 with a capacity of 400-600 audience members although it was noted that during this time levels of CO2 would be monitored as numbers of audience members increase to continually ensure safety. The complexities of providing live shows in a safe environment were also covered with the Theatre Operations and Development Manager detailing how discussions will need to be held to determine cast sizes and backstage practicalities including refund policies. He concluded by informing Members of the intention to provide a cautious approach to resuming performances ensuring public health and safety is always at the forefront of decision making.


The Theatre Programme and Audience Development Manager also provided a verbal update for Members on the Christmas offer from the Service and gave details of the Pantomime. She advised that whilst frustrating that schedules have been moved from 2020 to 2022 external agents have been supportive of the decisions made. However, she also acknowledged the desire for these providers to return to providing full capacity events. She informed Members that filming for the Christmas Pantomime this year was progressing well with the schedule due to conclude this week. She thanked all those involved in the Pantomime and was pleased to report that the production had so far supported 24 freelancers. British Sign Language and captioning will be available on the production.


The Arts & Creative Industries Manager also provided Members with an update detailing the support they provided as part of the SHEPS programme during the Summer. Members were also informed of the positive outcomes achieved through the ‘Summer of Fun’ scheme of workshops held at Aberdare Coliseum. Members were provided with detailed information of various projects in partnership with Communities for Work and Town Centres and regeneration.


Members were invited to ask any questions and make comments. One Member queried the support of providing services in Welsh and whether the announcement to delay re-opening Theatres was premature given the current lockdown levels and comparison to other venues who are operating at full capacity. The Service Director – Community Services explained that the decision has been taken given the context of high levels of cases still prevalent in Rhondda Cynon Taf and with consideration for the facilities available within the Theatre buildings which she compared to some other facilities that may have more modern ventilation systems. She added that the situation was able to be reviewed should case numbers improve however the safety of guests and staff Members would continue to be the priority.


Another Member queried the links between Town and Community Councils and the Arts programmes on offer. The Strategic Arts & Culture Manager advised that they are working with the Councils Events team to look at the offer for Christmas events in Town Centres and additional seasonal workshops where possible. The Service Director – Community Services also added that there have been initial strategic meetings between groups in Pontypridd to look at how collaborative working can be facilitated with regards to arts and culture events.


The Chair thanked Officers for their comprehensive updates and responses and Members noted the information provided.