Agenda item


The Service Director Streetcare provided members with an update on how Communities were able to get involved in Litter picking initiatives throughout the Borough and how RCT works in partnership with Keep Wales Tidy.


He advised that Cerw Cymru, is an all wales initiative that has partnered with all authorities in Wales.  RCTCBC are currently working with them on a project to coordinate and encourage residents to link up with their local litter champions. 


He advised of some of the challenges for example, a lot of the areas are not part of the Council remit and therefore the focus was on streets, parks and Council owned facilities.  He added that the project sources local people to take ownership of the areas with the collaboration working closely with them to assist and support in the delivery of the project.  The project also looks at behavioural change projects such as the use of different colour bins and the relocation of bins etc


The Service Director Streetcare advised that there were currently 38 litter champions in RCT with the recruitment through the discretion of the Keep Wales Tidy Officer.  Once Litter champions are recruited KWT meet with them to supply them with equipment and insure them which is free of charge for a period of time.   In addition to local litter champions there were dozens of community groups affiliated to KWT, whilst others did not want a formal arrangement.   He advised that in addition to this, there were also a number of litter hubs who work with RCT where equipment can be booked out for litter picks.  He added that this was in place to encourage people who wanted to undertake one off litter picks, to utilise their equipment and coloured bags as they did not want them to use black bags as this could be mistaken for flytipping. 



A Member was concerned that some of the areas where he has seen litter pickers are very dangerous, such as the mountain roads.  He was concerned at the speed of the traffic, and with no pavements people were putting their lives at risk. 


The Service Director Streetcare advised that the Authority and KWT do not condone or encourage any groups to undertake litter picking anywhere near roads that are above 30mph.  This is undertaken safely with RCT staff utilising the correct safety equipment and warning signs to slow traffic down. He added that he would speak with KWT ensure this doesn’t happen. 


The Leader of the Plaid Cymru group was invited to ask a question.

She stated that  she had great admiration for all those involved in the litter picking groups and thought it to be one of the best systems in RCT for undertaking the collections the way we do.  She advised the officer that she remained concerned about residents undertaking litter picking on routes that are hidden away, quiet and countryside routes where drug paraphernalia was often irresponsibly disposed of.  She asked if the Authority has any advice or factsheets for the casual litter pickers who may come across the of the drug paraphernalia due to the risk to their health and safety.


The Service Director Streetcare advised that KWT do give advice sheets to groups but this was also something the Authority could look into.