Agenda item

To receive a summary on the various elements of the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021 which received Royal Assent on the 20th January 2021.



The Service Director Democratic Services & Communications presented

his joint report with the Director of Legal Services which summarised the

various elements of the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021

which received Royal Assent on the 20th January 2021.


The report requested that Committee consider the Council’s position

statement in respect of the requirements of the Act with particular regard

to the actions that will need to be addressed to ensure RCT comply with

the legislative requirements. The Service Director advised that several

elements will be considered in many of the council’s formal committees

such as the Standards Committee, which will consider Members

Codes of Conduct and the role that Group Leaders will play in the conduct

of their members and Cabinet will also consider this report at its next meeting

in March 2021.


The Service Director acknowledged that a large part of the discussions

have, to date, focussed on the Corporate Joint Committees (CJC’s) and

extending the voting franchise to 16 and 17 years old in next year’s

Senedd elections and preparing for the extension of the franchise to this

age group for the 2022 local government elections.


The Service Director was pleased to report that the Council has already laid

many of the foundations for the promotion of democratic processes and

public engagement which are considerations of the Act and will be taken

forward by the Council. He drew Members’ attention to the numerous

other areas for which the Act provides provision, such as the general

power of competence for principal councils and eligible community

councils, powers for Welsh Ministers to instigate more consistent and

coherent regional working across Wales, more formalised performance

and governance arrangements based around self-assessment and peer

reviews. The Service Director advised that the proposals to make the role of

scrutiny within a principal councilmore effective by strengthening the scrutiny

arrangements is of particular relevance to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee

by bringing forward the opportunity for scrutiny to engage and consider key

decisions in advance of Cabinet determining those matters. It was noted that is

an area that the Scrutiny Committee currently undertakes as a matter of good



The Service Director acknowledged other key areas of interest for future

discussion by this committee, such as the reforming of public participation

and the determination which will enable Members to attend and

participate virtually. He explained that the council will soon be able to

formerly broadcast its meeting via the introduction of a webcasting

solution provided by Public I which will fully integrate with the current

virtual arrangements and will allow the provision of a hybrid approach for

meetings whilst still being able to live stream online. 


With regards to the diversity agenda, the Service Director advised that

there are changes to the family absence arrangements and formalising

the provisions for job sharing opportunities for Cabinet Members and

Chairs of Committee. Enhancements to the role of the Head of

Democratic Services to strengthen and support the role of non-executive

members and the influence of scrutiny across the council. The Service

Director continued to outline the many changes to executive

arrangements, information sharing between the regulators, changes to the

Fire & Rescue Authority arrangements, changes to the Boundary

Commission and how the Public Service Boards will operate. He advised

that further information in relation to how the Act will come into force and

what elements will need to be taken forward from the Council’s AGM this

year and onwards from the 2022 Local Government Elections.


In conclusion, the Service Director reported that the Council has been

requested to participate in a working group on the participation agenda to

be able to inform the regulations.


Following the presentation, the Service Director Democratic Services &

Communication responded to a number of queries such as STV voting

system post 2022, the role of Corporate Joint Committees, the definition

of politically restricted posts in relation to campaigning and standing for

office and the status of the Head of Democratic Services and

strengthening of the statutory role.


In line with an earlier query, the Director of Human Resources responded

to a concern raised regarding the protection afforded to junior members of

staff should they stand and be unsuccessful in an election. The Director

advised that there are a number of policies in place such as the

whistleblowing policy which serve to protect individuals as well as seeking

support through their trade unions.


Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to note the Council’s position statement outlined within the report in respect of the requirements of the Act.


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