Agenda and minutes

Venue: Hybrid

Contact: Sarah Handy - Members’ Researcher & Scrutiny Officer  07385 401942


No. Item



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The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and wished Members a Happy New Year.



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In accordance with the Code of Conduct, apologies of absence were received from County Borough Councillors P Binning, E Dunning and G Warren.  


Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct




1.    Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2.    Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a    prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.

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There were no decleration of interest pertaining to the agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To approve, as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th November 2022.

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The minutes of the 15th November 2022 were approved as an accurate record subject to the following amendments: Councillor Greha and Councillor Dunn confirmed that they were at the last meeting however they had not been noted on the minutes.





Information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee.


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The Senior Democratic Services Offier referenced the consultation links, which were available through the ‘RCT Scrutiny’ website.  Members were reminded that information is provided in respect of relevant consultations for consideration by the Committee, which are circulated on a monthly basis.



Welsh Government 20mph Speed Limit 2023 pdf icon PDF 333 KB

For Committee Members to review how the Welsh Government’s legislation to reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on restricted roads across Wales will impact residents in RCT

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Members were provided with advice in respect of the Welsh Governments (WG) proposals to reduce the national speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on restricted roads across Wales.


The Head of Traffic and Transportation Officer provided Members with a Power point summary in respect of the WG leglislation and it’s potential impact on RCT residents.


Following this, Members had the opportunity to ask questions.


A Member raised concerns regarding the implications that this would have on schools if the signs vanish. The Head of Traffic and Transport advised that this is a controversial element of the scheme. He advised that letters will be going out to Members advising them that the speed limit signs will remain on the highway until change is implemented and they will remove the red surfacing that’s on the highway that is predominately round schools etc. The infrastructure will start to be removed from the high way over the next two to three weeks. The Chair referenced that under the review it mentions about existing signs and lines etc and queried whether an analysis has been done of whether the existing 20mph around schools should be reduced to 10mph. The Officer advised Members that they are not able to introduce 10mph speed limit, the lowest they are allowed to implement is 20mph.


Another Member noted that they welcomed the introduction of the speed limit around built up areas but also noted that they feel this is still not doing enough in respect of reducing accidents on the road. In respect of the Heads of the Valleys roadworks, the Member noted that moe needs to be done for the safety of residents and that the Council should pass this on to the WG. The Officer advised Member that the introduction of the 20mph speed limit will help this problem around Hirwaun and the Cynon area but they are also in the process of making a number of bids to WG for a source of funding to provide other road safety measures within Hirwaun over the next two years. The Director of Frontline Services advised Members that in respect of the A465 scheme he and the Chief Executive of the A465 project will be meeting WG representatives at TfW to discuss this specific matter.


Discussions ensued and the Chair queried whether there would be any ‘in costs’ that would hit the Local Authority. The Head of Transport confirmed that they are able to bid for the cost of delivering this change. Members were referred to table 1 of the report and advised that there are significant costs associated with this change and the service will be looking to re coup those costs from WG. The Director of Frontline Services added that the Council is looking to commit £2M towards this in the first 6 months of the next financial year so that the scheme can be implemented by the dead. The Director added that the new scheme may affect buses and public transport leading to longer journey times  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Highways Investment Scheme pdf icon PDF 769 KB

For members to Scrutinise the Highways Investment Programme

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Members of the Committee were provided an update on the highway infrastructure within the County Borough.


Following an overview from the Service Director, Highways and Engineering Members were provided with the opportunity to scrutinise the report.


A Member queried if it would be a waste of money to change the current lights on signs to LED lights when under the 20mph WG scheme the signs with lights would be relaced anyway to signs without lighting. The Director of Frontline Services advised Members that resources ae being co-ordinated and there isn’t a waste of funding.


The Chair also noted the potential impact this will have given the austerity measures in the Council’s budget over the coming years. The Director of Frontline Services noted that throughout austerity measures the Council has committed its investment in Highways infrastructure and noted that this will continue to be reflected in the 23/224 budget, subject to the approval of Cabinet and Council. The Chair queried what is the exact budget that has been allocated for bringing bac adopted lanes and highways. The Director of Frontline Services confirmed that the funding is fixed and has continued every Municipal Year.


The Service Director, Highways and Engineering took the opportunity to praise the RCT Streetcare staff for all their hard work over the past few weeks, particularly in light of the number of storms, snow and heavy rain that we have been receiving. A number of Members also praised the staff for all their hard work. The Chair noted that in the future he would like to see an pdate report coming to scrutiny in respect of how effective our flood barriers are, the risks, treating calvers etc.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to:


1.     Acknowledge the contents of the report; and,

2.     Agreed to receive future update reports on this matter to allow Members the opportunity to scrutinise future projects.  







Information Report pdf icon PDF 389 KB

For Members to receive the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund and the Investment plans for South East Wales and Rhondda Cynon Taf report which provides details of the South East Wales Regional Investment Plan and the Council’s lead authority role on behalf of the region and the investment plan and opportunities for Rhondda Cynon Taf




Additional documents:


The Director of Prosperity and Development introduced the report to Members

and provided an update on the UK government Shared Prosperity Fund

(UKSPF) which supports the government’s wider commitment to level up all

parts of the UK and provides funding for local investment between 2022 and

2025. The Director also provide detail of the South East Wales Regional

Investment Plan and the Council’s lead authority role on behalf of the region

and provide detail of the investment opportunities for Rhondda Cynon Taf and

detail of the RCT local investment plan.


Following the overview, Members had the opportunity to scrutinise the report

and to ask questions.


The Chair queried if that scheme will stay within the Council and that there

is no risk of the scheme ending. The Director confirmed that they will need to

recruit across the nation to bring in the right capacity and expertise but that

is all funded through the Shared Prosperity Fund and money available to the

Council and is hosted and will stay with RCT.


The Project Team Leader - Funding and Implementation gave Members a

Detailed overview of the report from section 4 onwards.


The Chair sought further information on the head per capita compared to

Cardiff. The Chair also sought information on the starting point figures of the

levelling up and what has RCT lost through Brexit. He also noted that this is

levelling up funding from UK Government and that it would be useful to know

what impact this has on WG and any schemes that they have funded that might

now be of a detriment to RCT and how RCT might lose out on any potential WG

funding. The Chair also queried how this might impact on any other funding

available through any grants etc. He also noted the comments in the report

regarding numeracy and questioned whether this was in relation to the Prime

Minister’s suggestion of keeping school children on learning mathematics until

they are 18 years old and if so, is this where the potential money will come from.


The Director advised that in terms of previous European funding, RCT are

significant beneficiaries of this new Fund and advised that he will collate

comparative data and report back to Committee. In terms of numeracy, the

service is aware of the Prime Minister’s comments, however it is very much an

English based programme which will make it difficult to deliver in Wales hence

the significant underspend at the beginning of the financial year. The Director

reassured Members that this point will continue to be made with WG and will

also be emphasised through the WLGA. The Director emphasised that

alternatives need to be found and emphasised that they feel the funding can be

used across the wider people skills scheme. The Director also agreed on the

importance of maximising this funding and that RCT doesn’t lose out on other

areas of funding. In terms of duplication with the voluntary sector, the Director

advised that there are governance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


Urgent Business

To consider any items, which the Chairman, by reason of special circumstances, is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency

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There was no urgent business to report.


Chairs Review and Close


To reflect on the meeting and actions to be taken forward.


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The Chair thanked Members for attending and reminded Members that the next meeting will be held on the 15th February 2022. The Chair also referred Committee to the recent Bryn pica visit and advised that feedback from members will be taken at the next meeting and the Chair suggested that a  subsequent meeting may be necessary to feedback direct to officers.