Venue: Virtual
Contact: Tracy Watson - Senior Democratic & Scrutiny Officer 07747 485567
No. | Item |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and
2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.
Minutes: In Accordance withthe Councils Code, there were no declarations of interest made, pertaining to the agenda.
Minutes: It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 19th March 2024 as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
ATTENDANCE STRATEGIES PDF 123 KB To receive presentations from Bryn Celyn Primary (Cardiff) & Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen (Bridgend). Minutes: The Headteacher Bryn Celyn Primary School began by explaining that she would share some approaches to attendance at Bryn Celyn Primary School, including a bit about the context, because she felt it was was important for Members to understand where the school was, some of the things that had been done so far, as well as sharing some case studies and next steps as a school, going forward from here. The Headteacher Bryn Celyn Primary School then took Members through the presentation.
A Member acknowledging that staff were going above, and beyond which was fantastic to hear, asked about the sustainability and the pressure on resources. The Member also asked if the school issued fixed penalty notices.
A Member highlighted the importance of best practice, to ensure a consistent approach for every child.
The Headteacher Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen (CCYD), began by explaining that attendance at CYDD continued to be a concern and appeared on the improvement plan, and would do so for several years to come as the school gets back to pre-pandemic levels. He continued that the school had made some really good progress pre pandemic and then the pandemic hit but they had made some improvements year on year, with the data showing key improvements in all of the key measures of attendance year on year, so there was progression, and they hadn't regressed, but it was nowhere near getting back to levels before the pandemic. The Headteacher Bryn Celyn Primary School then took Members through the presentation.
A Member asked how receptive parents were to the strategies put in place.
The Headteacher CCYD acknowledged that there was a general feeling that the support was welcomed, with few pushing back. He also explained, with regard to FPN’s in CCYD.
The Chair thanked both Headteachers for their presentations and said she was massively impressed with what was done in both schools, which extended way beyond what they were expected to do.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
APPOINTMENT OF LEAD ROLES (CSC) PDF 131 KB To appoint the Lead Chief Executive and Lead Director of CSC. Minutes: The Managing Director, CSC took Members through the report, providing some background, before taking Members through the proposals.
The Managing Director thanked the exiting Lead Chief Executive and Lead Director role for their support over the last few years.
There were no questions from Members.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
CALENDAR OF MEETINGS FOR THE 2024 - 2025 MUNICIPAL YEAR PDF 97 KB To consider the proposed calendar of meetings for 2024 - 2025. Minutes: The Deputy Managing Director, CSC took Members through the report on the Calendar of Meetings for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year. Following discussion, Members were in agreement that meetings would continue to be held in a virtual setting for the next Municipal year.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
ANNUAL FINANCIAL YEAR BUSINESS PLAN REPORT (2023 - 2024) PDF 123 KB To receive a report from the Deputy Managing Director on the progress of the business plan for 2023-24 and identification of priorities for 2024-25. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Managing Director, CSC began by explaining that she would take Members through the report, which was a requirement, as part of the legal agreement that a report would be brought to Members on the progress of the CSC business plan and the priorities for 2023-24, and also to update Members with regards to the priority areas for improvement. She continued that this year the report was presented slightly differently, and an executive summary had been provided. The full report provided the evidence against the progress judgements of the various priorities within the business plan. For the purposed of the meeting this afternoon, she would take Members through the executive summary. The Deputy Managing Director, CSC then took Members through the report.
There were no questions from Members.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
END OF YEAR REPORT TO WELSH GOVERNMENT PDF 137 KB To receive a report from the Assistant Director Curriculum & Professional Learning. Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director Curriculum & Professional Learning, CSC began by explaining that she would try not to repeat anything that had already been covered in the previous report, but this report went into further details on the use of the Regional Consortia Grant for 2023/24. She confirmed that the report was written in line with the terms and conditions of the grant, and reporting expectations. A presentation was shared during the meeting to tell a more holistic story of how CSC ensures value for money regarding the spending of this grant in order to show impact in schools. She acknowledged that this particular grant specifically looked at the areas of curriculum and assessment and high-quality teaching and leadership. The Assistant Director Curriculum & Professional Learning, CSC then took Members through the presentation.
The Chair acknowledged it was good to see an evaluation of what professional learning is for and what it is achieving.
A Member, noting the 2 previous presentations, asked whether there was room for talking to anyone in the SLT, about how important those strategies are e.g., the extension of the school beyond just teaching and learning.
The Assistant Director Curriculum & Professional Learning reminded Members that the report was specifically around the grants which are around leadership, curriculum, teaching, etc., so it was not representative of the full professional learning offer. It was also noted that CSC work in close partnership with local authorities regarding their responsibilities around whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing, as an example. The AD did however confirm that many of the programmes run by CSC touch on those things e.g., within the leadership programmes themes around behaviour, exclusions, wellbeing, HR, etc. are included. So, it is important to look at the whole offer between CSC, the LA, the national offer in its entirety. It was also noted that support for vulnerable learners was embedded right across the professional learning offer.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
2023/24 REGIONAL INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICE REPORT PDF 128 KB To receive an update from the Deputy Managing Director of the Central South Consortium. Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Managing Director, CSC began by explaining she would take Members through the findings from the regional internal audit review noting that as an organisation, CSC were responsible for putting in place proper arrangements for governance with the regional internal audit service independently assessing the adequacy of this area from a financial administration perspective. She continued that the focus for these particular audits could come from Member requests or from the forward planners, with this particular audit being undertaken in April 2024, in regard to the governance of CSC. It was noted that the report concluded that there is a substantial assurance with regards to the governance arrangements that are within CSC, before highlighting to Members what this actually meant. The Deputy Managing Director, CSC concluded that there were no recommendations for improvement deemed necessary, in respect of the internal controls with regards to governance in CSC.
There were no questions from Members.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
To consider the report of the Treasurer and to approve the Annual Governance Statement. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director, Finance Services began by explaining that Members had before them the annual Statement of Accounts for the financial year 23/24 at Appendix 1 including the Annual Governance Statement. These accounts were draft and would undergo external audit by Audit Wales (AW). She continued that Section 3, paragraphs 3.1 – 3.6 covered the timescales for the production and audit of statements of accounts, which also applied to local authorities’ own statements of account. The Accounts and Audit Regulations required the draft Statement of Accounts to be certified by 31st May following financial year-end; and the audited Statement of Accounts to be approved by Joint Committee by 31st July following financial year-end. The Regulations include a provision whereby if the Responsible Financial Officer does not certify the draft accounts by 31st May (as is the case for these accounts), or the accounts are not published by 31st July, there is a requirement to publish a statement setting out the reasons for non-compliance. In accordance with these requirements, an appropriate notice was published on the RCT CBC website. Discussions were ongoing between CSC, the host authority and AW regarding the timing of the audit of these Accounts. In a letter to Local Government bodies, Welsh Government and the WLGA, AW confirmed that they aimed to certify accounts by 30th November.
The Service Director, Finance Services continued through paragraphs 3.7 – 3.9, which detailed the Annual Governance Statement (AGS), which was required to be approved by Joint Committee, noting that that the AGS concluded with the overall assessment of governance arrangements in CSC as being effective. Notwithstanding this, there was a proposal for improvement set out in section 7 relating to engagement with stakeholders. She continued that she would not go through the detail of the Statement of Accounts, which contained many technical notes in order to be compliant with accounting regulations and Codes of Practice but would provide some detail with regards to the financial position for the year. A key headline was that the general fund balances remained at £174k after a transfer to the service remodelling earmarked reserve of £350k taking that earmarked reserve to £959k. In terms of core budget variances for the year, details were set out on pages 5 and 6 of the Statement of Accounts. Employee budgets underspent was due to the transfer of costs to grant, ensuring all grant was maximised, as well as part year vacancy savings also contributing to the underspend. In addition, there were Supplies and Services underspends on licences and CPD, support services were overspending by £31k, which was mainly due to additional services being bought in from the host authority for business support and ICT. In terms of Income, the overachievement of income budgets related to unbudgeted interest earned on personal account balances partly offset by no requirement to use transitional funding during the year.
There were no questions from Members.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
· Note the draft Statement of Accounts for the Central South Consortium for ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
To receive a report from the Managing Director of the Central South Consortium. Additional documents: Minutes: The Managing Director CSC began by explaining that she would take Members through the risk register, which was kept updated and a standing item on the agenda at each meeting. She noted that the full risk register, was provided for Members, at Appendix A, with a table of the changes that had happened provided in the report. The Managing Director CSC the took Members through the risk updates.
The Chair acknowledged that they were living in a time of uncertainty and could only hope that these measures could come to some resolution, sooner, rather than later.
There were no questions from Members.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to
· Consider and approve the corporate risk register for Central South Consortium, which aligns to the updated Risk Management Policy.
URGENT BUSINESS To consider any items, which the Chairman, by reason of special circumstances, is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None. |
TO CONSIDER PASSING THE FOLLOWING UNDER-MENTIONED RESOLUTION: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended) for the next item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act.” Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act.
DIRECTOR OF HR REPORT To receive a report from the Director of HR (RCT). Minutes: Members of the Committee considered the exempt report of the Director of HR, RCT, following which Members sought clarification and asked a number of questions, which the Director of HR, RCT, provided responses to.
Following consideration, Members RESOLVED to