Agenda and minutes

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Cllr J Rosser (Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council), Cllr L Mytton (Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council), Mr L Harvey, Lead Director of Education (Bridgend County Borough Council) and Mr E Cooper, Lead Chief Executive (Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council).





In the absence of the Chair, County Borough Councillor J Rosser, County Borough Councillor L Burnett (Vice Chair – Vale of Glamorgan) took the Chair for the duration of the meeting.  




Declaration of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct




1.     Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and

2.   Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.



In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations of interest made pertaining to the agenda.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Joint Committee held 22nd September 2021


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 22nd of September 2021 as an accurate reflection of the Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Joint Committee meeting.



CSC Staffing Overview pdf icon PDF 893 KB

To receive a report from the Managing Director of the Central South Consortium



The Managing Director provided Members with an overview of the current staffing structures, roles, and responsibilities of staff within Central South Consortium (CSC).


The report highlighted the different structures within the different teams in CSC such as, the Senior Management Team, Senior Leadership Team, Principal Improvement Partner and Improvement Partner Team, Curriculum Team and Business Support Team as highlighted in Appendix 1-5 of the report.


At present, there is a management of change and a change to the leadership structures primarily due to a significant increase of Curriculum for Wales work. The team are working with School Based Practitioners to increase the leadership capacity to manage the growing work force and ensure sufficient capacity to support schools as they move forward. As part of the recruitment process the Managing Director noted the difficulty the team has had in recruiting Translators.


Following the report provided by the Managing Director, the Chair commented that she was pleased the CSC plan and delivery process.


Following discussion, the Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Committee RESOLVED to note  the content of the report.




Annual Governance Statement Progress Report pdf icon PDF 313 KB

To receive a report from the Deputy Managing Director of the Central South Consortium


The Deputy Managing Director provided Members with a progress update on the proposals that were identified in the Annual Governance statement 2020/21 presented to Committee earlier in the year.

Based on the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, 10 proposals and recommendations for improvement were presented to the Committee.


The Deputy Managing Director referred Members to Appendix 1 of the report which highlighted the issues identified, proposals for improvement, timescale for implementation and progress of the recommendations regarding two areas. The Deputy Managing Director noted that out of 10 recommendations, 5 have been completed and progress on all others remains on track.


The Chair was pleased to see the substantial progress made, however queried whether the impact of Covid-19 has caused a delay in the completion of the recommendations.


The Deputy Managing Director noted that the Revision of the Legal Agreement will have slight delays and be progressed into the next financial year.


Following the update, Members of the Joint Committee RESOLVED to note progress made towards the recommendations.




Central South Consortium Grants Report pdf icon PDF 593 KB

To receive an update from the Deputy Managing Director of the Central South Consortium


The Deputy Managing Director provided the Joint Committee with an update on the Grants to be received by the Consortium in 2021/22. The funding has already been discussed with by directors, and apportionment already agreed across the different areas.


The Deputy Managing Director referred Members to section 5 of the report which highlights the distribution of Grants in 2021/22. A total of £5000 of additional funding has been provided by National Academy for Educational Leadership (NAEL) in Wales to support the System Leadership development Programme; the System Leaders have been appointed and will be a vital tool is supporting Schools across the region.


As part of the Regional Consortia School Improvement Grant, a revised Award funding has been provided of £4,201,733, thus taking Grant funding for financial year 2021/22 to a total of £51,406,821 as highlighted in Appendix A of the report.  Appendix A, provided Members with specific figures of how much is delegated to schools, retained, and retained for specific circumstances.
The Deputy Managing Director confirmed to Members the approval of the Award Funding by the Welsh Government.


The Deputy Managing Director Referred Members to the award of the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) by the Welsh Government which will be distributed to Schools in March 2022.


The Chair thanked the Deputy Managing Director for the report, and it was RESOLVED to approve the distribution of Grants as detailed in section 4 of the report.




Budget Monitoring 2021/22 and Budget Setting 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 653 KB

To receive a Joint Report from the Managing Director and Treasurer in respect of Budget Monitoring 2021/22 and Budget Setting 2022/23.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting provided Members with an update on the projected outturn position for the 2021/22 along with a summary of 2021/22 grant funding. The report also aimed to provide Members with the proposed 2022/23 revenue budget and basis of appointment of local authority contribution levels for this period.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting referred Members to section 3, Table 1 of the report which highlighted variances and the projected outturn position for 2021/22. As shown on the Table 1 there has been a small Net underspend of £1331, similarly to the position reported to Joint Committee in September 2021 of a £776 underspend; this demonstrates to Members the stability in the finances of the Consortium. It was highlighted to Members that the main variances such ‘Transport’ and ‘Supplies and Services’, showed a Net underspend due to a reduction of costs due to Covid-19.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting drew Member’s attention to ‘Support Services’ variance which has seen an overspend due to requirements for further services being received from the Host Authority.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting wanted to note to Members that the PGD confirmation has been received from the Welsh Government and is awaiting distribution in March 2022.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting referred Members to section 5, Table 4 of the reports which highlights the draft proposed Revenue Budget for 2022/23. Members were reminded of the Joint Committee requirements in approving the Budget in principle by the 31st December 2021 as part of the Legal Agreement.


It was highlighted to Members that the drafted budget 2022/23 was constructed in line with the Medium-Term Financial Plan that was approved by Joint Committee on the 15th of July 2021. The option approved on the 15th of July was for the Local authority contribution to cover pay award assumption and the for the Consortium to absorb non-pay inflationary pressures. Table 4 of the report highlights the difference between the current year Revised Budget 2021/22 and the Proposed Budget 2022/23.


The Head of Finance, Education and Financial Reporting referred Members to Table 5 of the report which highlighted the Proposed Budget 2022/23 construction based upon increases in Local Authority contributions of 1.72%. Members were advised that the report has been shared to section 151 officers of the 5 Members Authorities and no issued were raised.




-       To note the current projected outturn position for 2021/22


-       To note the grant funding position for 2021/22


-       To agree to the 2022/23 budget in principle subject to confirmation from each of the local authorities of their approval at the next Joint Committee.




Central South Consortium Business Plan 2021/25 pdf icon PDF 684 KB

To receive a report from the Managing Director of the Central South Consortium


The Managing Director, Central South Consortium (CSC) provided Members of the Joint Committee with an overview of the Central South Consortium Business Plan 2022/2025 report. The Business Plan is being proposed to be altered into a three-year Business Plan to run alongside the Corporate Plans in Local Authorities. As they are significant changes; the three-year Business Plan will allow changes to be monitored and impacts identified.


Members of the Committee were taken through Table 1 of the report which highlighted the five priority areas for the Joint Committee’s approval. Upon approval, the five priorities can be built into the Business Plan.

The Managing Director (CSC) informed Members of the uncertainty in Grant proposals as figures have not yet been provided; 97% of Business Plan is funded through Grants.


As part of the Business Plan the aim is to retain the five priorities 2021/22 as they form part of the objective within Education in Wales National objective similarly to Local Authorities.

They key areas for developments include the provision for high quality education, inspiring leaders, strong and inclusive Schools, robust assessment, and accountability arrangements; and lastly to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of CSC working progresses. This is a key area in terms of financial planning and ensuring the correct systems to gather evidence that Local authorities need particularly as we progress into the next progression cycle.


The Managing Director informed Members that they are proposing to change the reporting cycle from termly to quarterly basis to match Local Authority reporting cycles. Dates are being investigated to ensure the new process can work as efficiently as possible.


The Managing Director highlighted the change in processes in 2021, which as a result has seen the involvement of Directors setting the operational plan and Directors invited to an impact review meeting to see how challenges of progress are managed internally to gain an in-depth understanding of priorities.


Flexibility will still be maintained in the operational plans due to the uncertainty surrounding funding and challenges of Covid, as a result a self-evaluation will be undertaken yearly to monitor changing Circumstances outside CSC.


The Chair supported of the three-year plan as a constructive approach which feeds through to the operational plan and is in-line with Local Authority reporting cycles permitting the Scrutiny Committee within Members Authority to evaluate further.


The Central South Consortium Joint Education Service Committee RESOLVED to approve the high-level priorities for the development of the CSC Business Plan.