Agenda and minutes

Venue: Hybrid

Contact: Julia Nicholls - Democratic Services  01443 424098

Note: Extraordinary Council Meeting 


No. Item


Welcome & Apologies

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The Presiding Officer welcomed everyone to the hybrid extra ordinary Council meeting and apologies for absence were received from County Borough Councillors J Cook, J Elliott, R Evans, A S Fox, S Hickman, G Hopkins, G O Jones, M Maohoub, S Powderhill, A Roberts, L Tomkinson, J Turner, M Webber, G Williams, Sera Evans, D Wood, M Powell, W Owen and P Binning.


Declaration of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interests from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct


1.     Members are requested to identify the item number and subject that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest;and

2.     Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when theyleave.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.




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The Director of Finance & Digital Services presented a verbal update in respect of the provisional Local Government Settlement 2023/24 (following publication by the Welsh Government on the 14th December 2022) with the aid of a Power Point presentation under the following headings:


Ø  Medium Term Financial Plan and Review of Budget Requirement

Ø  Provisional Local Government Settlement 2023/24

Ø  Resources available at Provisional Settlement

Ø  Revised Budget Gap at Provisional Settlement

Ø  Budget Strategy Considerations/Building Blocks

Ø  Outline Draft Timetable

Ø  Conclusion


The Director reminded Members that at the meeting of Full Council held on the 28th September 2022 and through the Medium-Term Financial Plan, details of the council’s financial gap were confirmed as £36.475m. At that time the Director indicated that the Council was assuming a 3.5% settlement from Welsh Government which was in line with the indicative settlement that Welsh Government provided to Council alongside its current year’s budget settlement.

The Director advised that the budget requirement has been continually reviewed but a number of further updates have led to a net increase in the Council’s budget requirement. The updates include provisional notification that the South Wales Fire Service levy will increase by 8.07% for RCT (an additional £530,000 budget requirement), a reassessment of base budget requirements for special school numbers, capital charges, Additional Learning Needs (ALN) funding, demand led social care and revised estimated insurance requirements and additional £1.454m budget requirements.


The Director advised that the Council has also incorporated the cost of the real living wage increase to £10.90, following the real living wage foundation announcement, with the commitment to provide the care sector with the real living wage at a cost to the council of £3.6m. The Council has also reflected on its pay award assumptions and has updated to reflect the pension revaluation (net increase of £6.76m). The Council’s energy costs will also see a significant rise from £6m to approximately £20m for the next financial year (further budget requirement of £7m). The Director confirmed that the net impact of these updates to its budget requirements will increase the budget gap from £36m to £52m.


The Director provided the headlines from the Provisional Local Government Settlement, namely -

       An all-Wales average increase in Resources of 7.9%

       An increase for RCT of 6.6% (as compared to the indicative 3.5% provided alongside current year settlement)

       Range of settlement levels 6.5% to 9.3%

       Indicative increase for 2024/25 at 3.1% (all Wales)

       Capital Funding – Increase £30M all Wales as announced last year (+£2.287M for RCT following £2.165M reduction this year)

       Specific Grants of £1.3bn Revenue and £925M Capital (all Wales level only)

         Additional Funding of £13.89m was now available to the Council.

         The final settlement expected in early March 2023.

The combined impact of the provisional settlement and the updates to the council’s base budget requirements meant a revised budget gap of £38.3m.

In order to provide some context, the Director of Finance & Digital Services compared the figures  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.