Agenda and minutes

Venue: TBC

Contact: Sarah Daniel, Democratic Services  01443 424081

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed all to the first virtual meeting of the Community Liaison Committee and thanked all for making the effort to attend during the current pandemic


Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct

Note:  Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest: and where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.


None received


Verbal Update- Service Director of Democratic Services and Communications

To receive an update from the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communications


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communications provided the Committee with a verbal update since the Authority has been working during the COVID19 pandemic and is summarised below as follows:

  • Positive feedback had been received on the fortnightly meetings being held with the Community Council clerks to support them through the temporary change in legislation
  • The Council has continued to deliver a range of services through the current pandemic including the delivery of 600 meals daily to people that are shielding and contacted over 10,000 residents to offer various support services
  • Over 600 staff had been redeployed to deliver frontline services
  • Processed over £38million worth of grants to 3000 businesses
  • 100% of children that receive free school meals supported with funding
  • The authority were also leading along with Merthyr Tydfil CBC and BCBC on the contact tracing
  • It was estimate that the current pandemic has an estimated loss of £4.5m per month on loss of income for the Authority but are working closely with Welsh Government and WLGA to access support in the huge challenges ahead facing the Authority. 
  • CRC reopening next week but it is anticipated there will be huge demand.
  • Currently in the process of looking how we can safely reopen libraries
  • Schools will be given three weeks’ notice minimum before reopening and likely that it will be on a phased return with social distancing a huge challenge in which the Authority are working with school and governors to come up with a solution
  • The priority in terms of Council meetings would be Cabinet, Council and Planning Committees with a series of mock planning meetings already held to help prepare as the meetings were complex. It was anticipated that in the future there may be a hybrid approach to meetings to ensure public accountability and the democratic process was able to continue.
  • Town centres would also be reviewed to ensure social distancing is encouraged by introducing one way direction of travel and some street furniture moved to discourage gatherings. Assessments would be undertaken for each town centre and this includes considerations for disabilities, elderly and residents with walking
  • Ynysangharad Park remains open with police and security present.  If it is deemed that staff and public were at risk it would be closed immediately.


A member was disappointed that she had not received any information or updates from the Council and stated that this should be led by Councillors.  She added also that he thought Scrutiny should be made a priority.

The Chair responded that information has been disseminated to town and community councils through regular meetings with the clerks and this issue should be taken up with the clerk of her Council if she was not satisfied with the updates.


The Chair also advised that Chairs and Vice Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny were keen to resume the scrutiny process.  She paid tribute to all staff in the Authority that have gone over and above their roles to ensure the Authority can  till continue to deliver vital  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Urgent Items

To consider any urgent items as the Chairman feels appropriate.


