Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Principal Executive & Regulatory Business Officer 01443 424110
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there following declarations of interest were made pertaining to Agenda item 3:
Borough Councillor M Webber declared the following personal
interests in respect of the matter –
Borough Councillor A Crimmings declared the following personal and
prejudicial interest in respect of the item and left the meeting
when the item was discussed and voted upon "I am employed by
Coleg y Cymoedd" Ø County Borough Councillor J Rosser declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - " I was appointed at the Council’s 22nd AGM (17th May, 2017) to the Board of Governors – Coleg Morganwg (now Coleg y Cymoedd) for a 4 year term but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”.
Borough Councillor R Lewis declared the following
personal interests in respect of the matter –
“I am
on the Governing Body of YGG Abercynon
but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption
contained within paragraph 12(2)
(a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct.” Ø Mr C Bradshaw " I was appointed at the Council’s 22nd AGM ( 17th May, 2017) to the Board of Governors – Coleg Morganwg (now Coleg y Cymoedd) for a 4 year term”
Ø County Borough Councillor H Fychan declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of YG Evan James and Coedylan School but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
Ø County Borough Councillor S Belzak declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - " I am on the Governing Body of YGG Pontsionnorton & Cilfynydd Primary but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct.”
Ø County Borough Councillor M Powell declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I am on the Governing Body of Hawthorn High School & Coedpenmaen but my interest is not prejudicial because of the exemption contained within paragraph 12(2) (a)(iii) of the Members Code of Conduct”
Ø County Borough Councillor L Hooper - declared the following personal interest in respect of the matter - “I have a Family Member who will be affected”
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on the 18th June 2019 as an accurate record. Minutes: The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 18th June 2019 as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
To receive the report of the Chief Executive, advising Members of the outcome of the recent publication of four Statutory Notices in respect of proposals to reorganise primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form provision in the greater Pontypridd area.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Education and Inclusion Services provided Members with a detailed overview of the outcome of the recent publication of four Statutory Notices in respect of proposals to reorganise primary schools, secondary schools and sixth form provision in the greater Pontypridd area. Members were reminded that the four Statutory Notices related to:
· The alteration of the age range of pupils that may be admitted to Cardinal Newman RC Comprehensive School, from 11 – 19 years to 11 – 16 years, resulting in the removal of the sixth form provision by September 2022; · The closure of Pontypridd High School and Cilfynydd Primary School and the creation of a new 3 – 16 ‘all through’ school on the site of the current Pontypridd High School by September 2022. There will be no sixth form provision at this school; · The closure of Hawthorn High School and Hawthorn Primary School and the creation of a new 3 – 16 ‘all through’ school on the site of the current Hawthorn High and Hawthorn Primary Schools by September 2022, with the Local Authority designated ALN specialist class located in Hawthorn High School, as well as the current pupils receiving education through the medium of English at Heol y Celyn Primary School transferring to the new school. There will be no sixth form provision at this school; · The closure of Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pont Sion Norton and Heol y Celyn Primary School and the opening of a new Welsh medium Primary School on the site of the current Heol y Celyn Primary School by September 2022.
The Director commented that the rationale for the proposals for change as consulted upon were well documented in the consultation document which was circulated widely in line with the requirements of the School Organisation Code and for the benefit of the Cabinet the Director further commented on the rationale for the proposals in turn, highlighting factors in relation to 6th Form Changes; Creation of 3-16 all-through schools and Welsh Medium Proposals.
Members were advised that the four statutory notices were published on 30th April 2019, with the period for receipt of objections ending on 31st May 2019, as in accordance with the School Organisation Code. A total of 435 objections were received during this period and all had been reviewed by Cabinet Members prior to the meeting.
The Director informed the Cabinet that the Equality, Community and Welsh Language Impact Assessments undertaken had been reviewed for the purpose of the report and also highlighted how the proposals considered in the report contributed to all 7 well-being goals within the Future Generation (Wales) Act 2015 with due regard made to the Five Ways of Working, as contained within the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
The Cabinet Member for Education and Inclusion Services thanked the Director for the report and commented upon the background to the report and the strong rationale for the proposals, the benefits of change and the evidence to support the proposals. The Cabinet Member ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Transformation of the Early Years System in Rhondda Cynon Taf PDF 184 KB To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services advising Cabinet on the progress with the Cwm Taf Early Years Co-construction Project, and to seek approval to implement the proposed changes to the existing model to deliver the transformation of the early years system in Rhondda Cynon Taf. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services referred Members to his report which advised of the Cwm Taf Early Years Co-construction Project, and sought Members approval to implement the proposed changes to the existing model to deliver the transformation of the early years system in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Members were advised that to deliver a new Early Years System for RCT that was truly responsive to the needs of children and families, it was necessary that the Council moves away from the delivery of services that are determined by geographical postcodes to a model that promotes universal access to services for all families in RCT. The Director added that to do this it is necessary to use the full flexibility of both the Children and Communities Grant and the Housing Support Grant to deliver the vision of providing the right support to the right people at the right time.
Delivery of a four programme strands ( Parenting / Early Language and Communication / Health Visiting / Childcare) within a needs based approach would be facilitated by universal access to a single 'front door' via the Resilient Families Service, if the proposals were taken forward.
The Director referenced the consultation that had been undertaken including a public consultation on the proposed Early Years transformation in June 2019.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People welcomed the needs base approach, commenting on current the inequality with the ‘post code lottery’ and spoke of the importance of access to services through the ‘single front door’ via the resilient families service.
Other Cabinet Members spoke positively of the proposals, commenting on previous difficulties experienced with accessing the Flying Start system.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. That following consideration of the report and consultation responses to endorse the progress made to date and proposals for further transformation of the Early Years System in Rhondda Cynon Taf and the Cwm Taf region.
2. To approve the plan to adopt a phased approach to providing funded childcare based on assessed need that is not limited to existing Flying Start postcode areas, as set out in sections 6.8 to 6.11 of the report.
3. That with effect from September 2019, to approve the reduction in the number of weeks per year funded childcare places offered from 42 weeks to 39 weeks to align with Flying Start Guidance and current practice in the rest of Wales.
4. To submit a formal proposal to Welsh Government seeking Ministerial support to pilot further changes to the Early Years system in relation to the introduction of a needs based approach and changes to health visiting; implementing the outcomes of the Early Years Co-construction Pathfinder Programme.
Medium Term Financial Plan Update PDF 160 KB To receive the report of the Director, Finance & Digital Services, providing Members with an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2019/20 to 2022/23, based on current modelling assumptions in advance of formulating the detailed budget strategy proposals for 2020/21 during the autumn. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Members with an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2019/20 to 2022/23, based on current modelling assumptions in advance of formulating the detailed budget strategy proposals for 2020/21 during the autumn.
Members were reminded that that Public Sector continues to face a prolonged period of real term reductions in funding levels with challenging times expected for services across local government. The Director added that this was coupled with increasing demand and costs associated with many services, in particular Social Care Services.
The Director advised Members that the latest indication from the UK Central Government was that the Comprehensive Spending Review, setting public sector expenditure / funding limits, was not likely to happen in line with the original timescale of autumn 2019 and that the implications of the delay on the 2020/21 local government settlement in Wales would be key to planning the Councils assumptions.
Members were referred to section 7 of the report, with the Director explaining that subject to the level of funding from Welsh Government, a significant budget gap is likely to be faced in 2020/21 and for the following two years. He added that the proactive strategy adopted in recent years through early identification of savings and the targeting of key areas such as procurement and new ways of working could still deliver significant efficiency savings. He concluded by advising that once the Provisional Settlement was received, given the actions already being worked through, any budget gaps will in the first instance be addressed through efficiency actions and process changes thereby protecting, as far as possible, the much valued frontline services.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services commented on the continuous hard work of the Director and the finance section being undertaken to address any potential funding gaps and spoke of the pressures facing the Coucnil in respect of Social Services and the pensions and pay awards, commenting that funding protection was needed by Welsh Government. The Cabinet Member also referenced the considerable investment being taken forward by the Council during austere times, which again was a credit to the financial management by the Cabinet and finance colleagues.
The Leader spoke of the uncertainty with the comprehensive spending review and the implications of a roll over budget. He also referenced the specific grant that had previously been made available in respect of pensions and teacher pay awards and the uncertainty as to whether this would be made available going forward.
1. To note the current position modelled in respect of the ‘Medium Term Financial Plan 2019/20 to 2022/23’ and receive further updates in the autumn as part of the annual budget setting process; and
2. for wider communication and engagement with full Council and the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee.
Council Performance Report - Quarter 4 PDF 416 KB To receive the report of the Director, Finance & Digital Services, providing Members with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, for the financial year ended 31st March 2019. Minutes: The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Members with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, for the financial year ended 31st March 2019.
Cabinet Members were advised that the year-end report demonstrates strong financial and operational performance that is in line with the quarterly updates reported during the year.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services commented on the report and referenced the PI reporting, commenting on the high target setting set by the Council, and advised that the Council were meeting Welsh Government targets. The Cabinet Member commented that target setting was being reviewed by the Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee.
The Leader also commented on the positive report and referenced the pressures with social care and spoke of the need to lobby Welsh Government on the issue.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note and agree the General Fund revenue position of the Council as at the 31st March 2019 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary of the report) that incorporates the additional one-off Welsh Government funding to support sustainable social services.
2. To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at 31st March 2019 (Sections 3a – f of the Executive Summary of the report).
3. To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st March 2019 (Section 3g of the Executive Summary of the report).
Corporate Plan Priorities
4. To note the year-end position regarding progress made against the agreed Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – d of the Executive Summary of the report), Other National Measures (Section 5e of the Executive Summary of the report) and comparison of 2018/19 targets set against prior year and ‘All Wales Average’ performance information (Section 5f of the Executive Summary of the report).
(N.B. following consideration of this item, County Borough Councillor J Cullwick left the meeting.) |
Draft Corporate Performance Report PDF 6 MB To receive the report of the Chief Executive providing Members with the draft Corporate Performance Report which demonstrates the Council’s progress against the delivery of agreed priorities and its legal duties in respect of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009. Minutes: The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Members with the Council’s draft Corporate Performance Report (CPR) which contained progress for 2018/19 and plans for 2019/20 in respect of the Council’s three strategic priorities. Members were also advised that the report also set out how the CPR enables the Council to meet its statutory reporting requirements.
Members were referred to Appendix 1 of the report which detailed the draft CPR, which was structured around the Council’s Priorities of Economy, People & Place. The Director commented that the CPR provided elected Members, partners, residents, staff and regulators with an overview of progress and plans, as well as access to further detailed information.
Members were advised that the draft had also been presented to the Finance & Performance Scrutiny committee on the 8th July for pre-scrutiny.
Members commented positively on the report and the Leader thanked the officers for the report, commenting that the report provided an accurate and honest reflection of the Council, highlighting both positive performance and areas for improvement.
1. To endorse the draft Council Performance Report (as attached at Appendix 1 of the report) and recommend its approval by full Council on the 31st July 2019. |
Director of Social Services Draft Annual Report PDF 128 KB To receive report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services, presenting Members with the first draft of the revised reporting framework for Cabinet consideration prior to its content being made available for public consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: As required by the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services presented Members with his draft report in respect of ‘The Director of Social Services Annual Report’, prior to its content being made available for public consultation.
The Group Director provided Members with a brief overview of the report, which sets out how the Council's Social Services performed last year, highlighting the direction and priorities set for the year ahead. Members were advised that the report had also been presented to the Health & Wellbeing and Children & Young People scrutiny Committee for consideration at their recent meetings, with no material changes to the report coming forward.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language thanked the Group Director for his report, adding that despite considerable challenges and demands placed on the service, it continually provided an excellent services for the benefit of its residents. The Cabinet Member spoke of the ongoing journey of transformation and the work that had been achieved.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People spoke of the strong report and the work of resilient families and the one point of contact, commenting on the right direction that the service was delivering.
1. To note the Rhondda Cynon Taf Director of Social Services draft Annual Report (as attached as Appendix 1 of the report).
(N.B. At this juncture in the meeting the Leader left the meeting and the Chair was taken forward by the Vice Chair, County Borough Councillor M Webber). |
Cwm Taf Safeguarding Annual Plan PDF 106 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services, providing Members with the Annual Plan for 2019/20 for the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Statutory requirements the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services presented the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board Annual Plan, which sets out the Boards priorities for the coming year.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Welsh Language spoke of the priority of safety of children and vulnerable adults and commented on the good work of the Board, adding that the plan reflected the open and honest challenges facing the Board.
The Cabinet Member for Children & Young people reiterated the positive work being undertaken and emphasised the importance of reporting any safeguarding risks.
1. To note and endorse the content of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board Annual Plan for 2019/20. |
Cwm Taf Carer's Annual Report PDF 138 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services, requiring Member approval for submission of the ‘Annual Report for 2018/19 in relation to Carers’ to Welsh Government. Additional documents: Minutes: The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services provided Members with the report which required Member approval for the Annual Report for 2018/19 in relation to Carers, to be submitted to Welsh Government.
The Group Director provided a brief overview of the report, adding that the work to implement the Carers Strategy has complemented the Council's priorities to promote independence and positive lives for everyone including Carers of all ages.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services and Welsh Language commented on the good work of carers across wales and the valuable provision that they provide, commenting on how such carers allowed for continued independence.
The Cabinet Member for Children & Young people spoke positively about the report and improvements recognised in respect of support, information and recognition of Carers. The Cabinet Member spoke of the heightened awareness with young carers and also the rewards and achievement events that were undertaken.
Following discussions
1. To note the contents of the report.
2. To note that the Annual report is also being submitted for approval by the Cabinet in Merthyr Tydfil and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.
3. To note the Annual Report was due in Welsh Government at the end of May 2019. However, in line with previous practice which has been acceptable to Welsh Government, as the timeline of Cabinets in Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Councils and UHB Board meetings did not neatly fit, a draft report will be submitted, with the final version sent to Welsh Government following approval by all three partners.
4. To approve the Annual Report attached as Appendix 1 for submission to Welsh Government.
5. To note that work relating to Carers is being taken forward as part of the Regional Plan for the implementation of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, specifically through implementation of the Cwm Taf Carers Strategy 2016-19 approved by partners in July 2016.
(N.B. Following conclusion of this item, the Leader took forward the Chair). |
A4119 Ely Valley Road Dualling - Llantrisant Business Park to Coed Ely Roundabouts PDF 152 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services, updating the Cabinet on the current progress related to the development and delivery of the major transportation project: A4119 Ely Valley Road Dualling – Llantrisant Business Park to Coed Ely Roundabouts. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director, Highways and Transportation presented members with his report which provided an update on the current progress related to the development and delivery of the major transportation project: A4119 Ely Valley Road Dualling – Llantrisant Business Park to Coed Ely Roundabouts.
Members were advised of the ecology studies undertaken, the transportation assessment undertaken on the project including the option of removal of the Fire Service Headquarters roundabout compared to non removal (both with dual carriageway scenarios). Members were advised that discussions had been held with the South Wales Fire Service who supported in principle the removal of their existing access with a new access supplied off the Llantrisant Business Park roundabout. Other updates related to the pedestrian / cyclist link with Members being advised that discussions had commenced with Welsh Government in respect of potential contributions to the option of a pedestrian / cyclist link.
Members spoke positively of the update and the plans within and the importance of communicating the commencement of work with residents was noted.
1. To note the progress made and endorse the next steps in particular the:
i. Removal of the South Wales Fire Service roundabout access. ii. Provision of widening to Coed Ely road bridge structure to accommodate standard merge. iii. Provision of a subway south of Coed Ely roundabout to accommodate pedestrian movements.
2. To give authority to the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services to submit a planning application on behalf of the Council for the new access to the South Wales Fire Service Headquarters adjacent to the A4119.
3. To give authority to the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services to acquire the land necessary to deliver the additional works to the scheme outlined in this report.
RCT SACRE Annual Report PDF 298 KB To receive the report of the Director, Education & Inclusion Services, providing information to Members on the Council’s statutory duties to establish a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). Minutes: The Director, Education & Inclusion Services presented Members with her report, which provided Members with details of the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education and provided an overview of the work of SACRE for the annual year, as statutory required.
The Cabinet Member for Education & Inclusion Services commented on the annual report attached as appendix B to the report and it was RESOLVED:-
1. To note the content of the Annual Report 2017-2018
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”. Minutes: It was RESOLVED: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.
Corporate Asset Management Plan Interim Update To receive the report of the Director, Corporate Estates containing exempt information, advising Members of the progress against the key themes of the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2018/23. Minutes:
The Director of Corporate Estates provided Members with an update regarding his report, which contained exempt information in relation to the progress with implementation of the work plan of the Corporate Asset Management Plan for Property Assets 2018/2023 (CAMP). Members were advised that the plan sets out a broad strategic framework for management of the Council’s property portfolio, which has proved a solid platform from which to utilise premises effectively and develop the content of the portfolio in response to changing pressures.
1. To note the content of the exempt report. |