Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Council Business Unit 01443 424110
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interest To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, County Borough Councillor Andrew Morgan made the following personal declaration of interest in relation to the agenda item 6: " I am the Chair of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Regional Cabinet" |
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on the 8th May 2019 as an accurate record. Minutes: The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 8th May 2019 as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
Leaders Scheme of Delegation To receive the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation for the 2019-20 Municipal Year, following the amendments reported at the Council’s 24th Annual General Meeting. Minutes: Members noted the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation for the 2019-20 Municipal Year, following the amendments reported at the Council’s 24th Annual General Meeting. |
Cabinet Work Programme 2019 - 2020 PDF 107 KB To receive the report of the Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication, providing Cabinet Members with an update on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2019-20 Municipal Year. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Service Director, Democratic Services & Communication provided Cabinet Members with a draft work programme for the 2019-20 Municipal Year, which listed matters requiring consideration by Cabinet. The Service Director commented that utilising the programme assists with openness and transparency of the decision making process within the Council and gives greater opportunity for Pre-Scrutiny.
Members were referred to Appendix 1 of the report and were advised that the programme is a live document to allow for any additional / deletion of reports throughout the year.
The Deputy Leader commented on the draft programme and the need for the document to be a fluid document, taking into consideration new and emerging priorities and timescales to allow for pre-scrutiny. The Deputy Leader also spoke positively of the benefits of producing the work programme to assist Cabinet and scrutiny going forward.
1. To approve the Cabinet Work Programme for the 2019-20 Municipal Year and to receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis |
FRONTLINE SERVICES - HIGHWAYS IMPROVEMENT SCHEMES PDF 127 KB To receive the report of the Group Director – Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services updating Cabinet on the progress made to the Highway Improvement Scheme and the phases going forward. Minutes: The Service Director Frontline Services presented Members with his report, which outlined the highway improvement schemes and presented an update on the progress made so far.
The Service Director advised that the Highway Improvement Scheme continues to deliver the enhanced levels of investment under the ‘RCTInvest’ initiative, delivering sustained improvements to the resilience and durability of the Council’s highways and transportation infrastructure, promoting sustainable transport opportunities and network efficiency.
Members were advised that the Highways and Streetcare Services would coordinate and deliver significant investment in a number of important areas during 2019/20 and the proposed additional programme of schemes would further improve the condition of our highway network, with the officer referring Members to the Appendices of the report.
The Service Director concluded that given the excellent progress made with the schemes capacity now exists to undertake the additional schemes as listed in Appendix 2, with the value of the additional schemes comprising of approximately £1.3 million.
The Leader commented positively on the report, adding that the network has now benefitted from eight years of enhanced levels of investment and this critically important additional funding would continue into 2021/22, improving and protecting the fabric of the highways network and dealing with the impact of winter weather conditions.
Other Members of the Cabinet also spoke on the item, commenting on the positive position of the Council and the hard work and dedication of the staff delivering on the schemes.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the excellent progress made to date as detailed within the report.
2. To note the additional schemes brought forward for implementation as previously delegated to the Group Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Director of Finance and Digital Services. |
PROPOSALS FOR A STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CARDIFF CAPITAL REGION PDF 221 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development recommending that necessary agreements are made and authorisations given by Rhondda Cynon Taf Council (RCT) to enable the preparation of a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the Cardiff Capital Region. Additional documents:
The Director of Prosperity and Development provided Members with an overview of his report, which presented a proposal for a strategic development plan for the Cardiff Capital Region.
Members were advised that the Welsh Government have invited all Local Planning Authorities to submit proposals for SDPs, stating that the ability to plan strategically to support the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) would be essential to ensure that key economic, social and environmental outcomes are achieved in a cohesive and evidence based approach, across the wider region.
The Director advised that the City Deal Agreement gave a commitment to prepare a Strategic Development Plan for the region and to work collaboratively on strategic transport and strategic planning issues. He added that a statutory SDP provided certainty to developers, investors and communities that key strategic decisions around housing, transport, employment and infrastructure provision are being taken at an appropriate regional level, whilst still allowing key decisions on planning proposals to be taken locally through Local Development Plan allocations and policies and thereafter in development management decisions.
The Cabinet were informed that a proposal to proceed with an SDP for the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) could only be put forward to Welsh Government, by an identified Responsible Authority, once all Councils have formally given approval. Members were advised that the Vale of Glamorgan were to become the ‘Responsible Authority’ and the director provided Members with details and reassurance in respect of the governance arrangements going forward of the Strategic Planning Panel, the representatives, including voting rights.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing spoke of the need for the SDP to be put in place and the benefits such a plan would have for RCT and the City Deal region. The Cabinet Member spoke of the importance surrounding governance and confirmed that the Panel would have no planning application powers over a Local Authority.
The Leader spoke of the hard work by officers and Members from all of the 10 regions culminating in the current position and the work needed to be taken forward, commenting on the position of Welsh Government in taking the development of the SDP forward.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse the content of the report and agree that the Responsible Authority be authorised to submit the Proposal for a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the Cardiff Capital Region to the Minister on behalf of the 10 Local Planning Authorities in the region.
2. That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse the Vale of Glamorgan Council as the Responsible Authority for the Cardiff Capital Region Strategic Development Plan.
3. That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council endorse that the strategic planning area should comprise the 10 local planning authority areas within the Cardiff Capital Region as shown on the map at Appendix A of the report.
4. That Rhondda Cynon Taf Council authorise relevant officers to engage with the Welsh Government in drafting the Strategic Development Plan Regulations to establish the governance arrangements for the SDP and ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Proposals to undertake a formal review of the Council's Local Development Plan PDF 143 KB To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development providing Cabinet with information on the need to review Rhondda Cynon Taf’s (RCT) Local Development Plan and seek the agreement for officers to commence work on the preparation of a formal Local Development Plan (LDP) Review Report and Delivery Agreement, which it will then recommend to Council, for approval. Minutes: The Director of Prosperity and Development informed Members of the need to review Rhondda Cynon Taf’s (RCT) Local Development Plan and sought Members agreement for officers to commence work on the preparation of a formal Local Development Plan (LDP) Review Report and Delivery Agreement, which it would then recommend to Council, for approval.
He advised that the proposal to develop the plan had been prepared alongside the proposals for the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for the region. Members were advised that the LDP ended in 2021, which meant a potential period without any LDP coverage.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing welcomed the proposal commenting on the need for the LDP and the SDP to complement each other and spoke of the continuation period needed for the LDP as an interim measure. He spoke of the importance of bringing together all strategies and supplementary guidance’s as one full policy statement going forward.
The Deputy Leader commented on the concerns of the Local Member for Treforest in respect of HMOs and commented that the review and development of the LDP and SDP provided an opportunity for more robust strategies to be put in place in respect of HMOs.
Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the contents of the report on the need to review the RCT Local Development Plan (LDP) and agree for officers to commence work on the preparation of a formal LDP Review Report and Delivery Agreement.
2. That upon completion, the Review Report and Delivery Agreement will be presented to Cabinet for their consideration. Following this, the report will be recommended to Council in the Autumn 2019. |
THE COUNCIL'S RESPONSE TO NET ZERO - THE COMMITTEE ON CLIMATE CHANGE PDF 175 KB To receive the report of the Chief Executive advising Members of the Council’s response to the Committee report ‘Climate Change – Net Zero.’ Minutes: The Chief Executive referred Members to his report, which presented the opportunities available for the Council to respond to the challenges posed by the Committee on Climate Change in its Net Zero report.
Members were reminded that in March 2018, the Council signed up to the UK100 Clean Energy Commitment to take appropriate action in order to transition towards being a fully environmentally responsible Authority by 2050, and the Chief Executive commented on the significant world wide escalation of environmental pressures over the past six months.
The Chief Executive commented on the recent Welsh Government publication adding that it was essential that the Council began to plan and take the necessary steps to ensure Rhondda Cynon Taf was able to take full responsibility for becoming a “Net Zero” Council and supporting the UK and Welsh Government to achieve their respective targets.
An overview of the work done to date by the Council in respect of ‘Net zero’ was provided and Members were advised of the opportunity for the Council’s response to the Committee on Climate Change report to be incorporated into the new Corporate Plan and for it to be taken into account in preparing the Council’s Medium term Financial Plan for the period 2020/2023.
The Leader thanked the Chief Executive for his report and spoke of the work that the Council had undertaken to date in respect of energy efficiency savings and the reduction in the carbon footprint of the Council and the potential for the Council to do more in the future.
The Deputy Leader also referenced the new school buildings under the 21st Century School programme which ensured not only the best education for the young people of the County Borough but also introduced measures that had positive environmental impacts and lower the carbon footprint, with sustainable energy.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development & Housing confirmed that the actions needed to be taken forward in respect of ‘Net Zero’ would also be addressed through the LDP and SDP.
Other Members of the Cabinet discussed the report commenting on the work undertaken in respect of sustainable energy and the infrastructure in place across the County Borough to support and the practicalities with low carbon emission vehicles going forward and charging facilities to which the Leader responded.
Following detailed discussions, it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the contents of the report;
2. That a new draft Corporate Plan, that takes into account the Medium Term Financial Strategy is presented to a Cabinet meeting in October 2019 that sets out the Council’s response to the findings of the Committee on Climate Change as set out in its report – Net Zero. |
A Local Toilets Strategy for Rhondda Cynon Taf PDF 137 KB To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection & Community seeking approval of the Local Toilets Strategy for Rhondda Cynon Taf 2019 and its publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services advised the Cabinet of the Council’s duty to comply with the statutory requirement to develop and publish a Local Toilets Strategy, as required by Part 8 of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017.
Members were advised that a draft strategy had been prepared that incorporated the feedback following a public consultation as part of the Assessment of Need that was undertaken for four weeks, beginning in October 2018. The strategy also incorporates feedback following a statutory 12 weeks public consultation on the draft strategy, which began in February 2019.
The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-Being and Cultural Services commented on the detailed consultation that was undertaken in respect of the item and spoke on the investment of public conveniences across the County Borough by the Authority. Members were also advised of the facilities available within the Community Hubs. The Cabinet Member also referenced the facilities available via the private and 3rd sector.
The Deputy Leader, as Cabinet Member for Equalities and Diversity spoke of the feedback from residents when undertaking the Strategic Equality Plan and the focus residents put in respect of the provision of public conveniences across the County Borough and its importance.
1. To approve the Local Toilets Strategy 2019.
2. To approve the publication of the Local Toilets Strategy 2019 |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”. Minutes: It was RESOLVED: “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.
PROPOSALS FOR THE COMMUNITY ASSET TRANSFER OF THE MUNI ARTS CENTRE, PONTYPRIDD To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services containing exempt information providing Cabinet with a summary and assessment of the business proposals received for the proposed community asset transfer of the Muni Arts Centre. Minutes:
The Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services provided Cabinet with his report which contained exempt information, providing a summary and assessment of the business proposals received for the proposed community asset transfer of the Muni Arts Centre highlighting identified benefits and risks on each option and potential capital and revenue implications.
The Director provided further feedback to the Cabinet in respect of the comments of the Strategic Arts and Culture steering group following their meeting on the 13th June.
Following detailed discussions in respect of each of the business proposals identified within the report the Committee RESOLVED:
1. To take forward a tenancy with Awen Cultural Trust following consideration of the summary and assessment of the two business plans received in respect of the asset transfer of the Muni Arts Centre.
2. To authorise Officers to enter into detailed negotiations with Awen Cultural Trust to agree the terms of the lease and necessary financial support requirements to secure a sustainable future for the Muni Arts Centre, and
3. That only if suitable terms can be agreed between both parties, authorise the Director of Public Health, Protection & Community Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being and Cultural Services to make the necessary arrangements to transfer the Muni Arts Centre to Awen Cultural Trust, and
4. That if suitable terms cannot be agreed, the Council to consider other alternatives for the future of the Muni Arts Centre. |
Extra Care Development Programme To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services containing exempt information,providing an update on the progress taken forward with the Council’s extra care schemes. Minutes: The Group Director, Community & Children’s Services referred Members to his report which included exempt information. The report provided an update on the progress taken forward with the Aberaman and Pontypridd extra care schemes as part of the Council’s Extra Care Housing Strategy and development programme previously approved by Cabinet,
Members of the Cabinet spoke on the item and following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the progress made on the development of the Aberaman and Pontypridd extra care schemes.
2. To approve the funding package as outlined in Section 5 of the exempt report to develop the Aberaman extra care scheme.
3. To approve the funding package as outlined in Section 6 of the exempt report below, to develop the Pontypridd extra care scheme.
4. To include the Pontypridd extra care scheme within the 3-year capital programme (modernisation programme (Adults)).
5. To receive further update reports on progress in delivering the Council’s Extra Care Housing Strategy and development programme and on individual scheme costs and funding requirements for consideration and approval. |