Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX

Contact: Emma Wilkins - Principal Executive & Regulatory Business Officer  01443 424110

No. Item


Declaration of Interest

To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.




1.     Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and

2.     Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must  notify the Chairman when they leave.


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on the 21st March and 9th April 2019 as accurate records.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 21st March and 9th April 2019 as accurate reflections of the meetings.



The Future of Community Day Centres - Consultation Report pdf icon PDF 150 KB

To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services updating Members on the outcome of the six week focussed consultation exercise undertaken on the future of the remaining open access community day centres.

Additional documents:


The Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services updated Members on the outcome of the six week focussed consultation exercise undertaken on the future of the remaining open access community day centres, following the decision to consult at the Cabinet meeting on the 21st November 2018.


Members were reminded of the rationale for the consultation in respect of Gilfach Goch Day Centre; Brynnar Jones Day Centre, Gelli;  Teifi House Day centre, Maerdy and Nazareth Day Centre, Williamstown.  These included concerns over the low usage (people are choosing not to attend); the increasing cost to the Council of providing the day centres; the potential significant capital investment required to retain the centres, and the wider pressures on the Council’s budget from the growing needs of residents requiring assessed care and support.  Members were referred to table 1 within the report which provided Usage & Net cost per meal within the day centres.


The Director advised members of the 6week consultation process undertaken and commented that feedback indicated that the majority of service users would understandably prefer that the centres remain open and that the provision of hot meals and activities remain available. He added that Service users identify the potential for greater social isolation and the loss of hot meals as being significant impacts from the potential closure of the day centres.


The Director continued however by explaining that on the evidence of the small number of service users it could be reasonably be argued that the existing model no longer caters for the majority of older people in our communities. The low usage and ongoing cost to the Council is not sustainable in the long term. The Director proceeded to explain of the opportunities available through the Community Hub programme to develop services for all of the community of all generations.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services and Welsh Language referenced the other strategies that needed to be taken into account when considering the report, referencing the Community Hub programme, the Older People Strategy for Cwm Taf and the Extra Care strategy, adding that these were all components to assist in the modernisation of services to the older generation within RCT.  The Cabinet Member referenced the low usage of the current day centre provision within the report, although referenced the dedicated hard work of the staff currently within the day centres which was reflected in the services users comments during the consultation and their value for the service.  The Cabinet Member referenced table 1 within the report, expressing his concern over the low usage and the level of expenditure.  The Cabinet Member commented on the possibility of utilising the Community Hub programme to further develop services within the Community if the decision was taken to close the day centres.


The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services spoke of the opportunities available through the Community Hub programme, providing intergenerational opportunities for social activities within the community.  The Cabinet Member referenced recent positive examples of Community Hubs across the County  ...  view the full minutes text for item 151.


STRATEGIC EQUALITY PLAN 2019-2022 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Human Resources providing information on the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan 2019-2022.

Additional documents:


The Equality & Strategy adviser provided Members with the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) which had been developed to demonstrate how the Council can meet its aims and commitment to equality and how it will meet it’s legal obligations contained within the Equality Act 2010.


The officer advised that a  comprehensive engagement process took place to involve as many people as possible on the draft Equality Objectives and to give an opportunity for suggestions for additional or alternative objectives. Members were advised that feedback on the engagement process was very positive and as a result the Equality Objectives included in the SEP included:

·         To better understand the needs of our communities and understand the barriers they face to thrive.

·         To reduce inequalities that exist within our communities.

·         To promote safe communities.

·         To reduce the gender pay gap.

·         To create an inclusive workforce.



Members were advised of the action plan which had been developed which will be embedded within the Council’s Performance Management arrangements.


The Deputy Leader welcomed the SEP and the consultation that had been undertaken referencing some of the comments that had been raised during the consultation including concerns over Public Conveniences, Free School Meals and Hate Crimes.  The Deputy Leader agreed on the objectives outlined within the plan, adding that this was a continuous piece of work for the team to continue to develop.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    To approve and publish the Strategic Equality Plan (SEP).


21st Century Schools and Education Programme: Community Hubs Capital Grant Scheme pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive the joint report of the Director, Public Health & Protection and Director Education & Inclusion Services providing Members with details of the Council’s applications for funding under the Welsh Government’s 21st Century Schools and Education Programme -Community Hubs Capital Grant Scheme.



The 21st Century Officer provided Members with details on the Council’s applications for funding under the Welsh Government’s 21st Century Schools and Education Programme -Community Hubs Capital Grant Scheme.


Members were advised of the Welsh Government Community Hubs Capital Grant Scheme, and the five projects submitted for consideration by the Council, namely Ffynnon Taf Community Hub, Canolfan Teulu Seren Fach, King George V Athletics Track, Clydach Vale, Treorchy 3G, Ystradfechan Park and Porth Plaza Community Hub.  The Officer advised that all five projects had been successful for funding and proceeded to provide further detail in respect of the projects going forward.


The Officer confirmed that the funding allocation of £1,060,000 was 100% grant funded with no requirement for any match funding or financial contribution from the Council.


The Officer concluded that the allocation of funding for the development of community hubs is a positive development and will ensure that residents of all ages in Rhondda Cynon Taf will have access to high-quality premises and facilities where a range of services can be facilitated to meet their needs.


The Cabinet Member, Education & Lifelog learning welcomed the report and the work taken forward by a range of officers from different services to secure the funding.  The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to express one concern in respect of the move of the Communities @ Work team to the third floor of Porth Plaza and raised concerns in in respect of the sensitive nature of the receipt of food bank vouchers  and asked that the situation be monitored to ensure that there were no adverse effects due to this move.


The Cabinet member for Stronger Coms also spoke positively of the funding and the developments with the community hubs and again reiterated his thanks to all involved in securing the funding.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    To note the information contained within the report.


2.    To the receipt of £1.06 million of capital funding from Welsh Government.


3.    To include the funded projects outlined in sections 5 and 6 of the report within the capital programme.


21st Century Schools and Education Programme Capital Maintenance Grant pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To receive the report of the Director, Education & Inclusion Services providing Members with details of additional capital maintenance grant funding awarded by Welsh Government for 2019/20.



The Director, Education & Inclusion Services provided Members with details of the additional capital maintenance grant funding awarded by Welsh Government for 2019/20.


Members were provided with the background to the funding, advising that Welsh Government had made available £40 million to support local authorities across Wales in addressing capital maintenance pressures. The funding had been awarded to alleviate financial pressure on local authorities and support Welsh Government 21st Century Schools and Education Programme, as one of its key priorities is addressing poor condition schools.


The Director continued by advising that the Council had been successful in receiving a funding allocation of £3.185M, which was 100% grant funded with no requirement for any match funding or financial contribution from the Council.  The grant funding has been awarded for 2019/2020 and the building works can be delivered by the end of March 2020.  Members were referred to 5.1 of the report which provided detail of the proposed projects to be funded by the additional planned capital maintenance programme.


The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong Learning welcomed the additional funding adding the funding would also assist schools reduce their maintenance budgets and welcomed the work to be undertaken through the proposed projects listed within the report.




1.    To note the receipt of £3.185 million of capital funding from Welsh Government.


2.    To approve the projects outlined in the report as priority for 2019/20 and approve scheme commencement.


Childcare Offer Capital Grant Funding Bid pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To receive the report of the Director, Education & Inclusion Services advising Members of the receipt of capital grants to support the implementation of the Welsh Government Childcare Offer in RCT. 



The Director, Education & Inclusion Services advised Members of the receipt of capital grants to support the implementation of the Welsh Government Childcare Offer in RCT. 


Members were informed of the invite by Welsh Government to submit a grant bid and business case for capital projects that would support implementation of the childcare element of the Childcare Offer in RCT.


Members were advised that during submission, officer agreed that the emphasis of the funding bid would be to support wraparound childcare provisions that are already on school sites, or to develop new settings in schools where there is a demand for wraparound care funded by the Childcare Offer.  These projects support the Council’s 21st Century Schools Programme by providing a holistic approach to co-location of services on school sites.  Eleven projects were put forward for consideration.


Members were referred to 4.8 of the report which outlined the eleven projects put forward, with  a further funding bid was also requested for a dedicated Project Officer post.  In February 2019, the Council were advised that they had been successful in receiving funding for four of the eleven capital projects, as well as funding for the small capital grant scheme and the Project Officer, namely


·         Tonyrefail Community School

·         Gwauncelyn Primary School

·         Cwmlai Primary School

·         Dolau Primary School

·         Small capital grant scheme

·         Project Officer post


The Cabinet Member for Education & Lifelong learning  welcomed the grant funding of £2,598,014 and spoke of the emphasis on the wrap around provision to  facilitate and support the seamless transition between the FPN education element of the Childcare Offer and the additional funded childcare.  The Member spoke positively of the projects that been chosen to be taken forward and the importance of the Project officer which was necessary to facilitate the projects going forward. 


The Leader reiterated his thanks to the officers involved for the submission of the project proposals and welcomed the funding coming forward.




1.    To note the information contained within the report.


2.    To note the receipt of £2.598,014 million of capital funding from Welsh Government.


3.    To include the grant funded capital projects in the capital programme.


4.    To approve the grant funded dedicated Project Officer for the duration of the programme ending 31st March 2021.



To receive the report of the Director of Prosperity and Development providing details of a proposed framework for a targeted, focussed and co-ordinated package of support for businesses in town centres.


The Service Director, Prosperity presented his report to members which set out a framework for a targeted, focussed and co-ordinated package of support for businesses in our town centres that would allow businesses to grow and thrive, increasing employment and prosperity leading to town centres becoming vibrant places at the heart of our communities.


The Service Director advised that the package of support considered the long term future of the Council’s town centres and residents, visitors and businesses that depend on them.  Creating sustainable long term prosperity across town centres was critical to the prevention of decline in communities and facilitating investment which would create jobs and prosperity with strong local businesses.


He continued by advising that the support measures would be made available to town centre businesses so that they can take advantage of trading and market opportunities at the right time and come forward with sustainable investment proposals. The package would be focussed in a coordinated way across  key town centres.


Members were referred to section 6 of the report which provided further detail into the proposed framework including Town Centre Strategies and Masterplans;  Non Domestic Rates (NDR) – A New Business Rate Reduction Scheme;        Enterprise Support Programme, •Town Centre Maintenance Grant, •          Pontypridd Property Investment Programme; •  Town Centre WiFi; •            Building Resilience, Prosperity and Wellbeing Project, ; •        Town Centre Prominent Building Enhancement Programme and •   Support For Businesses to Meet Their Statutory Obligations.


The Cabinet Member Enterprise spoke of the importance of supporting business within the communities of RCT adding that the raft of measures proposed provided a coherent and cohesive package of support.  He commented on the innovative measures being put forward and spoke of the success being seen already in some Town Centres referencing the additional footfall witness in Tonypandy since the de- pedestrianisation .


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    That the targeted package of Support for Businesses set out within the report be delivered and monitored for the benefit of town centre businesses;


2.    That the detailed proposals for a local discretionary town centre Business Rate Reduction scheme, as set out in the report, be developed and brought forward for Cabinet’s consideration;  and


3.    That elements of the package should be further developed and reports prepared as appropriate for the development of town centre strategies and masterplans and a prominent building enhancement programme.