Venue: Council Chamber, The Pavilions, Cambrian Park, Clydach Vale, Tonypandy, CF40 2XX
Contact: Emma Wilkins - Principal Executive & Regulatory Business Officer 01443 424110
No. | Item |
CHAIR Minutes: The Deputy Leader as Vice Chair of the Cabinet Committee advised Members that the Leader had been delayed and that she would chair the meeting until his arrival. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
1. Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest; and 2. Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave. Minutes: In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, there were no declarations made pertaining to the agenda.
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on the 10th May, 2018 as an accurate record. Minutes: The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the 10TH May, 2018 as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
CABINET WORK PROGRAMME PDF 107 KB To receive the report of the Secretary to the Cabinet, providing Cabinet Members with an update on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2018-19 Municipal Year. Additional documents: Minutes: The Secretary to the Cabinet provided Cabinet Members with a draft work programme for the 2018-19 Municipal Year, which listed matters requiring consideration by Cabinet The Secretary commented that utilising the programme assists with openness and transparency of the decision making process within the Council and gives greater opportunity for Pre-Scrutiny.
Members were referred to Appendix 1 of the report and were advised that the programme is a live document to allow for any additional / deletion of reports throughout the year and the Secretary proceeded to advise Members of amendments to the programme which included the addition of two recent delegated decisions in respect of TAN1 response to Welsh Government and Commencement of a consultation in respect of the Right of Way Improvement Plan . It was added that the Rights of Way Improvement plan would be subject to pre-scrutiny by the Public Service Delivery Scrutiny Committee and would then be reported to Cabinet at a future date. Members were also advised that the Adult Social Care charges report would be considered in the September Cabinet Cycle. In respect of the Childcare Sufficiency update, it was added that the update would also incorporate detail of the Welsh Government Childcare pilot and the Secretary spoke of the potential opportunity for pre-scrutiny which may result in a later date for Cabinet consideration.
The Deputy Leader thanked the Secretary for the updates which highlighted how the document was a fluid document, taking into consideration new and emerging priorities and timescales to allow for pre-scrutiny. The Deputy Leader also spoke positively of the benefits of producing the work programme to assist Cabinet and scrutiny going forward and commented on her forth coming attendance at the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 25th June to discuss the Cabinet Work Programme.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To approve the Cabinet Work Programme for the 2018-19 Municipal Year and to receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.
To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services to update Cabinet on the outcome of the consultation to close St. George’s Day Centre in Tonyrefail and transfer open access day services to Gilfach Goch Day Centre. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director, Adult Services presented Members with his report which provided Members with the detail of the consultation outcome in respect of the proposal to close St. George’s Day Centre in Tonyrefail and transfer open access day services to Gilfach Goch Day Centre.
Members were referred to Appendix 1 of the report which presented Members with the responses following the consultation which ran for an 8 week period from the 9th February to the 6th April, 2018. The Service Director highlighted aspects from the consultation, advising of the low turnout of responses with, only 18 people engaging directly in the consultation process, 16 of which were current users of St. George’s Day Centre. Of the responses, 12 of the 16 said they would stop attending the service if the proposal was taken forward, listing issues in respect of transport issues and potential increased cost to service users. In light of the feedback the Service Director confirmed that if Members were mindful to take forward the proposal continued engagement would be taken forward to try to address concerns regarding users ability to access the Gilfach Goch Day Centre due to being unable to drive or unreliable public transport provision. Continued engagement would also take place with relevant individuals to support them to explore the options available to them that will meet their needs.
At this point in the meeting, the Deputy Leader called upon the two local Members, County Borough Councillor A Davies-Jones and D Grehan to speak on the item.
The Deputy Leader commented on the poor consultation response and commented that the proposal was not about money but an opportunity to enhance the provision available for the service users. The Deputy Leader added that the relevant Cabinet Member and the Director would continue to work with service users to ensure the provision met their needs and requirements.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language commetned on the proposal’s feedback and the constructive comments from the two local Members. He took the opporutnity to acknowledge the vast improvements the Gilfach Goch Building would offer in comparision to the dilapated buidling of St George’s Day Centre and confirmed his commitment to continue to work with service users to ensure the new faciltites would benefit current service users.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note the responses to the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the closure of St. George’s Day Centre in Tonyrefail and transfer open access day services to Gilfach Goch Day Centre.
2. That following consideration of the outcomes of the consultation exercise undertaken and other matters outlined in the report and its appendix, to close St George’s Day Centre in Tonyrefail and transfer the open access day services to Gilfach Goch Day Centre in line with the transfer of the current kitchen facilities.
(N.B. At the conclusion of this item, County Borough Councillor A Morgan was in attendance and took over the Chairing of the meeting.) |
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW IN TO HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE PDF 131 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services providing Cabinet Members with an update on the Parliamentary review in Health & Social Care. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Director, Adult Services provided Members with an overview of the report before them which advised of the Parliamentary review undertaken in respect of Health and Social Care. Members were advised of the challenges identified within the report and the resulting 10 recommendations highlighted for action.
The Service Director referred to the report which considers that Wales has the potential to overcome all of the challenges identified. The strong intent to improve health and wellbeing is apparent, as is the desire for a high-quality NHS and social care system. Wales’ legislation for sustainable development through the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act, and the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, and the Welsh Government’s new national strategy ‘Prosperity for All’ sets a positive and forward looking context that many other health and care systems aspire to. The report concluded that the challenge would be turning the ambition into reality.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language spoke in respect of the review and the positive steps already taking place around Health and Social Care and the integration of services. The Cabinet Member spoke of the work of the Social Services & WellBeing Partnership Board and the integration of services such as the ‘Stay well@home’ initiative. The Cabinet Member also referenced the regional collaborative work being taken forward with Health Boards, Local Authorities and the Voluntary Sector.
The Cabinet Member for Children Services also commented on the report adding that the review concentrated solely on adults and the need to make sure that Children were not lost within the review.
Following Discussions it was RESOLVED:
1 To note the outcome of the Parliamentary Review in to Health and Social Care;
2 To note the recommendations of the Parliamentary Review in to Health and Social Care and for officers to take forward Members comments on how best to develop a transformational change and improvement programme.
3 To refer the report to the Cwm Taf Social Services & WellBeing Partnership Board for information
To receive the report of the Group Director, Community & Children’s Services providing Cabinet Members with details of the work being carried out by the Children Looked After Quality Assurance Panel. Additional documents: Minutes: The Service Development Officer provided Members with an update on the work being carried out by the Children Looked After Quality Assurance Panel, whose function is to ensure the right children and young people are being brought into the children looked after system and that those who can return home from care do so as soon as possible.
Members were advised that the unpredictability of demand for children and young people becoming looked after continues to pose a key financial risk to the Council, with the Council experiencing an increase in numbers over the past five years of Children Looked After, from 621 in 2013 to 676 at the end of 2017-2018 financial year, an increase of 55 children. The Service Development officer confirmed that the number of children looked after continues to be a priority within the service area and that this it was subject to continuous focus and action.
Members were referred to both appendicies to the report which provided greater detail into the Panels objectives and actions to be taken forward.
The cabinet Member for Children & Young people spoke positively about the report and the positive work being taken forward to address the rise of Children Looked After, commenting on the single access referrals through resilient families, the scope of the Community Hubs and the future roles they will have to play in the community and the network of activities available. The Cabinet Member spoke of the further work needed to address accommodation issues and the complex needs of young people and the work undertaken to try to keep children within the County Borough. The Cabinet Member concluded her comments by adding that although the rates of children becoming looked after needs to continue to be a priority within the service area, it is important for the Council to continue to prioritise a safe reduction in Children Looked After numbers and to deliver the best possible outcomes for the children and young people of RCT.
The Cabinet RESOLVED:
1. To note the information contained within the report and the actions being taken to address areas of further improvement. |
DIGITAL STRATEGY WORK PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS PDF 183 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services providing a proposed work programme of actions to support the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020. Minutes: The Head of ICT provided Members with an update on the digital strategy work and the proposed work programme of actions needed to be delivered. Members were referred to section 5 of the report which listed the achievements to date in respect of the delivery of the Councils digital strategy. The Head of ICT referenced work in relation to Digital Resident, Digital Skills, Digital Workplace, Digital Visitor and the Digital Business. He added that underpinning the above work has seen investment in the digital infrastructure, that has included improved broadband capacity; implementation of a new modernised telephony system in libraries, theatres and leisure centres; installation of additional Wi-Fi in a number of Council buildings; and investment through 21st Century Schools to transform the learning experience of pupils.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services thanked the Head of ICT and his team for the work completed to date, commenting on the positive work undertaken with the Councils digital infrastructure, which provided further resilience to the Council going forward. The Cabinet Member also spoke of the front facing developments which would be recognised by the customers and service users.
Both the Leader and the Deputy Leader spoke on the work undertaken and the importance of enabling agile working for the benefit of the staff involved and the Council in respect of the office accommodation strategy.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To support efforts to increase online and self service opportunities and agree to establish self service pilot projects within Libraries, Leisure Centres and One4all Centres.
2. To the upgrade and enhancement of the Council’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
3. To undertake a procurement exercise to replace the existing contact centre telephony system.
4. To support the extension of digital skill building opportunities for example through Digital Fridays, Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) work and support to Library Service Housebound service users.
5. To an accelerated implementation programme for Agile Working, building on the success of the pilot projects completed and in line with the requirements of the Council’s Accommodation Strategy.
6. To procure and implement a suite of productivity and collaboration tools to support the delivery of more effective and efficient service delivery.
7. To the development of a Digital Support Plan for businesses in Rhondda Cynon Taf and receive further reports as appropriate on outcomes being delivered.
8. To the development of a technology investment programme to ensure that core digital infrastructure remains robust and sustainable into the medium term.
9. To receive a future report in relation to the business case and options for relocating the Council’s Data Centre facility in response to agreed future plans for Extra Care delivery at the Bronwydd Site.
10. To a review of data management arrangements at the Council to ensure consistency and security of data use and to procure and pilot the use of data analytical tools to support improved business intelligence.
11. To support the financial commitments set out in Table 1 (paragraph 9.2) of the report and ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY PDF 100 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services outlining an option for the Council to initiate a procurement process for a strategic partner to create a Centre of Excellence for specific services. Minutes: The Director of Financial Services referred members to his report which provided details of an option for the Council to initiate a procurement process for a strategic partner to create a Centre of Excellence for specific services.
Members were advised that Council officers had been reviewing opportunities to develop, within Rhondda Cynon Taf, a Centre of Excellence for certain support / transactional services and the Director referenced a similar model within Denbigshire Council in respect of a revenues and benefits service.
The Director continued by adding that it was proposed that the Council seek to procure a partnership arrangement whereby a partner would bring functional expertise, market and commercial knowledge, change management expertise and capacity to grow the service. He added that the transition toward universal credit was likely to reduce the workload of the revenues and benefits service and have an adverse effect on the number of jobs. A strategic partnership would enable the service to grow through the provision of services to other councils within the South Wales region and / or beyond.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services welcomed the opportunity for partnership working, commenting that such an opportunity would safeguard existing as well as creating and bringing more jobs into the County Borough. He also added that the opportunity would allow for the further growth of an existing efficient and effective service area.
The Deputy Leader spoke on the item, recognising the positive example of collaboration and regional working that the opportunity provided.
The Leader also commented on the safeguarding of jobs through the initiative, and welcomed the continuation of the apprenticeship and graduate scheme within the proposal.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To note and consider the key principles underpinning a potential strategic partnership arrangement;
2. To authorise officers to initiate a procurement process; and
3. To receive a further report with the outcome of the procurement process in order to determine whether or not it wishes to proceed with the opportunity. |
To receive the report of the Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services, setting out a proposal for the Council’s Internal Audit Service to join an existing Regional Internal Audit Shared Service (RIASS) hosted by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. Minutes:
The Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services provided Members with details of a proposal for the Council’s Internal Audit Service to join an existing Regional Internal Audit Shared Service (RIASS) hosted by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. Members were advised that such collaboration would reinforce business resilience, further enhance the range of audit expertise available to the Council and support the delivery of a more efficient service.
The Group Director provided assurance to Members that if the proposal was taken forward the internal audit functions in place for both Rhondda Cynon Taf and the RIASS were sound. Furthermore, he added that based on the outcomes delivered by the RIASS to date, it is considered that there would be additional business benefits for Rhondda Cynon Taf if it were to become part of a regional service
Members were provided further details of the arrangements to be taken forward if the proposal was accepted with details surrounding partnership agreements, governance, staffing and Audit Committee all being detailed to Members.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services spoke of the benefits of the proposal and welcomed the key principle underpinning the proposal that all existing employees would be transferred to the new RIASS on current grades and terms and conditions. The Cabinet Member also referenced the small financial saving of £25k that potentially would be delivered in the first full year of operation.
The Deputy Leader spoke of the importance of the Internal Audit function and the Council’s Audit Committee, and welcomed Audit Committees oversight of the implementation arrangements if taken forward. Again the member referenced the positive collaboration on a regional basis and the sensible and commercial approach to the audit function being taken forward.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To approve the proposal for the Council’s Internal Audit Service to join the existing RIASS in place between the Vale of Glamorgan Council and Bridgend County Borough Council.
2. To authorise the Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Democratic Services and the appropriate Cabinet Member, to make the necessary arrangements under delegated authority for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to become part of the RIASS, including updating the existing Partnership Agreement in accordance with Section 101 / 102 of the Local Government Act 1972.
3. To refer the report to Audit Committee and for Audit Committee to oversee the required implementation arrangements during 2018/19.
A4119 ELY VALLEY ROAD DUALLING - LLANTRISANT BUSINESS PARK TO COED ELY ROUNDABOUTS PDF 172 KB To receive the report of the Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services providing Members with information on the dualling of the A4119 Ely Valley Road and to seek authority to submit a planning application on behalf of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Highways and Engineering referred Members to his report which provided details with the major improvement to the existing highway network on the A4119 Corridor i.e. the dualling of a 1.3km section of the A4119 Ely Valley Road from the Llantrisant Business Park to the Coed Ely Roundabouts. Members were advised of the position to date and the requirements needed to be taken forward to allow further improvements to the high way. The Head of Highways and Engineering spoke of the required planning application and the Compulsory Purchase Orders / side Road Orders if needed and the need for delegated authority to the Director to take forward.
The Leader welcomed the report and the improvement to the highway infrastructure, commenting that the work was a key commitment in the labour manifesto. The Leader spoke of the funding opportunities available to take forward the project and also referenced the need to look at further improvements to ensure the prevention of bottle necks on the infrastructure for further developments.
The cabinet member, Enterprise, Development & Housing commented on the interest from developers since the announcement of the work on the highway infrastructure and added that such improvements would potentially be a catalyst for further developments.
At this point in the meeting the two local Members, County Borough Councillors A Davies-Jones and D Grehan spoke on the item, to which the Leader responded.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED:
1. To give delegated authority to the Director of Highways and Streetcare to submit a planning application (if required) on behalf of the Council for the A4119 Ely Valley Road Dualling – Llantrisant Business Park to Coed Ely Roundabouts.
2. To give delegated authority to the Director of Highways and Streetcare to negotiate where possible, the purchase of any third party owned land required for the dualling project proposal and if such land is not able to be purchased via negotiation delegate the powers as outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report, relating to the implementation of the CPO and SRO.
3. That subject to the grant of planning permission (or formal confirmation that planning permission is not required) and obtaining sufficient funding for each stage of the process, give delegated authority to the Director of Highways and Streetcare to take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of a CPO and SRO (if they are required) in respect of the land identified on the plan at Appendix A of the report including but not limited to the following procedural steps: · Seeking confirmation of the CPO and SRO by the Welsh Ministers (or, if permitted, by the Council pursuant to Section 14A Acquisition of Land Act 1981), including the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case for any Written Representations, Hearing or Public Inquiry which may be necessary.
· Publication and service of notices of confirmation of the CPO and SRO and thereafter to execute and serve any General Vesting Declarations and/or Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry.
· To acquire ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
To receive the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation for the 2018-19 Municipal Year, following the amendments reported at the Council’s 23rd Annual General Meeting. Minutes: Members noted the updated Leaders Scheme of Delegation for the 2018-19 Municipal Year. |