Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director of Corporate Estates provided an update to Members in respect of the work undertaken in developing a Council Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC) and sought adoption of the strategy and its formal publication by Cabinet.


Members were reminded of the initial recommendation of an EVC Strategy to Cabinet by the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group in March earlier this year, and the Director commended the cross-cutting work of several service groups to implement the Strategy.


The Director informed Members of two successful public consultation exercises that informed the draft and final strategies, and further informed Members of the positive outcome afforded by the review panel in respect of the Impact Assessments prepared in consultation with the Welsh Language and Diversity and Inclusion Services.


The Director provided Members with an update in respect of current work towards an implementation plan to detail the short, medium and long-term targets in respect of the EVC Strategy.   He stated that whilst there are no further financial implications, Members should note that the schemes currently underway are fully funded by the Cardiff Capital City Region City Deal. However, additional funding may be required to deliver new work streams in the future. 


The Director thanked the officers involved and the review panel for input into the development of the strategy.


The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communications added that the report had been presented to Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group on the 10th November and Cabinet had been provided with the comments. The majority of feedback was positive of the consultation process and how comments were taken into account before the Strategy was presented to Cabinet.  He added there had been discussion around providing advice to members of the public and residents who live within terraced properties as part of the delivery of the strategy moving forward. However, majority were in agreement that the strategy was a positive one and supported the wider discussions on the use of electric vehicles moving forward.


The Cabinet Member Corporate Services endorsed the strategy and thanked officers for their collaborative work on its development to ensure its success and that its aims and objectives would be met.  He thanked the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group and members of the public for their consideration and feedback which will now be incorporated into the implementation plan.



The Leader spoke positively of the first stage of rolling out the electric vehicle charging over the coming months and years and said he was sure there will be a vast acceleration towards the use of Electric Vehicles over the next few years.  He was also pleased that part of the first phase is funded by the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal and that discussions would be ongoing with the Caridff Capital Region City Deal to draw down more assistance to expand the strategy in the RCT area  


Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:


1.    That following feedback obtained from the public consultation in respect of the Electrical Vehicle Charging Strategy, and the feedback obtained from the Climate Change Cabinet Steering Group, Cabinet formally adopted the proposed strategy subject to any suggested amendments and its publication on the Council website.

Publication date: 15/11/2021

Date of decision: 15/11/2021

Decided at meeting: 15/11/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/11/2021

Accompanying Documents: