Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Service Director, Frontline Services presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval to exercise Compulsory Purchase Order powers in respect of land adjacent to the site of the Porth Transport Hub for the purpose of creating a safe access route to the new facility. The Service Director advised that the acquisition of the necessary land would enable the progression of the Porth Transport Hub development, which would bring improved connectivity within the wider area and would have the potential to attract more people to the town to work, live, visit and invest.


The Service Director explained that despite the Council’s best efforts over an extensive period of time, no suitable agreement with the affected parties had been reached to date and therefore, requested that the necessary steps are taken to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of a Compulsory Purchase Order, if required.


The Leader thanked the Service Director for the report and was happy to support the recommendations. The Leader hoped that ongoing discussions in the background would mean that the Council would not have to proceed with the Compulsory Purchase Order but felt it was necessary to begin proceedings as a contingency in order to acquire land that is integral to the project’s success.


The Cabinet Member for Enterprise Development and Housing spoke of the long term benefits of the scheme and the positive impact on trading in Hannah Street, Porth in particular.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the preliminary investment and enabling works carried out in order to prepare the development site for the Porth Transport Hub and the position of the facility as the anchor project within the wider-reaching Porth Town Centre Strategy, and;

2.    To grant authorisation to the Group Director of Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services to take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of a Compulsory Purchase Order (if required) in respect of the land identified in the reference plan at Appendix [1] to the report including but not limited to the following:


·       All steps up to and including seeking confirmation of the CPO by the Welsh Ministers (or, if permitted, by the Council pursuant to Section 14A Acquisition of Land Act 1981), including the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case for any Written Representations, Hearing or Public Inquiry which may be necessary;


·       Publication and service of notices of confirmation of the CPO and thereafter to execute and serve any General Vesting Declarations and/or Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry;


·       To acquire the necessary interests in the land; and


·       Referral and conduct of disputes, relating to compulsory purchase compensation, to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber).


Publication date: 29/04/2021

Date of decision: 29/04/2021

Decided at meeting: 29/04/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/05/2021

Accompanying Documents: