Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Service Director, Highways and Transportation updated the Cabinet on the progress related to the development and delivery of the major transportation project: Cynon Gateway North (Aberdare Bypass).
The Service Director stated that the Cynon Gateway North is an important link from the existing A4059 to the proposed duelling of the A465, which is a strategic highway. The Service Director explained that as well as being an important link, the Aberdare Bypass would provide economic stimulus to the region.
Members were referred to Section 3.3 of the report, where the transportation and regeneration benefits of the project were outlined and included:
· Connectivity;
· Reduced traffic at Llwydcoed;
· Capacity and Resilience;
· Improved journey times; and
· Improved air quality.
The Service Director continued and spoke of the progress of the project to date, informing Members that the preliminary highway alignment had been finalised and that consultation had commenced and would continue with the stakeholders and parties affected by the Cynon Gateway North proposals.
The Leader thanked the officer for the report and spoke in favour of the proposals. The Leader spoke of the Heads of the Valley duelling, which was due to progress in the near future and advised that without the link road, there would be a much longer diversion route to enter the Cynon Valley. The Leader spoke of the benefits of the road, stating that it would significantly reduct the traveling distance for residents commuting in and out of the valley. In respect of funding for the scheme, the Leader noted that £4.3M had been allocated through Welsh Government and the Local Authority and advised that he had attended meetings with Welsh Government in respect of further incremental funding. The Leader concluded by advising that the scheme links with other developments in RCT, such as the development in Robertstown.
The Cabinet Member for Enterprise Development and Housing welcomed the development for RCT and the rest of South Wales.
The Cabinet RESOLVED:
1. To note the progress made and endorse the next steps in the programme for the project;
2. To give delegated authority to the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services to submit a planning application on behalf of the Council for the new Cynon Gateway North (Aberdare Bypass);
3. To give delegated authority to the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services, subject to funding, to negotiate the purchase of any third party owned land required for the project proposal and where possible acquire such land by agreement and if such land is not able to be purchased via negotiation delegate the powers as outlined in paragraph 2.1.4 relating to the implementation of the CPO and SRO;
4. That subject to the grant of planning permission and obtaining sufficient funding for each stage of the process, give delegated authority to the Group Director Prosperity, Development and Frontline Services to take all the necessary steps to securing the making, confirmation and implementation of a CPO and SRO in respect of the land required for the implementation of the project, including but not limited to the following procedural steps:
5. That all steps up to and including confirmation of the CPO and SRO by the Welsh Ministers (or if permitted, by the Council pursuant to Section 14A Acquisition of Land Act 1981), including the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case for any Written Representations, Hearing or Public Inquiry which may be necessary.
6. That publication and service of notices of confirmation of the CPO and SRO and thereafter to execute and serve any General Vesting Declarations and/or Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry.
7. To acquire the necessary interests in the land and settle the compensation, subject to funding.
8. That referral and conduct of disputes, relating to compulsory purchase compensation, to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber).
Publication date: 24/09/2020
Date of decision: 24/09/2020
Decided at meeting: 24/09/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 01/10/2020
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