Decision details

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Director, Public Health, Protection and Community Services provided the Cabinet with information in relation to the proposal for RCT Theatres to produce a digital Christmas performance to share online in December 2020.


The Director explained that, traditionally, RCT Theatres produce a pantomime every Christmas, which is very popular with residents and is very well-attended but that due to the Covid-19 restrictions, a live performance would not be possible in 2020. Members were informed that Theatre programmes are planned up to 18 months in advance and in this instance the contracts with performers were signed in January 2020 and as such, the service is obliged to pay them even though the planned pantomime could no longer take place.


The Director spoke of the option to provide a high-energy Christmas performance online, which would require small additional funding in relation to PPE, filming, editing and sign-language interpretation etc.


The Director concluded his presentation by assuring the Cabinet the social distancing guidelines would be adhered to and that the online performance would be free for residents to view and access the arts, despite the current circumstances.


Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services spoke of the challenges faced by the Arts and Culture Sector and felt that the proposals would be an opportunity for the service to engage with the community  and introduce festive cheer. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that unfortunately, there was digital poverty within the County Borough but recognised the work officers had put in to trying to engage with the community in different ways.


The Deputy Leader echoed the comments of the Cabinet Member and commented on the importance of the communities experiencing a level of normality and cheer at the end of a difficult year.


(Note: The Cabinet Member for Enterprise Development and Housing was not present for the vote)


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report; and

2.    To approve the proposal to produce a digital Christmas performance to share online.


Publication date: 24/09/2020

Date of decision: 24/09/2020

Decided at meeting: 24/09/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/10/2020

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