Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Temporary Service Director, 21st Century Schools and Transformation provided the Cabinet with information on the Council’s statutory duties to establish a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), including the Annual Report of the RCT SACRE for the academic year 2018-2019.
The Service Director reminded the Cabinet that Every Local Authority (LA) has a statutory duty to establish a permanent body, called a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), to advise on matters concerned with the provision of Religious Education (RE) and collective worship (Education Reform Act 1988). The Service Director added that each SACRE must complete an Annual Report, which was attached at Appendix 1.
(Note: At this point in proceedings, County Borough Councillor C Leyshon joined the meeting.)
Members were informed that in 2018, the overall percentage of A* - C grades for RCT was 70.4%, which was higher than the previous year and higher than the all Wales average. In respect of the A* - A grades for RCT, Members were informed that the overall percentage was 26.8%, which was an improvement on the previous year, but below the all Wales average.
The Deputy Leader spoke of the ever-changing times and the change of the curriculum in Wales, suggesting that it would be beneficial for the Central South Consortium to look at the role of the SACRE in the future, in order to identify any improvements that can be made.
The Cabinet RESOLVED:
1. To note the content of the Annual Report 2018-2019.
Publication date: 28/07/2020
Date of decision: 28/07/2020
Decided at meeting: 28/07/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 04/08/2020
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