Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



The Head of ICT provided Members with his report which looked at the proposal of  relocating  the Council’s Datacentre facility, which forms part of a wider work programme to support the ongoing delivery of the Council’s Digital Strategy 2020.


Members were advised that following the refurbishment of Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre an opportunity exists to create a new Datacentre facility and to allow for the relocation of the Council’s computer systems, and infrastructure from Bronwydd. Officers from Corporate Estates and ICT have undertaken a review and due diligence with regard to the opportunity and the outcome of this review has been used to inform the proposed way forward.


Members were advised of the benefits of utilising the site and reference was made to the  Council’s proposal to transform Adult Social Care with  Bronwydd House, the current data centre location being  identified as a site for Extra Care housing developments.


Details of the proposed options for the roll out of the datacentre relocation were provided by the Head of Service.


The Cabinet Member, Corporate Services welcomed the investment into the infrastructure for digital services, commenting that any lack of investment would be a risk to the Council and that with continued investment more and improved online services would be available in the future.  The Cabinet Member agreed that Option B was the best way forward.


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Leisure & Heritage Services welcomed the move to the Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre adding that this move could potentially increase the gym facilities membership within the Centre.


The Cabinet member for Enterprise, Development & Housing also spoke positively of the move, adding that this was the first office based move into the Rhondda Fach.


The Leader referenced a similar approach taken with Abercynon Leisure Centre, that had worked well, adding that the Council were maximising on the buildings capacity offering staff accommodation and leisure facilities to then both staff and the general public.  The Leader reiterated the Cabinet Members comments in respect of the importance of investment into the area and the opportunity to take forward the development of the Extra Care facility at Bronwydd House.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    To the proposals set out in Section 6 of the report for the relocation of the Councils Datacentre from Bronwydd to Rhondda Fach Leisure Centre.


2.    For the Head of ICT to work in conjunction with the Director of Estates to ensure that works are undertaken in the most economically advantageous way.


3.    To include the scheme in the capital programme utilising funding previously agreed and on the basis of the costs and resource requirements outlined in section 9 of the report.



·         Councillor Webber had left the meeting during the discussions she refrained from voting on this item.


·         County Borough Councillors P Jarman and G Davies left the meeting at this juncture.

Reasons for the decision:

The need to provide Cabinet with a report in relation to the relocation of the Council’s Datacentre as outlined in the Council’s Digital Work Programme.

Publication date: 21/03/2019

Date of decision: 21/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/03/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 28/03/2019

Accompanying Documents: