Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services provided the Cabinet with a report outlining the Council’s three year Capital Programme for 2019/20 – 2021/22 which if agreed, would be presented to Council on 6th March, 2019.

Cabinet Members were referred to Appendix A of the report, where the draft three year Capital Programme was outlined.


The Group Director explained that the core programme had been maintained at £15.934M per year and that the three year capital programme presented was fully funded. A risk remained that the projected capital receipts would be less than anticipated but it was assured that capital receipts projections would continue to be closely monitored. The Group Director continued to advise that the proposed capital programme for 2019/20 to 2021/22 represented a total investment of £173.202M and continued to provide detail of this investment.


Cabinet Members were referred to section 5 of the report, where the additional investment and earmarked reserves were outlined. Section 5.3 highlighted the results of a detailed risk assessment of earmarked reserves and provided a view on the extent to which any amounts could be released.  Members were advised that the total amount of reserves identified to be released amounts to £6.740M.


The Group Director referred Members to the table outlined in section 5.7 which identified the specific areas where investment is proposed, as in accordance with the overarching objectives and aims of the Corporate plan:


·         Highways & Roads

·         Highway Structures

·         Park Structures

·         Making Better Use/Traffic Developments

·         A4119 Dualling

·         Land Drainage

·         Bryn Pica Eco Park

·         Empty Property Grants

·         Town Centre Maintenance  Grants (revenue project)

·         Schools

·         Extra Care

·         Parks

·         Play Areas

·         Skate Parks / multi use Games Areas

·         Cemeteries

·         Leisure Centres Enhancements

·         King George V Track


The Leader spoke positively on the proposed Capital investment which aligned with the priorities of the Councils Corporate plan, commenting on the potential for future grants to come forward following recent discussions with the First Minister.  The Leader commented on a number of new investment areas identified in the report, referencing Bryn Pica Eco Park and the investment to cemeteries, following a review of the service. 


The Deputy Leader commented on austerity and the pressures facing the Council and many other Local Authorities across Wales, although she highlighted that that no other Local Authority was able to invest in key service areas like RCT and reiterated her thanks to the work of the Leader, Chief Executive, Group Director, Corporate & Frontline Services and the finance officers involved.


Following discussions it was AGREED:


1.    To propose the attached three year capital programme at Appendix A of the report to Council on the 6th March which includes:


                I.          A review and proposed release of earmarked reserve balances as detailed in paragraph 5.3 of the report;


               II.          Proposed investment priorities as detailed in paragraph 5.7 of the report;


             III.          The Council’s core capital programme;


             IV.          The Council’s total capital programme including additional non core funding

Publication date: 14/02/2019

Date of decision: 14/02/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/02/2019 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: