Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Members received the report of the Chief Executive, containing exempt information, which provided an update on the review of the Council’s Senior and Associated Management Post Structure.




1.    To the amendment of the post of Head of Highways & Engineering (Head of Service Level 1) to Service Director – Highways & Engineering (Service Director Level 2);


2.    To the change of post title from Service Director – Highways & Streetcare (Service Director Level 1) to Service Director – Frontline Services (Service Director Level 1);


3.    To the change of post title from Head of Estates Management (Head of Service Level 2) to Head of Operational Property Services (Head of Service Level 2);


4.    To note:


i)     the amended revised directorate structures shown at Appendix 2 (i) and (i.v) of the report;


ii)    that the previously estimated overall estimated reduction in annual management costs at the Senior and Associated Management grade levels will reduce from £404,604 (inclusive of on-costs) to £392,240 (inclusive of on-costs) as a consequence of these amendments.


5.    That the directorship of the Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited (trading as Amgen Cymru) and controlling party of Amgen Rhondda Limited be realigned to the post-holder of Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services;


6.    That the directorship of CSC Foundry Ltd. CSC Foundry Ltd be realigned to the post-holder of Service Director – Finance and Improvement Services;


7.    That in situations where the appointed Director is unable to attend CSC Foundry Board Meetings, a nominated substitute attend and this responsibility be aligned to the Service Director – Legal Services.  


(N.B. As referenced in Minute a number of Officers provided Declarations of Interest in relation to this item and left the meeting when the item was discussed and voted upon)


Publication date: 24/01/2019

Date of decision: 24/01/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/01/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/01/2019

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