
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the Officer Delegated Decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

23/09/2024 - Investment in Care Accommodation Provision for Older People and People with a Learning Disability ref: 1379    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Pre-Scrutiny Feedback ref: 1375    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 23/09/2024

23/09/2024 - The Council's New Draft RCT Housing Strategy 2024-2030 ref: 1382    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - RCT Intoxicating Substances (Including Alcohol) Public Spaces Protection Order Review ref: 1381    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2027/28 ref: 1378    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 23/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Statutory School Organisation - Proposal To Close Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School With Pupils Transferring To Tonyrefail Community School ref: 1376    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Statutory School Organisation - Proposal to Close Trallwng Infants' School With Pupils Transferring to Coedpenmaen Primary School ref: 1377    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Proposed Local Area Energy Plan for RCT ref: 1383    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

23/09/2024 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 1380    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Pre-Scrutiny Feedback ref: 1351    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 19/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects Supplementary Capital Programme 2024/25 ref: 1360    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Proposal to extend Ysgol Ty Coch Satellite Additional Learning Needs Provision at Buarth Y Capel ref: 1355    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Council Tax Premiums - Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes ref: 1358    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 19/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Policy for the Appointment of Local Authority School Governors ref: 1357    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Consultation on the Proposals to enhance Additional Learning Needs Mainstream Learning Support Class Provision within RCT ref: 1356    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Residential Care Homes for Older People ref: 1353    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Draft Adult Social Care Strategy ref: 1352    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 25/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Council Performance Report - 30th June 2024 (Quarter 1) ref: 1363    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 19/09/2024

19/09/2024 - Council Corporate Plan - Investment Priorities ref: 1359    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 19/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 19/09/2024

Effective from: 19/09/2024

17/07/2024 - CYNLLUN DIRPRWYO'R ARWEINYDD - 3A ref: 500000015    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 03/09/2024

Effective from: 17/07/2024


The Cabinet RESOLVED to note the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation for the 2024-25 Municipal Year.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Head of Secondary Achievement and Wellbeing provided the Cabinet with the Annual Report of the RCT SACRE and SAC for the academic year 2022-2023.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank officers for preparing the informative report and placed on record his thanks to Members of the SACRE Group. The Cabinet Member commented that the report provided Members with information in respect of the various changes regarding the statutory responsibilities in the area and wider curriculum.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure, as a Member of the SACRE Group, was pleased to note the positive work delivered by schools as part of the curriculum and the valuable partnership work. The Cabinet Member also praised the work with the Central South Consortium, who were keen to engage with schools to provide materials.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the Annual Report 2022-2023.


17/07/2024 - CLIMATE CHANGE CABINET SUB-COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2023-2024 ref: 1254    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the Annual Report of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee for the Municipal Year 2023-2024.


The Service Director reminded Members of the changes to the Committee’s Terms of Reference and noted that it was a decision-making body, taking forward decisions in respect of the importance climate agenda. The Director spoke of the high-level reports considered by the Sub-Committee during the year, including updates in respect of the climate change specific performance information.


In the absence of the Chair of the Sub-Committee, the Vice-Chair and Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure took the opportunity to extend her thanks to officers and Members for their contributions during the Municipal Year and noted the positive work of the Committee. The Cabinet Member commented that in her opinion, a key area of work from the year was the visit to the two living landscape sites with young people to hear their views. The Cabinet Member added that the visit also highlighted the cross-working relationships between the Council.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report attached as Appendix 1.


17/07/2024 - COUNCIL PERFORMANCE REPORT - 31ST MARCH 2024 (QUARTER 4) ref: 1256    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 17/07/2024


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services provided the Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, for the financial year ended 31st March 2024.


Members were informed that the Quarter 4 revenue budget position was a nil variance overall, following the drawdown of one-off earmarked reserves to fund additional in-year budget pressures, this being in line with Performance Report updates reported during the year. With specific regard to the additional in-year pressures, these were in respect of increased costs for social care services, reflecting the level of demand for services and the complexity and specialist nature of care required, along with continuing high inflation that resulted in cost pressures on home to school transport contract costs and foods costs within the Council’s Catering Service.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care commended the work of finance officers for providing a financial position in extremely challenging times.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure took the opportunity to thank officers for the positive work going on throughout the County Borough, which had been reflected in the report.


The Leader echoed the comments of the Cabinet Members and commented on the scale of the Capital Programme, which had increased compared to that of a decade ago. The Leader spoke of positive investment in infrastructure, extra-care, schools, road schemes and drainage works.


The Leader spoke of the difficulty in managing revenue budgets but praised service areas for their work. The Leader advised that the next financial year would likely be even more challenging due to the size of the budget gap and spoke of the difficult and unpopular decisions, which the Cabinet were faced with to ensure the Council delivers a balanced budget, which they are legally obliged to. The Leader concluded by commending the officers in Rhondda Cynon Taf for ensuring the Council does not have huge overspends to date and hoped that this would continue to be the case in the future.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 31st March 2024 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).

2.    To approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.

3.    To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 31st March 2024 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).

4.    To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st March 2024 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary); and

5.    To note the year-end position regarding progress against agreed Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary) that includes updates in respect of the Council’s work to deliver its Climate Change ambitions.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided details of the potential for the development of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Tonypandy with the support of funding from Welsh Government.


Following the completion of a feasibility study between October - December 2023, the Director sought endorsement for further funding from Welsh Government for the purpose of pursuing the next stages of BID Development: - Development, Campaign and Ballot.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development spoke positive of the report before Members and advised that the majority of Traders he’d spoken to in Tonypandy were in favour of the proposals. The Cabinet Member was sure it would be another successful BID, following the examples of Pontypridd, Aberdare and Treorchy town centres.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the results of the feasibility study summarised in section 7 of the report which concludes that Tonypandy could benefit from BID development which would be similar to the BID operating in Treorchy;

2.    To support moving to the next stages of development for the establishment of a potential BID in Tonypandy as set out in Paragraphs 7.5 and 7.6 of the report; and

3.    To make an application to the Welsh Government Transforming Towns Fund for funding to carry out Development, Campaign and Ballot stages of BID development in Tonypandy town centre. 



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided Cabinet with an update on the development of regeneration proposals for the former Marks and Spencer/Dorothy Perkins site at 97-102 Taff Street, Pontypridd.


The Director sought to outline the proposed funding, procurement and engagement strategies relevant to the project and provided an overview of the necessary next steps.


Members’ attention was drawn to the proposals attached at Appendix 1 to the report. The Director proposed that the development would seek to create a new high-quality public realm that provides a clear and legible route from the top of the town through to a much more inviting access to Ynysangharad War Memorial Park and National Lido.


He continued, proposing that the integration of soft landscaping would serve to ‘green’ the high street, whilst the creation of a new riverside plaza would re-orientate the high street, for the first time in over 100 years, to the river and surrounding natural landscape.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development was supportive of the proposals before Members and praised the multi-level design, easy disabled access for the site and flood mitigations. The Cabinet Member spoke positive of the idea to involve the construction experts from the former bingo hall site, which had provided a coherent connection between the two sites located at the bottom area of Pontypridd.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care echoed the positive comments and was pleased to note the Council’s investment in its major town centres and tourist areas.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    That the most recent redevelopment proposals for the site are considered and supported; and

2.    That associated funding, procurement, and engagement strategies outlined in the report are considered and endorsed, and Officers are authorised to progress their implementation.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services presented the report, which sought formal approval to begin the relevant and required statutory school organisation consultation to establish a new Welsh medium primary school for 3 to 11 year olds as part of the Llanilid housing development and the proposed change of language medium of Dolau Primary School from dual language to English medium.


It was proposed that the new Welsh medium primary school would have a capacity for 480 statutory school (reception to year six) age pupils plus 60 for nursery age pupils, with Dolau Primary School becoming an English medium primary school at the same time, with an increased capacity of 488 plus 63 nursery places.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank the Director for the report. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that it was the duty of the Local Authority to assess areas of demand for school places and noted that there had been significant growth within the south of the County in recent decades with the Llanillid development requiring further school places.


The Cabinet Member was in support of consulting upon the proposals and commented that they would positively support the Council in meeting its ambitious WESP targets. In terms of funding, the Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the capital costs would be met by a mixture of funding from CIL payments and Welsh Government.


With the agreement of the Chair, Non-Committee Member, County Borough Councillor K Morgan addressed the Cabinet in respect of the item.


In response to the comments made by the Non-Committee Member in respect of the potential for Scrutiny involvement, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication advised that although the school reorganisation code prescribes limited opportunity for Members to influence the approach, there would be an opportunity for scrutiny involvement during the proposed consultation period. As such, the Cabinet agreed to include the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee as part of the process.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report;

2.    To give formal approval to begin the relevant and required statutory school organisation consultation to:

-       establish a new Welsh medium primary school for 3 to 11 year olds as part of the Llanilid housing development. It is proposed that the new Welsh medium primary school will have a capacity for 480 statutory school age pupils plus 60 for nursery age pupils; and

-       make a regulated alteration to change the language medium of Dolau Primary School from dual language to English medium. Providing a capacity for 488 statutory school age pupils plus 63 nursery places.

3.    To give formal approval to report back to Cabinet to consider the Consultation Report and determine whether to publish the Consultation Report and approve the publication of the proposal in the form of a Statutory Notice.

4.    To give delegated authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to make any minor changes required to the draft Consultation Document (attached at Appendix A to the report) prior to its publication and the statutory school organisation consultation commencing.



17/07/2024 - COUNCIL TAX PREMIUMS - LONG TERM EMPTY PROPERTIES AND SECOND HOMES ref: 1249    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Head of Revenues and Benefits provided Cabinet with an update regarding the discretionary powers that the Council has to charge higher amounts of Council Tax (a premium) on certain properties as provided for by the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, which it has been using since 1st April 2023.


Despite the introduction of the premium in April 2023, it was noted that there had only been a modest reduction in the number of long-term empty properties and there remained over 1,500 long-term empty properties across Rhondda Cynon Taf.


Having regard to the discretionary powers, Cabinet were asked to consider a formal period of consultation on a proposal to amend the level of premium from 1st April 2025.  It was proposed that the prospect of paying a higher level of premium on the council tax bill may encourage more property owners to bring their empty homes back into use in a timelier manner.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development was in support of the recommendations contained within the report and was of the view that the proposal would further build upon the positive work of the Council to bring back empty properties back into use. The Cabinet Member added that the CPO would be useful tool going forward.


With the agreement of the Chair, Non-Committee Member, County Borough Councillor A Rogers addressed the Cabinet on this item.


In response to the comments made by the Non-Committee Member, the officer clarified that in such cases whereby the property owner has passed away and the property is passed onto family owners, the property would be exempt until probate is granted and for six months thereafter. It was explained that if a property is unfurnished, it could be granted for a further six-month exemption; and if the property is for sale, it could be subject to exception from the premium for a year to allow it to be marketed.


The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services added that Cabinet were being asked to initiate a formal public consultation and emphasised that the Council would write to homeowners who would likely be impacted by the premium.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development commented that the year exemption following probate was reasonable and moved the recommendations contained within the report.


Following discussion, Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.             To note the details of the discretionary powers relating to Council Tax Premiums as outlined in the report;

2.             To initiate a consultation exercise on the proposed use of these powers in respect of long-term empty properties as set out in Section 7 and on the option of further intervention through the use of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO); and

3.             That a report, including the results of the consultation exercise, be presented to Cabinet to consider and determine the proposed way forward which they would recommend to full Council as appropriate.


Note: Non-Committee Member, County Borough Councillor K Morgan declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of this item of business and left the meeting whilst it was discussed and voted upon.

17/07/2024 - CABINET WORK PROGRAMME ref: 1248    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication presented, for Cabinet Members’ comment and approval, an update on the Cabinet Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2024-25 Municipal Year.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked the Director for the report and was content with the content of the Cabinet Work Programme, noting its flexibility.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Work Programme for the 2024-2025 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 23/07/2024


The Temporary Head of Streetcare outlined the proposed standardisation for the collection of residual waste from households and the collection frequency of residual waste from premises that fall under the Workplace Recycling Regulations 2024. Further changes were also proposed to the collection of green waste during winter months, as well as a commitment to an ongoing review of the Council’s Waste Management Strategy.


It was noted that, at the current time, the collection of residual household waste across RCT was undertaken via wheelie bin collections in the Cynon and Taf areas, and via black bag only collections in the Rhondda. These collection arrangements pre-date the inception of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.


Members’ attention was drawn to section 4 of the report, which detailed the anticipated benefits of standardising the Council’s waste collection arrangements across the County Borough. Officers proposed that the change would see significant benefits to the appearance of the County Borough, improved safety for pedestrians and provide a faster, more efficient waste collection service. It was explained that analysis of black bags presented and collected at the kerbside show an increase in recycling performance and participation, compared to wheelie bins, as the Council strives to meet the Welsh Government’s statutory recycling target of 70%. Furthermore, it was anticipated that the proposals would result in financial savings over the medium-term, for example, in the overall processing costs of waste and reduced costs of collection. 


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure firstly thanked officers for providing Cabinet with a detailed report, which contained a clear rationale for presenting the proposals. The Cabinet Member provided assurance that the Cabinet had considered the correspondence they had received to-date and the petitions which had formally been shared with them.


In terms of the proposals, the Cabinet Member noted that if agreed, the only change for residents would be that they would need to place their black bags at the collection point on their normal collection day as opposed to their wheelie bins.However, it was recognised that the proposal had raised a number of concerns with residents that needed to be addressed in advance of any Cabinet decisions being made.


The Cabinet Member continued, noting that during her time as an Elected Member, she had received concerns raised by residents about the impact large wheelie bins have on the footpath, causing hazards and obstructions in some areas. The Cabinet Member also noted that she had always been aware of the inconsistency of service across the three former authority areas.


In terms of data, the Cabinet Member noted that it clearly evidenced that there was a direct connectionbetween the better recycling performance in the Rhondda and waste collection arrangements operated there. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that officers were continually charged with identifying how to operate services more cost efficiently and recognised that the standardisation of collection arrangements would not only deliver financial savings but would also support a quicker transition to a greener fleet and reduce the capital cost of future fleet renewal.


The Cabinet Member recognised that many concerns had been raised, and that it was clear that many residents in Taff and Cynon value the current arrangement. However, it was stressed that if the proposals were to be approved by Cabinet, the wheelie bins would not be taken away and there would be no service removed from residents, but instead, a proposed change in how waste is presented for collection at the kerbside every three weeks.


The Cabinet Member noted that the Council offered an assisted waste collection service to support residents with physical difficulties in carrying their recycling or waste to their bin collection point, and asked officers to confirm that the provision would continue for residents who require support under the new proposals. The officer confirmed that if a resident was currently receiving the assisted collection service, they would continue to do so under the new proposals.


The Leader spoke of concerns and questions raised by residents and advised that he had been able to respond and reassure some, where there had been a misconception that the proposal was to remove the use of the wheelie bin altogether. The Leader spoke of an area in own ward with terraced streets, whereby complaints had been made by members of the public from time to time and enforcement action had to be taken to remove obstructions from the highway.


The Leader queried the financial efficiencies of the proposal, which several residents had requested further information on. The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services advised that, if approved, there would be annual revenue savings from a combination of processing costs and reduced collection costs, coupled with the avoidance of fines. The Deputy Chief Executive added that the model financial implications would amount to cost avoidance and cost reductions of just under £1M.


The Leader clarified that the cost avoidance was linked to every 1% that the Council fails to hit in recycling targets, which results in a £130,000 fine to the Local Authority, to which the Deputy Chief Executive confirmed.


In terms of the recycling of food waste in particular, the Leader sought further information on the data in respect of rates of recycling in the Rhondda in comparison to the Cynon and Taf areas. The Temporary Head of Streetcare advised that the data indicated that non-wheelie bin areas have around 30% more recycling tonnage than a wheelie bin area, resulting in approximately 20% recycling rate difference. 


The Leader sought confirmation that it was primarily the food waste in the Rhondda which was left out of the black bag waste and noted that it could be because the residents do not want their black bag waste to be targeted by animals. The officer reiterated that there was a much higher tonnage of food waste recycled in the Rhondda compared to the Cynon and Taf areas.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Members addressed the Cabinet:

-       County Borough Councillor K Morgan;

-       County Borough Councillor C Lisles;

-       County Borough Councillor W Jones; and

-       County Borough Councillor SJ Davies.


The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services sought to dispel concerns made by some of the Non-Committee Members and explained that as a resident of the Rhondda himself, the system was effective with no evidence of an increase in vermin or seagulls etc. The Director stated that residents would be able to keep their wheelie bins to store the bags until the day of collection; and that weekly food waste, nappies and green waste recycling was offered so that biodegradable material should be minimal in black bags. The Director noted that the environment was changing, along with legislation, which meant there was a need to adapt certain processes which may have worked years ago. The Director explained that, in line with new legislation, there was a requirement for the Council to be effective and efficient and it was stressed that with the proposals before Members, there would be no changes to service apart from the bag being placed outside of the bin for collection.


The Temporary Head of Streetcare also sought to assure Members that assisted collection requests would be continue to be addressed on an individual basis and that officers were confident in their resources to action them.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care stated that as a Rhondda resident, some of the concerns expressed had never been experienced by him, having operated with the arrangement for many years and sought to assure residents that when black bags are presented for collection, the arrangement works well, despite the challenging topography and narrow terraced streets of the Rhondda.


The Cabinet Member advised that the arrangement ensures that the footway is immediately cleared after the refuse collectors have attended; and was confident that the arrangement was the key reason as to why Rhondda residents lead the way in recycling participation.


The Cabinet Member for Prosperity and Development echoed previous comments and commented that as a Rhondda resident, he simply did not experience many of the concerns raised and sought to provide assurance that, if each resident takes responsibility for their waste, recycles, and uses schemes such as food waste, nappies and green waste, the concerns being expressed would not materialise. The Cabinet Member added that the proposal was about standardising, to ensure improved recycling and the delivery of important efficiency savings, whilst getting bins off the streets.


The Leader sought further clarity on how the information would be communicated to residents, if approved by Cabinet. The Temporary Head of Streetcare advised that residents in the Cynon and Taf areas of the County Borough would be written to before any changes are implemented. Within the letter would be an easy-to-follow guide, which would outline the new arrangements. In terms of communicating the ongoing monitoring of the arrangements, if approved, Cabinet were assured that they would be regularly informed of the progress and that collection statistics were collated on a weekly basis.


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication added that his team have a strong track record of delivering effective campaigns when working with the service previously, that have supported residents with changes. The Service Director advised that there would be a strong social media presence to help answer any questions that the residents may have.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Inclusion and Welsh Language noted that as a resident of the Cynon valley, he had found the debate useful and in particular, the assurance given from his colleagues in the Rhondda that the process has worked for many decades.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the rationale behind the proposals and the importance of delivering financial savings during such a time. It was also acknowledged that the Council is a strong recycling performer and the importance of maintain that position, as part of the commitment to reducing climate change and living sustainably.


The Cabinet Member spoke of two reoccurring questions asked by his residents; one of which was in relation to the reasoning behind the lack of consultation and the second was how the proposed change deals with missed refuse collections. In relation to the Cabinet Member’s first question on consultation, the Director advised that there was sufficient data to inform the proposals and emphasised that if approved, it would be a material change.


In response to the Cabinet Member’s question in respect to missed refuse collections, the officer advised that the service holds a large amount of data and the analysis had evidenced that the overall missed collection rate was a small fraction of 1% of all collections. Moreover, it was explained that the majority of missed collections were due to the difficulty of manoeuvring large bins between vehicles. As such, the officer envisioned that by collecting black bags only, there would be fewer missed collections.


The Leader added that in such events, where refuse vehicles were unable to collect due to parked vehicles, the Council were currently unable to use smaller vehicles to retrieve the missed collections due to manual handling/lifting reasons and the waste being in bins. The Leader explained that, if approved, smaller, alternative Council vehicles would be able to retrieve the waste as the operatives would be able to lift the black bags into the back of the vehicle. The Leader questioned if there would be a method of monitoring this to ensure that certain areas which had experienced missed collections, are receiving a more efficient collection service, should the changes be approved, to which the Director confirmed the data would be utilised going forward.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities echoed the comments of the Cabinet Members for Rhondda wards and agreed that the proposed arrangements work. The Cabinet Member saw no reason as to why the service could not also have a valuable function across Cynon and Taff and was therefore in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure thanked officers for addressing the questions and concerns raised by Members on behalf of their residents. The Cabinet Member felt assured by the residents of the Rhondda and also those in the Cynon and Taf areas who already place black bags out for collection, that the proposal worked.


The Cabinet Member was content to support the recommendations contained within the report, on the basis that assurances can be given that Council Officers would continue to provide assisted collections/additional bag allowances to those who require it; that environmental implications are carefully monitored and managed by Council officers with regular updates to Members; that the Council ensures there are clear communication messages with residents in the lead up to any changes; and the Council listens to any concerns raised during the implementation to mitigate any issues that arise.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:


1.    To proceed with the following proposed changes:


-       To standardise the collection method of residual household waste in the Cynon and Taf areas, in line with the method of the Rhondda, moving from wheelie bin collections to kerbside collections of standard size black bags only. As part of these proposals, residents have the option to retain their wheelie bins to store residual waste bags, with a maximum of 3 black bags to be placed out for collection at the kerbside every 3 weeks, as per the current allowance.

-       To amend the frequency of refuse collections from premises that fall under the Workplace Recycling Regulations 2024, (e.g., Schools, Commercial premises etc.), across Rhondda Cynon Taf to a 3-weekly collection cycle.

-       To adjust the current winter green waste booking service to improve operational efficiency.


2.    That Officers keep the Council’s Waste Management Strategy under review, thereby providing an opportunity to consider and implement future changes and innovations to the Council’s refuse and recycling collection services to assist in ensuring legislative compliance, improvements in recycling performance, achieving operational efficiencies and potential financial savings, as well as helping to reduce our carbon footprint.

10/06/2024 - UPDATE ON THE RCT NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD 2024 ref: 1187    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 10/06/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 10/06/2024

Effective from: 14/06/2024


       i.          To note the content of the report.


Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 15/07/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 15/07/2024

Effective from: 14/06/2024

10/06/2024 - NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPATIAL PLANNING ref: 1188    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 10/06/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 10/06/2024

Effective from: 14/06/2024


       i.          To note the content of the update report.


      ii.          To consider whether further information is required.


    iii.          To temporarily close the Hawthorn Swimming Pool from the 2nd August to 12th August to ensure the safe operation of the Park and Ride facility at Hawthorn High School

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 15/07/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 15/07/2024

Effective from: 14/06/2024


Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 19/06/2024 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 19/06/2024

Effective from: 25/06/2024


       i.          To note the content of the update report;


      ii.          To approve the proposed construction programme and associated phased restrictions on use of park areas in the lead up to and following the RCT National Eisteddfod being held between the 3rd and 10th August.


N.B with the permission of the Chair, County Borough Councillor K Johnson addressed the Committee, in his capacity as the Event Director of the Pontypridd parkrun.

07/05/2024 - Draft Welsh Language Standards Annual Report to the Welsh Language Commissioner 2023-2024 ref: 1162    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/05/2024 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/05/2024

Effective from: 11/05/2024


The Welsh Language Services Manager provided the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee witha copyof theDraft Welsh LanguageStandards AnnualReport 2023 – 2024.


Members’ attention was drawn to the draft report, which was attached at Appendix 1. The report covered the eighth full year of the implementation of the standards from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and it was noted that a final report must bepublished onthe Council’swebsite andmade availablein eachof the Council’s offices that are open to the public no later than 30 June2024.


The officer referred Members to section 5 of the report, which detailed the current position, and it was noted that despite the financial pressures facing the Council and resulting service changes, therehad beencontinual successes in Welsh language compliance. It was also pleasing to note that feedback from the Welsh Language Commissioner during the Council’s annual meeting with their Standards Setting and Compliance Officer held in Quarter 3 2023-2024, continued to be very positive in respect of the progress made in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The officer referred Members to section 5.4 of the report, which detailed the following areas for improvement:

·       The continuing need to increase the number of Welsh speaking staff;

·       Effective monitoring of any mitigating actions noted in any statutory Welsh Language Impact Assessments;

·       Effective scrutiny of the partnership elements of the 5 Year Strategy for the Promotion of the Welsh Language; and

·       Continuous training and awareness regarding Welsh Language Standards.


The Chair spoke positive of the Annual Report and commented that it evidenced compliance across the Council. The Chair was particularly pleased to note that 552 staff had undertaken the Bitesize sessions and that 94 members of staff, including Elected Members had begun learning the language with the support of the Council’s Tutor. The Chair noted the areas for improvement and that there were challenges around recruitment but praised the Council for its innovative strategy with developments such as the Welsh Language Guaranteed Interview Scheme.  


The Deputy Leader was pleased to note the content of the report and the Council’s compliance with the Welsh Language Standards and suggested that it would be beneficial for the Overview and Scrutiny to have sight of it. In terms of the complaints identified in section 14 of the draft Annual Report, the Deputy Leader was satisfied that the issues could be easily rectified. The Deputy Leader echoed the Chair’s comments in relation to the positive take up of Bitesize sessions by staff and Members of the Council and advised that she would also be taking part to improve her language skills in readiness for the Eisteddfod.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was pleased with the content of the Annual Report and added that the Welsh Language was now embedded across the Council’s new Corporate Plan.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.             To note the content of the draft report;

2.             To approve the draft report in order for a final version to be published on Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s website, and approve the distribution of the final report to eachof theauthority’s officesthat areopen tothe publicby nolater than 30 June 2024; and

3.             To approvearrangements forpublicising thefact thatthe final annual reporthas been published.


07/05/2024 - Update on progress against actions within the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy: Arts Service, Libraries and One4All Service and the Community Development Team ref: 1163    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/05/2024 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/05/2024

Effective from: 11/05/2024


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services provided an update to Members on progress made against actions within the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022-2027.


The Arts Service, Libraries and One4All Service, and the RCT Together Community Development Team had made progress in support of the delivery of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy through their provision of information and advice, engagement and participation, and programmes and projects and Members attention was drawn to section 5 of the report, which detailed the key highlights.


The Chair thanked the Director for the positive report and noted that it had captured areas in which the public regularly frequent, and thus was pleased to note the opportunities for the public to learn the Welsh Language in the community.


The Chair was pleased to note that since 1 April 2022 to end of March 2024, over 400 applications for grants of between £1,000 to £200,000 had been received by the Community Development Team for their Community Grant programme; and that eight projects, specifically targeting Welsh Language use opportunities, had been approved. The Chair emphasised the importance of working with the community and community groups such as Menter Iaith, of whom all share the same ambitions.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Chair’s positive comments in relation to the work of the Arts Service, Libraries and One4All Service and the Community Development Team. The Deputy was particularly pleased to note that a new Steering Group, led by Pontypridd Town Council and community organisations and supported by the RCT Together Community Development Team, had been established in Pontypridd with a focus on tracking and developing Welsh language activities.


Referring to section 5.3.1, the Deputy Leader sought clarification on how many of the 400 grants received had been approved during the period 1April 2022 to end of March 2024. Officers advised that a vast amount of grants were awarded to applications across RCT, which had met the priorities of the Community Grant Programme and that the exact number would be circulated to Members following the meeting.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services took the opportunity to commend the libraries for the array of work undertaken to promote the language; such as Welsh Language stories and craft sessions, as well as a variety of Welsh language activities offered by external partners.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information within the report.



29/04/2024 - NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPATIAL PLANNING ref: 1149    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Director of Public Health, Protections and Community Services provided a further update to the Sub-Committee in relation to the infrastructure, transport and traffic, and spatial planning for the RCT National Eisteddfod of Wales 2024. 


Members were advised of a number of changes to the spatial plan previously reported to Committee in March 2024 and the Director advised that such changes mainly reflected the evolving needs of the National Eisteddfod (NE) customers with the aim of providing them with a greater overall experience.


The Committee heard updates in respect of a

·       new plan for the Maes in YWMP,

·       main site for the caravan park off Berw Road, Pontypridd,

·        the current review of the proposed location for Maes B,

·       Hawthorn High School Park and Ride,

·       update to the use of the University of South Wales Treforest Campus

·       controlled access to Taff Street and Gas Road Car Park.


The Director advised of the ongoing engagement in respect of these issues with relevant stakeholders and community groups to ensure the smooth running of the event.


The Director continued the update by providing detail on traffic and transport work to help ensure the smooth running of the event. Members were informed that a traffic management consultant had been appointed to work with all partners to devise a traffic management plan.


The Chair thanked the Director for the comprehensive report and spoke of the moving picture of the spatial plan and the need for fluidity due to the sheer logistics of the event.  The Chair referenced the unique setting of the Eisteddfod in a Town centre environment and the challenges associated with such a setting compared to a usual rural settings for the event.  The Chair commented on the importance of ensuring that the Eisteddfod was a safe environment and experience for all and thanked the Director and the Chair of the National Eisteddfod for the amount of work that was taking place behind the scenes to ensure a successful and safe Eisteddfod for RCT.


The Leader commented on the update and reference the loss of the parking arrangements with the University but noted the University hosting the Fringe as an alternative which was a positive update.  The Leader spoke of the detailed and comprehensive work being undertaken.


Discussions ensued in respect of parking arrangements in Hawthorn High School and the Director spoke of the traffic management plans in place and the contingency plans being explored.



       i.          To note the content of the update report

29/04/2024 - UPDATE ON THE RCT NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD 2024 ref: 1148    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services provided Members with an overview of the report before them, which provided an update on the work currently being undertaken in collaboration with National Eisteddfod officers in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


Members were provided with details of recent meetings taken forward to launch and promote the Eisteddfod coming to Rhondda Cynon Taf in 2024, which included local drop in sessions and business drop in sessions and Members were advised of the positive responses received to both events.


Details of the planned programme for the Eisteddfod to attend all secondary schools was also advised upon as well as the launch of a schools art project and resulting show case event. 


The Sub Committee welcomed the update in relation to the considerations for accessibility for residents of the County Borough to attend the Eisteddfod, including the subsidised access, work with veterans and the receipt of Welsh Government funding to support access to the event.


The Head of Service continued to advise upon the fundraising elements associated with the Eisteddfod and reminded Members of the funding model in place which requires operating costs of the festival to be raised by community fundraising activities in the host local authority area.  It was recognised that there was already lots of effort being made by the National Eisteddfod, local communities supported by local members, voluntary groups, to fundraise across the County Borough and the officer advised that there had been a noticeable increase in the funds raised over the past couple of months, now totalling in excess of £185,000.


The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services concluded the report by providing details on the legacy aims of the Eisteddfod and Members were advised that interest in learning to speak Welsh from residents, businesses, Council staff and Members continues to increase and specific activities, sessions and resources will be developed and made available in the run up to the event, which will continue to be maintained and built upon as part of RCT’s legacy aims.


The Chair thanked the Head of Service for the report and referenced the notable excitement building across the County Borough with less than 100 days until the event and also referenced the detailed work taking place across communities to make the Eisteddfod a success.


The Chair referenced the support from local businesses and welcomed the announcement in respect of the funding support from Welsh Government which would assist in the accessibility aims for local residents and recognised groups.


The Deputy Leader commented on the positive momentum gathering for the event and the work taking place with schools across the County Borough.  Reference was made to the funding and the Deputy Leader thanked the local communities for their ongoing efforts and Welsh Government for their welcomed funding support.


The Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod of Wales thanked Members for their comments and also spoke of the encouraging work taking place with the fundraising for the event.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:

       i.          To note the content of the report.


29/04/2024 - Children's Services Review of the Information, Advice and Assistance Service ref: 1137    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Head of Early Help provided the Cabinet with an overview of the transformation that is planned in relation to the Information, Advice, and Assistance (IAA) Service and sought agreement to approve and adopt the proposed IAA Review Strategy referred to in the report as ‘Right Help, Right Time, and Right Place’.


The Leader referred to the previous report considered by Cabinet in respect of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration (Minute No. 135) and commented that the understanding of community needs would be vital in the future to inform a number of strategies and how the Council responds to pressures.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care was in support of the aims to provide better services for families and improved outcomes for children. The Cabinet Member noted that despite an increase in demands and workload, along with budget pressures, the Information, Advice and Assistance Service continued to ensure needs are dealt with efficiently and as effectively as possible. The Cabinet Member was confident that the ‘Right Help, Right Time, and Right Place’ strategy would prove to be the right course of action for the future and moved the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report; and

2.    To agree to adopt the ‘Right Help, Right Time, Right Place’ Strategy, and its implementation plan, noting its ambition to deliver sustainable better access to the right help for vulnerable families whose needs are predicted to continue to increase.


29/04/2024 - Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration ref: 1134    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services updated the Cabinet on the award of funding to establish the Rhondda Cynon Taf Health Determinants Research Collaboration (RCT HDRC) and to seek approval of the aims and objectives of RCT HDRC from 2024-2028.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities was in support of the recommendations contained within the report; and referring to the ambitions over the next five years, which were detailed in section 4.3.2 of the report, the Cabinet Member acknowledged the amount of work required to deliver a healthier environment for the benefit of the residents.


The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the focus would be to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of residents in RCT, whilst focussing on the areas exacerbated by the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care echoed earlier comments and endorsed the recommendations contained within the report.


The Deputy Leader praised the ambitions of the new collaboration and stated that it would take some time to determine the full repercussions of the pandemic on the community.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To acknowledge the award of £5 million to the Council from the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) to establish the RCT HDRC;

2.    To endorse the role of the Council in leading a new collaboration with Wales Centre for Public Policy, Cardiff University, Cwm Taf University Health Board, Interlink RCT and Public Health Wales which seeks to tackle the wider determinants of health to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of residents in RCT; and

3.    To approve the aims and objectives of RCT HDRC and delegate responsibility for overseeing delivery of the programme by the collaboration and achievement of the outcomes of RCT HDRC to the Director - Public Health, Protection and Community Services.


29/04/2024 - Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership ref: 1133    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Chief Executive presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval to establish the Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership.


Business in the Community (BITC) was described as the UK’s largest and most influential responsible business network dedicated to building a fairer and greener world together. BITC is supported by His Majesty the King. BITC aim to inspire and challenge purposeful leaders to take practical action to mobilise their collective strength as a force for good in society.


The Leader was in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


The Deputy leader emphasised the importance of building community resilience and spoke of the recent financial hardships experienced by all.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the participation of the Council in the creation of the Business in the Community and Rhondda Cynon Taf Place Partnership; and

2.    To approve the allocation of resources identified in section 8 of the report.


29/04/2024 - Draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 1136    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Graduate Officer for Participation provided Cabinet with information on the development of a draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf that supports implementation of Welsh Government’s Corporate Parenting Charter – “A Promise from Wales.”


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care and Chair of the Corporate Parenting Board endorsed the Corporate Parenting Pledge for RCT and was delighted to note that the Council and Welsh Government enshrine the values and principles which support and promote the care and wellbeing of care experienced young people and care leavers.


The Cabinet Member spoke of the Charter for Wales and its key principles such as equality, togetherness, support, ambition, health, eradicating stigma, providing a stable home environment and a good education. The Cabinet Member added that there was no greater investment than supporting children and young people into adulthood.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report and spoke positive of the Council’s strong record of commitment to children and young people.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To approve the draft Corporate Parenting Pledge for Rhondda Cynon Taf,detailed within appendix 2 of the report;

3.    To sign ‘the pledge’ and adopt the Welsh Government’s Corporate Parenting Charter: “A Promise from Wales.”;

4.    To delegate responsibility to the Council’s Corporate Parenting Board with leading and monitoring success and commitment to the Corporate Parenting Charter; and

5.    To reflect the delegation to the Corporate Parenting Board within the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.


29/04/2024 - Draft Adult Social Care Strategy ref: 1135    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Director of Adult Services provided the Cabinet with a new six-year draft Adult Social Care Strategy (2024/30) that sets out our vision and priorities until 2030 and seek approval to undertake a targeted consultation.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care praised the contents of the Strategy and its aim to outline a positive pathway for the future of adult social care in RCT, which seeks to deliver respect and dignity for those with care and support needs, their families and carers. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of the Strategy and explained that its priorities were fashioned against the legacy of the pandemic and at a time of increased budget constraints.


The Deputy Leader agreed with earlier comments and stated that the pandemic had unfortunately isolated some of the more mature residents within the community and that it was important to respond to the change in demands of a new generation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report and reviews the contents of the new six-year draft Adult Social Care Strategy (2024/30);

2.    To agree to undertake an 8 week targeted consultation to seek the views of residents, partners and other key stakeholders, on the future strategy, vision and priorities for adult social care in Rhondda Cynon Taf as set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and

3.    To receive a further report detailing the outcome of the proposed targeted consultation prior to any final decision being made in relation to the future strategy for adult social care in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


29/04/2024 - Proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School ref: 1132    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/04/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/04/2024

Effective from: 03/05/2024


The Director for Education and Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent publication of a Statutory Notice in respect of the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School by no later than September 2024.


The Director informed the Cabinet that the Statutory Notice had been published on the 26th January 2024, which triggered the commencement of the objection period. This ran until the 23rd February 2024. During the objection period, a total of 1,440 objections were received by the closing date of the 23rd February 2024, which consisted of:

·        54 written objections;

·        Two petitions signed by 951 and 65 respondents, respectively; and

·        1,384 respondents individually signed pre-written objections co-ordinated by the ‘Save Rhigos Primary School’ action committee.

In addition, 55 of the responses received during the consultation period which ran between 2nd October 2023 and 17th November 2023, were requested to be treated as objections. All of which had been made available to Cabinet Members.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Member was

granted permission to address the Cabinet:

-       County Borough Councillor A Rogers


With the agreement of the Leader, the following members of the public were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

-       Ms M Evans

-       Mr J Morris


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language acknowledged that the matter before the Cabinet was emotive within the community and took the opportunity to reassure the speakers that the cabinet have reflected upon that and studied all responses in depth.


The Cabinet Member noted the Council’s statutory duty to keep surplus places under review and the sustainability of schools moving forward to ensure resources are used most effectively to provide young people with the best education within the best settings.


The Cabinet Member noted that there had been a steady decline in the number of pupils joining Rhigos Primary School and that there had been a further decline since the commencement of the consultation period in relation to the proposal. The Cabinet Member felt that this identified a clear trend, which had brought into question the sustainability of the school. The Cabinet Member spoke of the nearby Hirwaun Primary School and its 21st Century, first class facilities, including ALN provision and compliance with the Equality Act 2010, thereby ensuring that no pupil, staff member, parent / carer or member of the wider community is prevented from fully accessing the whole extent of the facilities. The Cabinet Member was also rreassured that Home to School transport would be made available to all pupils and reassured by Estyn’s views contained within the appendix to the report. As such, the Cabinet Member was therefore content with the decision.


The Deputy Leader questioned how many pupils currently attend the breakfast club, to which the Director informed the Cabinet that there were 13.


The Deputy Leader also noted that there had been a further decline in pupil numbers at the school since the commencement of the consultation period in relation to the proposal. The Deputy Leader was of the view that the information contained within the report was factual and that the views of the Scrutiny Committee were balanced.


The Deputy Leader acknowledged the importance of schools within the community and spoke of the previous closure of a school within her own ward. The Deputy emphasised that, despite concerns raised by the community, the transition of pupils to a nearby school was seamless and the children adapted and went on to thrive. The Deputy recognised that the proposal was emotive to the community but was content with its reasoning and was therefore in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


Referring to the projections contained within the September 2023 Cabinet report, the Leader noted that the decline in pupils at the school was currently faster than previously suggested and sought assurance that officers were confident with the future projected trends that had been referenced. The Director advised the Cabinet that projections were based on live birth data provided by the Local Health Board and taken account of the existing children placed there. It was recognised that the numbers can fluctuate depending on factors such as families moving in and out of the area, but the Director explained that in the main, the projections were accurate with an approximate 1% variation across RCT in terms of pupil numbers.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1. To note the content of the report;

2. To note the information contained within the Objection Report, attached as

Appendix A to the Cabinet Report, which includes a summary of correspondence received; and

3. To implement the proposal with no amendments.


20/03/2024 - To consider Passing the Following Resolution: ref: 500000012    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/04/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


It was RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.



20/03/2024 - Write Off of Irrecoverable Debts ref: 1076    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024

20/03/2024 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 1067    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 20/03/2024


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication presented, for Cabinet Members’ comment and approval, an update on the Cabinet Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the remainder of the 2023-2024 Municipal Year.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.



20/03/2024 - Education and Inclusion Services Planned Capital Programme 2024-2025 ref: 1071    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Service Director of 21St Century Schools and Transformation provided the Cabinet with details of the capital works for approval for 2024/25 as part of the Council’s three-year Capital Programme.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language welcomed the £6.3M commitment as part of the Capital Programme and emphasised that this had been a strategic decision of the Cabinet to support the schools. The Cabinet Member noted that the report referred to ‘minor works’ but emphasised that the difference the works make to the schools were not minor, but instead contribute to the very best learning environment for young people within the County Borough. The Cabinet Member also spoke of the positive relationship established between the Local Authority and the school leaders, which was appreciated by schools.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Education Capital Programme priority schemes for 2024/25 as outlined in Appendices 1-9 of the report and approve scheme commencement.


20/03/2024 - Review of the Council's Home to School Transport Policy ref: 1079    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services reported the results of the public consultation exercise initiated by Cabinet, together with updated Equality and Welsh Language impact assessments in relation to a proposed new Home to School Transport Policy to assist Cabinet in its determination of whether or not it wished to progress with implementation of a new Home to School Transport Policy.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure firstly took the opportunity to thank officers for providing the Cabinet with the correspondence and responses to the consultation; and to thank the contribution of residents, reflected in the report with 2858 valued responses.


The Cabinet Member noted that for over 10 years, the Council had provided discretionary transport for more learners than almost every other Welsh Council’s Home to School transport operations; and that the Council had consistently gone above and beyond its legal requirement, as set out by Welsh Government, in delivering free transport to its pupils.

The Cabinet Member continued and stated that, as a result of significant underfunding from the UK Government and a budget gap of £85M over the next three years, Cabinet must consider the proposals put forward by Officers that review where the service goes beyond the statutory requirement and how savings can be made. Prior to concluding, the Cabinet Member emphasised that rising costs had made the Council’s current Home to School Transport policy unsustainable and acknowledged the reason for the report being brought for Cabinet’s consideration.

In terms of the significant rise in Home to School Transport costs, the Leader added that it had increased from £8M in 2015 to over £15M in recent years.

The Leader reiterated the Cabinet Member’s comments in respect of the Council going above and beyond in comparison to other Local Authorities and explained that if the Cabinet were to agree to the recommendations contained within the officer’s report, the Council would still be providing one of the most generous Home to School Transport policies in Wales, with a large number of individuals benefiting from discretionary transport. The Leader stated that there were 18 other Local Authorities which had either made significant changes or had not provided the discretionary element for years.

The Leader stressed that this was a decision the Cabinet did not take lightly but that every option must be considered as part of the budget setting process, due to the extraordinary financial challenges as a result of low funding from central government and the continued pressures on social care.

The Deputy Leader firstly took the opportunity to thank the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for its valuable comments and feedback and noted the letter produced as part of the papers before Members.

The Deputy Leader recognised the concerns expressed by residents through the consultation process and echoed the Leader’s comments that Members faced a difficult decision, but one which was deemed necessary given the current financial circumstances.

Referring to the consultation feedback and comments made during the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting, the Deputy noted that there were some concerns raised about safety and asked if officers could confirm that all routes would be reviewed and re-assessed, where appropriate, prior to eligibility confirmation; and if a route was not deemed to be safe, then pupils who are affected would retain free transport to school. The Deputy Leader spoke of a specific route in her ward, Rhydyfelin to Garth Olwg, and explained that officers had been helpful in addressing the concerns and questions raised by residents within the boundary.


The Deputy Leader also sought reassurance as to what impact, if any, the recent publication from Welsh Government regarding the review of the Learner Travel Measure would have upon the proposals recommended to Cabinet for consideration.


In respect of the Equality Impact Assessment, the Deputy Leader felt that it was a comprehensive assessment and emphasised the importance of having due regard to the relevant legislation and socio-economic impacts. It was noted that the Impact Assessment highlighted some negative impacts, if the proposal were to go ahead but that it set out a range of mitigating actions as to how any impacts should be monitored following implementation and actioned including considering alternative options as put forward by consultees and set out in section 14 of the report.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language commented that there was naturally a concern about how the proposals would impact the attendances at schools. In terms of how the Council were seeking to tackle low attendance levels, the Cabinet Member spoke of the significant investment in recent years into a number of support services such as the Attendance and Wellbeing Service and the Resilient Families Service and also the introduction of Family Engagement Officers. The Cabinet Member noted from the report that there was an increased likelihood of a pupil not attending school if they are in receipt of home to school transport.


The Cabinet Member then sought to address another key point raised from the consultation, which was the potential impact on the Welsh language. The Cabinet Member spoke of the significant steps taken as a Local Authority to promote access to Welsh medium education through an extremely ambitious WESP and expansive Capital Programme investment into new Welsh medium school builds and refurbishments; in addition to the Council’s efforts to reach Welsh Government’s ambition of 1M Welsh speakers by 2050.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following County Borough Councillors were granted permission to address the Cabinet in respect of the item:

       County Borough Councillor K Morgan;

       County Borough Councillor L Tomkinson;

       County Borough Councillor C Preddy;

       County Borough Councillor K Johnson;

       County Borough Councillor G Stacey:

       County Borough Councillor S Emanuel: and

       County Borough Councillor C Lisles.


N.B The Leader noted that a petition had been circulated and received by the Cabinet prior to the meeting.


In response to comments made, the Leader stated that lobbying Welsh Government in relation to the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations, was not an option as it was not a devolved matter. In terms of building new schools and access to schools, the Leader noted that there were 116 schools in the County, which was a lot more than many other Local Authorities.


Officers were then provided with an opportunity to respond to the questions and queries raised so far in the discussion. The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services noted that a common point raised was in relation to routes and explained that each route is assessed against the Learner Travel Operational Guidance 2014 criteria outlined within the report and thus deemed ‘available’ or ‘unavailable’. Referring to the route mentioned by the Deputy Leader, the Director advised that despite perception, the route had been assessed in 2018 and was deemed available. The Director assured Members that, where applicable, routes would be reassessed to ensure the criteria is met.


In terms of the review of the Learner Travel Measure, the Director advised that it was concluded that there should be no immediate amendment to the legislation which underpins the learner travel in Wales and it had been acknowledged that the costs for the Local Authorities current statutory responsibilities had increased significantly with no aspect of this changing. The Director advised that, although the final amendments had not been made, the review makes several recommendations to improve the consistency, quality and safety of Learner Travel provision across Wales but assured the Cabinet that none of the recommendations had impact on the recommendations contained within the report before them.


In terms of the Director’s comments in respect of the routes, the Leader added that Cabinet were being asked to make a policy decision and that the assessment of the routes would then be undertaken independently. In terms of the anticipated savings relating to the proposal, the Leader advised that figures were based upon current figures, rather than future forecasting figures to enable the most accurate projection; and explained that a definite figure would not be available until the routes had been independently checked and verified. The Leader acknowledged that the saving could be more than anticipated due to inflationary transport costs over the coming years year or that it could be less in the event that some of the walking routes are deemed unavailable.


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services echoed the Leader’s comments and assured Members that in terms of the costing,  officers would take into consideration the impact of any changes to routes, current contracts in terms of costing and inflation impacts. The Service Director advised that the any changes would be built into the Council’s medium-term financial planning to inform future budget setting processes and stated that any decision would not have an impact of the Council’s 2024-2025 Revenue Budget.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its feedback and noted the comments made by Members in respect of the climate change agenda. The Cabinet Member stated that from a carbon reduction perspective, there would be benefit in reducing the number of vehicles on the road.  The Cabinet Member referred to Sections 18.6 to 18.8 within the report, which outlined that the majority of existing vehicles used for home to school transport were far from environmentally friendly and were some of the most polluting vehicles on the Council’s highways. The Cabinet Member noted the potential impact of private vehicle usage increasing but explained that modelling this was not feasible or a prudent use of officer time.


The Leader added that it would be impossible to determine the impact in terms of private vehicle usage as individuals may choose to walk, cycle, car share or use public transport, if available.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care acknowledged that any decision would bring consequences and impact on families; and echoed the Leader’s earlier comments that it was a position the Cabinet did not want to be in. The Cabinet Member stated that due to the position the Council was in, as a result of funding pressures, all departments had been asked to identify potential savings, which can lead to some difficult decisions having to be made.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity advised that in his own ward, parents had taken it upon themselves to organise their own bus company and agreed that it would be impossible to determine impact on private vehicle usage. Taking into account the comments from the consultation exercise and from Scrutiny Members, the Cabinet Member was of the view that Section 14.2 of the report would be the most balanced in terms of achieving savings whilst reducing potential impacts. This option would be to maintain the Council’s current discretionary distance criteria of providing transport for all primary schools, (English, Welsh, and Faith). Transport whilst provision to all secondary schools and colleges (English, Welsh, and Faith) would change to move in line with the relevant statutory distance criteria as set out in the Measure. The Cabinet Member noted that, if agreed, it would still see RCT offering a more generous eligibility than 18 of the 22 Councils in Wales.


The Leader noted that 1 in 5 Councils in England had suggested they would have financial difficulty in the next year with potential section 114 Notices being issued; and explained that in order to make up the funding through Council Tax, the Council would need an additional 8%+ in Council Tax. The Leader noted that Members of the opposition did not provide an alternative budget for consideration and voted against a rise in Council Tax.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities agreed with Councillor S Emanuel’s point about capitalising on the benefits of the new South Wales Metro and working with Transport for Wales to mitigate some of the impacts on secondary school age children in Treorchy and Treherbert, in particular.


The Leader added that, if any changes were agreed, he would discuss with Transport for Wales whether there would be opportunities in terms of bus or metro travel to mitigate impacts, where possible. However, the Leader reminded the Cabinet that any decision made today must be based upon the facts before them and not on the assumption that such mitigations would be made in the future.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language was in agreement that the preferred option was detailed under section 14.2 of the report, to maintain the Council’s current discretionary distance criteria of providing transport for all primary schools, (English, Welsh, and Faith). Transport provision to all secondary schools and colleges (English, Welsh, and Faith) would change to move in line with the relevant statutory distance criteria as set out in the Measure. The Cabinet Member felt that the option provided some assurance that the effects on Welsh medium education would be mitigated, as far as possible, whilst also recognising that the Cabinet decision could not be based solely on this basis. The Cabinet Member felt that this would be a reasonable approach, based upon the many factors for consideration, and that it should not hinder the ambitions that the Council strives to achieve within its WESP. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that there had been concerns raised around the impact on future parents selecting Welsh medium education, but the Member concluded that the option would mitigate the concerns, minimise the effect on Welsh language learners in particular and would continue to provide the discretionary distance criteria for all primary schools.


Referring to comments made by the opposition to maintain the status quo, the Deputy Leader stated that no alternative options to make savings or maintain a balanced budget had been submitted.


In terms of safe walking routes, the Deputy Leader was reassured by officers and their professional advice provided based on Welsh Government guidance and took the opportunity to extend her gratitude.


The Deputy Leader emphasised that the Council had managed its finances as well as possible, despite outside factors and blamed the UK government for the position in which all Councils had found themselves in.


The Deputy Leader was also of the view that 14.2 was the most balanced approach and commented that the Cabinet must take a broad view and examine all of the reasons as to why they must take a decision. The Deputy leader noted that, if agreed, an additional 305 primary school pupils would retain the provision, whilst there would also be a manageable reduction in the savings generated. The Deputy Leader concluded by stating that the Cabinet must take a balanced view upon any proposal and take into consideration a range of factors. As such, the Deputy Leader was satisfied based upon the need to maintain financial stability, taking into consideration the feedback to received, that the option, on balance, would be the correct approach to take.


The Leader advised that due regard had been given to all comments made as part of the consultation and by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as well as the representations made by the speakers at the meeting and the petition received. The Leader also noted that due regard had been given to the comprehensive impact assessments. Although the recommendation had not been formally moved, the Leader acknowledged that the option suggested by Cabinet would reduce the potential savings to the Council but would be a positive step in terms of primary school transport.


The Leader echoed the Deputy’s statement and commented that although the decision was not about politics, the economy had crashed and that all public services had been affected by many areas such as energy costs and high inflation as a result of such actions. The Leader stressed that he did not want the Local Authority to be in a position whereby it can only afford to provide statutory provision in its different service areas.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure moved the recommendations and specifically the proposal set out in (option 1) 14.2 & 14.3 of the report, which was:

14.2) The first option would be to maintain the Council’s current discretionary distance criteria of providing transport for all primary schools, (English, Welsh, and Faith). Transport provision to all secondary schools and colleges (English, Welsh, and Faith) would change to move in line with the relevant statutory distance criteria as set out in the Measure.

14.3) Whilst the Council would be introducing a change to its secondary school and post-16 eligibility criteria, it would nevertheless continue to provide all other areas of its discretionary transport provision in excess of the current minimum Welsh Government statutory requirement.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the content of the report and outcome of the public consultation, together with the associated Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessments appended to the report;

2.    To consider, in light of the feedback from the public consultation and analysis of the Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessments, whether it wishes to amend the proposal as consulted upon, including consideration of alternative options presented within section 14 of the report;

3.    To proceed with implementation of a revised Home to School Transport Policy as follows:

• To maintain the Council’s current discretionary distance criteria of providing Home to School transport for all primary schools (English, Welsh and Faith);

• To change Home to School transport provision to all secondary schools and colleges (English, Welsh and Faith) in line with the relevant statutory distance criteria as set out in the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008;

• To continue to allow a learner to select their nearest suitable school in accordance with choice of English or Welsh Medium language or preferred religious denomination;

• To continue to provide discretionary pre-compulsory school age transport (in line with current discretionary distance criteria) and to provide discretionary post-16 transport (in line with the relevant statutory distance criteria); and

• To continue to provide discretionary Additional Learning Needs transport.

4.    To publish the revised Home to School Transport Policy by 1st October 2024, in accordance with statutory requirements, and for the policy to be implemented for the commencement of the 2025/26 academic year; and

5.    To delegate authority to the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services to develop, introduce or amend any operational policies/guidance incidental to the implementation of the revised Home to School Transport Policy.


N.B - In terms of comments made by some Elected Members in relation to the conduct of other Elected Members, the Leader advised that the matter would be dealt with outside of the meeting.



20/03/2024 - Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects Supplementary Capital Programme 2024-2025 ref: 1070    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services set out the detailed capital programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects.


The Leader thanked the Director and noted the expansive capital programme of investment detailed within the report. The Leader was pleased to advise that in addition, notification had been received from Welsh Government of approximately £8M highway funding for larger projects including active travel and road safety; along with approximately £3.5-4M for flood risk management. The Leader was confident that there would be further successful grants through the year, which would be added to the extensive programme.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care spoke of the destruction of Storm Dennis within RCT four years ago, which required an unprecedented amount of work to report the Council’s vital infrastructure. The Cabinet Member was of the view that the list of works detailed at Table 5 of the report, was testament to the investment required.


The Leader added that it had been four years since the country went into a National lockdown as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and commended officers for continuing to work on the Storm Dennis infrastructure improvements and repairs through such a difficult period. The Leader commented that due to significant levels of investment and substantial flood risk management funding, the Council would be better placed to face a situation such as Storm Dennis, should it happen again.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and approve the Supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects as detailed within the report; and

2.    To note that the current allocations are part of a 3-year capital programme that delegates authority to the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services, to extend activity to deliver additional projects during the financial year, where capacity exists for accelerated delivery in accordance with the purpose of the wider programme, or to suspend programmes/projects and reallocate funding to optimise delivery.


20/03/2024 - The Council's Local Housing Market Assessment 2023 - 2028 ref: 1075    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Head of Housing Strategy and Investment presented to Cabinet the findings of the Local Housing Market Assessment 2023 – 2028 and sought approval before submitting to Welsh Government and then to publicise the document.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity praised the piece of work, which was based on the outcomes of local data being fed into the Welsh Government modelling programme. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of the strategic document, which, in turn, feeds into the Council’s Housing Strategy and the new Local Development Plan preferred strategy, which was currently being consulted upon.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    That Members approve the Local Housing Market Assessment 2023 – 2028 as a key source of evidence to support the delivery of housing policies in the Council’s Corporate Plan, Local Development Plan and Housing Delivery Plan;

2.    That Members approve the Local Housing Market Assessment 2023 – 2028 as a tool to negotiate affordable housing provision on planning applications and to identify how housing need translates to different sizes and types of affordable housing (e.g. social rent and low cost home ownership); and

3.    That Members approve the Local Housing Market Assessment 2022 – 2037 for use to inform funding bids (including Social Housing Grant) and to influence residential development in the County Borough.


20/03/2024 - Pre-Scrutiny Feedback ref: 1066    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 20/03/2024


For information, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.



20/03/2024 - Working with our Communities - The Council's Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2030 ref: 1068    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 20/03/2024


The Chief Executive set out a new draft Corporate Plan from 2024/25 – 2029/30. 


The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the work undertaken to develop the comprehensive draft Corporate Plan. The Leader emphasised the importance of the strategic plan, which is used to shape the Council’s priorities, budget and Capital Programme; and it was acknowledged that a smaller, ‘easy read’ Plan would be developed as a result.


The Leader was pleased with the new six-year Plan and explained that there may be additions and changes as and when the Council need to respond to situations.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services echoed the Leader’s comments and was pleased to note that climate priorities had been embedded throughout the Plan. The Cabinet Member added that the Council’s ambitions outweigh its challenges.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To review the contents of the draft Corporate Plan 2024-30;

2.    To consider the outcome of the consultation and engagement process;

3.    To consider the comments and feedback, following pre-scrutiny by the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and

4.    To recommend the draft Corporate Plan to Council for approval at its meeting scheduled for 24th April 2024.



20/03/2024 - Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028 ref: 1073    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Diversity and Inclusion Manager provided the Cabinet with information on the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the team for the considerable amount of work involved in producing the Strategic Equality Plan and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its comments and feedback, which was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


The Deputy Leader noted that the Plan included all protected characteristics and details in terms of how performance is measured. The Deputy Leader added that the Local Authority had made good progress but that there was room for improvement.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the comments and feedback, following pre-scrutiny by the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee; and

2.    To the content and publication of the Strategic Equality Plan (SEP).


20/03/2024 - Annual Equality Report 2022-2023 ref: 1072    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Diversity and Inclusion Manager provided information on the Council’s Annual Equality Report for the year 2022-2023.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the team for the considerable amount of work involved in producing the Annual Equality Report and was pleased to note that the Council had met the General Equality Duty. The Deputy Leader recognised that equality covers a huge area and has an impact on all the work of the Council.


The Deputy Leader also extended her gratitude to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its comments and feedback, which was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the comments and feedback, following pre-scrutiny by the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee, attached at Appendix 2 to the report; and

2.    To the content and publication of the Annual Equality Report.


20/03/2024 - Working towards an Age-Friendly Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 1074    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 26/03/2024


The Head of Arts, Culture and Library Services provided the Cabinet with information in relation to the Council’s continued commitment to being an Age-Friendly Community and its proposed application to become a member of the World Health Organisations Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked the officer for the report and commented that it evidenced the Council’s continued commitment to becoming an age-friendly community. The Cabinet Member spoke of the vision of the Council, which was to ensure RCT is a great place to grow older and that older residents feel heard, valued and informed.


As the Older People’s Champion, the Cabinet Member was pleased to support the Council submitting an application to become a member of the World Health Organisations Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments and was pleased to support the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information within the report and approve the submission of an application to become a member of the World Health Organisations Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.


20/03/2024 - Council's Performance Report - 31st December 2023 (Quarter 3) ref: 1069    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/03/2024

Effective from: 20/03/2024


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services provided the Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first nine months of this financial year (to the 31st December 2023).


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services recognised the difficult environment which services were operating in; and the cost pressures across the Council, impacted by increased demand and higher level of inflation. However, the Cabinet Member remained reassured by the robust service management arrangements and proactive work across services to address the challenges. The Cabinet Member was particularly pleased to note the significant Capital Programme expenditure, which demonstrated a sustained year on year investment across the Council’s assets and infrastructure.


The Leader spoke of the almost £2.5M projected overspend, which was largely down to the £2.7M overspend within social services. The Leader advised that this was an area of huge pressure in almost all Local Authorities and explained that the statutory demands must be met, despite financial pressures.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:



1.    To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2023 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary);

2.    To request that Cabinet approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules;


3.    To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2023 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary);

4.    To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st December 2023 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary); and

Corporate Plan Priorities

5.    To note the Quarter 3 progress updates for the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary) that include updates in respect of the Council’s on-going work to deliver its Climate Change ambitions.



07/03/2024 - South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee: Constitution Review 2024 ref: 1077    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Made at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Decision published: 18/03/2024

Effective from: 07/03/2024


The Monitoring Officer for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal presented the report and draft constitution to Members to provide them an opportunity for pre-decision scrutiny of the draft Constitution of the South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee (SEWCJC) prior to consideration by SEWCJC on 18 March 2024. If the arrangements are approved, Regional Cabinet will be asked to formally transfer responsibility for City Deal to the CJC with effective date of 00:01 hours on 1 April 2024


Committee Members welcomed the comprehensive report and acknowledged the complexity that the draft CJC Constitution is a significant document, which requires a significant amount of work and effort to produce and acknowledged that there would be a period of transition from the 1st April whilst the CCRCD “lifts and shifts” to the new CJC model.


Members of the Committee welcomed the opportunity to support the transition process and recommended that the JOSC review the constitution periodically as a living, working document to ensure it remains relevant and fit for purpose.


The JOSC noted that whilst the CJC is a statutory body, established by legislation, they considered whether there needs to be a specific reference made, that any “winding up” mechanism, would require primary or secondary legislation. 


Members acknowledged that the Corporate Joint Committee will continue to be known as the Cardiff Capital Region to continue to build on established reputation, however, a Member considered for the Local Authorities that sit outside of Cardiff, the name Cardiff Capital Region can have a negative reputation amongst residents, with common misconception that funds are being sent to and used only for the benefit of Cardiff.  The Committee therefore recommended that the reference to Cardiff not specifically be referenced to ensure it is reflective of its regional nature.


Members of the Committee were reassured that from April, the Corporate Joint Committee will have a published Work Programme improving transparency and accountability, but also to support the JOSC in determining items for their own Work Programme, particularly in identifying matters for pre-scrutiny. 


A number of Members emphasised the importance of pre-decision scrutiny to allow for thorough evaluation of options before key decisions are made.  Members therefore recommended that this is explicitly mentioned in the constitution under the role and responsibilities of the JOSC in addition to ensuring there is a clear definition between the role of the Governance and Audit Committee and the JOSC to give a good framework for Members to have a clear understanding of their role. 


Whilst Members acknowledged that Budget reporting for the CJC will sit within the Terms of Reference of the Governance and Audit Committee, as a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee they felt this should also be considered within their Annual Work Programme.  Members therefore also recommended that there is greater clarity on the role of the deputy members on the JOSC. 


Under Article 4.2, referring the Policy Framework, Members were reassured by the Director to hear that whilst Climate Change is not a Statutory Policy duty this is currently under discussion with Welsh Government colleagues to add this as a core statutory duty to address the current Climate crisis.


When considering the criteria for a Key Decision, Members reflected that “significant effects” account for where there is an effect on two or more Local Authority areas.  Members recommended amending to include “or a Broad Regional Strategic Impact” as some decisions could sit within one Local Authority area but have a Broad regional impact, Aberthaw Power Station as one example.


To ensure equality and a responsibility to those Members and Officers who may have illnesses such as diabetes, Members recommended including a meeting break clause under the Corporate Joint Committee Procedure Rules noting that good meeting practice is a 15 minute break every 90 minutes with an adjournment after 3 hours. Members also recommended having reference to Welsh Government’s Race Equality Action Plan throughout the constitution


Following consideration of the item it was RESOLVED to:


(1)      Review and consider the draft Constitution of the South East Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


(2)      Consider and determine any other matters that members may wish to scrutinise over the coming period.



11/03/2024 - Initial report in relation to the National Eisteddfod of Wales 2024 Infrastructure and Spatial Planning ref: 1037    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 11/03/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 11/03/2024

Effective from: 11/03/2024


The Head of Sports, Leisure and Parks provided Members with an update in relation to the infrastructure and spatial planning for The RCT National Eisteddfod of Wales 2024. 


Members were advised that under the direction of a Council Senior Leadership Oversight Board, two Workstream groups, made up of RCT officers and partners, have been established to work directly with the National Eisteddfod to deliver the comprehensive infrastructure and community engagement aspects of the Eisteddfod, which is to be held in Ynysangharad Park on the 3rd August for 5 days. 


The Committee were informed that the Infrastructure Group meets monthly to discuss:


         Highway/Traffic Infrastructure.


         Car Parks/Park and Ride.


         Camping, Tourism.


         Town Centre liaison.


The Officer provided Members with further detail in relation to each of the above mentioned aspects, providing current position statements. 


Such information included the positioning of the main Eisteddfod Site (Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, Maes B (the National Eisteddfod Youth Fringe Festival - Pontypridd High School Fields) and key park and ride sites such as Hawthorn School site.  For Committee awareness, other non-council locations that are subject to separate private agreements between the National Eisteddfod and the relevant third party were also highlighted within the meeting, which included:

         Private Land off Berw Road (Caravan and Camping Site)

         The Muni (Performance and Competition Venue)

         YMa (Performance and Rehearsal venue)

         University of South Wales Sites at Glyntaff and Treforest

(Trader   and Staff parking, Park and Ride and Accommodation Offer)


Due to the location of the event, and the good public transport links available the RCT Eisteddfod will therefore promote a greener travel message to visitors, and a number of initiatives to promote use of the train network and wider park and ride facilities will be in place.


Reference was made to the Pontypridd Spatial Plan and the Officer provided detail of the phased release of parts of the Park in the lead up to the event to provide minimum disruption to service users.



It was confirmed that the arrangements put in place for the National Eisteddfod would be subject to further scrutiny and approval in due course by the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG).


The Leader of the Council spoke of the localised disruption that would be witnessed by the event, however spoke of the longer term benefits that would also be witnessed through the hosting of this National Event, commenting on the positive historical and economic impact for the whole of the County Borough.  The Leader referenced the positive engagement with Traders within the Town Centre and surrounding areas, although noted the traffic implications. The Leader commented on the importance to emphasise the use of public transport to access the event, although advised of the ongoing work with highways and traffic control.


The Deputy Leader reiterated the positive impact that the event would bring to the County Borough and referenced her disappointment to the negative comments that had been received by some.  The Deputy Leader reaffirmed the focus on hosting the event with minimum disruption to service users and residents in the lead up to the event.


The Director for Public Health and Protection and Eisteddfod Lead Officer thanked Members for the positive comments and spoke of the lengthy discussions and work taken forward to date to establish the current position in partnership with the Eisteddfod.  The Officer spoke of the challenges faced, as this was not a typical Eisteddfod location and how these had been overcome.  The officer confirmed that the Committee would be provided with regular updates on the developments taken forward.


The Eisteddfod spoke of the importance of partnership working and the role all have to play in the success of the Eisteddfod, with the Eisteddfod, the Council and wider ranging stakeholders such as business community.  The Officer gave thanks for the continued support provided by the Council and also reiterated the need for the Eisteddfod to be sustainable and inclusive. 


The Chair thanked all for the work undertaken and the exciting opportunities that lay ahead, commenting on the opportunity to illustrate to other Local Authorities how a Town Centre setting could host such a National Event.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:


       i.          To note the content of the report.

      ii.          To approve the use of Council owned (or controlled) land identified in the Infrastructure Plan for use by the National Eisteddfod and delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services and the Director of Corporate Estates to ensure appropriate agreements are in place to secure the same.


(N.B Due to the need to progress the work needed to be undertaken to deliver on the National Eisteddfod of Wales, including confirmation of infrastructures and spatial planning to ensure appropriate agreements are in place, the Service Director, Democratic Services and Communications confirmed that the decision would be exempt from call in subject to the approval of the Presiding Officer.)

11/03/2024 - Update on the RCT National Eisteddfod 2024 - Community Engagement ref: 1036    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Made at meeting: 11/03/2024 - Eisteddfod Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision published: 11/03/2024

Effective from: 15/03/2024


The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services provided Members with an update on the Community Engagement being taken forward by Council Officers in collaboration with National Eisteddfod officers in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


Members were advised of the significant progress made to date, with preparation work undertaken with the Eisteddfod’s National Lottery Heritage Fund community engagement project, which was continuing to be delivered successfully, providing opportunities to engage with a small number of targeted groups to inform and pilot a new approach to National Eisteddfod engagement in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


Two Committees have been established which are seen as the driving force that brings people from across the County together and as a committed group of volunteers, they work closely with the Eisteddfod team, local communities and the Council to organise awareness-raising and fundraising events. Details of the fund-raising Committees were also provided to Members.


The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services continued to advise of the Community Engagement and events established to date.  The Officer also stressed the Key messages that the National Eisteddfod needed to be inclusive for everyone in Rhondda Cynon Taf, and the importance of ensuring that people understand there is something for everyone at the National Eisteddfod and that it is not just for people who can speak Welsh.


The Committee were advised that Council Officers in partnership with Eisteddfod Officers, have developed a school strategy, highlighting opportunities for Welsh and English medium schools to engage with Eisteddfod preparations. The strategy continues to be developed as new opportunities become available, which in turn will be shared with all primary and secondary schools.


The Officer informed Members that Council Officers working with key partners such as Menter Iaith, Helo Blod (Welsh Gov) and Town Centre BIDS, have begun work developing a business toolkit. Included in the toolkit will be further information about the Eisteddfod, resources from Helo Blod and a pamphlet to help local businesses and town users to develop their conversational Welsh skills.


It was confirmed that the National Eisteddfod is a charitable organisation and its funding model requires that a contribution to the operating costs of the festival is raised by community fundraising activities in the host local authority area. Members learnt that there is already lots of effort being made by the National Eisteddfod, local communities supported by local members, voluntary groups, to fundraise across the County Borough.


The Officer concluded her report by commenting on the National Eisteddfod’s aims in relation to legacy for Rhondda Cynon Taf, which focused on aspects such promotion and increase in the Welsh language and an increase and interest in local culture and heritage.

The Chair thanked the Officer for the report and the work and efforts taken forward to date in respect of the community engagement, with local communities taking forward a sense of ownership in respect of the event.  The Chair commented on the opportunities for all with this National event, commenting on the opportunities for businesses, schools, young people and residents across the County Borough and the need to ensure that the event is as inclusive as possible for all.  The importance of the Legacy was also referenced by the Chair, who spoke of the aspirations to increase the use of the Welsh language within the County Borough.




       i.          To note the content of the report.

07/03/2024 - Schools Eco Award ref: 1041    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/03/2024

Effective from: 13/03/2024


The Service Director of 21st Century Schools and Transformation provided the Sub-Committee with an overview of progress in the launch and delivery of the RCT Schools Eco Award (Bronze Award), where participating schools are positively contributing to the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.


The Chair thanked the Service Director for the report and took the opportunity to speak of previous visits to schools, whereby pupils were engaged and knowledgeable about climate change.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure praised the work of the schools and suggested that the Cabinet be invited to future visits alongside the Chair and the Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that contractors were fully on board with the work of the schools to successfully achieve the Bronze Award.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity acknowledged the huge appetite of all schools for climate change and eco-friendly projects. In relation to the previous report, the Cabinet Member spoke of the use of school pantries run by students to support families with food inflation and the cost-of-living crisis.


The Service Director responded to the comments and welcomed Members to visit School Council meetings for the young people to have the opportunity to share their good work in respect of the tackling climate change agenda. The Service Director advised that she would organise future visits.


Referring to the comments made about school pantries, the Service Director spoke of the passion in schools to eliminate food waste and the different practices in place to meet those targets, such as recycling food.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report; and

2.    To note any considerations that could be implemented in the Silver Award which will be launched at the beginning of the next academic year (2024/2025).

07/03/2024 - Sustainable Food ref: 1040    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/03/2024

Effective from: 13/03/2024


The Community Programmes Manager provided the Sub-Committee with information on the work undertaken since 2020 in relation to Sustainable Food Places and the planned programme of work for 2024-25.


Members’ attention was drawn to sections 6 and 7 of the report, which detailed the significant progress, milestones, and impact of the Sustainable Food Places work.


Following RCT Food Partnership’s achievement of the Sustainable Food Places Bronze, the officer informed the Sub-Committee that the next development phase would concentrate effort towards achieving the Silver Award, with the intention to devise a strategy to support future developments longer term.


The Chair thanked the officer for the comprehensive report and praised RCT service areas for their close partnership working. The Chair spoke of the RCT Food partnership, which was awarded the Sustainable Food Places Bronze Award on 8th November 2023, the joint-third (alongside Carmarthenshire County Council) Welsh Local Authority to receive the award since the framework was initiated in 2015. The Chair noted that the partnership was a passionate mix of members from community groups, public bodies and food businesses from all around the County and commented on how professionally it was run.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure congratulated the team on achieving the Bronze Award and was also pleased to note the partnership work to benefit communities. The Cabinet Member raised concerns in respect of out-of-date food and queried if there was capacity for the Food Co-Ordinator to offer support to smaller foodbanks in terms of stock rotation and the prevention, where possible, of out-of-date food. The officer stated that he would be happy to have a conversation with foodbanks to offer further support as the Cabinet Member suggested. Members were also informed of an active offer through the Community Development Team to provide community training, which could be used to offer a training package alongside the community groups in relation to stock rotation opportunities.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke of the position many found themselves in as a result of the pandemic and praised the vast amount of partnership work undertaken by the Council, businesses, community groups and foodbanks to provide support to those who need it most. The Cabinet Member suggested that the Council promote the work further on its website and the officer explained that a new website was in progress, along with a Community Development quarterly newsletter.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the progress reported, the planned expenditure, and how this contributes to the broader objectives of theCouncils Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025:‘Think Climate RCT’



07/03/2024 - Energy Generation Projects ref: 1039    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/03/2024

Effective from: 13/03/2024


The Director of Corporate Estates and the Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction provided the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with details of the work underway on the development of renewable energy projects and certain other Carbon Reduction related issues. 


The following projects were highlighted to Members, outlining the successes and future works required with key updates being provided from the contents of the report:

-          6MW Solar Farm Installation;

-          Hydro Electricity Prospects;

-          Carbon Reduction Programme;

-          Geo-Thermal Technology;

-          Amgen Developments (Nant y Gwyddon wind turbine and Bryn Pica site); and

-          Local Area Energy Plan (or LAEP).

The Chair spoke positive of the vast amount of work put into each project listed in the report before Members, which would make a significant contribution to the Council achieving its Carbon targets.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity echoed the Chair’s comments, noting the various projects underway and in the pipeline.


The Cabinet Member noted from the report that the Council was previously successful in obtaining two grid connections from NG in pursuit of its aspirations to generate renewable energy, the first option for 4.2MW at 11kV and a second for 6MW at 33kV; and that discussions had been underway, for some time, with several developers who have plans to construct wind turbines on land adjoining to that owned by the Council. The Cabinet Member sought further information on the viability of the connections. The Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction advised that the 4.2MW connection in Abergoki had weight loss charges that meant that the project was not viable to the Council and as such, the offer was novated to a ‘national’ developer to enable them to realise the full potential of their adjacent site. The officer advised that the Council had a guaranteed 2.5% stake in the project, with the option of buying back into the scheme in the future. In respect of the 6MW connection and the significant increase in the latest estimate applied by NGED, the officer informed the Sub-Committee that this was a result of cost of living and inflationary pressures in the market. Due to the considerable increase in cost, the potential viability of the project would need to be reassessed and as such, early discussions were underway with a local company looking to develop a windfarm adjacent to the site to establish if there were any partnership opportunities.


The Director added that a lot of due diligence and feasibility studies are put into each project, but unfortunately, it sometimes gets to the point where the Council must look at alternative options with the grid connection. The Director explained that the grid connection is applied for as a starting point to ensure a concept could work, but that there is a long waiting list of up to five years for spare capacity. The Director assured the Sub-Committee that the Council would make best use of the grid connections secured with the various projects.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure was pleased to note the exciting and innovative projects listed within section 5 of the report and queried if it would be possible to link with schools and community groups to involve young people in some of the projects going forward. The Service Director of 21st Century Schools and Transformation echoed the Cabinet Member’s comment and advised that schools would welcome involvement, particularly with the hydro projects. The officer advised that secondary schools would be particularly active in such projects and that STEM is part of the new curriculum for Wales.


One Member questioned where, if any, the spare grid capacity in RCT was located, to which the Director confirmed there was none available. It was explained that the Council could currently only apply and get confirmation of anything under 1MW, which was where the smaller scale hydro schemes were of benefit.


The Member also questioned if the solar farm in Tyla Garw, Pontyclun had been included in RCT’s offset of carbon. The Director informed the Member that Tyla Garw might be accounted for as part of the Local Area Energy Plan for the County Borough rather than the Council.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the contents of the update report as part of the ongoing work of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee; and

2.    To agree to receive further reports during 2024 and 2025, providing updates on progress within key areas.


07/03/2024 - Procured Goods & Services ref: 1038    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 07/03/2024 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 07/03/2024

Effective from: 13/03/2024


The Head of Procurement provided Members with an update on the Council’s compliance with the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023.


Members were provided with information in respect of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023, which became law in Wales during 2023. The Act makes it a criminal offence to supply or offer to supply (including for free) certain single-use plastic products to consumers in Wales. It was explained that the law bans the sale or supply of certain single-use plastic products in Wales, unless an exemption applies (details of the exemptions are provided with the Statutory Guidance supporting the Act). Any organisation that does not comply with the Act will be committing a criminal offence and will be subject to a financial penalty.


The officer assured the Sub-Committee that all items listed within ‘Phase 1’ of the legislation were removed during 2020 and that exceptions were in place such as plastic straws, but the criteria adhered to the Act. The officer continued, explaining that over and above those items listed in ‘Phase 1’ of the Act, the Council had endeavoured to remove as many single use items (not just plastic) from its services as possible.


The Chair thanked the officer for the report and was pleased to note that the Council was well prepared and would not be impacted by the introduction of the ban on products due to work already undertaken by the Procurement Service over the past three years.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity praised the officers for being a step ahead and undertaking such importance work prior to the establishment of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023 became law in Wales during 2023.


The Cabinet Member noted from the report that the Facilities Cleaning Service had trialled the use of disposable pods, as an alternative to the 750ml single-use plastic cleaning bottles and asked for further detail on the outcome of the trial. The officer explained that by using the disposable pods, the Council were cutting down on the use of large plastic bottles. The officer advised that the way of working had quickly been implemented by staff and that the positive feedback was being used as part of the tender.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure thanked the officers for their work and felt that the work would evidence to young people that the Council were leading by example.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1. To review the content of the report and be satisfied that the Council complies with the Act;

2. To note the Council’s upcoming work to ensure compliance with future phases of the legislation; and

3. To note the work that is progressing to reduce other single-use items that are not specifically listed within the Act.


21/02/2024 - Pre-Scrutiny Feedback ref: 1009    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 21/02/2024


For information, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.


21/02/2024 - The Council's Corporate Safeguarding Policy ref: 1010    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 27/02/2024


The Chief Executive presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval of the revised Corporate Safeguarding Policy.


The Leader emphasised the importance of the document and was happy to agree to the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care took thanked the Chief Executive for the all-encompassing policy document and also took the opportunity to thank the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which undertook pre-scrutiny to of the arrangements at its meeting on the 29th January 2024.


The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of safeguarding both children and adults from harm and neglect and welcomed the recommendations before Members.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the information contained in the report;

2.    To note the feedback provided by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee which met on 29th January 2024; and

3.    To approve the new Corporate Safeguarding Policy, presented at Appendix I to the report.


21/02/2024 - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) and Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA): Use of Investigatory Powers during 2023 by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council ref: 1011    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 27/02/2024


The Director of Legal and Democratic Services provided Cabinet with the report, which enabled them to review the Council’s use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (as amended) (RIPA) for the period 1st January to 31st December 2023; and the Council’s use of the Acquisition of Communications Data under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA) for the same period.


The Deputy Leader noted that the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 covered a wide range of Council services, including the licensing regime. The Deputy Leader emphasised the importance of using the powers in an appropriate manner and was satisfied from the update that it had been.


In terms of the increase in social media monitoring, the Deputy Leader felt that this was indicative of how individuals lead their lives.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report; and

2.   To acknowledge that investigatory powers in respect of covert surveillance and acquisition of communications data have been used in an appropriate manner that is consistent with the Council’s RIPA and IPA policies during the period 1st January – 31st December 2023.



21/02/2024 - Non-Domestic Rate (NDR) Relief Schemes 2024/25 ref: 1014    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 21/02/2024


The Head of Revenue and Benefits provided Cabinet with details of the Welsh Government Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) – Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rate Relief (RLH) Scheme for 2024/25; details of the Council’s local business rate reduction scheme; and details of new Non-Domestic Rate reliefs available to qualifying business rate payers from 1st April 2024.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services welcomed the recommendations contained within the report, recognising the pledge to businesses within the Council’s Corporate Plan. The Cabinet Member commented that the adoption of Welsh Government’s RLH Scheme and the local discretionary scheme would further provide much needed financial support for businesses throughout RCT.


The Leader was pleased to note that the local business rate relief scheme would continue to provide financial support for the smaller town centre businesses and explained that RCT were one of the only Local Authorities in Wales to establish such a scheme.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.             To note the details of the Welsh Government (WG) RLH Scheme and formally adopt the scheme for the year 2024/25;

2.             To note the continuation of the proposed local Business Rate Reduction Scheme for 2024/25; and

3.             To note the new Non-Domestic Rate reliefs available to qualifying business rate payers from 1st April 2024.


21/02/2024 - The Council's Capital Programme 2024/25 - 2026/27 ref: 1013    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 21/02/2024


The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services provided Cabinet with a proposed three year capital programme for 2024/25 to 2026/27 that if acceptable, would be presented to Council for approval.


The Leader thanked the Deputy Chief Executive for presenting the report.


The Leader referenced the additional £19.292M of substantial funding listed in Section 6.2 of the report and explained that the investment priorities are linked to either the Council’s Corporate Plan or the Cabinet’s manifesto commitments. The Leader clarified that the figure was in addition to the wider capital programme, which included millions of pounds of investment for regeneration, housing grants and schools etc. The Leader added that, if successful, the pending bids that had been submitted to Welsh Government would be added to the Capital Programme.


The Leader drew attention to the investment in the Coed Ely Solar Farm, which would allow the Council to generate its own renewable energy and reduce future energy costs; and the Hawthorn Hockey Pitch, which had been a previous commitment.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services praised the Southern Gateway development at Pontypridd and commented that it would make a positive difference within the town centre by enabling footfall for businesses from the North to the South.


The Deputy Leader, as the Armed Forces Champion, took the opportunity to thank the Leader for the support given to the families of veterans. The Deputy Leader spoke of the inclusion of £100,000 towards the digitalisation of war memorials, which was the first project of its kind in the Country and would involve schools, groups and communities. The Deputy Leader recognised that she was one of the only Armed Forces Champions with a working budget and stated that it was greatly appreciated by the armed forces community.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To propose the attached three-year capital programme at Appendix A of the report to Council on 6th March 2024 which includes:

 -       A proposed allocation of resources as detailed in paragraph 5 of the attached report;

-       Proposed investment priorities as detailed in paragraph 6.2 of the attached report;

-    The Council’s core capital programme;

-       The Council’s total capital programme including additional non core   funding.


2.    To authorise the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services to amend the level of Council Resources required to fund the Core Three Year Capital Programme as shown at Appendix 2 of the report as a consequence of any change to the Council’s capital resource levels announced in the Final Local Government Settlement.


21/02/2024 - The Council's 2024/25 Revenue Budget ref: 1012    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/02/2024

Effective from: 27/02/2024


The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services provided Cabinet with the opportunity to consider and amend as necessary the draft budget strategy which they would wish to recommend to Council.


The Leader thanked the Deputy Chief Executive for the report.


Although the Leader welcomed the additional £25M for Local Governments in Wales, he explained that English councils needed an additional £1.5B for pressures but only £600M was announced and of the £600M, just £500M of that was new money. Consequently, only £25M was given to Wales.


The Leader admitted that of all the years he had been in his role, this had been the most challenging budget gap faced due to pay pressures, service pressures and inflation; and at a time where there is no increase in RSG funding. The Leader was of the view that the proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget was the best it could be in such a challenging time and noted that it was favourable in comparison to other Local Authorities, where Council Tax rises were in the range of 7/8% with some over 10%.


The Leader noted that the proposed council tax rise for RCT was 4.9% but moved that it be amended to 4.99% and explained that the additional 0.9% would help with public transport pressures.


The Leader referred to the base budget increase for schools, which was 6.4% and proposed that a further £500,000 of additional one-off funding is allocated to Schools, which would help with the costs faced by schools.


The Deputy Leader was in support of the Leader’s amendments to the recommendations contained within the report. The Deputy Leader praised the sound financial management of the Council which had enabled the proposal of one of the lowest council tax rises in Wales. Referring to the consultation responses, the Deputy Leader felt that the dire financial position of local authorities had been recognised amongst the communities.


The Deputy Leader stated that the Local Authority has no remit over the presets of the Community Councils but advised that the Council had been approached by several of the community councils to look at join working arrangements, which could be beneficial in the future.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity wished to place on record his thanks to the Senior Finance Officers for bringing forward a positive budget proposal; and welcomed the additional one-off payment towards schools.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language echoed previous comments and was supportive of the Leader’s additional recommendation in relation to support for schools. The Cabinet Member stated that as a Cabinet, Members has always sought to financially protect schools, where possible. The Cabinet Member felt that this would further support schools, along with the Local Authority’s commitment to fund the increase in pay costs, which had not been funded by Welsh Government.


Upon concluding his comments, the Cabinet Member took the opportunity to thank the School Leaders and recognised that it was a particularly challenging time for schools.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.     To the Budget Strategy which they wish to recommend to Council on the 6th March 2024;

2.     To amend the proposed Council Tax increase for 2024/25 to 4.99% to support public transport provision and determine that this level forms part of the Cabinet’s Budget Strategy to be presented to Council on 6th March 2024; 

3.     To allocate £500,000 of additional one-off funding to Schools and determine that this forms part of the Cabinet’s Budget Strategy to be presented to Council on 6th March 2024; and

4.     That the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services be authorised to amend the final budget consequential to the receipt of the Final Settlement as set out in Section 4 of the report.


24/01/2024 - Pre-Scrutiny Committee Feedback ref: 945    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 24/01/2024


For information, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.


24/01/2024 - The adoption of the Authority's revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan ref: 951    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2024


The Head of Flood Risk Management and Strategic Projects advised members on the outcome of the statutory public consultation on the revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and Action Plan (formerly known as a Flood Risk Management Plan), as required under Section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010.


The Leader acknowledged that a huge amount of work had been put into developing the revised strategy and action plan. The Leader commended the detailed plan and advised that it would put the Local Authority in a good position going forward with regards to future bids and capital funding from Welsh Government. However, the Leader explained that the plan clearly demonstrated that RCT is at the highest risk of surface flooding in Wales and as such, there was a need to continue to invest in flood resilience and to work with households and businesses.


The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services wished to place on record his thanks to the team for the work undertaken in producing the documents before Members. The Director commented that he felt the investment had started to pay dividends and that the team were undertaking a risk based approach.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication for the letter to Cabinet, which outlined the comments of the Council’s Climate Change, Frontline Services and Prosperity Scrutiny Committee following consideration of the Authority’s Revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan at its meeting held on 18th January 2024. The Deputy Leader also extended her gratitude to the officers for their work in putting together the revised strategy and action plan before Members.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure welcomed the report and the comments made by the Scrutiny Committee. The Cabinet Member agreed that a glossary of terms and abbreviations would be beneficial going forward.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the results and the review of the statutory public consultation on the draft LFRMS and Action Plan, which was presented to the Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee on 22nd November 2023 as per the programme of work which was agreed by Cabinet on 15th May 2023;

2.    To note the feedback from the Climate and Frontline Services Committee which met on 18th January 2024, which will be provided by the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication;

3.    That the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan is adopted by the Authority; and

4.    That the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, and accompanying environmental assessment, are submitted to the Welsh Government for Ministerial approval.


24/01/2024 - Continuation of free Breakfast Club provision in Primary and Special Schools with the introduction of a charge for the additional childcare element ref: 946    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2024


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services advised Cabinet on the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of a proposal to introduce a charge for the additional childcare element, which is available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision in primary and special schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf, noting eligible Free School Meal (eFSM) pupils would be exempt from any charge.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language thanked the officers for the report and thanked the respondents to the consultation.


The Cabinet Member recognised that the Cabinet were considering the proposal because of the significant financial challenges faced by the Council. The Cabinet Member noted that the proposals before the Committee would maintain access to a free breakfast for all pupils; and that any additional income to be generated would be ring fenced and reinvested back into school budgets as part of the Council’s proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget Strategy.

The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that eFSM pupils would be exempt from the proposed charge and emphasised that the most vulnerable in the community would be protected if Cabinet were to agree to the recommendations. The Cabinet Member also welcomed the recommendation in response to the consultation to agree a further category of concession whereby parents/carers would only pay for the first two children of primary age, living in the same household, accessing the provision.

In respect of the consultation responses, the Cabinet Member noted the strong feedback in respect of many parents/carers’ circumstances, whereby they may wish to access the childcare element, pre-the school day, for part of the working week only. The Cabinet Member questioned if it would be feasible to introduce a second option as part of the proposal, which would be a second charge for up to three days only. The Cabinet Member sought advice from the Director and if feasible, stated that he would be minded to propose an addition is made to recommendation 2.2, subject to comments of other Cabinet Members. The Director echoed the Cabinet Member’s comment that this was an emerging theme from the consultation responses and advised that the suggestion could be explored if Members were in agreement.  

The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for its comments and feedback in respect of the proposals. In terms of the consultation, the Deputy Leader recognised the concerns expressed by parents through the consultation process, in respect of the additional financial cost that the proposal would introduce. The Deputy Leader explained that this was an area of support provided above what was originally intended, when free school breakfasts were introduced, and an area where a charge is already applied by a number of Local Authorities. It was noted that other Local Authorities, due to the decrease in Public Sector funding, were also currently consulting upon such proposals. The Deputy Leader was of the view that in comparison to the charges for child care, the cost proposed was reasonable.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure acknowledged the difficult decision faced by the Cabinet but stated that it was necessary in the current financial circumstances. The Cabinet Member questioned how the Council would ensure consistency as part of any implementation and access to the same level, or time, or childcare for the £1 charge.

The Director advised that officers would work with schools and partners due to the variations within the current breakfast clubs offer, in terms of the start and finish times. The Director recognised that, if approved by Cabinet, the offer would need to be equitable across the system.

The Leader commented that the consultation had demonstrated that the price cap for the first two children of primary age, living in the same household, accessing the provision, was the correct way forward. Similarly, the Leader noted that those eligible for FSM under the old criteria would be exempt from the charge was also welcomed in the consultation.  

In terms of the amendment to recommendation 2.2 as proposed by the Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language, the Leader was in support of a two-tiered charging system and suggested an option for parents/carers to access the provision for up to three days per week only at a term time fee of £40. The Leader acknowledged that it would be too difficult to offer a daily charge but felt the two-tiered approach would be fairer in response to the consultation feedback.

Members were content with the amendment to recommendation 2.2 of the report and the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication confirmed the following wording:

-       2.2 - To the preferred fee of £1 per day, rounded down to £60 per term, for the additional childcare element, which is available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision, to be implemented from the start of the spring term 2024 or as soon as is practicable thereafter; and to confirm the ability to access this provision for up to three days per week only, at a term time fee of £40.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the information contained within the attached Consultation Report, which includes feedback received from the online surveys, emails and letters, the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 13th December 2023 and the frequently asked questions posted on the Council’s website;

2.    To the preferred fee of £1 per day, rounded down to £60 per term, for the additional childcare element, which is available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision, to be implemented from the start of the spring term 2024 or as soon as is practicable thereafter; and to confirm the ability to access this provision for up to three days per week only, at a term time fee of £40;

3.    That eFSM pupils should be exempt from the proposed charge and agree a further category of concession whereby parents/carers would only pay for the first two children of primary age, living in the same household, accessing the provision; 

4.    That the additional income to be generated is ring fenced and reinvested back into school budgets as part of the Council’s proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget Strategy; and

5.    To delegate authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to undertake and conclude the necessary actions to implement the decision of Cabinet.


24/01/2024 - Review of the Welsh Church Act Fund ref: 950    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2024


The Director of Prosperity and Development sought approval to amend the criteria and financial thresholds of the Welsh Church Act Fund in order to ensure a greater positive impact for local communities and maximise take up of the Fund.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke positive of the content of the report and of having the opportunity to revise the current threshold. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that the fund already provided support to many local community groups and was of the view that the proposals would build upon that support, by making it more flexible.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To the revised criteria outlined in paragraphs 7.2 – 7.4 of the report for formal consultation with Bridgend and Merthyr Councils; and

2.    That subject to no objections from Bridgend and Merthyr Councils, the new arrangements are implemented.


24/01/2024 - Proposal to develop a new Special School in Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 947    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2024


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent publication of a Statutory Notice in respect of the proposal to open a new 3 to 19 special school in Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) and introduce catchment areas for all 3 to 19 special schools across RCT.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language was pleased to note that there were no objections to the proposed new 3 to 19 special school and the introduction of catchment areas for all 3 to 19 special schools across RCT.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the acute pressures faced by the Local Authority with regard to special school placements and welcomed the proposals before Members. The Cabinet Member concluded by stating that he looked forward to receiving a future Treasury Management report to the Council and the outcome of the bid for Welsh Government funding.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments and welcomed the next steps in the process.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.  To note that no objections or comments were received in response to the publication of the Statutory Notice to progress the proposal;

2.    To implement the proposal with no amendments; and

3.    That an update to the Council’s borrowing envelope is included in a future Treasury Management report to Council when costs are known and Welsh Government funding is secured.



24/01/2024 - Council Fees and Charges Proposals 2024-2025 ref: 948    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 24/01/2024


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services set out:

·       The proposed revisions to Council fees and charges levels for the 2024/25 financial year to be consulted on as part of phase 2 of the 2024/25 budget consultation process (with the proposed revisions to be effective from 1st April 2024 or as soon as is practicable thereafter);

·       Details of fees and charges decisions previously approved and to be included in the 2024/25 proposed Budget Strategy; and 

·       A proposed update to the Council’s Street Trade License Scheme and proposed arrangements around the implementation of future changes to the maximum level of weekly charge for non-residential care services, as determined by Welsh Government.


The Leader thanked the Service Director for the report and commented that the proposed fees and charges detailed before the Committee were relatively fair. The Leader explained that in some areas, they had sought to ensure the full cost was not passed on. As an example, the Leader noted that the approximate 14% general increase in food costs would see the current cost of school dinners increase by around 30-35p, but the proposed increase was 15p. In respect of car parking costs, the Leader advised that there had been lobbying from the public for the Council to introduce card payments, but in order to balance the cost of the new offer, a small increase of 10p had been proposed. In relation the proposed 25p Lido booking fee, the Leader advised that with each booking, there is a transactional fee for the Council but when thousands of individuals book and fail to attend, the Council were incurring a charge. The Leader advised that the 25p fee would offset the charge going forward.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was pleased to note that 82.3% of respondents to phase one of the consultation were in agreement with the approach the Council takes to introducing fees. The Cabinet Member was pleased with the balanced approach to fees and charges, which she was of the view, took into consideration the financial situation of residents.  


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1. To consider proposed revisions to Council fees and charges for the 2024/25 financial year along with new proposed charges;

2.    For the fees and charges proposals (as set out at paragraphs 5.3.1 to 5.3.21 of the report) to be consulted on through phase 2 of the Council’s 2024/25 Budget Consultation process and reported back to Cabinet for consideration as part of formulating a recommended Budget Strategy for 2024/25;

3.    To note the fees and charges decisions previously approved and to be included in the 2024/25 proposed Budget Strategy (paragraph 5.10 / Table 2 of the report);

4.    To note the proposed update to the Council’s Street Trade License Scheme to be considered by the Council’s Licensing Committee on 30th January 2024 and, subject to the Committee’s approval, for the estimated additional income generated to be incorporated within the Council’s proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget Strategy; and

5.    To note Welsh Government’s responsibility in setting the maximum level of weekly charge for non-residential care services and approve that future revisions to maximum weekly charge levels are implemented by the Council in line with Welsh Government guidance.


24/01/2024 - The Council's 2024-2025 Revenue Budget ref: 949    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 24/01/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2024

Effective from: 24/01/2024


The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services provided Cabinet with information in respect of the 2024/25 local government settlement and the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 exercise, to assist with its deliberations in formulating the revenue budget strategy for the financial year 2024/25, which it will recommend to Council, for approval.


The Leader thanked the Group Director for the report and admitted that the budget round has been the most difficult since he had been Council Leader in terms of pressures on services, high utility costs and cost of living pressures. The Leader felt that the budget proposed to Members was reasonable given the aforementioned difficulties faced by both the Council and households. It was noted that all statutory services had been maintained, and in many cases, well above the provision.


Whilst acknowledging that a rise in council tax was not ideal, the Leader was of the view that the proposal was reasonable in order to maintain valuable social care and education provision within the Borough.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services echoed the Leader’s comments and felt that the consultation had highlighted that the majority of the public recognised the financial pressures placed upon the Council.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the consultation respondents and noted that 75.6% agreed to protecting services at current levels with a reasonable increase in council tax. The Deputy Leader also noted the proposed council tax increase would still make RCT one of the lowest in Wales.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.  To note that the procedures relating to revenue budget construction, the budget consultation process, and reporting to Council, are set out in the “Budget and Policy Framework” within the Council’s Constitution;

2.    To note and consider the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 process;

3.    To review and consider the draft 2024/25 Revenue Budget Strategy;

4.    To consider and determine the level of Council Tax increase for 2024/25 which it would wish to build into the strategy to form the basis upon which a second phase of consultation will take place;

5.    The draft timetable for setting the 2024/25 revenue budget as set out at Appendix A2 of the report;

6.    To receive feedback from the second phase of budget consultation in order to consider and determine the final budget strategy for submission to Council; and

7.    That the Council continues to support the medium term financial strategy aimed at maximising ongoing efficiency in service delivery, targeted service transformation and other changes that maintain the financial integrity of the Council whilst still aiming as much as possible to protect jobs and key services.


21/12/2023 - EV CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN COUNCIL ASSETS ref: 923    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 21/12/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 21/12/2023

Effective from: 29/12/2023


The Director of Corporate Estates and the Head of Carbon Reduction Officer presented the report to Members and provided an update on progress made in the field of Electric Vehicle Charging, within Council Assets, in working towards to the Council’s publicly stated EV charging goals. The Director also provided Members with a Power Point presentation in respect of EV Charging points throughout the County Borough.


The Chair praised the amount of data in the report and noted that some EV Charging points are used very little and that data can help us with the roll out of EV Charging and knowing where to go with it.


Discussions ensued and a Member noted how good it was to see the amount of EV Charging coverage throughout RCT. The Member queried if EV Charging will be put in the Coed Ely Solar Farm once its up and running and also asked if we have mapping of third party providers. The Director of Corporate Estates acknowledged that there are gaps in Coed Ely but advised Members that the team are already working on this. The Director advised that there is a Zap Map available and that’s a map all third party providers are on. You can also use the Zap map to check if the EV Charging points are functioning. RCT’s data in respect of EV Charging is also uploaded to the Zap Map. Another Member queried if it would be possible in future meetings to have a breakdown of EV Charging and usage. The Head of Carbon Reduction confirmed that we have this data already and when it goes public we will have public data as well. With regards to the CCR Transport Authority, the Head of Carbon Reduction has confirmed that he has asked for data but that it has not been forthcoming as yet. The Chair advised that if this remains the case, we could write to them as a Committee asking for that data.


Following discussion, Members AGREED:


To note the contents of this report, and an accompanying presentation, as part of the ongoing work in response to the Council’s EV charging ambitions set by the Climate Change Strategy and the EV Charging Strategy and Implementation Plan; and

2.    To receive further report(s) to provide updates on progress as/when deemed appropriate.


21/12/2023 - UPDATE REPORT ON THE PROPOSED SOLAR FARM ref: 927    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 21/12/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 21/12/2023

Effective from: 29/12/2023


The Head of Energy Carbon Reduction presented his report to Members and provided a further update to Members with regards to the work underway in the development of a ‘Land Based Solar Farm’, to be located on Council owned land located at Coed Ely, on an 84-acre 'terraced' former colliery site, near Tonyrefail. The facility will, when constructed, be an asset owned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.


Discussions ensued and a Member praised the report and noted how user friendly it was. The Member also congratulated Officer on getting the grant funding.


Following discussion, Members AGREED:


1.     To note the contents of this report as part of the ongoing work in response to our climate change ambitions and agree to the further progress of the project proposals, in line with the contents of this report.


2.     To receive further report(s) to provide updates on progress as/when deemed appropriate.



Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 21/12/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 21/12/2023

Effective from: 29/12/2023


The Performance Manager presented the ‘Think Climate RCT: The Council’s Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025’ Quarter 2 to Members.


The Chair welcomed the report and noted that it was very positive to see more about procurement. The Chair referenced the School Eco Awards and queried how many schools have applied to have their Bronze award. The Performance Manager confirmed that to date there are currently 19 schools already signed up. The Chair was pleased to hear this and emphasised the importance of involving our school children. The Vice Chair also praised this work and thanked the Officers for such a detailed report.


Discussions continued and praised the work behind the scenes. The Member referenced page 14 and queried if there had been any funding update on the phase two innovation project from Cwm Taf Morgannwg. The Member also welcomed the amount of people who are coming forward to obtain grants to improve their properties and commented that this was inspiring to see. The Performance Manager noted that further detail on the grants funding will be included in the Quarter three update after Christmas.   


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED: :


1. To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To take a view on the potential areas for further consideration as part of the Sub Committee’s Work Programme; and

3.    To note the work to progress and further embed the Council’s response to Climate Change into the business of the Council as part of the development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan.



21/12/2023 - Carbon Footprint ref: 922    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 21/12/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 21/12/2023

Effective from: 29/12/2023


The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer presented the report to Members and provided an update to the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with regards to the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Reporting Scheme and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s submission under that regime for the Financial Year 2022/23.


The Chair praised the report and noted how pleased she was to see that we keep 23% of our supply chain. The Chair welcomed questions from Members.


Discussions ensued and a Member referred to 5.8 and noted that we can’t use some of the data o offset our carbon emissions. The Member queried why this was the case. The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer advised that the reporting mechanism was established by the Welsh Government and they feel that we already benefit from any new electricity that we generate so that using it to offset our carbon emissions would be a double benefit. There are discussions going on between Welsh Government and Scheme Participants to recognise a new way of marking the renewable energy that we generate. The Chair asked for any updates on this to be fed back to the Committee.


Discussions continued and a Member praised that there has been an overall reduction across the Board. The Member noted how much hard work has gone on in the background in respect of our supply chain and informing suppliers how to reduce their carbon footprint and in turn to reduce our own carbon footprint. The Member praised the Officers for this hard work. The Chair advised Members that she has met with individual staff and apprentices/grafuates on the team and that they will be invited to a future meeting date and advised that she has personally thanked the team.


Another Member praised the report and noted that the service changes made by Cabinet over the years has shown that it can be joined up with decarbonisation.


Following discussion, it was AGREED:


1. To note the contents of this report as part of the ongoing work under the remit of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee;

2.    To publish the data on the Council’s Carbon Footprint Dashboard; and

3.    To receive further reports providing additional updates on progress as / when deemed appropriate.


18/12/2023 - Day Services for Older People ref: 885    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Director of Social Services made recommendations with regards to the future delivery of the Council’s day services for older people.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked the Director for the comprehensive report and thanked the Community Services Scrutiny Committee for its observations and comments.


The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to emphasise that there was a strong rationale behind the proposed changes and stated that the proposals would deliver positive benefits for service users. The Cabinet Member noted that most clients were not from the locality of individual locations.


Prior to speaker submissions, the Deputy Leader took the opportunity to speak of a recent visit undertaken by herself and the Leader to Cwrt yr Orsaf Extra Care in Pontypridd, following concerns raised. The Deputy Leader spoke positive of her visit and the vast amount of modernised facilities available to service users, such as a large restaurant, beauty salon, cinema room and large garden. Furthermore, the Deputy Leader spoke of the wider facilities in Pontypridd, available to users, such as Ynysangharad Park.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Member was granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       County Borough Councillor D Grehan


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Trade Union representative was granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       Mr C Jones – GMB


Note: Prior to the meeting, correspondence from GMB was circulated to Cabinet Members for consideration by the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication.


The Leader thanked the speakers for their contributions. In terms of concerns raised around the shared access to some of the facilities, the Leader spoke positive of the large space and advised that there were also dedicated rooms available to clients. In terms of the facilities, the Leader confirmed that the design meets the specification for the type of facility and explained that it was designed to be a shared use for clients within the facility and to provide other clients with support. The Leader took on board the concerns of the Trade Union representative and commented that he would be happy to meet outside of the meeting to discuss matters further.


The Director of Social Services advised that Practice Solutions were initially commissioned to undertake a review of the day services and residential model and it was recommended that a new service model is implemented. The Director acknowledged that positive comments were made in respect of Tonyrefail but circumstances had changed since 2019. The Director spoke of the pandemic but also recognised that facilities had since been developed at Cwrt yr Orsaf; and was of the view that it would meet the needs of the service users of Tonyrefail.


In terms of concerns around the space available, the Director spoke of the importance of socialisation and integration of individuals and advised that the facility would provide them with the opportunity to integrate with other individuals, often with the same level of needs. 


In terms of concerns raised around the wet room facilities, the Director advised that within Cwrt Yr Orsaf, there was a dedicated ceiling hoist available, which was not available at the Tonyrefail facility. The Director advised that the addition would support individuals with higher accessibility demands. It was acknowledged that there were fewer toilet facilities within Cwrt Yr Orsaf, but based on the needs of individuals, the Director was confident the facility would meet the needs. The Director emphasised the importance of ensuring dignity and care for all service users of the facility.


In terms of concerns raised in respect of the elevator, the Director did not believe this to be a barrier for the service users and felt that the suitability of the building was fit for purpose.


In terms of concerns raised in respect of transport, the Director noted that approximately 42% of individuals would benefit in terms of travel time. The Director assured Members that all routes would be considered to ensure individuals spend as little time on public transport as possible but recognised that many individuals enjoy the journey.


The Leader clarified that although 42% of individuals would have a shorter journey as a result of the proposals, the journeys would be significantly shorter, whereas for those individuals with longer journeys as a result of the proposals, the journeys would not be significantly longer in time. The Leader felt that in terms of transport, the proposals were on balance.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked all participants for their comments. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that since the pandemic, there had been a decline in use of traditional services and believed that the modern settings would provide greater opportunities for service users, with no loss of service provision. The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care felt that the proposals before Members would assist in tackling loneliness and better support the health and wellbeing of individuals.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To consider the information provided in this report, the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment;

2.   To approve that Trecynon Day Centre and Cwmni Dda Day Centre are combined by March 2024, and future provision is provided from Cwmni Dda as set out in paragraph 5.2 of the report; and

3.    To approve that the day service provision provided from Tonyrefail Day Centre is transferred on a phased basis to Cwrt yr Orsaf Extra Care in Pontypridd by March 2024 as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report.


18/12/2023 - Pre-Scrutiny Committee Feedback ref: 884    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 18/12/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following its last Committee cycle.


The Service Director drew Members’ attention to section 5 of the report, which outlined the following items that had been pre-scrutinised in line with the Committee’s Terms of reference:

·       Proposal to declare a new additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation in 2024 – Community Services Scrutiny Committee; and

·       Day Services for Older People - Community Services Scrutiny Committee.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committee for the comments and observations and welcomed the constructive engagement of Scrutiny Members towards the next two items of business.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.

18/12/2023 - Internal Audit Service ref: 892    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023

18/12/2023 - Proposal to declare a new additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation in 2024 ref: 886    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Head of Service for Public Protection and Regulatory Services presented the report to Cabinet on the effectiveness of the 2019 Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and propose the Council declare a New Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs from April 2024, in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Act 2004.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities took the opportunity to thank officers for the comprehensive report; and noted the successful implementation of two recommendations made during the last review to review the administration scheme and to speed up the application process; both of which, work to create a more efficient licensing system.


The Cabinet Member was confident that over the years, the additional licensing scheme in addition to the mandatory licensing scheme had worked proactively to regulate Houses in Multiple Occupation in Rhondda Cynon Taf and had been vital in ensuring ensure residents are safe and to minimise the impact of shared houses. The Cabinet Member also noted that the Schemes allow the Council to work with landlords and to use action when necessary for those who are non-compliant.


The Cabinet Member thanked the Community Services Scrutiny Committee for its involvement and agreed with its recommendation to include an additional fire safety condition to be in line with the Building Safety Act 2022.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments and was supportive of the proposal. The Deputy Leader welcomed further communication with the University, to ensure the wellbeing of the young people using HMO’s for educational purposes.  


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the findings of the Evaluation of the 2019 Additional HMO Licensing Scheme in Rhondda Cynon Taf and the feedback from the Community Services Scrutiny Committee held on 21st November 2023;

2.    To approve the declaration of a New Additional Licensing Scheme for HMOs in Rhondda Cynon Taf, to come into force when the current scheme ends on 31st March 2024 and instruct officers to make the necessary arrangements in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Act 2004;

3.    To approve the continued inclusion of all types of HMO within the scope of the new 2024 Scheme;

4.    To approve the standard licensing conditions to be placed on all HMO licences granted by the Council under both the Mandatory Licensing Scheme, and the new Additional Licensing Scheme from April 2024 (in addition to any bespoke conditions relevant to individual licences); and

5.    To approve the proposed fee structure as detailed in Appendix 4 of the report.


18/12/2023 - Proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School ref: 879    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 18/12/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services advised Members of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School by no later than September 2024.

The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank those who had responded to the consultation process, particularly the young people. The Cabinet Member provided assurance that all submissions had been reviewed by the Committee in detail. It was acknowledged that from the responses received, there was an evident passion from the community of Rhigos for the future of its young people. The Cabinet Member concluded his initial submission by stating that the passion for the best educational outcomes, prospects and facilities was shared by the Cabinet.

The Cabinet Member noted from the report that it had been identified that it would be challenging to deliver the new curriculum for Wales from the current building and asked the Director to provide further clarity in that respect. The Director advised that Hirwaun Primary School was a 21st Century School, meaning the learning environment had been developed fit for the 21st Century Learning in terms of digital and technology requirements. It was added that the school also has design features including outdoor areas for structured learning; and that it includes a large space which enables school staff to use flexibly.

The Cabinet Member then sought confirmation in respect of the rural status of the school. The Director informed the Cabinet that the Welsh Government School Organisation Code 2018 contains a list of rural schools and specifies that the National Statistics Urban Rural Classification has been used as the basis of the designation of rural schools. The Director confirmed that there were no schools within RCT on the list of rural schools as there are no schools that meet the specific classifications. The Director explained that although the Office of National Statistics lists both Hirwaun and Rhigos as rural classification, neither meet the specified criteria to be contained within the above-mentioned list.

The Leader acknowledged the responses stating that Rhigos is good school with positive outcomes but spoke of the fundamental issue, which was the decline in pupil numbers and questioned how robust the data is. Referring to a consultation response, the Leader questioned whether there had been a decline in pupil numbers at the school since the start of the consultation and whether that could be attributed to the uncertainty of the school and the proposal before Members. The Director advised that at the start of the consultation there were 57 pupils at the school and that since this time, the number of statutory pupils had since reduced from 51 to 49. The Director explained that the change was due to pupils moving to the Welsh Medium school in Penderyn. In terms of how numbers are projected, the Director advised that it had been calculated in accordance with the guidance issued by Welsh Government and were based on live birth data for the area. The Director advised that estimated projections indicated that there would only be 37 pupils of statutory school age at Rhigos Primary School in 2027-28, although it was acknowledged that this was an estimation and that families move in and out of the locality.

The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committee for the valuable contribution. The Deputy noted and sympathised with the concerns raised from the consultation and acknowledged that with change comes worry. The Deputy Leader spoke of a similar change in her ward and acknowledged that concerns were raised by parents and care givers but spoke of the hard work of officers and the governing body to ensure the best provision is available for the young people.

The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services noted that the Scrutiny Committee queried the future use of the building and asked if the commented had been addressed, should the proposals be supported. The Director advised that considerations would need to be consulted upon separately but that the Council could work with the community to identify any viable and sustainable options for community groups and to identify and potentially apply for funding. To date, no representations had been made from the community in respect of the future use of the building.

The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure noted from the consultation responses and from the Scrutiny discussions that the potential carbon footprint impact and the use of Home-to-school transport by parents had been raised as a point of concern. The Cabinet Member queried whether the carbon footprint had been considered, particularly in respect of the fact that Hirwaun is a new 21st Century School. The Director confirmed that the modern building design and fabric at Hirwaun Primary School had an EPC rating of A and had been built to be more energy efficient, which would have a positive impact on the overall running cost of the school. The Director added that Hirwaun Primary School also had EV charging facilities on site, which would contribute to the delivery of the Council’s climate commitments. The Director advised that Rhigos Primary School, due to its age, had not been built to be energy efficient.

The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities questioned what support would be provided for transition if the proposals were to progress. The Director acknowledged that the proposals were incredibly emotive from a children and young people, staff and community perspective. The Director assured the Cabinet that a seamless transition would be a priority, should the proposals be agreed and stated that officers had a lot of experience in effective transition. It was explained that for the most vulnerable of learners, a child centred approach would be adopted to ensure all needs are met. All learners would experience extensive transition activities and events such as stem projects, sporting projects and musical projects to strengthen opportunities for social interaction and for developing relationships and partnerships. The Director stated that minimising the risk of anxiety for children transferring would be imperative.

With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Members were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       County Borough Councillor A Rogers

·       County Borough Councillor K Morgan


With the agreement of the Leader, the following member of the public was granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       Ms M Evans – Chair of Governors


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language thanked the Non-Committee Members and Chair of Governors for their submissions at the meeting. Following consideration of the comments at the meeting and upon reflection of the consultation responses received, the Cabinet Member was of the view that the proposals before Members was of the best interest for the pupils. Referring to the projected decline in numbers at Rhigos Primary School, the Cabinet Member questioned the future viability of the school and spoke of its ageing setting. The Cabinet Member was encouraged by Estyn’s consultation response which acknowledged the Local Authority’s rationale behind the proposals; and was also encouraged by the modern facilities and opportunities offered at Hirwaun Primary School for pupils to benefit from. As such, the Cabinet Member was in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


Following consideration of all evidence and contributions, the Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity was in agreement that to progress with the proposals would be the right way forward.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report;

2.    To note the information contained within the attached Consultation Report, attached as Appendix A to this Cabinet Report, which includes a summary of correspondence received during the consultation, including the full response from Estyn, feedback received from the online survey, and notes of the meetings held;

3.    To note the feedback from Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee which met on 14th December 2023 provided by the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication; and

4.    To progress the proposals to the next stage of the consultation process by issuing an appropriate Statutory Notice which will trigger the start of the Objection Period.


Note: Prior to the meeting, a letter was circulated to Cabinet Members from the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication on behalf of the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee who met on 14th December 2023 to undertake pre-scrutiny the Cabinet report.


18/12/2023 - Consultation on the proposals to realign Additional Learning Needs mainstream Learning Support Class Provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 880    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Head of Inclusion Services advised Cabinet Members of the outcome of the publication of the Statutory Notices in respect of the proposal to realign Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT).


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank those who had responded to the consultation. The Cabinet Member commented that the proposal before Members would help the Local Authority meet its statutory duty under new legislation from Welsh Government and recognised that it was an area that had seen a significant increase in demand and complexity.


The Cabinet Member stressed that the proposals would not equate to a reduction in service but would instead have an additional circa £424,000 of investment into the service. However, the Cabinet Member recognised that a small number of pupils would be affected by the changes, if agreed.


The Cabinet Member voiced his support for the proposals and welcomed the establishment of the two Welsh Medium Primary phased learning support classes at the new Welsh Medium School in Rhydyfelin for pupils with additional learning needs; and felt that this would further enhance choice for parents and guardians.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report and the Objection Report in Appendix 1, which includes details of objections received during the Statutory Notice period, and the comments given in response to the objections.


2.    To implement the proposals as published in the Statutory Notices which includes:


Proposal 1: Relocation of the Observation and Assessment LSC at Penrhiwceiber Primary School to Abercynon Community Primary School taking effect from September 2024.


Proposal 2: Transfer the LSC for pupils in years 3-6 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Abercynon Community Primary School to create a through provision in the Primary Phase at Perthcelyn Primary School taking effect from September 2024.


Proposal 3: Establish one Early years Assessment and Intervention LSC for pupils under statutory school age with significant presenting needs at Abercynon Community Primary School taking effect from April 2024.


Proposal 4: Establish two Welsh medium Primary Phase LSCs at the new Welsh medium primary school in Rhydyfelin (YGG Awel Taf) for pupils with significant ALN taking effect from September 2024.


Proposal 5: Establish one LSC for pupils in years 7-11 with ASD at the new 3-16 school on the Hawthorn Primary/High School site (Ysgol Afon Wen) taking effect from September 2024.


3.    To the publication of the relevant Decision Notices in respect of any proposals taken forward as required by the School Organisation Code.



18/12/2023 - Aberdare Town Centre Strategy ref: 882    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Service Director of Prosperity and Development updated Members on the response to the formal consultation exercise undertaken on the draft Aberdare Town Centre Strategy as agreed by Cabinet on 28th June 2023 and to highlight the changes made to the document in light of the responses received. The report also sought approval from Cabinet to formally adopt the Strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity commented that the process undertaken was a positive example of pre-engagement and thanked the officers for their commitment. The Cabinet Member welcomed the proposals and was pleased to note that the majority of respondents were in favour of the plans for the Aberdate town centre.


The Deputy Leader was also in support of the recommendations contained within the report and was pleased to note that the document would strengthen following the robust consultation process.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the findings from the formal consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the draft Aberdare Town Centre Strategy and supporting documents;

2.    To review and approve the range of revisions made to the Strategy following completion of the formal consultation;

3.    To approve the final Aberdare Town Centre Strategy and support the development of projects under the ‘investment themes’ included in the Strategy.


18/12/2023 - Risk Management Strategy ref: 883    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services set out the Council’s updated Risk Management Strategy for Cabinet Member consideration.


The Service Director assured the Cabinet that the Council’s Risk Management Strategy is kept under regular review, with the latest update agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in July 2022, as endorsed by the Governance and Audit Committee.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services welcomed the endorsement of the Risk Management Strategy by the Governance and Audit Committee.


The Cabinet Member was satisfied that the Strategy before Members ensures that the Council’s risk management arrangements continue to be fit for purpose. The Cabinet Member spoke positive of the toolkit, which had been devised to assist managers when undertaking risk management and had proven to be an asset.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Council’s updated Risk Management Strategy, as endorsed by the Governance and Audit Committee at its meeting on 12th October 2023.


18/12/2023 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 881    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/12/2023

Effective from: 22/12/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication presented, for Cabinet Members’ comment and approval, an update on the Cabinet Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2023-2024 Municipal Year.


The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report and was content with the content of the Cabinet Work Programme, noting its flexibility.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.

27/11/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park - Planned Tree Maintenance Programme: Winter 2023/24 ref: 871    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 27/11/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 27/11/2023

Effective from: 01/12/2023


The Temporary Head of Street care Services provided Members with an overview of his report, whereby appraising Members of the planned tree maintenance within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park over the winter months.


Members were advised that the planned maintenance would ensure the effective management of the tree stock within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park and to minimise the risk to the public from tree safety issues, whilst maintaining a healthy and sustainable tree stock to help retain the value of the amenity.


It was noted that the trees are an important feature in the park and Members were reassured that no unnecessary work is undertaken. Therefore, trees are only removed if they are dangerous, diseased or already dead.


Members were referred to the appendix to the report which provided detail of the trees identified for removal and the reasons for such removal.


Members were advised that in addition to the proposed maintenance works, additional trees are planted throughout RCT annually, for the benefit of all and as part of the Council’s climate change initiative to enhance, replenish and increase tree stocks as assets for carbon sequestration and sustainable development.


Before concluding his report, the Officer informed Members that as a result of a tree being lost as part of the Eisteddfod plans, a new tree would be planted as part of the annual maintenance programme. It was confirmed that Trustees would be consulted on its exact location within the park prior to the tree being planted.


The Chair thanked the officer for the report and spoke of the importance of the trees for the benefit of all who frequented the park and agreed with the need to ensure the maintenance of the trees. The Chair welcomed the replanting of trees as advised upon and the opportunity to plant a further tree in respect of the Eisteddfod and sought reassurance that the trustees of the park would be consulted on the location of the tree, and also suggested a commemorative plaque sit alongside to acknowledge RCT hosting the 2024 Eisteddfod.


Member of the Committee spoke of the importance of the maintenance plan and communicating such works with the public, to prevent any miscommunication.  Members spoke of the use of social media to portray these important messages. The Director commented on the importance of communication and spoke of the unplanned work needed following severe weather, and again the importance of communicating such work at such times.


A query was raised in respect of the Lime Tree Avenue and the officer advised of the prudent timing to excavate and move back the trees to ensure successful replanting and regrowth.


Following discussions, it was RESOLVED:

                           i.          To note the content of the report and to approve the recommended programme of tree maintenance work to be scheduled to take place between November 2023 and February 2024.



20/11/2023 - Council Tax Base 2024/25 ref: 843    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Head of Revenue and Benefits presented the report to Cabinet which sets the Council Tax Base for the financial year 2024/25.  The Officer advised that the gross Council Tax Base calculated for 2024/25 is £81,950.53.  It is proposed that the collection rate is estimated to be 97.25%. This produces a net Council Tax Base of £79,696.89.  This means that for every £1 levied in Council Tax next year, a sum of £79,697 will be generated to meet the budget requirement of the Council.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services welcomed the report and stated that the proposals are in line with the Corporate plan and are a statutory requirement. 


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:


  1. That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Wales) Regulations 1995 as amended, the amount calculated by the Council as its net tax base for the financial year 2024/25, shall be £79,696.89.
  2. That for each defined community area of the County Borough, the 2024/25 tax base for Council Tax setting purposes, shall be as set out at Appendix 1.


20/11/2023 - Director of Social Services Annual Report 2022 / 2023 ref: 846    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director Social Services presented the report to Members the final draft of the Director of Social Services Annual Report for 2022/23 for approval prior to its publication.  The report set out how the Council's Social Services performed last year, highlighting the direction and priorities the Council has set for the year ahead.


The Cabinet Member Health and Social Care thanked officers for the comprehensive and excellent report which demonstrates the Councils commitment to the delivery of Social Services to our most vulnerable residents.  He continued that the report highlights the tremendous breadth of work delivered by the committed hard working staff and demonstrates the Council’s accountability to those in community to those who rely on the Authority for vital support.


The Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the Director of Social Services Annual Report for 2022/23 (Appendix 1).

20/11/2023 - Pre-Scrutiny Committee Feedback ref: 847    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 20/11/2023


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communications presented the report to Cabinet which detailed the pre-scrutiny undertaken by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committees, namely the Director Social Services Annual report which was part of today’s Cabinet agenda.  


The Cabinet Member Health and Social Care was supportive of the recommendations outlined within the report and took the opportunity to thank the Community Services Scrutiny Committee for its valuable contribution

The Cabinet RESOLVED to note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the item listed within section 5 of the report.

20/11/2023 - The Council's Revenue Budget 2024/25 - Early Budget Reduction Measures ref: 839    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director Finance and Digital Services presented an update on the operational decisions and base budget reduction measures which have been identified and the consequential financial implications which can now be factored into the Council’s Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan. 


The Director continued that the report set out a number of early budget reduction measures and budget updates amounting to £9.086M to be factored into the budget requirement and draft budget strategy for 2024/25.  The report also sets out the timetable for the agreement of the 2024/25 Revenue Budget Strategy, Council Tax Setting and the 3-year Capital Programme.


The Leader stated that the proposals do not address the entire budget gap but this emphasises the scale of the measures the Authority are facing.  He added that the Authority will continue to take decisions to ensure a balanced budget is maintained whilst remaining as efficient as possible and ensuring the impact on communities is kept to a minimum. He reassured that the report proposes minimal operational changes which take into account demand led by evidence and that minor adjustments are proposed to minimise impact on users.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services commented that a proactive approach previously adopted by this Council has stood the authority in good stead in challenging times we have faced previously.  She added that we need to continue to make decisions in a timely manner to ensure successful delivery of Council services in the future


With the agreement of the Leader, Non-Committee Member County Borough Councillor K Morgan was granted permission to address the Cabinet.


The Leader responded to comments raised and stated that the proposals relate to non-pay areas of the local authority, and do not allow for an inflation uplift. He stated that Trade Unions have been engaged in advance and service staff have been engaged to inform the reports before Members in terms of service usage.  He reminded Cabinet that the council will work together with managers to ensure effective services continue to be delivered.  He concluded that the proposals will be reported to Scrutiny prior to presentation to full Council to agree.  


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:


  1. Note the operational changes and base budget reduction measures / updates which have been identified by the Senior Leadership Team and which can now be factored into next year’s budget and the Medium Term Financial Plan; and

Note the 2024/25 budget and Council Tax setting timetable as attached at Appendix 2 to the report

20/11/2023 - Learning Disability Day Services Offer ref: 842    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director Social Services presented the report which informs the Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation on the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability. It also sets out recommendations regarding the next steps for the remodelling of the Council’s day services in line with the Day Service Strategy and operating model.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care stated as part of a review to improve social care the proposals will enhance the provision for people with learning disabilities and their families by promoting independence and using local facilities. He added the proposals are based on comprehensive consultation process and emphasised the level of care will not change, but will provide opportunities to avoid isolation, improve independence, assist in a choice of accommodation and gain paid employment.


The Leader confirmed that a consultation will be undertaken to work with staff, service users and Trade Unions to support the changes outlined.  He concluded that any savings made as part of this change will be reinvested back in to social services


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:


1.    Consider the feedback to the consultation on the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability and the information provided in this report, the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment.

2.    Subject to 1 above, approves the implementation of the proposed co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model for people with a learning disability as consulted upon, including the proposed commissioning intentions and market developments as part of the planned learning disability transformation programme.

3.    Subject to 2 above, approves the remodelling of the Council’s day service provision to a new East and West structure, including smaller community-based groups to ensure that services are delivered in a way that achieves the best possible individual outcomes for people, based on need and demand, whilst making the best use of Council resources.

4.    Subject to 2 above, approves the permanent decommissioning of Treforest Learning Curve which has been closed since February 2020, due to significant damage sustained by Storm Dennis.

Subject to 2 above, approves a co-produced review of the Council’s work-based projects to explore alternative care and support options for individuals who access them with commissioned third sector and supported living providers, and supported employment agencies and employers to better meet their personal outcomes while being more cost effective.

20/11/2023 - Review of the Council's Home to School Transport Policy ref: 840    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director of Highways, Street care and Transportation presented the report which sought Cabinet’s approval to initiate a consultation with interested parties and relevant stakeholders in respect of a proposed new Home to School Transport Policy. 


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure stated that for almost 10 years, the Council has provided over 9,000 learners with access to free school transport on a discretionary basis going above and beyond the legal requirement set out by Welsh Government.  She continued that the Authority has consistently chosen to do this as we understand the significant impact free school transport has on our community. However, she advised that as a result of significant underfunding from the UK Government and a budget gap of £85m over the next three years, Cabinet must consider proposals put forward by Officers that review where our services go beyond the statutory requirement.  She concluded that this proposal, if approved by Cabinet, will seek consultation with parents/ carers to discuss the service changes put forward and discussion will be welcomed with those who are impacted.


The Leader stated that the proposals set out by Officers would bring the provision for mainstream primary, secondary and college pupils in line with the statutory distance requirements set out by Welsh Government and deliver savings of £2.5m in a full year. Even after these proposals thousands of learners would be provided with Home to School Transport.

In response to a question by a Member, the Director of Education and Inclusion confirmed that no changes will  be made to those with additional Learning needs and transport will continue to be provided to these pupils.   She added that learners with disabilities may be entitled to assistance with transport from home to school or college setting. 


In response to a question around how future consultation will be undertaken with parents / carers the Service Director Democratic Services and Communications confirmed that six week consultation will take place with opportunities for the public to participate online and open access meetings convened to allow for the public to engage face to face with the Council


With the agreement of the Leader the following Non-Committee Members were granted permission to address the Cabinet.


  • County Borough Councillor K Johnson
  • County Borough Councillor K Morgan


In response to the Members comments, the Leader commented that officers have for many years worked on route maximisation, and ensured that regular engagement is undertaken with schools and with regular cross directorate planning taking place to offset costs, however, the Council has seen over a £4m increase in the last two years and will continue to grow.  The Leader add that most other Local Authorities are already doing this, and whilst this is not a decision we wanted to take, but due to the financial challenges ahead for the Authority we could not avoid this option any longer. He confirmed that school attendance will be taken into account during the consultation phase and the Authority also has school engagement officers to work with families to ensure attendance is maintained.


Cabinet RESOLVED to:


  1. Consider the information in the report in respect of the Council’s current Home to School Transport Policy and a proposal to introduce a revised policy, together with the associated impact assessments appended to the report;
  2. Initiate a consultation with interested parties and relevant stakeholders in respect of a proposed new Home to School Transport Policy, namely providing mainstream English, Welsh and Faith primary school, secondary school and college transport in line with relevant statutory distance criteria, which would be implemented from the start of the 2025/2026 academic year;
  3. Note that under the proposed Home to School Transport Policy the discretionary elements of:


·       Allowing a learner to select their nearest suitable school in accordance with choice of English or Welsh Medium language or preferred religious denomination would continue; and

·       providing pre-compulsory school age transport and post-16 transport would continue;


  1. Note that under the proposed Home to School Transport Policy the discretionary elements of Additional Learning Needs transport would not change; and

Subject to paragraph 2 above, agrees to receive a further report detailing the results and feedback from the consultation process, updated Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessments and any necessary further information in order for Cabinet to determine whether and, if so, how it wishes to progress with the proposed new Home to School Transport Policy.

20/11/2023 - Continuation of Free Breakfast Club Provision in Primary and Special Schools with the Introduction of a Charge for the additional childcare element ref: 841    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director Education and Inclusion Services presented the report to seek permission to consult on the introduction of a charge for the additional childcare element, which is available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision in primary and special schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf, noting eligible Free School Meal (eFSM) pupils would be exempt from any charge. In addition, Members were advised that the proposal would generate additional income, which would be ring fenced and reinvested back into school budgets.


The Cabinet Memberfor Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language stated that the Council recognises the significant value breakfast club provisions hold in our community. He continued there is however a need for the Council to review areas where we provide a service above and beyond what we are funded to provide.  He continued that all 92 primary schools and 3 special schools across the County Borough provide a free breakfast club and all pupils, from nursery to year six are eligible and welcome to attend.  The Cabinet Member reiterated that the free breakfast service will in no waybe impacted or reduced by the proposals put forward by Officers.  The proposal to introduce a £1 daily childcare fee being would only be introduced to parents/carers who make use of the extra childcare provision offered BEFORE the breakfast club begins from 8- 8:30am.  He welcomed that the proposal is for any potential income generated from this proposal to be re-invested into schools funding, to offset cost pressures. 

The Leader advised that the Council’s three-year budget gap is currently estimated to be £85.4m, and this includes a £35m gap for 2024/25.  These proposals could generate an estimated annual income in a full year of £495 with no change in the level of service provided to those in need of Free School Breakfasts. He welcomed furtherdiscussion through the consultation process proposed.


The Cabinet RESOLVED to:



1.    Consider the contents of this report together with associated impact assessments;   

2.    Agrees to initiate a consultation with service users, key stakeholders and prospective service users on the proposal to charge a fee for the additional childcare element which is available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision;

3.    Agrees that eFSM pupils should be exempt from the proposed charge and that views be sought through the consultation process on whether consideration should be given to any further categories of concession (such as a capped charge for parents/carers with more than one child making use of the provision); and

4.    Subject to 2.2 above, agrees to receive a further report summarising the results and feedback from the consultation process, together with updated impact assessments, to determine whether Cabinet wishes to proceed with the proposal or not, and if so, how.


20/11/2023 - Management of the Council's Land and Buildings Portfolio: Interim Update on Progress ref: 848    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023

20/11/2023 - Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects - Supplementary Capital Programme ref: 845    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Director Of Highways, Street care And Transportation Services presented the report which set out the supplementary capital programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects.  The report set out a number of proposals for improvements to be delivered in improving the Council’s Highways Infrastructure as well as funding allocated to improve drainage works and structures.


The Leader supported the recommendations in the report which set out a number of investments in key services and projects which are in line with the manifesto commitments and the corporate plan with over  £5m investment proposed in structures, roads and drainage throughout the Borough



The Cabinet RESOLVED to:


1.    Approve the Supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects as detailed within this report.


Agree that the current allocations form part of a 3-year capital programme and delegate authority to the Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services, to extend activity to deliver additional projects during the financial year. Furthermore, where capacity exists to accelerate delivery in accordance with the purpose of the wider programme, or to suspend programmes/projects and reallocate funding to optimise delivery.

20/11/2023 - Council Performance Report - 30th September 2023 (Quarter 2) ref: 849    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 20/11/2023


The Service Director Finance and Performance presented the report to Cabinet which provided an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first six months of the financial year (to the 30th September 2023).


The Cabinet Member Climate Change and Corporate Services thanked the Service Director for the report which provides a comprehensive overview of the significant cost pressures on frontline services. She advised that she is assured that work is underway to bring projected overspend in line with budget by year end and progress is being made to deliver the Corporate Plan priorities.  



The Cabinet RESOLVED to:




1.    Note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 30th September 2023 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).

2.     Request that Cabinet approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.




3.    Note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 30th September 2023 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).

4.    Note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 30th September 2023 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).


Corporate Plan Priorities


5.     Note the Quarter 2 progress updates for the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary) that include updates in respect of the Council’s on-going work to deliver its Climate Change ambitions.


20/11/2023 - Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report 2022/23 ref: 844    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/11/2023

Effective from: 24/11/2023


The Service Director Democratic Services and Communications presented report is to provide Cabinet with the Annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Board for the Municipal Year 2022/23.


The Cabinet Member Health and Social Care thanked officers for the very comprehensive report and to continue to ensure that support is given to our children and young people post Covid-19 pandemic.  The report highlights our dedication to investing and supporting our children and young people he also paid thanks to Members of the Corporate parenting Board for their work.  


The Cabinet RESOLVED to note the content of the report.

23/10/2023 - Declaration of Interest ref: 810    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 23/10/2023


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, the following declarations were made pertaining to the agenda:

·       The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care declared a personal interest in respect of Item 3 (Future Commissioning of Domiciliary Home Care): “My younger sister has worked in long term home care for many years”;

·       The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity declared the a personal interest in respect of Item 12 (Update Report on Empty Homes Strategy): “I am a recipient of an Empty Property Grant”;

·       The Director of Highways, Streetcare and Transportation Services declared a personal and pecuniary interest in respect of Item 17 (Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited Annual General Meeting): “I am a Director of Amgen and will leave the meeting when the item is discussed and voted upon.”; and

·       The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services declared a personal and pecuniary interest in respect of Item 17: “I am a Director of Amgen and will leave the meeting when the item is discussed and voted upon.”

23/10/2023 - To consider Passing the Following Resolution: ref: 809    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 23/10/2023


It was RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 4 of the Schedule 12A of the Act”.


23/10/2023 - Pre-Scrutiny Committee Feedback ref: 788    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 23/10/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the items that were pre-scrutinised by the Council’s thematic Scrutiny Committee’s following the last Committee cycle.


During the cycle, the following reports were pre-scrutinised and the key comments and observations were noted in Section 5 of the report:

·       Proposals to develop a new School in Rhondda Cynon Taf;

·       Representations, Compliments and Complaints Procedures Annual Report – 2022/23; and

·       Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Monitoring Report.


The Service Director noted that, in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Monitoring Report which had been pre-scrutinised by the Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 18th October 2023, comments had been circulated to Cabinet Members.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committees for their respective work.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Scrutiny Committees following pre-scrutiny of the items listed within section 5 of the report.


23/10/2023 - Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited - Annual General Meeting ref: 803    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023

23/10/2023 - Future Commissioning of Domiciliary Home Care ref: 786    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Social Services presented the report to Cabinet, which proposed recommendations with regards to the commissioning of domiciliary home care services.


The Leader thanked the Director for the report and advised that in advance of the proposals being presented, he had met with officers several times and also with Trade Unions to discuss the proposals contained within the report and to gain a further understanding of TUPE arrangements and the potential impact on staff and individuals.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care stated that the officer proposals before Members sought to respond to increasing demand for long-term home care and would address issues of capacity experienced by all providers. The Cabinet Member stated that the revised approach aimed to achieve a sustainable model that in no way reduces the availability of the service, but would, instead, enable long-term commissioning arrangements to be improved, enhancing the experience of service users and home care workers.


The Cabinet Member commented that through the new approach, the Council would continue to support people to be as independent as possible by continuing to provide an in-house reablement and intermediate care service.


The Cabinet Member noted that the Council currently delivered just a small proportion of the long-term home care provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf, and the changes would see the remaining ten-percent transfer to external providers. It was added that reablement and intermediate care services through the Council’s ‘Support@Home’ Service would continue to be provided by the Council.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure advised of questions received from residents in respect of the impact the proposals could have on those individuals who need more complex care. The Cabinet Member spoke of the concern that the independent sector would not support such individuals and questioned whether the independent sector, which currently provide most of the support, include supporting the most complex of care needs to ensure independence for those individuals is maintained in their own homes.


The Director of Social Services advised the Cabinet Member that most of the long-term home care services were already delivered by existing independent sector providers. The Director acknowledged the concerns of residents but emphasised that the independent sector providers can and do successfully support many individuals with complex needs.


The Cabinet Member also sought assurance that the independent sector have access to the same level of training as Council staff. The Director confirmed that independent providers can and do access the same training and development through the Regional Workforce Development Partnership, which was hosted by the Council.


In respect of the query highlighted with training and development, the Leader further questioned whether the independent providers access the training available and the Director confirmed that regional workforce meetings take place on a quarterly basis, whereby performance is monitored in respect of both in-house training attendance and equally, the independent sector.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity questioned whether it would be possible for independent providers to be mandated to both recognise Trade Unions and encourage staff membership, if the proposal were to be approved. The Cabinet Member questioned whether the current independent providers recognise Trade Unions and whether it could be built into the wider retender process going forward, if supported. The Director of Human Resources advised that in terms of the requirement, it could be included within the tender documentation but not necessarily, legally enforced. The Director added that, to the best of his knowledge, the independent sector already work alongside Trade Unions so did not anticipate any issues with the Cabinet Member’s suggestions.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services noted that the financial implications from the proposal would be built into the Medium-Term Financial Plan and requested further information.


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services noted that the report set out the hourly rate differential between the independent sector and the in-house service; and emphasised that this was based on current rates enforced. It was explained that, whilst multiplying the differential by the number of hours currently provided by the internal service was straight forward and amounted to around £1.5M, it needed to be considered in the broader context of:

·       The retender exercise, market forces and how the independent sector responds;

·       The new geographically zoned arrangements being offered to the market; and

·       The fact that tenderers would be instructed to accept the requirements of TUPE and continued Local Government Pension Scheme membership for transferring staff. 


The Service Director continued and explained that the above-mentioned ‘unknowns’ make it difficult to project with certainty the financial implications, albeit the proposal as packaged does provide the market with a more efficient operating model to tender for. The Service Director concluded by explaining to Cabinet Members that a more cost-effective service was expected, this being set against the £35M budget gap faced by the Council for next financial year.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & Communities acknowledged the concern amongst the workforce in respect of the proposals. The Cabinet Member noted that, if approved, eligible staff would transfer through TUPE and questioned whether the existing terms of conditions would be protected and whether access to the Local Government Pension Scheme would be maintained.

The Director of Human Resources confirmed that TUPE would protect staff’s existing terms and conditions of employment. In respect of the Local Government Pension Scheme, the Director advised that whilst TUPE regulations do not state access to the Local Government Pension Scheme, the Council would follow the current Welsh Government’s guidance on TUPE, which stipulates that Local Authorities include access to the Local Government Pension Scheme. Therefore, if approved, the Council would include the requirement within any tender documentation which would mean that staff would continue to have access to the scheme.


The Leader questioned whether the pension would be protected in the same way as the Council’s pension scheme and sought assurance that there would be no risk of this being changed in the future. The Director advised that individuals would have ‘admitted body’ status into the RCT pension fund and would have the option to transfer their current RCT service into the new pension fund. The Director advised that as far as he was aware, once admitted body status is achieved, there would be no risk of this being changed in the future but that he would clarify this with the Council’s pension section.*


The Leader questioned whether this could be stipulated within the contract monitoring to ensure individual’s pensions aren’t adversely affected. The Director of Social Services confirmed that it could be ensured, through the Council’s in-house contract monitoring service, that any providers are compliant with tender specification and contract specification.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language noted that concerns had been expressed that the proposals would affect the Council’s ability to safely respond and manage any future social care crisis.


The Director of Social Services advised that he had confidence that the market would be able to meet any future service pressures. The Director explained that during times of increased pressure, the Council already work with the independent sector to meet demand based on assessed need and risk. It was noted that whilst it was proposed that the Council transfers the remaining 10% of its in-house long-term home care services to commissioned independent sector providers, the Council would not be depleting the overall capacity of long-term home care provision. The Director felt that making the proposed changes would result in increased capacity that would help to better deal with increase demand pressures in the future.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke of the current financial climate and the situation which required Members to make difficult decisions, which includes ensuring the delivery of services is as effective and efficient as possible. The Cabinet Member stated that the level of care provided in communities should be the key consideration and that the report before Members proposes that the Council continues to deliver all reablement and intermediate care in-house.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Members were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       County Borough Councillor K. Morgan

·       County Borough Councillor C. Lisles


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Trade Union representatives were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       Mr P Crews (Unison)

·       Mr G Morgans (GMB)


N.B- Following the contributions of the speakers listed above, the Leader was handed a petition in respect of the matter.


In response to the comments made by Non-Committee Members and Trade Union representatives, the Director of Social Services advised that, to his knowledge, the Council had not stopped providing in-house packages of care and that he would investigate the matter. In terms of communication and information sharing, the Director stated that, given the size of the workforce, it was extremely difficult to ensure staff receive the information first-hand and at one time but, in this case, staff had been contacted through the mobile app and email; and confirmed that service users had been contacted later that day. Despite this, the Director acknowledged that some service users were aware before some staff members.


*Following clarification of the Leader’s question in respect of whether the pension would be protected in the same way as the Council’s pension scheme, the Director of Human Resources advised that as part of the admitted body status, a Pension Fund Admission Agreement would be put in place. It was explained that the agreement is a legal binding triparty document between the Provider, the Council and the Pension Fund.  As such, between this and the TUPE wording, which would be included within the Tender documentation, the Provider would not be permitted to withdraw for the Fund so staff would remain in the Local Government Pension Scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care acknowledged the difficult decision before Members. However, the Cabinet Member noted that, if approved, the local authority would continue to deliver all reablement and intermediate care in-house; would make the sector more resilient; and by providing the service in more co-ordinated way, should improve staff recruitment and retention. The Cabinet Member was satisfied by the advice received by officers at the meeting and felt that the plans would have no impact upon the level of care in the community.


The Chief Executive took the opportunity to summarise comments to assist the Cabinet in its deliberation. The Chief Executive reiterated that the Director of Social Services was advising Cabinet that, in recommissioning its long-term support, the Council would move to a more efficient model that secures the provision for the most vulnerable residents going forward. The Chief Executive clarified that the proposal was primarily a recommissioning exercise for long-term care and support across the County Borough and stated that it was incumbent on the Director of Social Services to review the operating model at such times, to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The Chief Executive continued and explained that the proposal would move to a new operating model for care and support, which includes the small, but nonetheless valuable, in-house provision. The Chief Executive clarified that, if approved, the move would shift to an outcome-based model and would introduce a geographical zoning proposal to maximise efficiency and in doing so, increase much needed capacity in the sector. The Chief Executive assured the Cabinet that if approved, the staff affected would have full protection through TUPE and would continue to access the Local Government Pension Scheme. The Chief Executive emphasised that the proposals before Cabinet Members would not reduce or cut domiciliary care services but would protect the service through a more resilient service model, during the challenging financial climate.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure recognised that the proposed changed would cause anxiety amongst staff but hoped that the reassurance provided by officers at the meeting would alleviate the concerns to a degree. The Cabinet Member was satisfied, based upon the information contained within the report and the responses of officers, that the proposal would have no impact on the care provided.


The Leader noted that a small number of staff would not be eligible for TUPE and suggested that an additional recommendation be added to ensure that no compulsory redundancies are taken forward through the implementation of these proposals. The Director of Human Resources confirmed this and explained that any individuals identified as ineligible would be provided with options such as redeployment and voluntary early redundancy.


Prior to any decision being made by the Cabinet, the Leader emphasised the importance of referencing the three points made by Members at the meeting in respect of the protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme, the recognition of Trade Unions to be factored in and that no compulsory redundancies are to be taken forward. As such, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication put forward the following additional recommendations for Member consideration:


2.5      The protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward;

2.6      The recognition of Trade Unions to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward; and

2.7      That no compulsory redundancies are taken forward through the implementation of these proposals.


Members were content with the assurances and additional recommendations proposed by the Leader.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:


1.  To consider the information provided in this report, the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment;

2.    To approve that all reablement and intermediate care services continue to be delivered by the Council’s in-house ‘Support@Home’ Service as set out in paragraph 5.1 of the report;

3.    To approve that all long-term home care is commissioned from external home care providers as part of a full retender of the current framework contract and a new contract awarded from 1st October 2024 as set out in paragraph 5.2 of the report;

4.    To approve the retender of the long-term home care on the basis of outcomes to be achieved and organised within specified geographical zoned areas as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report; and

5.    That the Director of Social Services is delegated authority, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder, to award contracts following completion of the retender process and to make all necessary arrangements for the subsequent transfer.


In addition to the above-mentioned recommendations (2.1 to 2.5) as contained within the report, the Cabinet RESOLVED:

6.   The protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward;

7.   The recognition of Trade Unions to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward; and

8.   That no compulsory redundancies are taken forward through the implementation of these proposals

23/10/2023 - CIL Annual Monitoring 2022/2023 ref: 794    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development sought Cabinet’s approval in respect of the contents of the CIL Annual Monitoring Report and the proposed changes to the Regulation 123 List and advised Cabinet of the pre scrutiny by the Climate Change, Frontline Services and Prosperity Scrutiny Committee in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy. 


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity was content with the recommendations contained within the report. The Cabinet Member noted the considerations of Scrutiny Committee and looked forward to receiving feedback from the Community Councils.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the CIL Annual Monitoring Report;

2.    To approve the Regulation 123 List (Appendix B) for publication on the Council website for a period of 28 days and consultation as set out in paragraph 5.6 of the report; and

3.    To approve the subsequent adoption of the Regulation 123 List if no adverse comments are received.


N.B- Following the conclusion of this item, the Cabinet pause for a short break.


23/10/2023 - Engagement on the Council's Budget 2024-2025 ref: 797    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication informed the Cabinet of the proposed approach to resident engagement and consultation in respect of the 2024/25 budget setting process.


The Leader advised that next year’s budget would likely be the most challenging for RCT since his time as Leader of the Council; and it was emphasised that public engagement would be vital. The Leader stated that unless UK Government announce additional funding in their Autumn budget, the consequences to Wales and its Local Authorities would be very difficult. The Leader advised that, following a survey, across England, there would potentially be at least 26 Local Authorities issuing 114 notices in the next year; and that although RCT were a long way away from issuing a notice, the careful management of the budget and resources would be key.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services added that it would likely be a year which requires an honest conversation with residents in respect of the huge challenge faced by the Council.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To support the further continuation of the approach to the Council’s budget consultation introduced in recent years, utilising the Council’s Let’s Talk Engagement website, as well as community face-to-face engagement. As part of the suggested approach, we will continue to provide alternative means of engagement for those having reduced or no access to the Internet and those who prefer to engage through traditional methods;

2.    To support the Council’s statutory requirements regarding consultation on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax levels and that these will be met via the proposed approach;

3.    To support the launch of a phase 1 budget consultation during the Autumn of 2023, in advance of the Welsh Government provisional budget settlement timescales, currently expected around mid-December; and

4.   To authorise the Service Director – Democratic Services & Communications to plan in detail the necessary timeline for engagement, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member & Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director for Finance, Digital and Frontline Services.


23/10/2023 - Customer Feedback Scheme - Comments, Compliments and Complaints Annual Report - 2022/23 ref: 791    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Service Director of Digital and ICT provided Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s Customer Feedback Scheme (CFS) between1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services emphasised the importance of customer feedback and was pleased to note that 95% of complaints had been dealt with at stage 1. The Cabinet Member recognised that the team were always looking for new ways to capture information and noted that the ‘You Said, We Did’ service was going from strength to strength.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report, the Customer Feedback Scheme (CFS) Annual Report for 2022/23 and the work undertaken by the Customer Feedback, Engagement and Complaints Team.


23/10/2023 - Write Off of Irrecoverable Debts ref: 798    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023

23/10/2023 - Proposals to Develop a new Special School in RCT ref: 793    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services advised Cabinet of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of the proposal to open a new 3 to 19 special school in Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) and introduce catchment areas for all 3 to 19 special schools across RCT, these are:

·       Park Lane Special School;

·       Ysgol Hen Felin; and

·       Ysgol Ty Coch.


Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix A of the report, which detailed the outcome of the consultation.


The Director informed Members that the documents noted 38% were against the proposals, but that it should read 37%. The Director advised that, overall, the consultation responses were positive with 56.5% in favour of the proposals and emphasised that some of the parents/carers appeared to have misunderstood the proposals, which was illustrated in Section 5 of the consultation document. It was therefore emphasised that as a result of the proposals, there would be no school closures and that the children in existing placements would remain in their current schools.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language thanked officers for undertaking the consultation and thanked individuals for their responses. The Cabinet Member was content that officers had been able to answer and address any points raised through the consultation including those of Estyn.


The Cabinet Member was content that the proposal to develop a new special school was the right step forward and would build capacity in an area of increased demand for the future. The Cabinet Member emphasised that pupils already attending special schools within RCT would not be required to move schools and that, if approved, new catchments would be put in place for future arrangements.


The Leader was in favour of the proposals and commented that the special school would be a huge investment, which was desperately needed.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.     To note the content of the report;

2.     To note the information contained within the Consultation Report, which includes a summary of correspondence received during the consultation, including the full response from Estyn, feedback received from the online survey, and notes of the meetings held; and

3.     To progress the proposals to the next stage of the consultation process by issuing an appropriate Statutory Notice which will trigger the start of the Objection Period. 


23/10/2023 - Private Rented Sector Strategy 2023-2026 ref: 796    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Cabinet with an overview of the proposed Private Rented Sector Strategy 2023 -2026 and seek approval for it to be implemented.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke positive of the work undertaken in respect of the private rented sector with RCT landlords; and noted that RCT had been proactive with providing advice with legislation requirements and guidance. The Cabinet Member added his thanks to officers and advised that he had received compliments on their behalf.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities echoed the comments and was in support of the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the proposed Private Rented Sector Strategy 2023-2026 which supports the delivery of a private rented sector that offers safe, affordable accommodation, that is well managed and of a good standard, creating accessible and sustainable tenancies.



23/10/2023 - Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board Annual Report 2022-2023 ref: 789    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Social Services presented Cabinet with the 2022/23 Annual Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board Report.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care recognised the importance of the report, which seeks to ensure individual of all ages are protected; and provides prevention of harm and abuse. The Cabinet Member noted that the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board has a statutory duty to provide an annual report which outlines its priorities.


The Cabinet Member noted the greater need and focus to improve approaches to public sector concerns and stated that all partnership agencies have their part to play.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and endorse the content of the 2022/23 Annual Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board Report.


23/10/2023 - Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Annual Report and Letter 2022-2023 ref: 792    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Legal and Democratic Services advised Cabinet of the publication of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ (‘PSOW’) Annual Report and Annual Letter to this Council for 2022-2023.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language thanked the Director for the report and stated that the report allows Cabinet Members to accurately review and monitor how the Council is managing the feedback it receives. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that, given the size of the Local Authority, a small number of complaints had been made and a small number had been referred to the Ombudsman.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider and note the 2022-2023 Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ Annual Report and Annual Letter to this Council.



23/10/2023 - Future Commissioning of the Council's Supported Living Service for People with a Learning Disability ref: 787    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Social Services presented Cabinet with the report, which made recommendations with regards to the commissioning of Supported Living Services for people with a learning disability.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care commented that the Council has substantial experience and a good track record of commissioning Supported Living Services from external providers. It was noted that with the current 10-year contract due to end this year, the retendering process was already underway, to start the new contract from April 2024.


The Cabinet Member continued and noted that the proposed changes would transfer the small percentage of Supported Living Services currently provided in-house to the external market, which already provides around 90% of the service. The Cabinet Member acknowledged officers’ advice, which was that the changes would ensure best value and future sustainability of the service, without reducing its availability to help people who rely upon it. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of this in the context of the significant budget gap, the rising cost pressures, and the rising demand within the service.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure questioned how the Council would engage with the individuals affected, including service users, their families, and staff members.


The Director of Social Services advised that, if agreed, the Council would provide regular engagement and communication with all affected individuals to ensure that they are kept fully informed of the process and timescales for service transfer. This would include sharing information, including easy read format, and holding meetings supported by social work staff and advocates, such as Cwm Taf People First and DEWIS Centre for Independent Living and in the case of staff, Trade Unions. It was added that, following the procurement process and contract award, the Council would engage with all affected individuals to address any anxiety they may have about the change of provider. There would also be opportunities to meet with the new providers to discuss any concerns.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & Communities acknowledged the concern amongst the workforce in respect of the proposals and questioned whether the same reassurance could be provided as per the last item of the agenda (Minute No. 53), in respect of what TUPE means, and the protection it affords. The Cabinet Member also asked if the same assurance could also be provided in respect of job protection as a result of the changes, if agreed.


Alongside the Cabinet Member’s suggestion, the Leader asked if the same assurance could be provided as the last item of business (Minute No. 53) in respect of no compulsory redundancies.


The Director of Human Resources confirmed that the same protection would be applied in terms of TUPE and staff’s membership within the Local Government Pension Scheme. The Director advised the from an initial review, it was anticipated that all staff would be eligible for TUPE but should that not be the case, no compulsory redundancies would be undertaken as part of the process and that staff would be provided with options such as redeployment and voluntary early redundancy.


The Leader sought clarification that the three providers that would be tendering were not private sector companies and were not for profit, to which the Director confirmed.


Similarly, to the last item of business, the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services noted that the financial implications from the proposal would be built into the Medium-Term Financial Plan and requested further information.


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services advised that the report highlighted the current hourly rate differential between the independent sector and the in-house service, and when applied to the number of hours currently provided by the internal service, this equates to an estimated saving of around £650k per year.


The Service Director advised that the estimated saving would come with a number of caveats and that it needed to be considered in the broader context of the points made in the previous item in terms of:

·       The retender exercise, market forces and how the independent sector responds;

·       The fact that tenderers would be instructed by the Council to accept the requirements of TUPE and continued Local Government Pension Scheme membership for transferring staff; and

·       With specific regard to support living, each scheme is driven by differing complexities of need, with this informing the number of hours required.


The Service Director continued and explained that the above-mentioned ‘unknowns’ make it difficult to project with certainty the financial implications, but it was expected that the proposal, alongside the re-tender process underway with the independent sector for existing contracts, would provide opportunity for a more cost-effective service, this being set against the £35M budget gap faced by the Council for next financial year.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language questioned whether the services users and their families would see change in the small number of settings the Council currently provides.


The Director of Social Services assured the Cabinet that the proposal, if agreed, would involve no change to an affected individual’s home or to the level of care and support they receive. It was explained that TUPE would also mean that eligible staff employed in the remaining 9 in-house supported living homes would transfer to the new commissioned providers. As such, this would help to maintain stability for the individual and continuity of staff support around the provision of activities and their care and support during any transition.


The Director noted that people with a learning disability had been involved in the development of the new contract documentation and the evaluation methodology, which would help to ensure that the right person-centred service is being commissioned, which is more consistent and equitable across Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The Leader sought clarification that that the individuals at the properties have their own tenancies to which the Director confirmed. The Director advised that as part of the proposal, the tenancy arrangements would not change for the individuals, only the care provider as part of a procurement exercise.


With the agreement of the Leader, Non-Committee Member, County Borough Councillor K. Morgan was granted permission to address the Cabinet.


Similarly, to the last item of business, prior to any decision being made by the Cabinet, the Leader emphasised the importance of referencing the three points made by Members at the meeting in respect of the protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme, the recognition of Trade Unions to be factored in and that no compulsory redundancies are to be taken forward. As such, the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication put forward the following additional recommendations for Member consideration:


2.4      The protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward;

2.5      The recognition of Trade Unions to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward; and

2.6      That no compulsory redundancies are taken forward through the implementation of these proposals.


Members were satisfied with the information contained within the report, the responses of officers and the additional recommendations proposed by the Leader.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information provided in this report, the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment;

2.    To approve the transfer of the Council’s remaining nine Supported Living Services for people with a learning disability to specialist providers through the retender of the Council’s current Supported Living contract and commence from April 2024; and

3.    That the Director of Social Services is delegated with the authority, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder, to award contracts following completion of the retender process and to make all necessary arrangements for the subsequent transfer.


In addition to the above-mentioned recommendations (2.1 to 2.3) as contained within the report, the Cabinet RESOLVED:

4.       The protection of membership for staff within the Local Government Pension Scheme to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward;

5.       The recognition of Trade Unions to be factored into the procurement process to be taken forward; and

6.       That no compulsory redundancies are taken forward through the implementation of these proposals. 


23/10/2023 - Update Report on Empty Homes Strategy ref: 795    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Cabinet with an update on the progress being made in bringing empty homes back into use in line with the RCT Empty Homes Strategy (2022-2025).


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke of the success of the programme in getting homes back on the market or into meaningful use. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that, to date, just under 700 properties had been brought back into use and was happy to move the recommendations contained within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report and note the positive progress made to date in bringing empty homes back into use in line with the RCT Empty Homes Strategy (2022 – 2025).


23/10/2023 - Social Services Representations, Compliments and Complaints Procedures Annual Report 2022/23 ref: 790    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/10/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/10/2023

Effective from: 27/10/2023


The Director of Social Services provided Cabinet with an overview of the operation and effectiveness of the Council’s statutory Social Services complaints procedure between1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked the Director for the report and stated that both complaints and compliments are valuable feedback, which drives service improvement and planning. The Cabinet Member added that it was reassuring for staff to receive compliments for all their hard work and dedication.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the content of this report and the Social Services Annual Representations and Complaints report for 2022/23; and

2.    To note the work undertaken by the Customer Feedback, Engagement and Complaints Team.


17/10/2023 - Improving the Council's Recruitment Process on attracting Welsh Speakers 2022-2027 ref: 778    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 17/10/2023 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 17/10/2023

Effective from: 21/10/2023


The Service Manager for Welsh Language Services presented the report, which sought approval from the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-committee for Human Resources staff and Welsh Language Services staff to start work on drafting an achievable and reasonable guaranteed interview scheme for Welsh-speakers Level 3 and above if they meet the vacancy essential criteria.


The Service Manager noted that the introduction of a guaranteed interview scheme was noted as an action in the Council’s statutory 5-year strategy for promoting the Welsh language and its supporting action plan, as agreed by the Sub-Committee at meetings held on 25 October 2022 and 9 May 2023 respectively.


The Service Manager advised that the introduction of a Guaranteed Interview Scheme would strengthen the Council’s position regarding the statutory requirements regarding the Welsh language and delivery of services through the medium of Welsh and lower the risk with regards to any potential litigation. In addition, the scheme would also benefit the Council as an employer through a potential wider selection of candidates who meet the essential criteria.


The Service Manager emphasised that, if approved by the Sub-Committee, the guaranteed interview scheme would only provide the guarantee of an interview to those who meet the essential criteria set out in any job pack; and would not guarantee employment, as selection procedures would ensure the best candidate for the job is appointed.


The Chair thanked the officer for the comprehensive presentation and was in favour of the recommendations contained within the report. The Chair spoke of the importance of broadening the Welsh Language skills amongst staff across a wide range of departments to enhance the services provided by the Local Authority. The Chair spoke positive of the opportunity to review the scheme following a 12-month period.


The Deputy Leader was also supportive of the recommendations and praised the Local Authority for introducing such an initiative. The Deputy Leader compared to the proposed initiative to the positive scheme introduced by RCT for veterans.


The Deputy Leader sought further information from the Director of Human Resources as to what an ‘achievable and reasonable guaranteed interview scheme for Welsh-speakers Level 3 and above’ would entail; and questioned if there would be an opportunity for the Sub-Committee to have sight of the final policy. The Director assured the Sub-Committee that the scheme would be fit for purpose and would seek to achieve the Council’s longer-term objectives in relation to the Welsh Language 5 Year Strategy and Workforce Planning Strategy. The Director noted that the Trade Unions would be involved as part of the process and confirmed that the Sub-Committee could have sight of the final draft of the policy.


The Chair agreed with the comments of the Deputy Leader and confirmed that he would be content with arranging an additional meeting of the Sub-Committee in advance of the meeting scheduled for May 2024, for Members to consider the draft policy.


The Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To delegate to the Director of Human Resources and Welsh Language Service’s Manager authority to draft an achievable and reasonable guaranteed interview scheme for Welsh-speakers Level 3 and above, subject to applicants meeting the vacancy essential criteria, in line with an agreed action noted in the Council’s statutory strategy for the promotion of the Welsh language;

2.    To delegate implementation decision to Service Directors for HR, PHP and Community Services, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members for Human Resources and Welsh Language Service;

3.    That once the scheme is operational, to include a strapline on job advertisements highlighting the guaranteed interview scheme; and

4.    That once the scheme has been operational for a period of 12 months, a review is undertaken to measure the scheme’s success.


17/10/2023 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee Work Programme 2023-2024 ref: 777    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 17/10/2023 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 17/10/2023

Effective from: 21/10/2023


The Senior Executive and Regulatory Business Officer provided Members with the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee during the 2023-24 Municipal Year.


Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix 1 of the report, which detailed the key reports for consideration during the Municipal Year. Furthermore, it was advised that to monitor the promotion of the Welsh Language across Council services, the Sub-Committee would receive information updates, when applicable, from various service areas.


It was proposed that the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee formally meet on two occasions during the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, with further meetings convened when deemed appropriate, at the request of the Chair.


Members were content with the work programme and acknowledged that its content was flexible and could change to reflect business needs.


The Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year.

18/09/2023 - Urgent Business ref: 724    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 13/10/2023

Effective from: 18/09/2023

27/09/2023 - 'Think Climate RCT' The Council's Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025 ref: 734    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 27/09/2023

Effective from: 03/10/2023


The Performance Manager presented the ‘Think Climate RCT: The Council’s Tackling Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025’ to Members.


The Chair welcomed the report in this format and commented that she liked the hyperlinks contained within the report. The Chair noted that because procurement lays such a large part of the Council’s  Carbon Reduction then she would like to see more about procurement in the quarterly reports.


Discussions ensued and a Member noted that the report fits in well with the Council’s Corporate Plan and that the report highlights how much work is being done in the background by the Council to hit their targets. The Member referred to the Electric Vehicle report that is due to come to the Sub Committee in December and queried whether we could invite the National Grid to attend the meeting to see what their plans are for the future. The Chair agreed that this was a good suggestion and the Director of Corporate Estates agreed to liaise with the National Grid to arrange a suitable time.


Discussions continued and another Member welcomed the report and commented that it was useful to have all the information in one place and that this a useful tool for the public. Another Member agreed and welcomed this format going forward. In respect of the National Grid, a Member suggested that the Chair has a pre meeting with Officers prior to the December meeting to ascertain what the key issues are so that the necessary challenge can be provided to the National Grid.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED:


1.     To consider the information contained within the report;

2.     To invite the National Grid to attend a subsequent meeting of the Committee as part of the Sub Committee’s Work Programme; and

3.     To note the potential to further embed the Council’s response to Climate Change into the business of the Council as part of the development of the Council’s new Corporate Plan.


27/09/2023 - 'Nature on Your Doorstep': Update on the implementation of the Living Landscape project in Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 735    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 27/09/2023

Effective from: 03/10/2023


The Director of Prosperity & Development presented the ‘Nature on your Doorstep’ to Members in order to Members on local places for nature grant funded works undertaken in 22/23 and planned for 24/25.


Discussions ensued and the Chair welcomed the report and noted that Cabinet Members previously met the Apprentices, however, the Chair suggested that it would be a good opportunity for Cabinet Members to meet with the Apprentices again on a site visit. Another Member agreed and noted that the Committee previously met the graduates and that it would be useful for the Committee to meet with the Apprentices.


Discussions continued and a Member noted that we have fantastic nature sites across the County Borough. The Member referred to the Carnetown    ponds and noted how pleased he was to see this on the list and once that area has been assessed, the Member requested if Officers could provide an update that could be shared with the community. Officers agreed to get back to Members as the area develops.


A Member praised the Council’s work with graduates and Apprentices and noted that this will play a huge part in our planning and development and praised such a detailed report.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED:


1.     To consider the progress reported, the planned expenditure and how this contributes to the broader objective of developing a Living Landscape project across RCT;

2.     To arrange a site meeting for the Committee to meet with the new Biodiversity Apprentices


27/09/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee Work Programme 2023-2024 Municipal Year ref: 733    For Determination

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 27/09/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 27/09/2023

Effective from: 03/10/2023


The Service Director, Democratic Services and Communications presented the Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee Work Programme 2023-24 to Members.


The Chair empasised that Members were very keen on attending site visits. A Member confirmed that they welcomed the suggestion of site visits throuoght the County Borough.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED:


1.     To approve the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year, as attached as Appendix 1;


2.     To agree to undertake site visits during the Municipal Year to the proposed list of locations:

·       Launch of School Eco Awards;

·       Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Awel Taf, Rhydyfelin;

·       Soaring Supersaurus,Penrhys;

·       Canolfan Calon Taf; and

·       Welcome to our Woods –Crop Cycle


3.     To receive a future report of the Chair with the findings from each of the site visits.


18/09/2023 - Acquisition of Land to the East of Cenarth Drive Cwmbach, Aberdare ref: 719    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023

18/09/2023 - Consultation on the Proposals to Realign Additional Learning Needs Mainstream Learning Support Class Provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 718    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023


The Head of Inclusion Services advised the Cabinet of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of the proposal to realign the mainstream Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT).


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language firstly took the opportunity to thank all those who engaged with the consultation process. The Cabinet Member spoke of the increased pressure, in terms of the number of children and young people additional learning needs support and felt that the report clearly demonstrated the Cabinet’s willingness to invest in the provision. The Cabinet Member was in favour of the proposals and commented that the proposal to transfer the LSC for pupils in Years 3-6 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Abercynon Community Primary School to create a through provision in the Primary Phase at Perthcelyn Primary School would be beneficial in the long-term. In respect of the proposal to establish two Welsh medium primary phase LSCs at the new Welsh medium primary school in Rhydyfelin for pupils with significant ALN, the Cabinet Member felt it was positive and would give further choice to families, whilst supporting National legislation.


Referring to the consultation responses, the Leader clarified that the proposals before Members were not about cost savings, and that if agreed, it would be an increase of £400,000 a year in costs.


The Leader questioned what support would be available to the children and families, in terms of transitional arrangements, should the Cabinet agree the recommendations. The officer acknowledged that there would be a small number of pupils impacted by the proposals and that families were rightfully concerned about the prospect. It was explained that transitions had been done successfully in the past and a key factor in respect of the proposals was that staff would be moving with the children, which would maintain a degree of consistency. If the parents decided not to move their children to Perthcelyn, the pupils would be supported in mainstream with a specialist ASD and additional non-teaching support, where necessary. The Director added that further discussions with families would take place to ensure all individual’s needs are met and to reduce parental concerns.


The Deputy Leader was in support of the proposals and took the opportunity to thank the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee for its constructive comments.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the information contained within the consultation report, which includes a summary of items of correspondence received during the consultation exercise and notes of the various meetings held;

2.    To progress the following proposals to realign the mainstream Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) by issuing the appropriate statutory notices:

·       Proposal 1 (amended): To relocate the Observation and Assessment LSC at Penrhiwceiber Primary School to Abercynon Community Primary School taking effect from September 2024. (Amended from April 2024).

·       Proposal 2 (amended): To transfer the LSC for pupils in Years 3-6 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Abercynon Community Primary School to create a through provision in the Primary Phase at Perthcelyn Primary School taking effect from September 2024. (Amended from April 2024).

·       Proposal 3: To establish one Early Years Assessment and Intervention LSC for pupils under statutory school age with significant presenting needs at Abercynon Primary School taking effect from April 2024.

·       Proposal 4: To establish two Welsh medium primary phase LSCs at the new Welsh medium primary school in Rhydyfelin for pupils with significant ALN taking effect from September 2024.

·       Proposal 5: To establish one LSC for pupils in years 7-11 with ASD at the new 3-16 school on the Hawthorn Primary/High School site taking effect from September 2024.


3.    To note the comments, observations and/or recommendations of the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee, following its pre-scrutiny of the above recommendations at the meeting held on 14th September 2023.


18/09/2023 - Proposed Extension to Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC's Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders ref: 713    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023




18/09/2023 - Pre-Scrutiny: Local Toilet Strategy Review ref: 712    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee following its pre scrutiny of the Local Toilet Strategy Review at its meeting on the 10th July 2023.


The Head of Arts, Culture and Libraries then provided the Cabinet with an update on the review of the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Local Toilets Strategy from 2019-2023 to 2023-2028. It was explained that the provision of local toilets for public use is not a statutory requirement of local authorities in Wales; and that at a challenging time for local authorities, the strategy aims to mitigate potential impacts by making toilets in more Council facilities available for public use and to work with the private sector to help promote their facilities.


The officer informed Members of the progress to date and drew Members’ attention to Section 6 of the report, which detailed two objectives, that had been developed with supporting actions.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & Communities was supportive of the recommendations outlined within the report and took the opportunity to thank the Community Services Scrutiny Committee for its valuable contribution.


The Deputy Leader reiterated the thanks to the Scrutiny Committee for its contribution and commented that it would be an opportunity to engage with community councils to add further value to the provision.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee as advised within section 5 of the report; and

2.    To approve the reviewed Local Toilet Strategy 2023 – 2028 as attached to the report as Appendix A.


18/09/2023 - Statutory School Organisation - Proposal to close Rhigos Primary School with pupils transferring to Hirwaun Primary School ref: 717    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services sought formal approval to begin the relevant and required statutory school organisation consultation to close Rhigos Primary School in line with the requirements of the Welsh Government’s School Organisation Code (2nd Edition) (011/2018); and to extend the catchment area of Hirwaun Primary School to incorporate the current catchment area of Rhigos Primary School.


With the agreement of the Leader, the following Non-Committee Members were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       County Borough Councillor K. Morgan

·       County Borough Councillor A. Rogers

With the agreement of the Leader, the following members of public were granted permission to address the Cabinet:

·       Ms M. Evans

·       Ms S. Oliver

The Leader thanked the Non-Committee Members and members of the public for their contributions. Referring to the table at section 4.5 of the report, the Leader questioned how robust the projections were and how officers had come to their conclusions. The Director advised that accurate live birth data is used from the Local Health Board.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language spoke of the Council’s statutory duty to monitor surplus places throughout its schools. The Cabinet Member commented that the projected 33% decrease in numbers of pupils attending the school in the next five years would have a financial impact on the sustainability of the school. That, together with the age of the site, the backlog of repairs required and the site’s incompliance with the Equality Act 2010 gave the Cabinet Member concerns regarding the future viability of the school. The Cabinet Member added that there were excellent facilities within and around Hirwaun Primary school, in terms of outdoor space. As such, the Cabinet Member was in support of commencing a consultation to gain a further insight into the views of residents.


The Deputy Leader thanked the speakers for raising key areas for Cabinet’s consideration. The Deputy Leader was in support of commencing a statutory consultation based upon the ageing building and the number of surplus places, which would allow Cabinet, at a future date, the opportunity to balance the views and look thoroughly at the consultation responses.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report;

2.    To give formal approval to commence a statutory consultation with relevant stakeholders on the proposal to close Rhigos Primary School and extend the catchment area of Hirwaun Primary School to incorporate the current catchment area of Rhigos Primary School;

3.    To give formal approval to report back to Cabinet to consider the Consultation Report and determine whether to publish the Consultation Report and approve the publication of the proposal in the form of a Statutory Notice; and

4.    To give delegated authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to make any minor changes required to the draft Consultation Document prior to its publication and the statutory consultation commencing.

18/09/2023 - Council Corporate Plan - Investment Priorities ref: 716    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 18/09/2023



The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services set out the position regarding the opportunity for Cabinet to propose to Council to further invest in the Council’s priority areas, aligned to the Corporate Plan, “Making a Difference” 2020 – 2024.


The Leader referred to the table at section 4.1 of the report and explained that the areas identified for investment were in line with the Corporate Plan and priorities for residents. The Leader stated that the Council would not be able to bring forward almost three quarter of a million pounds of investment in addition to the £4M agreed for the Local Cost of Living Support Scheme (Minute No. 44), if it wasn’t for the good financial management of the reserve fund.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To review and propose the additional Corporate Plan investment priorities and funding arrangements as set out in the report at Appendix A to Council at its meeting on 20th September 2023.


18/09/2023 - Council Performance Report - 30th June 2023 (Quarter 1) ref: 720    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 18/09/2023


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services provided the Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, based on the first three months of this financial year (to the 30th June 2023).


The Deputy Leader thanked the Service Director for the update and was pleased to note the decrease in sickness absence rates. The Deputy Leader advised that she and the Leader engage regularly with the Director of Human Resources and the Trade Union representatives in relation to sickness absence and other staff wellbeing related matters.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services acknowledged the difficult financial situation in which the Council services continue to operate. The Cabinet Member was pleased with the amount of investment and progress made during quarter 1 and was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report.


The Leader noted that the report indicated a potential overspend of approximately £2.5M but emphasised that Local Authorities across the country are significantly overspending due to inflation and social services pressures. The Leader advised that one Local Authority had a projected overspend of £23.8M, which was almost 10 times that of RCT.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:




1.    To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 30th June 2023 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).


2.    To request that Cabinet approve the virements listed in Sections 2a - e of the Executive Summary that exceed the £0.100M threshold as per the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.




3.    To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 30th June 2023 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).


4.    To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 30th June 2023 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary)


Corporate Plan Priorities


5.    To note the Quarter 1 progress updates for the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary) that include updates in respect of the Council’s on-going work to deliver its Climate Change ambitions..


18/09/2023 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-24 to 2026-27 ref: 715    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 18/09/2023


With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services provided the Cabinet with an update on the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2023/24 to 2026/27, based on current modelling assumptions in advance of formulating the detailed budget strategy proposals for 2024/25 during the autumn. 


The Leader thanked the Group Director for the update. The Leader sought to provide clarity on the Council’s use of its reserve fund by explaining that the Capital Programme was four times bigger than a decade ago; that there was significant investment in the modernisation of the social services provision; and that new 21st Century Schools and other funded projects, such as flood alleviation schemes, require match funding. The Leader stated that the budget would need to be managed year by year based on funding available; and that it was right to use the reserve funding, where possible.


The Leader feared that the small service changes, which had previously been made by the Council would not be sustainable in next year’s budget, if UK Government do not release additional funding in the Autumn.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services commented on her frustration that the Council had to undertake such reviews of services in order to close the budget gap but had every confidence in the Council’s financial team.


The Deputy Leader echoed earlier comments and thanked officers for their sound financial management in what was described as ‘dire’ times. The Deputy Leader agreed that ‘invest to save’ was the correct mantra and commented that the Council’s Capital Programme was one to be envied.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the current position modelled in respect of the ‘Medium Term Financial Plan 2023/24 to 2026/27’ and receive further updates in the autumn as part of the annual budget setting process; and

2.    To note that the MTFP will be presented to Council in September and will be reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in line with their terms of reference alongside our budget consultation arrangements.


18/09/2023 - Local Cost of Living Support Scheme 2023 ref: 714    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 18/09/2023

Effective from: 22/09/2023


The Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services provided the Cabinet with details of a further Local Cost of Living Support Scheme (2023).


The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for putting together the substantial package of funding for Members’ consideration, following his request at a full Council meeting. The Leader advised that had the Council delivered Free School Meals during the school summer holidays, it would have cost close to £1M but the package before Members amounted to approximately £4.3M, which was the biggest financial package announced by any Local Authority in South Wales.


The Leader spoke of the Community Facilities Energy Support Grant of £540 per organisation, which would financially support not for profit organisations such as churches and community centres, where activities and food banks take place. The Leader explained that such organisations are lifelines for some individuals and that the payment would provide support during winter pressures. The Leader welcomed the short-term package of localised support and hoped that further support would be provided by Welsh Government and/or UK Government.


The Deputy Leader was fully supportive of the recommendations and was pleased that the Local Authority were considering the package of support for communities, despite financial pressures.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services echoed earlier comments and welcomed the package of funding.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and agree the detail of the proposed Local Cost of Living Support Scheme (2023); and

2.    To note and agree the implementation arrangements and delegation to the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services as detailed at section 9 of the report.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 17/07/2023


The Chairman of the meeting, was of the opinion that the report of the Director of Frontline Services be considered, in accordance with the provision of section 100(b)4(B) of the Local Government Act 1972, as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstance i.e. To enable the immediate implementation of the proposed scheme on the 24th July.


The Director of Frontline Services presented the report, which sought Cabinet’s approval to introduce a £1 maximum single bus fare for travel between 24th July 2023 – 3rd September 2023 (inclusive), for all journeys that start and terminate within the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) county boundary. This would apply to all operators currently operating a scheduled service. Subject to the continuation of Welsh Government Bus Funding beyond 24th July 2023. The report sought approval to delegate authority to the Director of Frontline Services to introduce a £1 maximum single bus fare for travel between 1st December 2023 – 31st December 2023 (inclusive), for all journeys that start and terminate within the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) county boundary – subject to the outcomes of the School Summer Holidays scheme and available funding, and in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure. Subject to the continuation of Welsh Government Bus Funding beyond 24th July 2023; andapproval to introduce a 1 year 7-day bus travel pilot scheme for all school and college students that are in receipt of a public bus season ticket to attend school or college between 4th September 2023 and the end of the respective academic year 2023/24.


The Leader was in support of the recommendations contained within the report and took the opportunity to thank officers for the work undertaken to bring forward the positive report. The Leader advised that the scheme would save residents £1.1M and spoke of the previous scheme agreed by Cabinet for March 2023, which increased patronage by 7% the following month. The Leader advised that there had been some anti-social behaviour during the last bus travel scheme and hoped that the £1 maximum single bus fare fee would alleviate that, as well as making the money go further.


The Leader reminded Members that he had asked officers at a recent Council meeting to consider potential support packages for residents during the cost-of-living crisis and felt that the scheme before Members would be an additional benefit, which could save some families hundreds of pounds for the remainder of the year.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure endorsed the Leader’s comments and spoke of the success of the previous initiative. The Cabinet Member hoped that the scheme would help families have a more financially viable summer by allowing them to travel across RCT and visit its attractions at an affordable cost; and take some pressure off residents during the Christmas period.


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication informed Members that the permission of the Presiding Officer would be sought to exempt the matter from call-in, to enable the immediate implementation of the proposed scheme on the 24th July.

The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.          To note the contentof the report and approvethe proposals to:

(ii)            Introduce a £1 maximum single bus fare for travel between 24th July 2023 – 3rd September 2023 (inclusive), for all journeys that start and terminate within the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) county boundary. Subject to the continuation of Welsh Government Bus Funding beyond 24th July 2023.

(iii)          Delegate authority to the Director of Frontline Services tointroduce a £1 maximum single bus fare for travel between 1st December 2023 – 31st December 2023 (inclusive), for all journeys that start and terminate within the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) county boundary – subject to the outcomes of the School Summer Holidays scheme and available funding, and in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure. Subject to the continuation of Welsh Government Bus Funding beyond 24th July 2023.


(i)             Introduce a 1 year 7-day bus travel pilot scheme for all post-16 school and college students that will be in receipt of a public bus season ticket to attend school or college between 4th September 2023 and the end of the respective academic year 2023/24.

2. To review the outcomes of the bus travel schemes during the 2023/24 financial year and seek to develop further bus travel initiatives during the 2024/25 financial year, subject to funding.


17/07/2023 - Pre-Scrutiny: Estyn's Report on Education Services in Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council ref: 614    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee following its pre-scrutiny of Estyn’s report on Education Services in Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council, at its meeting on the 20th June 2023.


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services then provided the Cabinet with an overview of Estyn’s processes and procedures for inspecting a local authority, as well as the strengths and areas for development for the Education Directorate as a result of its most recent inspection by Estyn.


The Leader thanked the officers for the update and was encouraged to note that the areas of improvement raised by Estyn, were areas already identified by the Local Authority.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language endorsed the Leader’s comments and was pleased to note the positive findings of Estyn’s report. The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to thank the Estyn inspection team for a fair and accurate report; all those who took part in the inspection process and also extended his thanks to the Director and staff for their continued hard work.


The Deputy Leader reitterated the above-mentioned comments and took the opportunity to extend her gratitude to the Director and the team.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Education and Inclusion Scrutiny Committee; and

2.    To endorse Estyn’s report on Education Services in Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council, as attached to the report as Appendix B.

17/07/2023 - Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited and Amgen Rhondda Limited - Council Officer Directorship ref: 619    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Director of Legal and Democratic Services sought Members approval in respect of a change to one of the appointed Council officer directors of Amgen Rhondda Limited and Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited (the ‘Companies’) as a result of the forthcoming retirement of Mr. Roger Waters, Director of Frontline Services and deletion of that post from the Council’s management structure.


Cabinet Members were in support of the recommendation contained within the report and took the opportunity to thank the Director of Frontline Services for his excellent work and wish him well in his future endeavours.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    That the appointed Council officer director of Amgen Rhondda Limited and Cynon Valley Waste Disposal Company Limited, which was previously aligned to the post holder of Director of Frontline Services, be realigned to the post holder of Director – Highways, Streetcare & Transportation Services with effect from 1st September 2023.


N.B- Having previously declared a personal and pecuniary interest (Minute No. 25) in respect of this item, the following officers left the meeting, whilst the item was discussed and voted upon:

·       The Service Director of Transportation, Enforcement and Strategic Investment;

·       The Director of Frontline Services; and

·       The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services.

17/07/2023 - Report to commence formal statutory consultation of the authority's review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan ref: 616    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Service Director of Transportation, Enforcement and Strategic Investment provided the Cabinet with an update on progress of the Authority’s review of the revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and Action Plan (formerly known as a Flood Risk Management Plan), as required under Section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010.


The Leader thanked the officer for the comprehensive report. The Leader advised that since 2020, the Council had been successful in securing funding to improve flood resilience and that the Strategy would ensure funding is prioritised going forward.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care took the opportunity to thank officers for their continuous hard work and spoke of his own experiences during Storm Dennis in 2020. The Cabinet Member spoke of the heart-breaking scenes at Trehafod and Britannia; and of the resilience of those communities affected. The Cabinet Member spoke of residents’ fears of extreme weather events in the future and was pleased to note that the Council was putting measures in place to mitigate the risks.


The Deputy Leader echoed previous comments about mitigating the risk, where possible and spoke of a successful flood alleviation scheme in her ward which had given the community a degree of comfort. The Deputy added that it was important for communities to recognise where responsibilities lie in terms of the Council and National Resources Wales and its prevention measures.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To commence formal statutory consultation on the Draft LFRMS and Action Plan and accompanying Environmental assessments (Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)), as per the programme of work which was agreed by Cabinet on 15th May 2023.


17/07/2023 - Council Performance Report - 31st March 2023 (Quarter 4) ref: 620    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 17/07/2023


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services provided the Cabinet with an overview of the Council’s performance, both from a financial and operational perspective, for the financial year ended 31st March 2023.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services acknowledged that the ongoing cost-of-living crisis had made for a difficult year for both the community and the Council. Despite this, the Cabinet Member was pleased to note the £135M in Capital Investment and the positive progress made against the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities. The Cabinet Member was also pleased with the work of the Council’s Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee to deliver the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and the ongoing work to manage and mitigate risks of extreme weather events. The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to thank the Service Director and the team for ensuring robust financial arrangements are in place to ensure continuous service delivery for the residents of RCT.


The Deputy Leader was in support of the recommendations contained within the report and noted that the devastating effects of the pandemic and Storm Dennis was still suffered within the County Borough. Despite the financial pressures, the Deputy Leader recognised the strong investment and collaborative work and took the opportunity to thank the Service Director.


The Leader extended his thanks to the finance team and spoke of the fine financial management of grant funding. The Leader explained that, as a whole, the Council was successful in securing both capital and revenue grants but spoke of the work behind the scenes to deliver projects in compliance with audit and procurement rules.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the context of the Council’s Services continuing to manage the on-going effects of communities recovering from the pandemic and the United Kingdom wide cost-of-living crisis, both of which are contributing to increases in demand for many services and significant inflationary cost pressures.


2.    To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 31st March 2023 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).


3.    To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 31st March 2023 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary).

4.    To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st March 2023 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).

Corporate Plan Priorities

5.    To note the year-end position regarding progress made against agreed Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary).

6.    To note the progress update to enhance the Council’s short term and long-term response to extreme weather events (Section 6 of the Executive Summary).

7.    To note the progress update in respect of the Council’s response to tackling Climate Change (Section 7 of the Executive Summary).


17/07/2023 - Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) Housing Viability Fund ref: 618    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval to progress the CCR Housing Viability Gap Fund on Cwm Coking Works to a stage to enable the draw-down of £8 million of available funding.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity felt that the proposal before Members was a great opportunity for the Council to open a site, which was previously considered unviable as a commercial offering. The Cabinet Member commented that it would remediate a difficult site but would also help towards the Council’s house building targets with a potential of over 600 new homes being constructed.


The Leader emphasised that without the capital investment, the site would not be developed and that it had been subject to an appraisal process as part of the CCR Housing Viability Fund.


The Deputy Leader referred to concerns expressed in respect of biodiversity at the site and questioned if consideration would be given during the process. The Director assured Members that biodiversity would be a key consideration going forward in terms of the remediation of the site and any future housing development.


With the agreement of the Chair, County Borough Councillor R Yeo addressed the Cabinet on this item.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve and authorise the Agreement between the developer and RCT to enable the draw-down of £8 million of funding from the CCR Housing Investment Fund.


17/07/2023 - Renovation and Redevelopment of the Rock Grounds Buildings, Aberdare ref: 617    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Cabinet with details of a proposal to repurpose the Rock Grounds Buildings in Aberdare into a quality hotel facility with restaurant, bar and spa; and sought approval to commence formal procurement of a development partner to deliver such a scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity voiced his support in respect of the ambitious proposal. The Cabinet Member spoke of the recent Tourism report, which had highlighted a shortage of tourist accommodation in RCT, particularly the upper valley; and of the recent Aberdare Town Centre Strategy, which highlighted the need to increase tourist accommodation to benefit the region, as a whole. The Cabinet Member felt that the proposal before Members, would build upon those needs, whilst bringing a historic building back into use for tourism and for the local population.


The Leader was in support of the proposals and commented that it would be pleasing to see investment into the building. The Leader referred to the unique venture, Lanelay Hall, within the South of the Borough, as an example of successful tourist accommodation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the strategic framework provided by the Aberdare Regeneration Strategy, the Council’s Office Accommodation Strategy and the Council’s Tourism Strategy as a basis for redeveloping the Rock Grounds Buildings in Aberdare Town Centre;


2.    To consider the draft proposals for the repurposing and refurbishment of the Rock Grounds Buildings, Aberdare into a quality hotel facility with restaurant, bar and spa;


3.    To progress to a formal procurement stage to secure a development partner to deliver a hotel on the site subject to future update reports on progress; and


4.    To receive a further report following the completion of the procurement stage and identifying any changes to the current ideas for the site following further feasibility work with the agreed development partner.


17/07/2023 - Standard Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) ref: 615    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services provided the Cabinet with information on the Council’s statutory duties to establish a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and the constitution of Rhondda Cynon Taf SACRE; and informed Members that the Annual Report of the RCT SACRE for the academic year 2021-2022 was available.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report and commented that it was a reflection of the broad remit of the group and the duties of the Local Authority. The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to thank all Members of the SACRE Group for its work during the previous academic year.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure, as a Member of the SACRE Group, informed Members that the Group work well together to achieve its goals and that its current aim was to enhance its engagement with young people.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the Annual Report 2021-2022.


17/07/2023 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 613    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 17/07/2023

Effective from: 21/07/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with an update on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2023-2024 Municipal Year.


Members were reminded that the Cabinet work programme was considered by the Overview & Scrutiny 2022-2027 Committee at its meeting on 24th May 2023 to inform the work programmes of the individual Scrutiny Committees. If approved by Cabinet, the Service Director advised that the updated Cabinet Work Programme would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of its quarterly update.


The Deputy Leader noted the amendments cited in the revised programme and was content that Scrutiny Chairs are cited upon such changes and flexibility which is required within their own work programmes to accommodate.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and to receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.

28/06/2023 - Proposals to develop a New Special School In Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 610    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services provided Cabinet with an update, regarding the submission of the variation to the approved Strategic Outline Programme in accordance with the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning funding; and sought formal approval to begin the relevant and required statutory consultation for the proposal to open a new 3 to 19 special school in RCT. The consultation would also include the introduction of catchment areas for all 3 to 19 special schools across RCT, these are:

·       Park Lane Special School

·       Ysgol Hen Felin

·       Ysgol Ty Coch.


The Deputy Leader was in support of the recommendations contained within the report and advised that it had been the Cabinet’s aspiration to develop a new special school within the County Borough for a number of years and that the availability of funding meant those aspirations could be put into fruition.


The Deputy Leader welcomed the opportunity to receive the views of parents and caregivers through the statutory consultation process. It was acknowledged that there were significant pressures in terms of the need for an increase in capacity to meet demands.


The Leader noted that although this was only the beginning of the process, it was a fundamental proposal and that the views of the community would be sought through the consultation process. The Leader stated that the Council Headquarters in Clydach Vale was the preferred due to its geography, transport links and size.


The Leader stated that children in existing schools would not be forced to change schools and that it would be parental choice. However, it was noted that due to the potential introduction of catchment areas for new pupils, there could be situations where siblings would have to go to different schools. As part of the consultation, the Leader requested that officers are mindful of unique individual family circumstances and allow greater flexibility in such situations, where possible.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report; and

2.    To give formal approval to commence a statutory consultation with relevant stakeholders on the proposal to:

      i.         Build a new 3 to 19 special school in RCT on a new site.

     ii.         Introduce catchment areas for all 3 to 19 special schools across RCT (as listed in 1.2), to better meet and manage the demand for special school places.

    iii.         Note that children and young people who wish to remain in their existing special school special school placements following the catchment changes can continue to do so. However, all new placements will be informed by the revised catchment areas once the changes are implemented so that learners attend their local special school.

   iv.         Give formal approval to report back to Cabinet to consider the Consultation Report and determine whether to publish the Consultation Report and approve the publication of the proposal in the form of a Statutory Notice.

     v.         Give delegated authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services to make any minor changes required to the draft Consultation Document (attached at Appendix A of the report) prior to its publication and the statutory consultation.



N.B. The Officer report refers to the consultation commencing 3rd July 2023 – this falls within the call-in period and therefore any consultation cannot start until 4th July 2023 at the earliest (subject to call-in provisions as noted in section 8 of the decision notice).


28/06/2023 - Joint Venture Agreement ref: 611    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023

28/06/2023 - Proposed Extension to Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC's Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders ref: 609    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023




28/06/2023 - Corporate Asset Management Plan 2018/23: Final Update ref: 612    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023

28/06/2023 - Approval of Recommendations arising from a review of the Community Safety Partnership arrangements for the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region ref: 607    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Safety sought Cabinet approval for the recommendations arising from a review of the Community Safety Partnership arrangements in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region, and specifically to seek approval for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (RCTCBC) to transition to a new Cwm Taf Morgannwg Community Safety Partnership covering the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT), Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend local authority areas.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities took the opportunity to thank officers for their hard work in producing the complex document. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of community safety and hoped that the inclusion of Bridgend Local Authority would result in additional resources to deal with such significant issues within society.


The Cabinet Member suggested that the Community Safety Partnership arrangements are regularly reviewed and noted that further discussions would need to take place in the future around areas such as funding, which would be shared fairly. The Cabinet Member recognised that the purpose of partnerships is to strengthen organisations to become better value for money and noted the amount of work already undertaken by RCT Council. As such, the Cabinet Member was of the view that consideration should be given to the Chair of the group coming from either Bridgend County Borough Council or Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.


The Deputy Leader was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report but hoped that the local connection and communication with the Community Safety Partnership wouldn’t be lost as it had previously worked so well.


The Deputy Leader asked the Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication to provide clarity on utilising the newly formed Cwm Taf Morgannwg Public Services Board Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise performance and delivery. The Service Director confirmed that there would be an opportunity for the new regional model to scrutinise the CSP, once approved by each Local Authority.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    That RCTCBC work with partners to form a new Cwm Taf Morgannwg Community Safety Partnership covering the RCT, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend local authority areas, subject to consent being given by the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner and an appropriate transition and implementation plan being agreed; and

2.    To approve the other recommendations arising from the Review, as set out in Section 4.12, paragraph I-1X of the report.


28/06/2023 - Aberdare Town Centre - Draft Strategy ref: 608    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/06/2023

Effective from: 04/07/2023


The Service Director of Prosperity and Development advised Cabinet of work undertaken to date in the preparation of a Draft Strategy to focus and coordinate future investment in Aberdare Town Centre; and sought approval to commence a phase of formal, public consultation in respect of the Draft Strategy, and to receive a further report detailing the results from the consultation.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity was in support of the recommendations contained within the report and took the opportunity to thank officers for drawing up the plan. The Cabinet Member commented that the approach to engagement was exemplar of how the Council should go forward with town centre consultations and noted that Local Members, community groups, traders and the Aberdare BID were involved prior to formal consultation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the Draft Aberdare Town Centre Strategy, which has been informed by the outcomes of a phase of early engagement, the findings of which are at Appendix 1 of the Draft Strategy; and

2.    To commence a formal, public consultation exercise on the Draft Strategy, to be conducted over a 6 week period utilising online and in-person methods of engagement to capture a wide range of stakeholder’s thoughts on the Draft Strategy as set out in the engagement plan at Appendix 2 of the report.


15/05/2023 - Pre Scrutiny: Learning Disability Day Services Offer ref: 597    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication introduced the report and provided Cabinet with the feedback and comments of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee following its pre scrutiny of the Learning Disability Day Services Offer at its meeting on the 24th April 2023. The Service Director drew Members’ attention to Section 5 of the covering report, which highlighted several key observations of the Scrutiny Committee for consideration.


The Interim Director of Social Services then provided the Cabinet with an update on the engagement activity undertaken in the development of a new co-produced draft Day Services Strategy and operating model proposal for people with a learning disability and seeks approval to undertake targeted consultation on the proposals to enable the Cabinet to make informed decisions on the future of the Council’s Day Services in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care spoke positive of the proposals to reform and transform the Council’s Day Services offer for individuals with learning disabilities, in line with the Council’s wider transformation agenda. The Cabinet Member commented that the offer would be transformed from a predominantly building based traditional day centre model, to a more innovative service, which would provide opportunity for individuals to improve independence, build relationships and avoid social isolation. The Cabinet Member took the opportunity to extend his gratitude to the Community Services Scrutiny Committee Members for their comments and observations.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee as advised within section 5 of the report; and

2.    To endorse the recommendations outlined within the Learning Disability Day Services Offer as attached to the report as Appendix A, and for ease of reference listed below:

·  Considers the information provided in the report and, in particular, the feedback from the engagement activity undertaken in the development of a new co-produced Day Services Strategy and operating model proposal for people with a learning disability;

·  Approves to undertake targeted consultation on a new co-produced draft learning disability Day Services Strategy and operating model proposal, as set out in Section 5 of the report, with people who use day services, their families and carers, staff and other associated stakeholders;

·  Approves to undertake targeted consultation with service users, their families and carers, staff and other associated stakeholders on a proposal to permanently decommission Treforest Day Centre with the continuation of the existing current provision received by people who previously accessed the Centre prior to its temporary closure in February 2020, as set out in paragraph 5.7 of the report; and

·       Agrees to receive a further report detailing the outcome of the proposed targeted consultation, including an updated full Equality Impact Assessment prior to any final decision being made in relation to the future of day services for people with a learning disability in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


15/05/2023 - Real Living Wage Accreditation ref: 603    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Director of Human Resources updated the Cabinet on the progress taken on the implementation of the Real Living Wage and sought approval to apply to become a Real Living Wage accredited employer.


The Leader thanked the Director for the report and explained that the Local Authority had been, in effect, a living wage employer for a number of years and before Welsh Government had asked Local Authorities. In terms of the accreditation, the Leader was pleased that the Local Authority were in a position to formally apply and spoke of the commitment to work with external contractors and partners to apply.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.   To note the content of the report;

2.   To provide approval to proceed with an application for the Council to become a Real Living Wage accredited employer.


15/05/2023 - The Council's Office Accommodation Strategy Workspace Plan: Fit for the Future and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Operating Model and Working Arrangements Policy ref: 595    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Chief Executive presented the report, which sought approval from Cabinet to agree the Council’s Office Accommodation Strategy, Workspace Plan: Fit for the Future, for the period 2023-2030 and the Council’s Operating Model and Working Arrangements Policy.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Service was pleased to note that the Accommodation Strategy before Members was in line with carbon footprint work of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee. The Cabinet Member noted that the report recognises the importance of hybrid workings but that there was still a need for front facing staff for some services. As such, the Cabinet Member recognised the need to monitor the working arrangements and how it meets the needs of both the Council and the staff.


The Cabinet Member voiced her support of the proposals and commented that the relocation of the Council HQ would bring footfall to Pontypridd and would give staff greater opportunity to use public transport, which would support the green agenda.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity welcomed the proposals and the opportunity to explore the feasibility of releasing the site at the Pavilions, Clydach Vale for the redevelopment of the site for a new Special School. The Cabinet Member spoke of Welsh Government’s policy through the Transforming Towns scheme to bring people and public services back into town centres so this would align well with Welsh Government’s future plans.


The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the work undertaken to establish the proposals. The Leader noted that many of the offices aren’t public facing and explained that although Committee meetings are held at Clydach Vale, it’s current use is for Members, the Senior Leadership Team and different departments. The Leader was of the view that the move from Clydach Vale to Pontypridd town centre would be more central with better links to public transport and noted that the majority of the changes in the report would be more accessible for staff.


In terms of revenue savings, the Leader noted that it would be over £400,000 a year, which would benefit the budget going forward; and over £3M worth of capital savings. In terms of Llys Cadwyn, the Leader clarified that rental income on the model meant that there had been no cost to the Council and explained that due to the increase in rental income, the Council were largely on course to cover the vast majority of the income figure with no detriment to the Council.


The Leader was in support of the recommendations and commented that it would be a positive for the taxpayer, staff and the environment. The Leader added that there was potential for future opportunities to enhance the existing buildings detailed within the report.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.To approve the Office Accommodation Strategy (2023-2030), which includes:

      i.         Relocating the Council’s headquarters into the heart of Pontypridd town centre, utilising vacant floor space at Llys Cadwyn;

     ii.         Exploring the feasibility of releasing the site at the Pavilions, Clydach Vale for the redevelopment of the site for a new Special School (n.b. Any proposal would be subject to the requirements set out in Welsh Government ‘s School Organisation Code (011/2018));

    iii.         Relocating services and staff currently at Ty Trevithick, Abercynon; Rhondda PSSO, Berw Road, Tonypandy; Municipal Offices Pentre and Rock Grounds, Aberdare, by either disposing of or repurposing the assets to generate capital receipts, reduce operating costs or secure community/social value and support regeneration within our communities;

   iv.         Relocating services and staff currently located at Ty Sardis, Pontypridd (excluding the Housing Solutions Services); and

     v.         Retaining Ty Sardis as the Council’s Housing Advice and Support Centre and facilitating the co-location of other specialist support and transitional housing accommodation provision currently in Pontypridd at a single, improved location.

2. To authorise the Chief Executive to assign suitable and sufficient office accommodation to services and staff to meet service requirements and support the needs of staff.


3.To authorise the Head of Democratic Services to assign suitable and sufficient office accommodation and services to meet the resource and facility requirements of Elected Members.


4. To approve the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Operating Model and Working Arrangements Policy as detailed at Appendix II of the report.


5. To  note the overall revenue savings of £0.435M generated as a result of this proposal plus the removal of a backlog maintenance liability of £2.9M.


15/05/2023 - Consultation on the Proposals to realign Additional Learning Needs Mainstream Learning Support Class Provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf ref: 602    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Head of Inclusion Services provided Cabinet Members with an opportunity to consider proposals for the realignment of mainstream Learning Support Class (LSC) provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT).


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language was in support of the recommendations contained within the report. The Cabinet Member noted that the proposals would continue the Council’s work to adhere to the Welsh Government’s legislation around the ALNET Act and would support the Council’s ambitious WESP. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of acting in best interest of learners, including minimising any disruption caused by a change of setting, ensuring pupils have best facilities and opportunities are afforded to learn and develop through both the mediums of English and Welsh.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care echoed earlier comments and applauded the work of the Council in reviewing ALN provision and enhancing more effective main stream inclusion through reorganising learning support classes, in order to meet the needs of the communities and its availability through the medium of Welsh.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To consider the proposals for the realignment of Additional Learning Needs (ALN)  mainstream LSC provision within the context of the School Organisation Code (2018), the 21st Century School Modernisation Programme and the Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal (ALNET) Act (Wales) 2018.

3.    To consider formal approval to commence consultation on the following proposals:


-       To relocate the Observation and Assessment LSC at Penrhiwceiber Primary School to Abercynon Community Primary School taking effect from April 2024.

-       To transfer the LSC for pupils in Years 3-6 with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Abercynon Community Primary School to create a through provision in the Primary Phase at Perthcelyn Primary School taking effect from April 2024.

-       To establish one Early Years Assessment and Intervention LSC for pupils under statutory school age with significant presenting needs at Abercynon Primary School. The proposal will take effect from April 2024.

-       To establish two Welsh medium primary phase LSCs at the new Welsh medium primary school in Rhydyfelin for pupils with significant ALN. The proposal will take effect from September 2024.

-       To establish one LSC for pupils in Years 7-11 with ASD at the new 3-16 school on the Hawthorn Primary/High School site taking effect from September 2024.


4.    To receive a further report in 2023/24 (academic year) on proposals to establish three Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) LSCs provisions for pupils in Years 7-11, utilising funding already set aside following the suspension of a previous statutory consultation which was started prior to the pandemic. The earliest the provisions will be operational will be September 2024.


15/05/2023 - 21st Century Schools Programme: Naming of the New Schools ref: 601    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 15/05/2023


The Service Director for 21St Century Schools and Transformation provided the Cabinet with an opportunity to consider the recommendations made by the temporary governing bodies in relation to the names for the new schools being created as a part of the greater Pontypridd school organisation proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank officers for undertaking the non-statutory consultation and working with governing bodies, teachers, pupils and wider communities associated with the new school developments. The Cabinet Member noted that the recommended school names had been developed with the views and opinions of the pupils at the heart of each school


With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor C. Lisles spoke on this item.


In response to the Non-Committee Member’s comments, the Leader advised that officers would make note of the suggestions in terms of ensuring any future consultations are expanded to encourage more engagement but noted that there was a reasonable amount of engagement made. In terms of comments made around distinguishing whether adults or children made the comments, the Leader felt that the general figure showed that all views are recorded in the same way, regardless of who you are in the community.


The Leader informed the Cabinet that he had received an email from a Local Member who wished to support the new names for both the 3-16 school in Cilfynydd and the new Welsh Medium School in Rhydyfelin, as most of the teachers and pupils were in favour.


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication informed Cabinet that due the previous deferment of this report at the February Cabinet Committee meeting, and the urgencies that had been created in terms of progressing these matters before the conclusion of the academic year in July, the approval of the Presiding Officer had been sought to exempt the item from call-in.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To agree to the name put forward by the temporary governing body of the new 3-16 School in Hawthorn, which is due to open in September 2024 – the name put forward is Ysgol Afon Wen;

2.    To agree to the name put forward by the temporary governing body of the new 3-16 School in Pontypridd, which is due to open in September 2024 – the name put forward is Ysgol Bro Taf; and

3.    To agree to the name put forward by the temporary governing body of the new Welsh Medium Primary School in Rhydyfelin, which is due to open in September 2024 – the name put forward is Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Awel Taf.



15/05/2023 - Pontypridd Placemaking Plan - Southern Gateway Project Progress Update ref: 599    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Cabinet with an update on the development of projects within the Southern Gateway area of the Pontypridd Placemaking Plan; outlined the proposed next steps and sought Cabinet approval to move to the next development stages on the projects within the Southern Gateway area and to carry out publicity with the community and key stakeholders on the agreed next steps.


The Director outlined the proposals to put forward provide a high quality entrance to the town, enhancing the setting within the Conservation Area, and a clear and legible route from the top of the town, Sardis car park and train station through to the town centre itself. The proposals would also open up the town to the green, riverside area and provide a much more inviting access into Ynysangharad Park and the National Lido.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity commented that whilst he would have liked to have seen a large hotel as part of the rejuvenation of the town centre, it was clear from the private market responses received, that it would not be a viable venture at this time. The Cabinet Member was pleased with the revised proposals, commenting that it would open up the bottom end of the town centre, bring in light, integrate seating areas, open spaces and planting and make better pedestrian, disabled and transport access. In respect of the proposal to open the Marks & Spencer side of the town, the Cabinet Member commented that it would create an airy, modern square, whilst making it more resilient to flooding. The Cabinet Member concluded and stated that both ends of the town would have multiple retail and tourism offerings going forward.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services spoke positive of the report and reiterated the comments about the proposals improving access to the town, park and National Lido.


In terms of the funding package, the Leader was confident that between the funding already secured and ongoing conversations with Welsh Government, there would no issues securing the further package.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.             To note the progress made on project development and delivery at the former M&S and Dorothy Perkins/Burtons buildings, the former Bingo Hall site;

2.             To endorse the design and redevelopment options for the Southern Gateway area, including the Bingo Hall Site and M&S and Dorothy Perkins/Burtons buildings; and

3.             To authorise Officers to progress implementation of the development options set out in this report, including the proposal to carry out publicity with the community and key stakeholders on the agreed next steps.


15/05/2023 - Potential to create an additional event space at Ynysangharad Park ref: 598    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report, which sought approval from the Cabinet on progressing the potential redevelopment opportunity for an event space within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, which would support the delivery of major events; and to submit a formal application for funding to the Visit Wales Brilliant Basics Programme.


The Director drew Members attention to Section 5 of the report, where details of the proposal were outlined.


The Director advised Cabinet that the report had been considered by the Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub-Committee at its meeting on 11th May 2023, whereby Trustees had supported the proposal.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity voiced his support in relation to the proposal and commented that it would add to the tourism offer in both the park and the town centre of Pontypridd, making it an even more vibrant place to visit. The Cabinet Member referred to the comments of the Trustees and reiterated that, if approved, the development area would be a grass public realm used for leisure and events only and not for vehicle parking or turning.


The Leader spoke of the fantastic event, Parti Ponty, which was held at the park over the weekend and reaffirmed the position that the proposal before Members was for soft landscaping.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the concept design proposal presented in the report and to authorise officers to proceed with its further development and submit a formal application for funding to the Visit Wales Brilliant Basics Programme.


N.B: The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services and the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure left before this item was discussed and voted upon, having previously declared an interest (Minute No. 1). Following this item, both Cabinet Members returned to the meeting.


15/05/2023 - Progress of the Authority's Review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan ref: 600    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Service Director for Transportation, Enforcement and Strategic Investment provided the Cabinet with an update on progress of the Authority’s review of the revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and Action Plan (formerly known as a Flood Risk Management Plan), as required under Section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010. The Service Director further advised Members of the revised programme of work required to deliver the review of the current LFRMS and Action Plan, in accordance with the updated statutory timeframe stipulated by Welsh Government.


The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for their review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. The Leader advised that a Member had questioned what support is available for businesses within the Pontypridd area in terms of flood risk and the potential for some businesses being unable to obtain insurance for their properties. The Leader advised that the Local Authority had provided grants to businesses in Pontypridd for flood measures; and that a post had been established to raise flood resilience and to engage with the community and businesses on how they can be more robust and where possible, to work with them to secure external funding. The Leader emphasised that it was vital to manage flood risk and to ensure the public recognise the flood risk authorities. The Leader advised that a future report would be presented to cabinet in respect of the progress of the flood recommendations, following Storm Dennis and reiterated that the risk of severe flooding had not gone away.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services recognised the amount of work undertaken to review the Strategy and Action Plan, particularly in terms of climate change. The Cabinet Member reiterated that the circumstances would never be eliminated but that the risk could be minimised.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the results and review of the initial public engagement exercise on the revised LFRMS and Action Plan, which was presented to the Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee on 22nd March 2023 as per the programme of work which was agreed by Cabinet on 29th November 2022; and

2.    To note the revised indicative timescales, actions and reports being brought to Cabinet and Scrutiny in Appendix 1 of the report.


15/05/2023 - Update in relation to the Children Looked After: Residential Care Strategy 2022-2027 ref: 604    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023

15/05/2023 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 596    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 15/05/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 15/05/2023

Effective from: 19/05/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication presented, for Cabinet Members’ comment and approval, an update on the Cabinet Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2023-2024 Municipal Year.


The Service Director emphasised the document before Members was a live document, which would be subject to change, dependent on business needs.


The Service Director advised the Cabinet that the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee would consider the Cabinet Work Programme at its next meeting, to inform the wider Scrutiny Committee work programmes.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure thanked the Service Director for the update and acknowledged that the content of the work programme would be flexible dependent on Council business and operational requirements. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of the engagement which takes place between Cabinet Members and Scrutiny Chairs, which had positively developed through the years to allow for better opportunity for scrutiny.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Work Programme for the 2023-2024 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis. 

11/05/2023 - Potential to create additional event space at Ynysangharad Park ref: 594    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 11/05/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 11/05/2023

Effective from: 11/05/2023


The Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report, which sought Trustees’ comments and approval on progressing the potential redevelopment opportunity for an event space within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park which would support the delivery of major events prior to consideration by the Cabinet.


The Director drew Members attention to Section 5 of the report, where details of the proposal were outlined.The Director advised Members that should they agree to the recommendations contained within Section 2 of the report, the report would be presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 15th May 2023 for approval.


With the permission of the Chair, County Borough Councillor K Johnson addressed the Committee in respect of the proposal.


Trustees sought assurance and confirmation from the Director of Prosperity and Development that there was no intention to create additional car parking space or a vehicle turning area on the land as part of the proposal and it was acknowledged that the proposal was a soft land scaping solution that seeks to make better use of the green space.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure emphasised the importance of the Council’s robust tree planting programme and noted that during the last tree planting season, over 400 trees, hedgerows and shrubs were planted in parks. The Trustees were assured that work would be undertaken to ensure the loss of any trees is minimised.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services spoke of the wide range of users and groups which utilise the park’s green space and commented that establishing the space would further enhance what the park has to offer.


The Chair was in support of the proposals and emphasised that any decisions made by Cabinet would be in the best interest of the park, residents and wider County Borough.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.      That following consideration of the concept design proposal, to support the proposal and submission of a formal application for funding; and

2.      To provide feedback on the Committee’s decision to the Cabinet at its meeting on the 15th May 2023.


09/05/2023 - Welsh Language Promotion Strategy and Action Plan ref: 592    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 09/05/2023 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 09/05/2023

Effective from: 13/05/2023


The Senior Executive and Regulatory Business Officer provided the Welsh Language Sub-Committee with the observations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee following its consideration of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy at the meeting held on the 21st March 2023. Members’ attention was drawn to Section 5 of the covering report, which summarised the key observations of the Committee.


The Head of Community and Welsh Language Services then provided the Sub-Committee with the revised copy of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy Action Plan to support the implementation of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022-2027, which had been approved by the Committee on 25th October 2022.


The Chair thanked officers for the report and commended the amount of work undertaken to produce the Promotion Strategy and robust Action Plan. The Chair spoke of the ambitious targets in relation to the WESP and increasing the number of learners by approximately 10% over the next ten years and the future opportunities arising from the 2024 Eisteddfod. The Chair also spoke positive of the links with the communities and emphasised the importance of communities to meet the ambitious targets.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services also spoke positive of the Promotion Strategy and Action Plan and felt that it was evident that the Welsh Language run throughout all areas of the Local Authority and its services. The Cabinet Member was particularly pleased to note that Elected Members and staff had the opportunity to learn the language internally as part of their roles and noted that there was a high intake of the provision. The Cabinet Member commented that this provision would not only increase the use of the language in a work setting, but also at home with families and friends.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity praised the content of the report. Whilst acknowledging that it would be more difficult to increase the number of Welsh speakers in the community, the Cabinet Member was pleased to note the steps in place to afford partners the opportunity to contribute to the success of the overall strategy. In reference to section 5.6 of the report, the Cabinet Member felt it would be important for the Council to monitor part 2 of the Action Plan.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care spoke of the benefits of learning the Welsh Language and felt that the report demonstrated the Council’s commitment to achieving its goals. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that taking up a new language later in life can feel daunting and questioned if there were figures available in respect of take up from this demographic.


The Service Manager for Welsh Language Services assured the Committee that Welsh for Adults work hard to target the demographic, particularly at a time when the RCT Eisteddfod is approaching. The Service Manager suggested that such data is included in the Action Plan once available, to target the community accordingly.


Discussions ensued around learning Welsh outside of an education setting and Menter Iaith informed Members that work had been commissioned to look into the 2021 census data, which had shown that RCT was at its peak in the 18–24-year-old bracket but for the age 65+, figures were very low. As such, Members were informed that work was being undertaken to increase the opportunities with partners to engage with the local community.


The Chair thanked participants for their contributions and the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

2.    To note the content of this report and the associated Action Plan; and

3.    To approve the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022-27 Strategy Action Plan.


09/05/2023 - Welsh Language Annual Monitoring Report ref: 593    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 09/05/2023 - Welsh Language Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 09/05/2023

Effective from: 13/05/2023


The Service Manager for Welsh Language Services provided the Welsh Language Sub Committeewith acopy ofthe Draft WelshLanguage StandardsAnnual Report 2022 –2023.


The Chair thanked the Service Manager for the comprehensive report and commented that he was confident that the Local Authority were complying with the 171 statutory Welsh Language Standards introduced by the Welsh Government under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure2011, whilst striving for improvement.


The Chair was pleased to note the range of initiatives undertaken by Council services and that the council had participated in various National events. The Chair spoke of the plethora of learning opportunities throughout RCT and referenced the front-facing roles within leisure facilities as an example of good practice.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke positive of the report and noted that feedback from the Welsh Language Commissioner during the Council’s annual meeting with their Standards Setting and Compliance Officer held in Quarter 3, was that 2022-2023 continues to be very positive in respect of the progress made in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services took the opportunity to extend her gratitude to the Council’s Welsh Language Tutor for extending lessons to catering staff.


Menter Iaith took the opportunity to speak of the Sport RCT Project, which he stated had been refreshing and positive. Menter Iaith praised the attitude of the team, young volunteers and staff; and advised that it was a model that Menter Iaith would like to develop further.


The Chair thanked participants for their contributions and the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.             To note the content of the draft report;

2.             To approve the draft report in order for a final version to be published on Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s website, and approve the distribution of the final report to eachof theauthority’s officesthat areopen tothe publicby nolater than 30 June 2023; and

3.             To approvearrangements forpublicising thefact thatthe final annual reporthas been published.


27/03/2023 - Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects Supplementary Capital Programme 2023-2024 ref: 586    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Director of Frontline Services provided the Cabinet with the detailed Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects, further to the approval of the Council’s Three-Year Capital Programme 2023/24 - 2025/26 on 8th March 2023 at Council.


The Leader was in support of the proposals outlined before Members and explained that the list was one of the Council’s largest maintenance programmes, with just over £10M of Council funding for highways, structures and road resurfacing; and approximately £20M in the coming year for Storm Dennis damage. The Leader advised of confirmation from Welsh Government in respect of the continued support for the repairs on bridges.


The Leader informed the Cabinet that the Council had submitted a number of bids for Welsh Government Grants for transport projects related to:

         Implementing the Welsh Government 20mph initiative

         Road Safety Revenue

         Safe Routes in the Community

         Active Travel

         Local Transport Fund (including Resilient Roads)


The Deputy Leader stated that it was essential to invest in structures to keep the County Borough future proofed.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care echoed earlier comments and commented that despite financial pressures, it was a credit to the Council that this ambitious level of investment was undertaken. The Cabinet Member spoke of the road at the end of Trehafod bypass, which was regularly flooded and was pleased to note that work would be undertaken to alleviate issues.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and approve the Supplementary Capital Programme for Highways, Transportation and Strategic Projects as detailed within the report; and

2.    To note that the current allocations are part of a 3-year capital programme and delegate authority to the Director of Frontline Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services, to extend activity to deliver additional projects during the financial year, where capacity exists for accelerated delivery in accordance with the purpose of the wider programme, or to suspend programmes/projects and reallocate funding to optimise delivery.


27/03/2023 - Education and Inclusion Services Planned Capital Programme 2023-2024 ref: 589    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Service Director of 21st Century Schools and Transformation provided Members with details of the capital works for approval for 2023/24 as part of the Council’s three-year Capital Programme, as well as further information relating to an additional Capital Funding Grant awarded by Welsh Government for 2022/23.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language welcomed the additional funding and commented that the Cabinet had a positive record in investing in schools, to ensure that pupils and communities have the very best learning environment.


Both the Leader and Deputy Leader welcomed the additional funding from Welsh Government, which was in addition to the Council’s funding allocation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Education Capital Programme priority schemes for 2023/24 as outlined in Appendices 1-11 and to approve scheme commencement;

2.    To note the receipt of an additional £4.052 million of capital funding from Welsh Government via the Capital Funding Grant; and

3.    To approve the projects outlined in the report as priority for delivery in 2023/24 as outlined in Appendix 12 and to approve scheme commencement.


27/03/2023 - Update on Proposals to strengthen the Continuum of School-Based Provision for pupils with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) ref: 585    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Head of Inclusion Services updated Members on a two-stage pilot to allocate funding to secondary schools to establish school-based alternative curriculum Step 4 provision for learners with significant social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD).


The report provided an overview of the impact of the provisions established to date in building the capacity of schools to meet the needs of their learners with SEBD, thus adopting an inclusive approach to strengthening the continuum of SEBD provision within Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council in line with the underpinning ethos of recent Welsh Government Additional Learning Needs legislation and statutory guidance on developing a whole-school approach to supporting wellbeing. The report also sought approval to utilise an existing earmarked reserve to enable schools to continue to implement Step 4 provisions as part of their graduated response to meeting the needs of learners with SEBD.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language emphasised the importance of the Step 4 provision in terms of the increased demand to provide suitable interventions and an inclusive curriculum for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The Cabinet Member noted that the figures evidenced that this was an area, which had increased in terms of pressure and demand; and acknowledged the additional duties placed on the Local Authority under the ALNET legislation. The Cabinet Member recognised that this was a key priority and noted that £2.645M funding had been invested in Step 4 provisions since 2020. 


The Deputy Leader echoed previous comments and was pleased to note that the report had acknowledged the importance of the pupil voice.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the progress made to date with the Step 4 pilot (Tranche 1 and Tranche 2);

2.    To approve the proposal to support secondary/all through schools to maintain their current Step 4 provision or to establish a new Step 4 provision as set out in the report;

3.    To note that the £500k per year funding from September 2023 – August 2025 is already in place to support these new proposals; and

4.    To note that this new funding, would be in addition to the £2.645M funding already invested in Step 4 provisions since 2020. 


27/03/2023 - Annual Equality Report 2021-2022 ref: 584    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Diversity and Inclusion Manager provided the Cabinet with information on the Council’s Annual Equality Report for the year 2021-2022.


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication then provided the Cabinet with the feedback of the Overview and Scrutiny 2022-2027 Committee, which considered the report at its meeting held on 21st March 2023. A formal letter had been circulated to the Cabinet prior to the meeting.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank officers for the amount of work, which had gone into the Annual Equality Report and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members for their consideration and comments. The Deputy Leader was pleased to note the recognition contained within the report in respect of the diversity in democracy agenda and Elected Members’ equal duty with regard to the Strategic Equality Plan.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services spoke positive of the report and commented that where challenges had been identified, actions would be taken.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To note the comments and observations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, following pre-scrutiny of the Annual Equality Report on the 21st March 2023; and

3.    To publish the Annual Equality Report 2021/22.

27/03/2023 - Cwm Taf Morgannwg Well-being Plan 2023-2028 ref: 582    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 27/03/2023


The Chief Executive provided the Cabinet with the Public Services Board’s ‘Cwm Taf Morgannwg Well-Being Plan 2023-2028’ as required under the Well being of Future Generations Act.


The Well-being assessment identified inequalities across the communities and the draft plan set out how the PSB intended to work together to reduce these inequalities to improve the well-being for people living in the region and for building towards a fair future. The plan proposed two main objectives:

1.    Healthy local neighbourhoods; and

2.    Sustainable and resilient local neighbourhoods


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care spoke positive of the Well-Being plan and commented that integration and collaborative work would be necessary to improve the economic and cultural wellbeing of communities. It was noted that it had been discussed for many years but was now an urgent requirement for measuring implementation and delivery which would improve people’s lives.


The Cabinet Member spoke of his attendance at an unveiling of a memorial bench dedicated to a young man who had taken his life due to mental health and addiction. The Cabinet Member emphasised that within all statistics and data, there are individuals and families who require help from public services.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Councillor’s comments and stated that the draft Well-Being Plan intended to improve equity of provision for all people living and working within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note and approve the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Well-Being Plan as outlined within Appendix A of the report; and

2.    To recommend the adoption of the Plan to Full Council at its meeting on the 29th March, 2023.



27/03/2023 - Council's Performance Report - 31st December 2022 (Quarter 3) ref: 587    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 27/03/2023


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement provided the Cabinet with the Council’s financial and operational performance position as at the 31st December 2022.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services acknowledged the challenges set out in the report, including the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and impact of Covid-19, which was reflected in the Quarter 3 revenue budget position, projecting a £10.469M full year overspend. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note the improved position with Leisure for Life membership numbers increasing and returning to pre-pandemic levels.


The Leader thanked officers for the work over the past 12 months in identifying savings, despite the extreme pressures; and stated that the Council were in a better position going forward.


The Deputy Leader reiterated the Leader’s comments and took the opportunity to thank officers across all areas for their continued support. The Deputy Leader advised that People, Place and Priority remained key but that it was becoming more difficult during the financial climate. The Deputy Leader spoke highly of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee and its work, which remained a key focus going forward.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

      I.         To note the context of the Council’s Services continuing to manage the on-going effects of communities recovering from the pandemic and the United Kingdom wide cost-of-living crisis, both of which are contributing to increases in demand for many services and significant inflationary cost pressures.


     II.         To note and agree the General Fund revenue outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2022 (Section 2 of the Executive Summary).


   III.         To note the capital outturn position of the Council as at the 31st December 2022 (Sections 3a – e of the Executive Summary). To note the details of the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators as at the 31st December 2022 (Section 3f of the Executive Summary).

Corporate Plan Priorities

  IV.         To note the Quarter 3 progress updates for the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities (Sections 5 a – c of the Executive Summary).

    V.         To note the progress update to enhance the Council’s short term and long-term response to extreme weather events (Section 6 of the Executive Summary).

  VI.         To note the progress update in respect of the Council’s response to tackling Climate Change (Section 7 of the Executive Summary).



27/03/2023 - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) and Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA) - Use of Investigatory Powers during 2022 by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council ref: 583    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Director of Legal and Democratic Services presented the report, which enabled Members to review the Council’s use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (as amended) (RIPA) for the period 1st January to 31st December 2022; the Council’s use of the Acquisition of Communications Data under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA) for the same period; and the proposed amendment to the Corporate Policy and Procedures Document on The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).


The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report and noted that whilst there was no use of authorised surveillance during the period, it remained a very useful tool within the Council’s armoury, if needed. The Deputy Leader was pleased to note that the test purchasing for underage alcohol and tobacco sales was back in place.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report;

2.    To acknowledge that investigatory powers in respect of covert surveillance and acquisition of communications data have been used in an appropriate manner that is consistent with the Council’s RIPA and IPA policies during the period 1st January – 31st December 2022; and

3.    To approve the amendment to Appendix 1 of the Corporate Policy and Procedures Document on The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).


27/03/2023 - Review of Financial Support for Businesses ref: 588    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 27/03/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/03/2023

Effective from: 31/03/2023


The Head of Regeneration sought Cabinet approval to refocus some of the current Regeneration grant schemes available to local businesses in order to maximise the funding opportunities available from the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns Placemaking Grant (WGPG) and UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).


The officer drew Members attention to Section 5 of the report, where the business support grant proposals were outlined. The schemes outlined would provide a structured programme of investment of £4 million for local businesses, including funding from UK Government, Welsh Government and the Council’s own Capital Programme.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity spoke positive of the proposals and commented that the refocussing and increasing of grants going forward would prevent duplication and improve their effectiveness. The Cabinet Member welcomed the combined total of approximately £4M of aid to local businesses, which had struggled in recent years, especially with the recent energy cost increase; and also welcomed the large-scale grants, which would hopefully bring empty properties back into use.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & Communities reiterated earlier comments and welcomed the proposals.


The Leader welcomed the report and explained that the match funding contributions being made by the private sector applicant could potentially lever in millions of pounds. The Leader added that town centre maintenance grant had been extended which would help businesses remain vibrant within the town centres.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To agree the package of support outlined in paragraphs 5.1 – 5.8 of the report.

23/03/2023 - Proposed Solar Farm ref: 581    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 23/03/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 23/03/2023

Effective from: 29/03/2023


The Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction provided the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee with a further update with regards to the work underway in the development of a ‘Land Based Solar Farm’, to be located on Council owned land located at Coed Ely, on an 84-acre 'terraced' former colliery site, near Tonyrefail. The facility will, when constructed, be an asset owned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.


The Chair thanked the officer for the information. The Chair was pleased with the progress of the proposed solar farm and highlighted that the project would ‘offset’ around 55,000 tonnes of Carbon over the expected 35yr ‘minimum’ lifecycle of the project.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure commented that the report was yet another exciting project and commended officers for their work. The Cabinet Member felt that such schemes identified by the Council would be an important talking point for school children and key for their futures.


The Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report as part of the ongoing work in response to our climate change ambitions and agree to the further progress of the project proposals, in line with the content of the report; and

2.    To receive further report(s) to provide updates on progress as/when deemed appropriate.


23/03/2023 - Hydro Electric Generation in RCT ref: 580    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 23/03/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 23/03/2023

Effective from: 29/03/2023


The Director of Corporate Estates provided the Sub-Committee with an overview of an updated viability report, completed by a specialist company, for the development of small-scale hydroelectric power schemes within the boundaries of the County Borough of Rhondda Cynon Taf. The historical, wide-ranging, report had recently been the subject of an internal review.


The Chair took the opportunity to thank officers and graduates, who were now full-time employees of the Council, for identifying the potential small-scale hydropower schemes across Rhondda Cynon Taf. The Chair was excited by the prospect of the three successful sites, which had been recommended to take forward into a full feasibility study and voiced her support.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language echoed the Chair’s comments and was pleased to note that following a review requested by Elected Members, hydro-generation was back on the Council’s energy generation agenda. The Cabinet Member spoke of the huge potential for hydro electric generation within RCT due to the weather and topography and commented that he would look forward to future updates.


The Cabinet Member kindly requested that officers liaise with all Local Members in respect of any successful schemes, which would further promote the Council’s decarbonisation activities within local communities.


The Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the contents of the report as part of the works agenda of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee;

2.    To agree further expenditure in the development of the proposals, as detailed in sections 6 and 11, to undertake further survey works and feasibility studies, to assess full potential and develop further project proposals; and

3.    To receive further periodic updates on the progress of the proposals, either collectively, or on a ‘case by case’ basis.


23/03/2023 - Corporate Decarbonisation Strategy and Action Plan ref: 579    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 23/03/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 23/03/2023

Effective from: 29/03/2023


The Head of Energy and Carbon Reduction provided Members of the Sub-Committee with the draft Corporate ‘Decarbonisation Strategy’ and embedded ‘Action Plan’, the aim of which was to provide a clear pathway, with defined timescales, to assist the Council in delivering upon its target of achieving Carbon Neutral status by 2030.


The Chair thanked the officer for the comprehensive report. The Chair spoke of the ambitious targets and emphasised the huge scale of the Council’s operations, explaining that there were 359 sites, 600+ fleet vehicles, 10,829 full time members of staff and 423KM2of land covered.


The Chair praised the idea of zoning patches of social care and commented that the need for a vehicle can limit the number of carers employed by the Council. The Chair was also pleased to note that a future initiative would be to consider healthier meals options across schools, care homes and offices.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language took the opportunity to thank officers for the considerable amount of work undertaken to produce the fit for purpose and user-friendly Action Plan before Members. The Cabinet Member commented that the ambitious Plan would be useful for residents and Members to track the decarbonisation progress.


The Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note and comment upon the contents of the report and the Council’s draft Decarbonisation Strategy and Action Plan;

2.    To consider the draft Decarbonisation Strategy and Action Plan as providing the pathway for the Council to:


a)    Meet its stated carbon reduction targets as published in the Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2022-2025


b)    Contribute in response to the nationally declared climate and nature emergencies.


3.    To maintain and prioritise the Decarbonisation debate, to increase and/or vary the speed and scope of the Council’s Decarbonisation work, and to recognise the need for all stakeholders to work together to make a positive difference; and

4.    To receive regular updates on progress and to amend the action plan as appropriate to ensure we remain on target to meet our ambitions.


23/03/2023 - RCT Climate Change Engagement Plan (2023-2025) ref: 578    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 23/03/2023 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 23/03/2023

Effective from: 29/03/2023


The Corporate Policy and Consultation Manager provided the Sub-Committee with the Climate Change Engagement Plan, which outlined how the Council proposed to communicate and involve stakeholders in developing its approach to working together to achieve its climate targets.


The plan set out how the Council intends to engage with residents, schools, businesses, staff and the third sector on considering greener and more sustainable lifestyle choices whilst raising the profile and increasing awareness about climate change.


The Chair took the opportunity to thank the officer and colleagues for the work undertaken to produce the robust Engagement Plan before Members. The Chair was encouraged to note the RCT Climate Change Engagement Plan would seek to engage with residents, schools, businesses, staff and the third sector and cover the wider community and individuals.


The Chair highlighted the importance of the Council staff, 80% of which live within the County Borough, and commended them for contributing to the ambitious climate targets outlined within the report.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure echoed the Chair’s comments and thanked the officer for the excellent report. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of engaging with young people and was of the view that their enthusiasm would be key in helping the Council meet its target. The Cabinet Member stated that she was encouraged by the thorough plan, which would see all areas of the Local Authority working together.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language praised the meaningful involvement from RCT staff and was pleased to see that their comments and suggestions had been taken on board. The Cabinet Member was of the view that the Council should further seek to influence other public sector bodies that operate within the County Borough to contribute to the wider decarbonisation of RCT.


The Director of Corporate Estates advised the Cabinet Member that collaborative work with other organisations within RCT was already taking place. The Director advised that work was underway with both the Local Health Board and Transport for Wales.


The Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained in the report and the proposed engagement approach;

2.    To approve the approach outlined; and

3.    To develop the approach going forward and deliver on the communications and engagement activity, there is a need for existing staff support, initially provided by the named responsible officers, working in partnership with key environmental stakeholders.


15/03/2023 - Potential to create an Additional Event Space at Ynysangharad War Memorial Park ref: 577    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 15/03/2023 - Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 15/03/2023

Effective from: 21/03/2023


Accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, the Director of Prosperity and Development presented the report, which sought approval from the Cabinet Committee on progressing the potential redevelopment opportunity for an event space within Ynysangharad War Memorial Park which will support the delivery of major events and to bid for funding from the Visit Wales Brilliant Basics Programme.


Members were informed, that to maximise the space available to host events at Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, the Council appointed consultants to produce a feasibility report on the potential to introduce an Events Space at the large green area adjacent to the bridge access from the Llys Cadwyn development. The Director advised that the area had not been used for some

time and offered little amenity value due to the undulating topography designed for golf. It was explained that an existing but under-utilised green space occupied much of the top corner adjacent to the footbridge. The space had the potential to facilitate an events area and community gatherings that could be enjoyed by all.


The Director drew Members’ attention to Section 5 of the report, where the event proposals, including cost and design, were outlined.


The Director advised that in order to support the delivery of the project, the Visit Wales Brilliant Basics Fund was a potential funding source. The purpose of Brilliant Basics was to deliver basic small-scale tourism infrastructure improvements across all of Wales to ensure that visitors have a positive and memorable experience throughout all aspects of their stay.


The Director clarified that the report before Members was to seek their views regarding an Expression of Interest and that should the Council be successful, further reports would be brought forward for Cabinet’s consideration.


The Chair thanked the officer for the detailed presentation and recognised that it was the Trustees’ duty to ensure the best practical outcomes for Ynysangahard Park and for the residents. The Chair welcomed the proposal and was assured by the Director’s presentation, that officers would do their best to ensure a minimal number of trees would be disrupted, should it be agreed. The Chair spoke of the Council’s ambition to bring larger events to Pontypridd and felt that the space would be extremely beneficial.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure was in favour of the repurposing of the land and of officers’ bid for funding. The Cabinet Member commented that the area would not only bring external events to the area but would be beneficial for local groups and schools for smaller events.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was also in support of the proposal and reiterated earlier comments. The Cabinet Member noted the size of the space and that it was currently underutilised.


The Chair thanked the Director for the report and looked forward to future updates.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the concept design proposal presented in the report and to instruct officers to proceed with its further development and bid for funding from the Visit Wales Brilliant Basics Programme.

28/02/2023 - Free Bus Travel throughout Rhondda Cynon Taf for March 2023 ref: 563    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 28/02/2023


The Director of Frontline Services presented the report, which sought Cabinet approval to provide free bus travel for the period of 1st – 31st March 2023 for all journeys that start and terminate within the Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) county boundary. The Director explained that the Council had been successful in bidding for money through the UK’s Shared Prosperity Fund to introduce initiatives that will help reduce the cost of living for residents, through measures that improve energy efficiency and combat fuel poverty and climate change. As such, £500k had been awarded for the 2022/23 financial year, with further awards of £1.1M for 2023/24 and £1.2M for 2024/25.


The Director clarified that, if approved, free bus travel would apply to all operators currently operating a scheduled service, for journeys within the County Borough. If a journey ends outside of RCT, that part would remain payable.


The Leader advised that the average fayre for bus journeys across RCT was £2.30 and explained that the initial model considered by officers was a £2 flat rate across the whole year, totalling over £2M, which was unaffordable. The Leader continued and explained that, had they opted for the £2 flat rate model for a month, much of the funding would have been returned to the Government.


The Leader spoke of another Local Authority, which had trialled a period of free bus travel and informed Members that bus travel had increased by around 30% and although there was no long-term evidence of a substantial uplift, the key was to increase the number of passengers going forward. The Leader stated that an increase in bus travel would not only support the Council with its climate commitments but would save residents in RCT approximately £500K on travel for the month.


The Leader informed Members that following the month of March, a review would be undertaken of the pilot to gain an understanding of how best to use the additional funding of £1.2M in the new financial year.


With the agreement of the Leader, County Borough Councillor K Johnson addressed the Cabinet on this item.


The Leader thanked the Member for his contribution and explained that in terms of Bus Emergency Scheme, the Welsh Government had set out a three-month extension that could be extended further. The Leader added that subject to the budget announcement on 14th March 2023, Local Government would be pressing UK Government for continued funding for the bus emergency scheme and acknowledged that with price increases in fuel etc, there had been an impact on bus travel.


The Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure voiced their support of the proposal. The Deputy Leader spoke on behalf of residents who were reliant on public transport and feeling the repercussions of the cost-of-living crisis; and stated that free bus travel throughout RCT for March would be of great financial benefit.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report and approve the proposal to introduce free bus travel for the period of 1st – 31st March 2023 for all journeys that start and terminate within the county boundary; and

2.    That Officers review the outcomes of the free bus scheme, and seek to develop further free bus travel initiatives during the 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial years e.g., during December 2023; subject to funding.



28/02/2023 - Non-Domestic Rate (NDR) Relief Schemes & Revaluation Update ref: 565    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 04/03/2023


The Head of the Revenue and Benefits Service presented the report, which provided the Cabinet with:

a)    Details of the Welsh Government Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) – Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rate Relief (RLH) Scheme for 2023/24;

b)    Details of a proposed local business rate reduction scheme; and

c)    Details of the NDR Revaluation which comes into effect from 1st April 2023.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was pleased to note that Welsh Government had recognised the financial challenges facing businesses in Wales and welcomed the increase in level of relief to 75% across Retail, Leisure, and Hospitality sectors. The Cabinet Member was also pleased to note that the Council’s local scheme would also be increased from £300 to £500 per qualifying business premises and noted that over 600 businesses would benefit in the coming year. The Cabinet Member concluded and noted that the Transitionary Relief Scheme, coupled with the freezing of the multiplier at 53.5p would protect businesses from the impact of the Non-Domestic Rate Revaluation exercise.


The Leader added that increasing the local relief scheme from £300 to £500 was a commitment of the administration to provide over and above the Welsh Government’s schemes.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the details of the WG RLH Scheme and formally adopt the scheme for the year 2023/24;

2.    The proposed local Business Rate Reduction Scheme for 2023/24; and

3.    To note the details of the NDR revaluation exercise.


Note: Following consideration of this item, the Leader left the meeting, and the Deputy Leader took the Chair.


28/02/2023 - Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme - Naming of Three New Schools in the Greater Pontypridd Area ref: 564    Item Deferred

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 28/02/2023


The Cabinet RESOLVED to defer consideration of this item to a future meeting.

28/02/2023 - Residential Care Homes for Older People ref: 560    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 04/03/2023


The Interim Director of Social Services presented the report, which provided the Cabinet with the opportunity to consider the outcome of the consultation on the preferred options on the future provision of accommodation for older people in each of the Council’s nine residential care homes.


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication then provided the Cabinet with the feedback of the Overview and Scrutiny 2022-2027 Committee, which considered the report at its meeting held on 27th February 2023. A formal letter had been circulated to the Cabinet prior to the meeting but the Service Director took the opportunity to summarise its key points:

  • Many members acknowledged the strong public opposition to the Garth Olwg proposal;
  • A Majority of members have recognised the case for change;
  • Many members have identified the need to see proposals to invest in all facilities come forward as soon as possible;
  • A comment was made by one member in respect of the focus of the report upon capacity rather than addressing a better geographical spread, and local access to such facilities;
  • A member asked for reassurance that the Council is ‘confident’ when reducing capacity, there is ‘resilience’ in the community to support people to live independently longer; and
  • A majority of the Committee commented upon the need for greater capacity for dementia as part of the proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care took the opportunity to thank officers for the comprehensive report, which set out for the Council’s continued modernisation programme of investment in care homes, despite the current financial position. The Cabinet Member was in support of the proposals that sought to provide dignity and respect in old age with modern, state of the art care homes, including provision for more complex needs and learning disabilities in adulthood. In respect of the extensive public consultation undertaken, the Cabinet Member noted that it was largely positive with residents welcoming the investment. The Cabinet Member spoke of the concerns raised regarding the Garth Olwg proposal and took the opportunity commend Councillor G Stacey for raising a number of issues raised on behalf of residents and staff in retaining the care home at Garth Olwg, whilst welcoming a new facility for adults with learning disabilities.


The Leader emphasised that although the care provided by staff was excellent, several of current homes did not meet the new modern-day standards. The Leader advised that the remodelling of the rooms to include ensuites etc was considered but that it would prove to be challenging with residents needing to be moved more than once, which was strongly condemned by the Older People’s Commissioner.  


The Deputy Leader thanked the Director for the report and spoke positive of the change to Ferndale recommendation to increase capacity, following consideration of the consultation responses.  The Deputy Leader fully appreciated the anxiety any change creates, but felt it was important to acknowledge that it would not be right by the service or future users, to continue with the status quo, and commented that it was essential through investment, to adapt to the needs and demands of future generations.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure spoke positive of the report and the significant investment to meet the needs of the local communities. The Cabinet Member noted that the consultation was well-received but acknowledged the concerns of residents in respect of the Garth Olwg proposal, which had also been noted by the Scrutiny Committee. However, the Cabinet Member emphasised that the investment would provide alternative accommodation with care to support people with learning disabilities in adulthood.


In respect of the concerns raised from residents in terms of the Garth Olwg proposals, the Leader noted that within 5 miles of Garth Olwg, there were two other Council care homes, private care homes and two extra care facilities. The Leader noted that Garth Olwg was operating at a 50% rate, which wasn’t likely to increase and advised that there were vacant beds in the neighbouring facilities. The Leader emphasised that there was a need for capacity and resilience in the system and explained that the proposals would provide a substantial level of surplus capacity, despite the small reductions. The Leader spoke of the Council’s current extra-care facilities and Cabinet’s visit to the Talbot Green facility, where the feedback was positive.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider:

·        the responses to the consultation on the modernisation of the Council's nine residential care homes for older people;

·        the information provided in this report;

·        the Equality Impact Assessment (including Socio-Economic Duty) and Welsh Language Impact Assessment; and

·        the recommendations and comments of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, following its meeting held on the 27th February 2023, where the Committee undertook pre-scrutiny of the preferred options on the future provision of the Council’s accommodation for older people following the consultation [NOTE: A letter of the Service Director, Democratic Services and Communication was circulated to Cabinet Members prior to the Cabinet meeting and was verbally reported by the Service Director at the meeting].


2.    To retain the current service provision at the five Council residential care homes listed below:


·        Clydach Court, Trealaw

·        Pentre House, Pentre

·        Tegfan, Trecynon

·        CaeGlas, Hawthorn

·        Parc Newydd, Talbot Green


3.    To proceed with the preferred option to permanently decommission Ystrad Fechan residential care home and continue to explore with Linc Cymru and the Health Board the development of land near the existing care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 40 extra care apartments and 20 residential dementia care beds, along with other health and social care accommodation options depending on available development space and need, as set out in Section 7 of the report. Following a previous Cabinet decision Ystrad Fechan residential care home is currently temporarily closed and has no residents living there.


4.    To a further report being presented to Cabinet setting out the investment proposals to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 40 extra care apartments and 20 residential dementia care beds in Treorchy.


5.    To proceed with the preferred option to develop land near the existing Ferndale House residential care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 25 extra care apartments and 15 residential dementia care beds and decommission Ferndale House residential care home when the new proposed alternative accommodation with care for older people provision is developed, as set out in Section 7 of the report. NOTE: This is an amendment to the preferred option consulted upon which was to provide new accommodation with care with 20 extra care apartments and 10 residential dementia care beds and would increase the care provision in the Rhondda Fach.


6.    To a further report being presented to Cabinet setting out the investment proposal to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 25 extra care apartments and 15 residential dementia care beds in Ferndale.


7.    To proceed with the preferred option to work with Linc Cymru to explore options to develop land near the existing Troedyrhiw residential care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 25 extra care apartments and 15 residential dementia care beds and decommission the Troedyrhiw care home when the new proposed alternative accommodation with care for older people provision is developed, as set out in Section 7 of the report.


8.    To a further report being presented to Cabinet setting out the investment proposal to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 25 extra care apartments and 15 residential dementia care beds in Mountain Ash.


9.    To proceed with the preferred option to redevelop Garth Olwg residential care home to provide alternative accommodation with care to support people with learning disabilities in adulthood and decommission Garth Olwg care home for older people when suitable alternative placements are found for existing residents in a home of their choice which meets their assessed needs, as set out in Section 7 of the report.


10. That the decommissioning of Garth Olwg residential care home be concluded by the end of May 2023 and will follow the good practice principles detailed below in paragraph 7.7 of the report and ensure comprehensive support is provided to residents, their families, and staff.


11. To a further report being presented to Cabinet setting out the investment proposal to provide alternative accommodation with care to support people with learning disabilities in adulthood on the Garth Olwg residential care home site.


12. That the Interim Director of Social Services and Director of Human Resources produce a workforce development plan to address the workforce issues raised by staff during the consultation in order to attract, retain and support the development of a stable, talented, and committed workforce to support the delivery of Council’s residential care service. The workforce development plan would be shared with the recognised Trade Unions for views prior to any implementation.


28/02/2023 - Capital Programme ref: 566    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 28/02/2023


The Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Cabinet with a proposed three-year capital programme for 2023/24 to 2025/26 that if acceptable, will be presented to Council for approval.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services took the opportunity to thank the Director for the report and was pleased to note that, despite the challenging financial circumstances, the Capital Programme continued to achieve one of the largest level of capital investment by a Local Authority in Wales. The Cabinet Member stated that the investments support the delivery of visible differences to communities and improve communities across RCT as a result.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments and was pleased to note the ambitious programme of investment, despite the current financial climate.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To review and propose the attached three-year capital programme to Council on 8th March 2023 which includes:

·       A proposed allocation of new resources as detailed in paragraph 5 of the report;

·       Proposed investment priorities as detailed in paragraph 6.2 of the report;

·       The Council’s core capital programme; and

·       The Council’s total capital programme including additional non core funding.


2.    To authorise the Deputy Chief Executive & Group Director – Finance, Digital & Frontline Services to amend the level of Council Resources required to fund the Core Three Year Capital Programme as shown at Appendix 2 as a consequence of any change to the Council’s capital resource levels announced in the Final Local Government Settlement.


28/02/2023 - The Council's 2023-2024 Revenue Budget ref: 567    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 28/02/2023


The Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Digital Services provided the Cabinet with the draft budget strategy for consideration which they would wish to recommend to Council.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the officers for addressing the budget approach in a sustainable way, particularly in terms of the use of transitional funding. The Deputy Leader acknowledged the continued pressure in respect of social care and proposed that the Cabinet amend the proposed strategy to take forward a Council Tax increase of 3.90%. The Deputy Leader was of the view that the marginal increase would still see RCT Council Tax lower than many other Local Authorities and would look to offset some of the pressures placed in the area.


The Deputy Leader noted that the report highlighted savings from procurement, technology, back office, and efficiency savings; and that compulsory job losses had been prevented. The Deputy commented that the opportunities to make savings away from the frontline were becoming increasing limited.


In light of the Deputy Leader’s comments, the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services moved the recommendations outlined within the report and proposed the additional recommendation, to amend the proposed Council Tax increase for 2023/24 to 3.90%, and to determine that this level forms part of the Cabinet Budget Strategy to be presented to Council on 8th March 2023.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To review and amend the Budget Strategy which they wish to recommend to Council on the 8th March 2023;

2.    To amend the proposed Council Tax increase for 2023/24 to 3.90% to support social care pressures, and to determine that this level forms part of the Cabinet Budget Strategy to be presented to Council on 8th March 2023; and

3.    To recommend to Council that the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Director of Finance, Digital and Frontline Services be authorised to amend the final budget consequential to the receipt of the Final Settlement as set out in Section 4 of the report.


28/02/2023 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 562    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 04/03/2023


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with an update on the Cabinet Work Programme on the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the remainder of the 2022-23 Municipal Year. 


The Service Director informed Members that there had been several changes made to the Work Programme following its publication, which would be reflected on the Council’s website. The Service Director also advised that there would be an additional Cabinet meeting in April to ensure all necessary business is considered during the remainder of the Municipal Year.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To approve the Cabinet Work Programme for the 2022-23 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.


28/02/2023 - Children's Services Residential Transformation Strategy ref: 561    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/02/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2023

Effective from: 04/03/2023


The Service Director of Children’s Services provided the Cabinet with information about children’s services plans for developing residential care services in line with the Council’s duties, and in the context of the Welsh Government Policy ambition to remove profit form the provision of care for looked after young people; and sought Cabinet’s agreement to approve and adopt the proposed Looked After Children: Residential Care Transformation Strategy 2022-2027.


The Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care took the opportunity to thank officers for the detailed report, which he felt set out a pathway to delivering change and direction to children’s residential services. The Cabinet Member was fully supportive of a not-for-profit market and stressed that the overriding aim was to provide care to looked after children and young people, close to home in high quality settings where they can thrive by stable, resilient, and skilful staff. The Cabinet Member recognised that it was an ambitious task with significant barriers to overcome to comply with regulations by 1st April 2027 and as Chair of Corporate Parenting Board, the Cabinet Member stated that Board Members were acutely aware of the increase in demand for placements, lack of availability and sufficiency and that for many years there had been children placed out of county.


The Cabinet Member questioned whether the decision had impacted on residential placement availability for children over the last year and whether it had increased the number of OWR placements supported by Children’s Services over the period in Rhondda Cynon Taf and other Local Authorities. The Service Director confirmed that the reason the Council had to develop OWR placements was due to the lack of suitable registered alternative and explained that the proposed strategy was the strongest plan to move away from those arrangements.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure commented that the Council did not want to be placing children in unregistered accommodation, but like many other Local Authorities, there was no other alternative due to a lack of suitable accommodation availability. The Cabinet Member sought assurance that the unregistered placements provide a safe environment with care and support that is tailored to the specific needs of the individual children while registered accommodation is pursued. The Service Director explained that all options are considered prior to an OWR placement, which included supporting the young people at their existing homes to prevent escalation; and developing therapeutic provision and placement support. Additionally, it was explained that RCT’s own resources were considered before an OWR placement but where there was no alternative option, the young people’s safety and wellbeing was paramount. The Service Director assured Members that managerial oversight is provided as it would in an RCT children’s home.


The Deputy Leader thanked the Scrutiny Committee for its contribution and stated that in order to support young people in local communities it was key that Local Members are provided with concise and factual information to prevent speculation and negate any concerns of the community.


In light of the Deputy Leader’s comment, the Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care proposed an additional recommendation that Elected Member briefing sessions were to be taken forward to provide Councillors with the opportunity to find out more in terms of the ambition of the Strategy, the duties to looked after young people and to support Elected Members in responding to any queries from constituents


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report;

2.    To note the comments and observations of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee, following pre-scrutiny of the proposed Strategy on the 28th November 2022;

3.    To adopt the Looked After Children: Residential Care Transformation Strategy 2022-2027; and

4.    That Member briefing sessions are taken forward to provide Councillors with the opportunity to find out more about  the ambition of the Strategy, the duties to looked after young people and to support Elected Members in responding to any queries from constituents.


23/01/2023 - Community Meals Service Service Review ref: 556    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 27/01/2023


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services advised the Cabinet of the outcome of the recent consultation in respect of the proposals for the future of the Council’s Community Meals Service.   


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language expressed his gratitude to officers in both the Education service area and the consultation team for conducting the consultation; and to those who engaged during the consultation period.


The Cabinet Member spoke of the challenging financial climate and the rise in inflation, which had prompted the review and subsequent consultation. The Cabinet Member went on to emphasise the challenge of delivering the service in its current form with the increase in costs and fall in numbers of users.


In response to the consultation responses, the Cabinet Member explained that Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council was one of few Local Authorities in Wales to offer a community meals service and noted that the responses had emphasised the importance of maintaining it. Although regrettably, the Cabinet Member was of the view that Option 3 would be the best way forward to ensure a sustainable service. The Cabinet Member stated that the 50p compared favourably to other providers, particularly private providers.


In response to concerns raised from members of the public in respect of the hot or frozen meal option, the Cabinet Member emphasised that the users currently in receipt of a hot meal would see no change in the service; and explained that those who opt for a frozen meal would have the flexibility of when they wish to have their meal. The Cabinet Member added that Members recognise the importance of maintaining the welfare checks, which is a positive step to tackling loneliness.


The Cabinet Member concluded and requested that, should Members be minded to choose Option 3, officers conduct a review of the service users, to ensure they have the necessary equipment in their homes to warm the meals, should they wish to choose the frozen option.


The Deputy Leader was in support of Option 3 and emphasised the importance of the welfare checks and praised the staff for their work. The Deputy Leader noted the comments of the Scrutiny Committee, which were also of the view that Option 3 was the preferred way forward.


The Leader pointed out that the Community Meals Service was not statutory but explained that the administration had endeared to protect it throughout the years of austerity. The Leader explained that the budget gap was much larger than previous years and as such, all areas of the Council had to be reviewed.


The Leader noted that one option was to remove the service but felt it important to maintain an in-house service, where possible. The Leader echoed the Cabinet Member’s comments around the need for a vulnerability assessment to ensure users have the correct, working equipment, should Cabinet agree the way forward; and recognised that the 50p increase could seem a lot, but noted that a neighbouring Local Authority currently charged £6 for the service, which would likely increase as part of its budget.


The Leader also referred to comments within the consultation regarding the quality of the meals procured and asked the Director for a further explanation. Members were assured that the higher quality meals would be offered to service users, with a combination of both meal and dessert. It was explained that officers would conduct taste testing to ensure the best meals are chosen and offered to the service users.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the information contained within the Consultation Report, which included feedback received from the online survey, emails and telephone calls, the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of 14th December 2022 and the frequently asked questions posted out to service users;

2.    To agree the preferred service change option moving forward, in respect of the Community Meals Service:

Option 3: to reorganise the existing internal service and provide a hot/frozen Community Meal Home Delivery Service with increased service user charges thus reducing the subsidy per meal; and

3.    To delegate authority to the Director of Education and Inclusion Services, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, to undertake and conclude necessary actions to implement the preferred option.


23/01/2023 - Waste Services - Revised Waste Management Strategy ref: 555    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 27/01/2023


The Head of Streetcare Services provided the Cabinet with feedback from the 5-week public consultation period during December 2022 – January 2023 with respect to proposed revisions to the Council’s operational waste management processes regarding future arrangements for the collection of refuse and recycling designed to aid an increase in the rate of recycling across RCT, whilst also offering financial efficiencies and to help inform a Cabinet decision on the way forward.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Leisure took the opportunity to thank the officer for the detailed report, the consultation team for the work undertaken and the residents for engaging with the process.


The Cabinet Member acknowledged Wales’ ambition to achieving a 70% recycling target of household waste by 2025 and was pleased to note that Rhondda Cynon Taf was striving to meet the target, with a current recycling figure of 67.48%, to avoid facing heavy penalties.


The Cabinet Member was in support of the proposals outlined within the report, which would see an improvement in recycling rates, a reduction in the Council’s Carbon footprint and potential financial savings of almost £1.5M. The Cabinet Member agreed with officers that clear communication and engagement with residents would be key to the success and implementation of any changes.


In respect of the 4000+ consultation responses received, the Cabinet Member was pleased to note that concerns ofresidents with the standard 120L wheelie bins, had been addressed and that an additional side waste bag would be permitted. In terms of the trial of the reusable recycling sacks for dry mixed recycling, the Cabinet Member noted that a high percentage of residents were in support of the change but acknowledged that some streets lend themselves better than other, hence the need for a trial.


The Cabinet Member questioned what mitigations were in place to alleviate the concerns of residents with larger families, young families or for those living in smaller houses with a limited amount of space, should the Cabinet be minded to approval the proposals. The officer thanked the Cabinet Member for the question and emphasised that in terms of the refuse collection, the service would remain the same as there would be three black bags collected every three weeks. In terms of larger families, the officer explained that an additional side waste bag would be permitted for those with the standard 120L wheelie bins to help mitigate the impact. In terms of the storage of the reusable recycling bags, the officer emphasised that it would be a trial and as such, any views of residents, positive or negative, would be fed back to the Cabinet to determine a way forward. In terms of the storage of black bags, the officer emphasised that most household waste would continue to be collected weekly, such as nappies, food and recycling and therefore, black bag waste should be minimal. The officer explained that a comprehensive media campaign would be undertaken with regards to the importance of recycling to better inform and educate residents and benefit those with concerns about a greater volume of waste and limit the adverse impact. The officer added that the Council offer an additional black bag allowance to residents who are struggling with the waste allowance, a process which was under review.


In respect of the point made about large families, the Leader clarified that officers would work with families and ask them to contact the Council with any problems. Officers would then be able to support the families with recycling and to ensure the absolute minimum is going in the black bag waste but if they were to still struggle due to having a large family or increased pet waste, officers can verify and offer an additional black bag. The Leader also emphasised the need to work with housing providers in respect of collection points going forward.


The Leader sought to address the potential financial aspect of the proposals, which would save over £1M and explained that it would be the equivalent of closing three sport centres. The Leader advised that a number of areas operate this way and that it was important to learn from their findings. It was explained that several Local Authorities in Wales had also announced similar reviews of waste services as part of their Budget Strategies and if they were all to approve the proposals, approximately 2/3 of Local Authorities in Wales would be undertaking similar service changes.


The Deputy Leader echoed previous comments around the importance of communication and education to improve recycling figures in RCT and engagement with social landlords and tenants. In terms of the Local Authorities already undertaking waste collection on a three-weekly basis, the Deputy Leader questioned if any issues had arisen and if so, how they had been dealt with. A concern raised by residents was in relation to the disposal of women’s sanitary products, the Deputy Leader requested further information from the officer in respect of those concerns. The officer advised that, at present, the only method of sanitary products disposal was via refuse collection, which had been noted as a negative equality impact. However, the officer explained that of those Local Authorities across the country, with three or four weekly refuse collections, all had faced the same issue but none, to the officer’s knowledge, had had to revert to weekly or fortnightly refuse collection. The officer assured Members that all aspects of the consultation would be kept under review and mitigations would be put in place, where possible and when required.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services noted the environmental benefits of the proposal. The Cabinet Member noted that the concerns raised from residents with disabilities and those without access to a vehicle. The Cabinet Member acknowledged that an additional bag could be problematic and potentially heavier, if filled with cat litter and animal waste etc and asked what mitigations were in place. In terms of cat litter, the officer advised that consideration was being given to taking it to the community recycling centres on a controlled basis, which should mitigate concerns. In terms of the additional bag and any difficulties moving it to the curb side or collection point, the officer emphasised that the Council would continue to assist those residents. The Leader added that, residents who obtain a lot of animal waste in their refuse, would have the opportunity to speak with officers and acquire an additional waste bag to spread the weight of the litter.




The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report and duly resolve to approve the introduction of the following revisions to the Council’s Waste Management Strategy:


(i)   The collection of residual household waste on a 3-weekly basis for all domestic waste collections.


(ii)  The presentation of waste on a 3-weekly basis will be as follows; strict volume control measures will apply to all domestic waste, namely: 


(a)        A maximum of 3 black bags per household, (for those properties with existing black bag waste collections),


(b)        The “no side waste” rule continues for those households with large 240L wheelie bin collections, (but 1 bag of side waste, no larger than 70L, is allowed for the standard 120L bins).


(iii)  The initiation of a trial of the use of reusable recycling sacks for the collection of dry mixed recycling, (DMR).


23/01/2023 - Council Run Nursery Provision - Revised Service Delivery Arrangements ref: 557    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 27/01/2023


The Head of Community Wellbeing and Resilience provided the Cabinet with details of the current arrangements for the delivery of childcare provision at Council run nurseries and to set out revised service delivery options for consideration to further improve the local childcare offer available to families, informed by a recent market testing exercise.


The officer set out the preferred option for Cabinet’s consideration, which was Option 4 – to transfer the running of all four Council run nursery settings to alternative experienced registered childcare providers, which had been informed by a recent market testing exercise.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language thanked the officers for preparing the detailed report and for carrying out the review. The Cabinet Member was in support of Option 4 as the way forward and stated that within RCT, there were many Third Sector providers that have access to large pots of funding, that were able to offer a greater range of services with more flexibility. The Cabinet Member was in support of transferring the service as it meant little to no impact on service users, families, and staff and was pleased to note that Expressions of Interest had been received from Third Sector providers within the four settings.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care echoed previous comments and it was RESOLVED:

1.    To consider:

·       the current service delivery arrangements and associated resources as set out in Section 5 of the report;

·       the proposed service delivery options as set out in Section 6 of the report; and

·       the findings of the market testing exercise as set out in paragraphs 6.5 to 6.7 of the report.

2.    To implement the preferred option (Option 4) to transfer the running of all four Council run nursery settings to experienced registered childcare providers as set out in paragraph 6.4 of the report;

3.    To agree to the formal procurement of experienced registered childcare providers as set out in paragraphs 6.7 to 6.9 of the report; and

4.    To delegate authority to the Interim Director of Social Services, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder, to award contracts following completion of the procurement process and to make all necessary arrangements for the subsequent transfer.


23/01/2023 - The Council's Fees and Charges Policy 2023-2024 ref: 558    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 23/01/2023


The Service Director of Finance and Improvement Services provided the Cabinet with the proposed revisions to Council fees and charges levels for the 2023/24 financial year to be consulted on as part of phase 2 of the 2023/24 budget consultation process (with the proposed revisions to be effective from 1st April 2023 or as soon as is practicable thereafter); and the details of fees and charges decisions previously approved and to be included in the 2023/24 proposed Budget Strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services acknowledged that fees and charges income is a critical part of the Council’s funding arrangements for many services. The Cabinet Member explained that at a local level, the proposals intend to ensure a continued provision of a comprehensive range of quality of services at affordable prices for residents. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the proposals compliment the requirements of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act in helping to provide a much-needed resource and services which are adequate and fit for future.


The Leader was in support of the report and explained that in several areas, the Council would be picking up the shortfall to ensure residents aren’t left with all of the increased costs during the cost-of-living crisis. The Leader felt that the proposals were balanced and explained that inflation was around over 10%, but many of the fees and charges were increased by approximately 5%, to absorb some of the pressure from residents. The Leader added that many of the prices were competitive to other Local Authorities, which would undergoing a similar budget review.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider proposed revisions to Council fees and charges for the 2023/24 financial year;

2.    To agree for fees and charges proposals (as set out at paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.29 of the report) to be consulted on through phase 2 of the Council’s 2023/24 Budget Consultation process and reported back to Cabinet for consideration as part of formulating a recommended Budget Strategy for 2023/24; and

3.    To note the fees and charges decisions previously approved and to be included in the 2023/24 proposed Budget Strategy.


(Note: The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication advised that the approval of the Council’s Presiding Officer would be sought to exempt this item from Call-In, to enable the consultation to commence with immediate effect.)



23/01/2023 - The Council's 2023-2024 Revenue Budget ref: 559    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 23/01/2023


The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided the Cabinet with information in respect of the 2023/24 local government settlement and the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 exercise, to assist with its deliberations in formulating the revenue budget strategy for the financial year 2023/24, which it would recommend to Council, for approval.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services thanked the Director for the report and recognised the incredibly challenging times for all Local Authorities in Wales making financial decisions. The Cabinet Member stated that the report had demonstrated how a balanced budget could be delivered in 2023-2024, without the need for compulsory redundancies and with only marginal service delivery changes in comparison to other Local Authorities. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note that the proposed Council Tax increase would likely be one of the lowest in Wales, whilst fees and charges increases would be well below inflation.


The Deputy Leader emphasised the importance of the Budget consultation and spoke of the numerous areas consulted to form the budget strategy. In respect of the consultation responses, the Deputy Leader noted that a high percentage of people were in favour and supportive of how the Council manage finances in current climate. 


The Leader spoke of the substantial uplift for schools, which was outlined within the report and explained that there was a £13.7M increase in Council resources. The Leader explained that even with the proposed service changes, savings identified and the increased provisional settlement by the Welsh Government, there would still be a £9.1M budget gap, £5M of which would be covered by the energy reserves and £4.1M covered by transitional reserve funding.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note that the procedures relating to revenue budget construction, the budget consultation process, and reporting to Council, are set out in the “Budget and Policy Framework” within the Council’s Constitution;

2.    To note and consider the outcomes of the budget consultation phase 1 process.

3.    To review and consider the draft 2023/24 Revenue Budget Strategy, detailed in the attached Discussion Paper ‘Appendix A’ of the report;

4.    To consider and determine the level of Council Tax increase for 2023/24 which it would wish to build into the strategy to form the basis upon which a second phase of consultation will take place.

5.    To agree the draft timetable for setting the 2023/24 revenue budget as set out at Appendix A2 of the report;

6.    To receive feedback from the second phase of budget consultation in order to consider and determine the final budget strategy for submission to Council; and

7.    That the Council continues to support the medium term financial strategy aimed at maximising ongoing efficiency in service delivery, targeted service transformation and other changes that maintain the financial integrity of the Council whilst still aiming as much as possible to protect jobs and key services.


(Note: The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication advised that the approval of the Council’s Presiding Officer would be sought to exempt this item from Call-In, to enable the consultation to commence with immediate effect.)


23/01/2023 - Human Resources Strategy and Council Workforce Plan 2023-2028 ref: 554    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 27/01/2023


The Senior Workforce Development Officer provided the Cabinet with the Human Resources Strategy 2023-28 and the Council Workforce Plan 2023-28.


The strategy and workforce plan set out a strategic and operational direction in terms of how the Council will utilise and develop the workforce to achieve the Councils’ vision and priorities in a climate of change and financial uncertainty.


The Deputy Leader took the opportunity to thank the officer for the comprehensive report and commented that final position statement demonstrated flexibility of the workforce and ensures that staff have the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of residence, which was highlighted during Storm Dennis and Covid pandemic.


The Deputy Leader was of the view that the Plan cited cautious ambition, in light of the financial challenges faced by the Local Authority and stated that it would assist with a diverse workforce, support performance and ensure staff wellbeing. The Deputy Leader added that the Plan reflected the positive working relationship with Trade Unions and encouraged all staff to become members.


Upon conclusion, the Deputy Leader emphasised the importance of the positive relationship with the Armed Forces and was pleased to note that the Gold Award had been retained.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.             To approve the Human Resources Strategy 2023-28;

2.             To approve the Council’s Workforce Plan 2023-28;

3.             To agree that outcomes will be delivered through related plans and strategies such as departmental Delivery and Workforce Plans, the Council’s Strategic Equality Plan, Digital Strategy and Office Accommodation Strategy; and

4.             To agree that monitoring will be in the form of an annual position statement providing data regarding progress towards meeting the Human Resources Strategy and Council Workforce Plan aims.


23/01/2023 - UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund: Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Grant ref: 553    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2023 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/01/2023

Effective from: 27/01/2023


The Head of Arts, Culture and Libraries provided a proposal for the establishment and delivery of a Community Grant for Rhondda Cynon Taf, via allocation from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund.


With the intention to strengthen the social fabric of communities, support community engagement, and build a sense of local pride and belonging in local community places, it was explained that the Council has allocated £4.3 million of the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund to build capacity and infrastructure to restore community places, thus creating the foundations for social, environmental, economic & cultural development, building relationships at a local neighbourhood-level.


The Cabinet Member for Public Health & Communities welcomed the recommendations to establish a Community Grant and invited applications from organisations within the Third Sector and Community Groups, Community Interest Companies, and Companies to apply, via a competitive process, that would ensure an open and transparent approach.


The Leader took the opportunity to thank officers and commented that the grants would be at a larger scale in phase two of the programme. The Leader believed that it would be welcomed by the Third Sector and explained that the money could be used to lever in additional funding. The Leader added the other Local Authorities had followed a similar approach to RCT.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the content of the report;

2.    To the establishment and delivery of the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund – Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Grant, as set out in the report; and

3.    To agree that ensuring the Community Grant operates within the terms and conditions of the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund be delegated to the designated Senior Responsible Officer, the Director of Prosperity and Development.


12/12/2022 - Cabinet Work Programme ref: 548    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 12/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/12/2022

Effective from: 16/12/2022


The Service Director of Democratic Services and Communication provided the Cabinet with an update on the Cabinet Work Programme, which included the proposed list of matters requiring consideration by Cabinet over the 2022-23 Municipal Year.


The Deputy Leader commented that the Work Programme was a fluid document and could be amended according to the budget situation.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:


1.    To approve the updated Work Programme for the 2022-23 Municipal Year (with appropriate amendment where necessary) and to receive a further update on a 3 monthly basis.


12/12/2022 - Review of the Council's Senior Leadership Team Structure ref: 551    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 12/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/12/2022

Effective from: 16/12/2022

12/12/2022 - Council Tax Premiums - Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes ref: 549    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 12/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/12/2022

Effective from: 12/12/2022


The Director of Finance and Digital Services provided Cabinet with the results of the public consultation, which it agreed to initiate in respect of the introduction of a Council Tax Premium on long term empty properties and second homes in the County Borough.


The Director spoke of the Cabinet meeting on 17th October 2022, whereby the Cabinet considered and agreed a new Empty Homes Strategy for 2022-2025 and agreed to undertake a consultation on the proposal to introduce a Council Tax Premium on Long Term Empty Properties. It was proposed that the premium for long term empty properties would be introduced and effective from 1st April 2023, while the premium for second homes would be effective from 1st April 2024 (in line with the requirements of the Act). The Council would write to each homeowner, once a decision is made, to advise them of the forthcoming changes, thereby providing as much advance notice as possible.


The Director drew Cabinet’s attention to Appendix 1 of the report, which detailed the responses to the consultation exercise that took place between 24th October and 21st November 2022.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services stated that the Council has discretionary powers to charge higher amounts in relation to council tax for long-term empty dwellings and second homes with a view to bringing empty properties back into use, increasing the supply of affordable housing and enhancing the sustainability of local communities. The Cabinet Member added that empty properties have a detrimental impact on communities and was in support of moving the original proposal which had been consulted upon.


The Leader spoke in support of the original proposal and noted that although most owners were against the proposals, the majority of the public were in support as the empty properties were considered to be a blight on communities. The Leader noted that the owners would have two years to renovate or sell the property before the significant increase.


The Leader spoke of the Empty Property Grant which had been successful and advised that there would be an all-Wales programme for empty properties funded by the Welsh Government in the New Year.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1. To note the consultation feedback as attached at Appendix 1 of the report; 2. Having considered the consultation feedback, to proceed with the introduction of a premium as set out in the original proposal;

3. In line with the above to recommend the proposed way forward to Full Council; and

4. Subject to the above, to authorise the Director of Finance and Digital Services to put in place the necessary implementation arrangements.

12/12/2022 - Support to Refugees, Ukraine Nationals and Asylum Seekers in RCT ref: 550    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 12/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 12/12/2022

Effective from: 16/12/2022


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services provided Cabinet with an update on the support being provided by the Council to refugees, Ukraine nationals and asylum seekers in Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) and outlines the considerable work undertaken by the Council and partner organisations, to respond positively and as effectively as possible across all the resettlement schemes.


Members were informed that, to date, over 320 refugees, asylum seekers and Ukraine nationals had been supported into accommodation in RCT with new arrivals weekly under the various schemes listed within the report. As a result of the UK Asylum Dispersal Scheme, the numbers were expected to increase significantly in the next 12 months.


The Director advised that many of the arrivals had been supported to secure employment, education, health services and sustainable housing through the multi-disciplinary work of a wide range of Council Departments and the support of external partners including the local health board.


The Leader took the opportunity to thank the staff for going over and above despite the challenging timescales.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Leader’s comments and expressed her profound thanks to the teams for the enormous amount of work undertaken. The Deputy Leader stated that it was heart-warming to witness the welcome and support delivered by RCT staff and partners; and went on to speak of an individual who was part of a scheme within the Ynysangharad War Memorial Park. The Deputy Leader was delighted that the individual had not only received a positive welcome and integrated well within the team but had won an award. The Deputy Leader was pleased to note that RCT Council were contributing to ensuring Wales is a nation of safe sanctuary.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services reiterated earlier comments and was proud to note the Council’s long-established commitment to helping those unable to stay safely in their home country.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1. To note the increasing numbers of refugees, Ukrainian nationals and asylum seekers being resettled in RCT and the emerging housing, support and financial demands this presents; and

2. To note the significant actions being taken to support and welcome people resettling in RCT by the Council, our partners and stakeholders.

06/12/2022 - Update Report on the Carbon Footprint Project and Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon Report for 2021-2022 ref: 545    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 10/12/2022


The Director of Corporate Estates provided the Sub-Committee with an update on the Welsh Public Sector Net Zero Carbon (NZC) Reporting Scheme and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s submission under that regime for the Financial Year 2021/22.


The Principal Carbon Reduction Officer explained that the scheme was still evolving, hence the Welsh Government had introduced three additional carbon emission reporting requirements from 2021/22 namely:


·       Staff Business Travel

·       Staff Commuting

·       Home Working


The officer paid tribute to colleagues across the Local Authority, who now had to collect data, when there was previously no need.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity took the opportunity to thank the officers for the tremendous amount of work undertaken in not only gathering the information, but for producing the user-friendly Dashboard.


The Chair echoed the comments and expressed her gratitude to officers for undertaking the work in such a timely manner.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language commented on the quality of the data, which would allow Members and Officers to track progress and increase efforts to decarbonise as a Local Authority. The Cabinet Member noted the changes introduced by Welsh Government in terms of the recording of emissions requirements but felt that the overall picture was that emissions were reducing, despite the embedded emissions being in the supply chain. The Cabinet Member was pleased to note initiatives such as the Council’s bid to Welsh Government for the construction of new schools, one of which had a fully funded net zero option.


The Chair thanked the Director for the report and the Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the contents of the report as part of the ongoing work under the remit of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee;

2.    To publish the data on the Councils Carbon Footprint Dashboard; and

3.    To receive further reports providing additional updates on progress as / when deemed appropriate.


06/12/2022 - Hydro Electric Generation at Dare Valley Country Park ref: 544    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 10/12/2022


The Director of Corporate Estates provided the Sub-Committee with an overview of feasibility work completed for the development of a high-head Hydro Electric Generation Scheme at Dare Valley Country Park. The report was based on a feasibility study produced by a specialist company that reviewed the viability of a previously considered scheme.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure spoke positive of the project and commented on the favourable return and the continuous supply of water at the site, even in a drought. The Cabinet Member spoke of the various on-site options to generate energy, such as Dare Valley Country Park Hotel complex, café and caravan park and looked forward to future updates following the feasibility studies and consultation.


For Members’ information, the Energy & Carbon Reduction Manager provided a brief overview of the difference between a high-head and a low-head Hydro Electric Generation Scheme. Members were informed that low-head consists of low pressure but large volumes, whereas high-head consists of low volume but high pressure.


The Chair thanked the Director for the report and the Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the contents of the report as part of the works agenda of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee;

2.    To further expenditure in the development of these proposals, as detailed within section 10.2 of the reort, to undertake further design studies which assess the full potential of the project and to help develop detailed project proposals; and

3.    To receive further progress reports, at appropriate intervals, in the development of the proposals.



06/12/2022 - Hydro Electric Generation at Treforest Weir ref: 541    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 10/12/2022


The Director of Corporate Estates provided the Sub-Committee with an overview of feasibility work completed for the development of a low-head Hydro Electric Scheme at Treforest Weir on the River Taff, Treforest, Pontypridd. The report was based on a preliminary feasibility report produced by a specialist company that reviews the hydropower options at Treforest Weir.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language thanked the Director for the report and commented that RCT and the wider valleys were blessed with an abundance of water and that it made sense to look at the water as a possible source of green energy generation. The Cabinet Member felt it was an exciting and positive step forward and looked forward to future updates.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity echoed the previous comments and asked Members to look for similar projects in their local areas. The Cabinet Member spoke of the increase in cost of energy, which made such projects more viable and agreed that selling the energy through private wire would increase the amount of savings.


In response to the Cabinet Member’s comments, the Director informed Members that an all-encompassing report with information on approximately 30 potential sites within RCT would be presented to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.


The Chair sought clarification on the terminology ‘private wires’ and it was explained that ‘private wire’ is used to differentiate between the wire coming from Western Power or National Grid. The Director hoped that the wire would be to a Council owned property, to maximise the used of the energy generated and explained that for every KW used, the Council would not have to buy it from the grid at the quadruple rates.


The Chair thanked the Director for the informative report and the Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report as part of the works agenda of the Climate Change Cabinet Sub-Committee;

2.    To further expenditure in the development of the proposals, as detailed in section 10.3, to undertake further design studies to assess full potential and develop detailed project proposals; and

3.    To receive further progress reports, at appropriate intervals, in the development of the proposals.


06/12/2022 - The Council's S6 Biodiversity Duty: Three Year Report to Welsh Government 2020-2022 ref: 547    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 10/12/2022


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Sub-Committee with an update on the progress in developing and implementing the Council’s S.6 Biodiversity Duty Action Plan; and sought approval to submit the Action Plan to Welsh Government and to publicise it on the Council’s website as required by the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.


The Chair thanked the Director for the report and thanked the officers for the work behind the scenes.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information contained within the report and the progress made to integrate consideration of biodiversity into all Council services, since the last formal report in 2019; and

2.    To endorse the report and Appendix A for submission to Welsh Government and for inclusion on the Council’s website.



06/12/2022 - RCT Tree, Woodlands and Hedgerow Strategy ref: 546    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 06/12/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 06/12/2022

Effective from: 10/12/2022


The Director of Prosperity and Development provided the Sub-Committee with the opportunity to consider the responses to the consultation on the draft RCT Tree, Woodlands and Hedgerow Strategy.


Furthermore, the Director informed the Sub-Committee of the feedback and comments of the Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee following its pre-scrutiny of the Tree, Woodland and Hedgerow Strategy at its meeting on the 15th November 2022.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure was disappointed by the lack of public engagement with the consultation but valued the comments made by those who did respond and the Scrutiny Committee members. The Cabinet Member emphasised the importance of tree planting, both in urban areas and in parks.


The Chair thanked the Director for the report and highlighted the importance of looking after the current trees and hedgerows, as well as planting new.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED:

1.    To note the comments and observations of the Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee; and

2.    To endorse the Tree, Woodlands and Hedgerow Strategy.


05/12/2022 - Write Off of Irrecoverable Debts ref: 542    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 05/12/2022

Effective from: 09/12/2022

05/12/2022 - Residential Care for Older People ref: 543    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 05/12/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 05/12/2022

Effective from: 09/12/2022


The Director of Adult Services provided Members with the preferred options on the future provision of accommodation with care for older people in each of the Council’s nine residential care homes and seeks approval to consult, where relevant, with the current residents and their families, staff and other stakeholders to enable the Cabinet to make informed decisions on the preferred options for each home. The Director also provided the Cabinet with the comments and feedback of the Overview and Scrutiny 2022-2027 Committee following its consideration of the report at the meeting held on 29th November 2022.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care thanked the Director for the comprehensive report and was pleased to note the opportunity for further investment in residential care for older people, despite the current financial climate. The Cabinet Member felt that the proposals would provide a positive pathway to ensure dignity and respect in old age, with modern extra care homes, which would include provision for complex needs and support for those with learning disabilities in adulthood. The Cabinet Member voiced his support for the proposals and was of the view that they would enhance the health and wellbeing for older people in RCT. The Cabinet Member concluded by thanking the Scrutiny Committee for its valuable comments and expressed that he looked forward to receiving the results of the public consultation, should the report be approved.


The Deputy Leader spoke of the surplus of beds in some of the existing residential facilities and commented that the current provision did not meet the standards required. The Deputy Leader expressed that the Councils must change with the times and explained that the new high-end facilities would provide greater choice for older people, including married couples who sometimes must be separated as the facilities are not available. The Deputy Leader also took the opportunity to thank the Scrutiny Committee for the work undertaken in respect of the proposals.


The Leader spoke of the significant package of investment and as a Local Member for Mountain Ash was pleased to note the proposal for a facility in the ward which would be a mixture of residential, dementia and extra care; and the similar packages offered for both Treorchy and Ferndale. The Leader also spoke of the package offered for the South of the Borough, which would repurpose homes for people with supported needs and explained that a similar model had been a success in both the Cynon and Rhondda.


The Leader spoke of the direction of change in older people accommodation and the fact that the pandemic had accelerated the need for the Council to meet the needs. It was explained that many people prefer to be supported at home, and that those in a residential setting often need a higher level of support.


In respect of the process, the Leader assured Members that meetings were taking place with staff and Trade Unions to discuss any concerns. In terms of the residents, the Leader made it clear that any new buildings would be built in the first instance, to ensure residents are only moved once.


When questioned about the cost of the significant investment, the Leader explained that the three Extra Care facilities package alone equates to over £50M; and that the three new homes with residential, dementia and extra care provision and the remodelling of the Garth Olwg home would be in the range of £60M but the exact cost had yet to be determined.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the information in the report and the comments and feedback arising from the pre-scrutiny of the draft report undertaken Overview & Scrutiny Committee;

2.    To the preferred options, as set out in Section 6, to retain the current service provision at the five Council residential care homes listed below:

·       Clydach Court (Trealaw)

·       Pentre House (Pentre)

·       Tegfan (Trecynon)

·       CaeGlas (Hawthorn)

·       Parc Newydd (Talbot Green)


3.    To initiate public consultation with the individuals and their families and staff who were relocated from Ystrad Fechan Care in August this year, and other relevant stakeholders on the preferred option to permanently decommission Ystrad Fechan care home and continue to explore with Linc Cymru and the Health Board the development of land near the existing care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including 40 extra care apartments and 20 residential dementia care beds, along with other health and social care accommodation options depending on available development space and need, as set out in Section 6 of this report. Ystrad Fechan care home is currently temporarily closed and has no residents living there;

4.    To initiate public consultation with the current residents and their families, staff and other relevant stakeholders on the preferred option to work with Linc Cymru to explore options to develop land near the existing Ferndale House care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including   20  extra care apartments and 10 residential dementia care beds and decommission Ferndale House care home when the new proposed alternative accommodation with care for older people provision is developed, as set out in Section 6 of the report;              

5.    To initiate public consultation with the current residents and their families, staff and other relevant stakeholders on the preferred option to work with Linc Cymru to explore options to develop land near the existing Troedyrhiw care home to provide new accommodation with care provision, including   25  extra care apartments and 15 residential dementia care beds and decommission the Troedyrhiw care home when the new proposed alternative accommodation with care for older people provision is developed, as set out in Section 6 of the report;           

6.    To initiate public consultation with the current residents and their families, staff and other relevant stakeholders on the preferred option to redevelop Garth Olwg care home to provide alternative accommodation with care to support people with learning disabilities in adulthood and decommission Garth Olwg care home for older people when suitable alternative placements are found for existing residents in a home of their choice which meets their assessed needs; and

7.    To receive a further report following conclusion of the proposed consultation, including an updated full Equality Impact Assessment prior to any final decision being made in relation to the preferred options on the future provision of accommodation for older people in the Council’s residential care homes.


29/11/2022 - Waste Services - Revised Waste Management Strategy ref: 539    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/11/2022

Effective from: 03/12/2022


The Head of Streetcare Services outlined proposals for revisions to the Council’s operational waste management processes with a view to considering future arrangements for the collection of refuse and recycling designed to aid an increase in the rate of recycling across RCT which will also deliver financial efficiencies; and sought Cabinet’s approval to initiate a consultation exercise in respect of the options for change as presented in the report.


With the agreement of the Leader, two Members of the public spoke on the item and put forward their views to Cabinet Members.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure spoke of the Council’s current recycling rate of 67.48% and the need to increase it to the Welsh Government target of 70% by 2025. The Cabinet Member spoke of the six Local Authorities, which already have a positive record of refuse collection on a three-weekly basis and felt that there should be very little to place in black bin waste, given RCT collect food, nappies and recycling on a weekly basis. The Cabinet Member welcomed the proposals, which would have benefits in terms of recycling, costs and lowering the carbon footprint.


The Leader and Members took the opportunity to thank the speakers for their contribution and emphasised that if agreed, the proposals would be subject to consultation. In response to the points made by the speakers, the Leader stated that all of RCT’s plastic was recycled. In addition to the six Local Authorities currently collecting refuse on a three-weekly basis, the Leader stated that it was likely many more would consider the move as part of the difficult budget setting process.


The Leader spoke of concerns raised in respect of the potential increase in pests and explained that there was no evidence for this, which had been independently verified; and spoke of Conwy Council, which collect refuse on a four-weekly basis, as an example. The Leader emphasised the importance of recycling and explained that evidence suggests that if done correctly, only 20% of the weekly waste should go in the black bag.


In terms of the trial of the reusable bags, the Leader had reservations about whether it would be a challenge in a typical terrace street and welcomed the opportunity for consultation and a trial.


The Deputy Leader echoed the Leader’s comments and noted that the Council purchased 30.2 million single use bags during 2021/22, at a cost of £877k. In addressing the comments of the speakers, the Deputy Leader emphasised that the need for service changes was a result of the budget gap due to the lack of funds from central government. The Deputy Leader stated that staff were the Council’s greatest asset and the need to prioritise jobs.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To note the content of the report and duly resolve to initiate a public consultation and engagement exercise on the option for change, namely:


(i)          The collection of residual household waste on a 3-weekly basis for all domestic waste collections.


(ii)         Presentation of waste on a 3-weekly basis will be as follows; strict volume control measures will apply to all domestic waste, namely: 


(a)        a maximum of 3 black bags per household, (for those properties with existing black bag waste collections),


(b)        no side waste rule continues for those households with large wheelie bin collections; and


2.             To initiate a trial of the use of reusable recycling sacks for the collection of dry mixed recycling, (DMR); and


3.             That feedback from the consultation/ engagement activity and the trial are each reported back to Cabinet in order for Cabinet to determine whether, and if so how, they would wish to proceed with the option for change.


29/11/2022 - Service Review of the Community Meals Service ref: 540    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/11/2022

Effective from: 03/12/2022


The Director of Education and Inclusion Services provided Cabinet with the report which assessed the Council’s Community Meals Service and sought permission to consult on the future of the service.


The Director spoke of the options for consideration of alternative ways of meeting the nutritional needs of the most vulnerable residents in RCT and how the Council could continue to provide the appropriate support for the future. 


The Director recommended Cabinet approve the third option, which would consist of providing service users with a choice of either a hot or frozen meal delivery service, which service users could order through a central point of contact within the Council.  The frozen meals would be purchased by the Council through a third-party supplier and stored at the central meal kitchen.  Part of this option would also entail a proposed price increase of £0.50 to service users, which would increase the price of the meal from £4.05 to £4.55. This would generate potential additional full year income of £0.063M.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language spoke of the challenging financial situation across all service areas and was in support of consulting upon Option 3. The Cabinet Member noted that RCT CBC was one of few Local Authorities in Wales to offer a community meals service and stated that Option 3 would allow the Council to maintain the service for users, allow greater flexibility for residents and makes the service more sustainable. The Cabinet Member also noted that staff would continue to provide a welfare check to service users during the weekdays, supporting social care for the most vulnerable using the service.


The Cabinet Member moved the recommendations with the following additional recommendation in place of 2.3 of the report: ‘Subject to 2.2 above, we agree to receive a further report summarising the results and feedback from the consultation process to determine whether Cabinet wishes to proceed with the proposal or not’.


The Deputy Leader acknowledged the importance of the service but recognised that all service areas needed review due to the substantial rise in costs faced by the Local Authority. The Deputy Leader was in support of Option 3, to retain the service and allow hot meals to continue for the most vulnerable in the community. The Deputy Leader added that despite the proposed price increase of £0.50, it remained competitive in comparison to neighbouring Local Authorities and private providers.


The Leader was also in support of the third option as it would maintain the valued service and provide clients with an option to have a frozen meal, which may be better suited for those who wish to eat later. The Leader spoke of one neighbouring Local Authority which charges £6 and explained that the preferred option would total £4.55.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To consider the content of the report;

2.    To initiate a consultation on Cabinet’s preferred service change proposal of Option 3, in respect of the Community Meals Service, as outlined in section 5.4 of the report; and

3.    To receive a further report summarising the results and feedback from the consultation process to determine whether Cabinet wishes to proceed with the proposal or not.


N.B- Following the determination of this item, the Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation and Welsh Language left the meeting.

29/11/2022 - Commencement of the Authority's Review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan ref: 538    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 29/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 29/11/2022

Effective from: 03/12/2022


The Head of Flood Risk Management and Strategic Projects advised the Cabinet of the requirements to review and produce a revised Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan (formerly known as a Flood Risk Management Plan), as required under Section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010. Furthermore, the officer advised Members of the program of work required to deliver the review of the LFRMS and Action Plan, in accordance with the statutory timeframe stipulated by Welsh Government.


The Leader welcomed the report and was in support of the recommendations, which fit with the Council’s wider Flood Risk Management Strategy and the expectations of Welsh Government. The Leader explained that many internal reviews and investigations had been undertaken following the likes of Storm Dennis. The Leader stated that RCT had the highest surface flood risk across Wales and that the review would help levy future funding, which is allocated across Wales based on risk assessment and need.


The Deputy Leader spoke in support of the recommendations and commented that although the Strategy was statutory, there was no legal obligation to carry out the consultation. The Deputy Leader spoke of the importance of consulting with residents to help eliminate fear.


The Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    To commence the review of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan; and

2.    To note the indicative timescales, actions and reports being brought to Cabinet and Climate Change, Frontline Services & Prosperity Scrutiny Committee in Appendix 1.



03/10/2022 - Dangosfwrdd Ôl Troed Carbon - Newid Hinsawdd ref: 500000010    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 03/10/2022 - Climate Change Cabinet Sub Committee

Decision published: 27/11/2022

Effective from: 03/10/2022


The Council’s Performance Manager and team of Graduate Officers provided the Sub-Committee with a detailed demonstration of the Carbon Footprint Dashboard project. The officers spoke of the importance of the Council understanding and reducing its footprint to contribute to Welsh Government’s Net Zero target.


Members were reminded that the Council had been calculating its Carbon Footprint for the past two years, but the aim of the Dashboard project was to make accurate data more transparent and accessible, to raise awareness of the footprint and to inform conversation about the actions needed to reduce specific emissions within the Local Authority.


It was noted that although there was scope for further development, the Data Dashboard was ready to be tested as an operational tool, and that external organisations had expressed an interest in its progress to date.


The Chair recognised that developing the dashboard was challenging and timely and took the opportunity to extend her thanks to the Graduate Officers for their hard work in developing such a beneficial tool.


The Climate Change Champion recognised that the Dashboard would be a useful tool for the Council but questioned whether it would be suitable for members of the public. The Performance Manager explained that at the current point in time, the Dashboard was for internal use but, resources permitted, could be further developed to include the footprint of the wider County Borough.


The Climate Change Champion commented that she would welcome an informal meeting with the officers to discuss her queries in terms of specific definitions.


The Cabinet Member for Development and Prosperity took the opportunity to congratulate the Graduate Officers for the work undertaken and commented that it was a huge leap from the position the Council were in just two years ago.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure also thanked the Graduate Officers for the presentation. The Cabinet Member commented that the dashboard gives reassurance to the Council that progress was being made, whilst highlighting the areas which require additional work.


The Chief Executive extended his gratitude to the Graduate Officers and to the Performance Manager for co-ordinating an excellent piece of work, which was sector leading in Welsh Local Government. The Chief Executive stated that establishing the Dashboard allows Managers to review, challenge and act upon data to improve the Council’s Carbon Footprint, when they hadn’t been able to do so before. An example used was the ability to compare school buildings and decipher whether action can be undertaken to reduce both energy costs and emissions.


The Chair thanked Members and Officers for their contributions.

21/11/2022 - Corporate Asset Management Plan 2018-2023 Interim Update ref: 535    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2022

Effective from: 25/11/2022

21/11/2022 - Council Performance Report ref: 536    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2022

Effective from: 25/11/2022

21/11/2022 - Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report 2021-2022 ref: 534    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/11/2022

Effective from: 25/11/2022

07/11/2022 - Council Tax Base 2023-2024 ref: 533    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


The Head of the Revenues and Benefits Service provided Cabinet with the report which formally set the Council Tax Base for the financial year 2023/24.


The officer advised that the Council Tax Base calculated for 2023/24 was £80,182.87 and proposed that the collection rate was estimated to be 97.25%, which produced a net Council Tax Base of £77,977.84.  It was explained that for every £1 levied in Council Tax next year, a sum of £77,978 would be generated to meet the budget requirement of the Council.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Corporate Services was happy to support the recommendations contained within the report.


The Deputy Leader noted that the report contained important information for the Community Councils when setting their budgets.


The Leader thanked the officer for the report and the Cabinet RESOLVED:

1.    That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (Wales) Regulations 1995 as amended, the amount calculated by the Council as its net tax base for the financial year 2023/24, shall be £77,977.84; and

2.    That for each defined community area of the County Borough, the 2023/24 tax base for Council Tax setting purposes, shall be as set out at Appendix 1.


07/11/2022 - 21st Century Schools Programme: Basic Need Accommodation Additional Classrooms at Y Pant Comprehensive School ref: 532    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/11/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/11/2022

Effective from: 11/11/2022


The Service Director of 21st Century Schools and Transformation, provided the Cabinet with an update on the provision of additional teaching accommodation at Y Pant, following the report presented to Cabinet on 13th December 2021 highlighting the increasing pressures on pupil numbers in the south of the County Borough.


The Service Director recommended that consideration be given to agree to the construction of the two-storey teaching block at Y Pant with the phased programme to fit out the first floor initially and subsequently the ground floor when the capacity demands at the school dictate. The proposal would allow the Council to continue to deliver on its statutory duty to provide the appropriate number of school places in the right locations.


The Cabinet Member for Education, Youth Participation & Welsh Language noted that the scope of the proposed scheme had changed which had impacted on the project cost and the delivery programme.