Committee attendance

Constitution Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Maureen Webber BEM 0
Councillor Sheryl Evans 1
Councillor Karen Morgan 1
Councillor Barry Stephens 1
Councillor Will Jones 1
Councillor Ros Davis 1
Councillor Jayne Smith 1
Councillor Julie Cook 1
Council, 13 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Ann Crimmings 9
Councillor Maureen Webber BEM 9
Councillor Mark Norris 9
Councillor Robert Bevan 5
Councillor Andrew Morgan OBE 9
Councillor Jill Bonetto 9
Councillor Steve Bradwick 9
Councillor Jeffrey Elliott 4
Councillor Sera Evans 8
Councillor Sheryl Evans 9
Councillor Adam Fox 8
Councillor Glynne Holmes 8
Councillor Geraint Hopkins 3
Councillor Rhys Lewis 9
Councillor Christina Leyshon 9
Councillor Craig Middle 9
Councillor Karen Morgan 8
Councillor Steve Powderhill 1
Councillor Michael Powell 5
Councillor Sharon Rees 9
Councillor Aurfron Roberts MBE 9
Councillor Graham Stacey 9
Councillor Barry Stephens 9
Councillor Doug Williams 5
Councillor Tina Williams 9
Councillor Richard Yeo 8
Councillor Wendy Treeby 9
Councillor Gareth Hughes 7
Councillor Danny Grehan 8
Councillor Dan Owen-Jones 7
Councillor Will Jones 9
Councillor Gareth Jones 8
Councillor Gareth Caple 9
Councillor Susan Morgans 9
Councillor Jayne Brencher 9
Councillor Wayne Owen 6
Councillor Wendy Lewis 9
Councillor Julie Edwards 8
Councillor Ross Williams 9
Councillor Sam Trask 9
Councillor Julie Barton 6
Councillor Janine Turner 9
Councillor David Evans 8
Councillor Karl Johnson 9
Councillor Karen Webb 6
Councillor Dawn Parkin 9
Councillor Louisa Addiscott 8
Councillor Sarah Jane Davies 9
Councillor Lisa Ellis 9
Councillor Emma Louise Watts 7
Councillor Mustapha Maohoub 9
Councillor Hywel Gronow 9
Councillor Norman Howell Morgan 9
Councillor Ryan Evans 7
Councillor Georgina Elizabeth Williams 8
Councillor Cathy Lisles 9
Councillor Sarah Hickman 9
Councillor Ros Davis 7
Councillor Amanda Jane Ellis 7
Councillor Adam Owain Rogers 6
Councillor Jayne Smith 8
Councillor Martin Douglas Ashford 5
Councillor Victoria Dunn 9
Councillor Gaynor Lesley Warren 9
Councillor Dawn Susan Wood 4
Councillor Bob Harris 9
Councillor Wyn Hughes 9
Councillor Julie Cook 9
Councillor Scott Emanuel 9
Councillor Loretta Ann Tomkinson 9
Councillor Geraint Owen Jones 9
Councillor Cai Preedy 8
Councillor Paul Binning 6
Councillor Paula Evans 5
Councillor Andrew James Dennis 6
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Public Services Board Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jill Bonetto 2
Councillor Sera Evans 2
Councillor Sheryl Evans 2
Councillor Aurfron Roberts MBE 0
Councillor Barry Stephens 2
Councillor Gareth Hughes 2
Councillor Ross Williams 1
Councillor Claire Jones (MTCBC) 0
Councillor Simon Griffiths 1
Overview and Scrutiny 2022-2027 Committee, 11 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Ann Crimmings 1
Councillor Robert Bevan 0
Councillor Jill Bonetto 9
Councillor Sera Evans 7
Councillor Sheryl Evans 9
Councillor Rhys Lewis 1
Councillor Christina Leyshon 1
Councillor Craig Middle 10
Councillor Michael Powell 5
Councillor Barry Stephens 10
Councillor Gareth Hughes 8
Councillor Danny Grehan 1
Councillor Will Jones 7
Councillor Susan Morgans 2
Councillor Julie Edwards 10
Councillor Ross Williams 8
Councillor Sam Trask 1
Councillor Cathy Lisles 1
Councillor Ros Davis 9
Councillor Adam Owain Rogers 1
Councillor Jayne Smith 1
Councillor Martin Douglas Ashford 1
Councillor Gaynor Lesley Warren 10
Councillor Scott Emanuel 10
Councillor Loretta Ann Tomkinson 8
Planning and Development Committee, 20 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mark Norris 9
Councillor Robert Bevan 2
Councillor Jill Bonetto 12
Councillor Sheryl Evans 1
Councillor Karen Morgan 2
Councillor Steve Powderhill 1
Councillor Michael Powell 10
Councillor Sharon Rees 12
Councillor Doug Williams 1
Councillor Gareth Hughes 2
Councillor Danny Grehan 11
Councillor Will Jones 1
Councillor Gareth Jones 1
Councillor Wayne Owen 8
Councillor Wendy Lewis 11
Councillor Julie Edwards 2
Councillor Ross Williams 13
Councillor Karl Johnson 2
Councillor Norman Howell Morgan 3
Councillor Cathy Lisles 1
Councillor Ros Davis 0
Councillor Adam Owain Rogers 2
Councillor Jayne Smith 10
Councillor Martin Douglas Ashford 1
Councillor Dawn Susan Wood 1
Councillor Scott Emanuel 13
Councillor Loretta Ann Tomkinson 12
Councillor Andrew James Dennis 12