Agenda item

To receive the report of the Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services updating Members on the outcome of the six week focussed consultation exercise undertaken on the future of the remaining open access community day centres.


The Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services updated Members on the outcome of the six week focussed consultation exercise undertaken on the future of the remaining open access community day centres, following the decision to consult at the Cabinet meeting on the 21st November 2018.


Members were reminded of the rationale for the consultation in respect of Gilfach Goch Day Centre; Brynnar Jones Day Centre, Gelli;  Teifi House Day centre, Maerdy and Nazareth Day Centre, Williamstown.  These included concerns over the low usage (people are choosing not to attend); the increasing cost to the Council of providing the day centres; the potential significant capital investment required to retain the centres, and the wider pressures on the Council’s budget from the growing needs of residents requiring assessed care and support.  Members were referred to table 1 within the report which provided Usage & Net cost per meal within the day centres.


The Director advised members of the 6week consultation process undertaken and commented that feedback indicated that the majority of service users would understandably prefer that the centres remain open and that the provision of hot meals and activities remain available. He added that Service users identify the potential for greater social isolation and the loss of hot meals as being significant impacts from the potential closure of the day centres.


The Director continued however by explaining that on the evidence of the small number of service users it could be reasonably be argued that the existing model no longer caters for the majority of older people in our communities. The low usage and ongoing cost to the Council is not sustainable in the long term. The Director proceeded to explain of the opportunities available through the Community Hub programme to develop services for all of the community of all generations.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services and Welsh Language referenced the other strategies that needed to be taken into account when considering the report, referencing the Community Hub programme, the Older People Strategy for Cwm Taf and the Extra Care strategy, adding that these were all components to assist in the modernisation of services to the older generation within RCT.  The Cabinet Member referenced the low usage of the current day centre provision within the report, although referenced the dedicated hard work of the staff currently within the day centres which was reflected in the services users comments during the consultation and their value for the service.  The Cabinet Member referenced table 1 within the report, expressing his concern over the low usage and the level of expenditure.  The Cabinet Member commented on the possibility of utilising the Community Hub programme to further develop services within the Community if the decision was taken to close the day centres.


The Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Well-being & Cultural Services spoke of the opportunities available through the Community Hub programme, providing intergenerational opportunities for social activities within the community.  The Cabinet Member referenced recent positive examples of Community Hubs across the County Borough


With the permission of the Chairman, County Borough Councillors J Harries and L Jones spoke on this item, with Councillor Jones referencing a petition in respect of the item.


The Leader commented upon the consultation responses and the reference made by the local Member in respect of the ‘Learning Curves’ programme, advising that that the Council provide the users of this programme with transport provision.  The Leader also reflected on the need to maintain the social care provision, but agreed that such provision and social interaction would be available through a Community Hub provision.


The Deputy Leader commented on the need to modernise the service available for both the current older generation and for future generations, adding that the provision currently available was not fit for purpose.  The Deputy Leader commented on changes that had taken place within her own ward and the alternate provision made available which all service users enjoy, commenting on the continuation of social interaction.


The Director also provided clarity on the Trade Union meeting held with staff which had been referenced during the meeting, advising that this was simply a standard meeting to advise staff of the forthcoming report to Cabinet and stressed that staff were not told that the decision had already been made.  The Director confirmed the process that would be taken forward with staff if the decision was to be taken forward.  The Director also provided information in relation to the RCT together process and the potential opportunities to work with the 3rd Sector to take forward service opportunities.


The Leader confirmed with the Director that if the decision was to be taken forward that current service users would be engaged with to which the Director confirmed would be the process.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Community Services & Welsh Language thanked both Members and officers for their discussions in respect of the report and concluded that the current model of provision did not represent what the current or future generation wanted in a service.  The Cabinet Member spoke of the opportunities available through a Community Hub provision which would benefit all generations of communities and the need to modernise the service going forward.


Following detailed discussions it was RESOLVED:


1.    To consider the responses to the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the remaining four open access community day centres as identified in paragraph 4.1 of the report;


2.    To approve the closure of the remaining open access community day centres, with the exception of Gilfach Goch Community Day Centre which will remain open; and


3.    To authorise the Director, Public Health, Protection & Community Services to explore alternative provision for existing service users through existing third sector organisations in the communities concerned or where appropriate, through the developing Community Hubs.


N.B following conclusion of the item County Borough Councillor D Grehan, J Harries and L Jones left the meeting.


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