To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, which provides the Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee with an update on the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022 – 2027 Action Plan as approved by the Committee on 5th May 2023, which supports the implementation of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022-2027, also approved by the Committee on 25 October 2022.
The Welsh Language Service Manager provided Members with an update on the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022 – 2027 Action Plan, which had been approved by the Sub-Committee on 5th May 2023 and supports the implementation of the Welsh Language Promotion Strategy 2022-2027.
The officer provided the Sub-Committee with examples of the good progress made by the Council and partners to meet the ambitious actions, along with the challenges and areas for improvement. The officer spoke of maximising the opportunities afforded by the Eisteddfod as well as the need for greater monitoring and support of council partners and grant funded community groups.
Despite the challenges, Members were assured that the Council remained in a positive position to meet its targets.
The Chair took the opportunity to thank officers for producing a broad report, which highlighted the breadth of work undertaken within the Local Authority and communities to promote the Welsh Language.
The Chair referred the Sub-Committee to section 5.4 of the report, which detailed the key areas of progress made and emphasised that the delivery of services was a Council wide approach. The Chair spoke of the Council’s significant investment in to Welsh Medium schools and referred to the consultation on building a new Welsh Medium primary school in Llanillid and the delivery of the Llyn y Forwyn Welsh Medium primary school in Ferndale.
The Chair spoke of the Council’s Guaranteed Interview Scheme, which was launched in August 2024 and felt that RCT had led the way across Local Authorities in Wales in terms of the first of its kind, progressive offer.
The Chair felt that the report had provided a range of information, which would allow the Sub-Committee to monitor and ensure that the Council continues to fulfil its duties. In relation to the recent National Eisteddfod hosted by RCT, the Chair praised the successful event and hoped that its legacy would increase interest in the Welsh Language and the arts; increase learners; and in some cases, influence parents/guardians to send their children to Welsh Medium schools and childcare settings within the Local Authority.
The Deputy Leader acknowledged that the goals of the Local Authority were ambitious and emphasised the importance of the Council doing everything it can to promote the Welsh Language and increase interest within the community. The Deputy Leader also emphasised the officer’s comments in relation to the importance of partnership work.
The Deputy Leader was particularly pleased to note that 31% of the year’s intake of Council’s apprentices were Welsh speakers and that there were 172 children attending Welsh language swimming lessons within the Council’s leisure centres.
Furthermore, the Deputy Leader took the opportunity to speak of the brand-new Welsh Medium school within her ward and was extremely pleased to see the number of children attending, which would add to the number of Welsh speakers within the County Borough.
Prior to concluding, the Deputy Leader requested if Members would be minded to agree an additional recommendation to refer the Promotion Strategy and Action Plan Progress Report to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further discussion. The Chair welcomed the additional recommendation and commented that, in the interest of transparency, it would be beneficial for Members to scrutinise the areas of strength and areas for improvement as referenced by the officer.
The Welsh Language Cabinet Sub-Committee RESOLVED:
1. To note the content of the report;
2. To consider whether further information is required from the service areas noted in the action plan;
3. To approve possible additional support/steps as outlined in 5.5 of the report to address known challenges;
4. To approve to continue to progress with the actions as outlined in the current agreed Action Plan; and
5. To refer the matter to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
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