Agenda item

The Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod of Wales and Chair of the Executive Committee to provide Members with an update on the work being undertaken in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf in collaboration with the Director Public Health, Protection & Community Services.



The Deputy Presiding Member introduced and welcomed the Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod of Wales and the Chair of the Executive Committee who provided Members with an update on the work being undertaken in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf.


The Council’s Director Public Health, Protection & Community Services provided the Council’s perspective and involvement with the Eisteddfod including the legacy of the event.


Through the aid of PowerPoint slides an overview of key matters under the following heading were presented:


Ø  Trosolwg | Overview

Ø  Gwirio Ffeithiau | Fact Check

Ø  Trosolwg O’r Safle/Site Overview

Ø  Profiad Yr Eisteddfod/The Eisteddfod Experience

Ø  Gwaddol Yr Eisteddfod/The Eisteddfod Legacy

Ø  Pwyllgorau RhCT/RCT Committees

Ø  Y CYngor fel Partner/The Council as Partner

Ø  Rôl y Cyngor / The Council’s Role

Ø  Y Cyngor ar y Maes - The Council on the Maes

Ø  Y Gwaddol i RhCT/The Legacy for RCT

Ø  Cymryd rhan a chithau’n aelodau /You as elected members and getting involved


Following the presentation the former Mayor representing RCT for the 2023/2024 Municipal Year, Councillor W Lewis, presented a cheque to the Chief Executive of the National Eisteddfod of Wales. Councillor W Lewis had supported and raised money for the National Eisteddfod during her time as Mayor of RCT.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor A Morgan OBE, thanked the Officers for attending Full Council and presenting to all Members. He reiterated the travel arrangements for the event, with signage, wardens and an abundance of volunteers on hand to meet and greet and help the event run smoothly. He spoke of the close collaboration with all partners such as South Wales Police and Transport For Wales to ensure all the relevant arrangements are in place to ensure the smooth running of the event. The Leader urged residents and visitors to use public transport and the park and ride facilities available to travel to Pontypridd. He also confirmed that work currently being undertaken in and around the town, such as the re-opening of the White Bridge, would be completed within the next week.


The Leader indicated that the Eisteddfod would bring with it a huge economic boost to RCT with visitors to the Maes spending money in the town and surrounding area and he was in no doubt that hosting such a prevalent event would put Rhondda Cynon Taf on the map. He paid thanks to the Director Public Health, Protection & Community Services for her contribution, representing RCT and working alongside the officers from the National Eisteddfod.


The Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Sera Evans, thanked the Officers for the comprehensive presentation and she confirmed that the Plaid Cymru Group has sponsored one of the Eisteddfod prizes. Councillor Evans congratulated residents and the committees for their huge fundraising efforts and acknowledged the fantastic examples of collaborative working to bring this all to fruition.

The Leader of the Independent Group, Councillor W Jones, echoed the previous sentiments with praise given for all the hard work and efforts bringing the Eisteddfod to RCT and with it a huge boost to the local economy.


Councillor K Johnson also paid thanks to the Officers for their presentation and commented on the impressive structures within Ynysangharad Park, which he commented, as Director of the Park Run Pontypridd, is a striking park.


Councillor C Lisles also thanked the Officers and communities for their hard work and commented how she would be competing and looked forward to welcoming visitors to the area.


Councillor D Wood also commented on how incredible the park looks with the structures in place and how every day the park and town look different. Councillor Wood asked if conversations with local residents, particularly in Berw Road can be kept up to date.


In conclusion, the Leader of the Council, Councillor A Morgan OBE, congratulated all those involved in the planning and preparation which has been a huge undertaking and he spoke about the long lasting benefits of hosting the Eisteddfod will have on the region. He commented that visitors had already arrived in the town to see the venue as it develops and to explore the local attractions such as the Royal Mint, the Penderyn Distillery and ZipWorld.


The Deputy Presiding Member concluded the meeting and reminded Members that the next meeting will commence at 5pm to deal with the remaining Council business.