Agenda item

To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, which updates Members on the infrastructure and spatial planning for The National Eisteddfod of Wales 2024.


The Director of Public Health, Protection and Communities provided Members with a further progress update in relation to the infrastructure, transport and traffic, and spatial planning for the RCT National Eisteddfod of Wales 2024.


Members were advised of the need for a number of changes to the spatial plan as previously reported to Committee in April 2024, which mainly reflected the evolving needs of the National Eisteddfod (NE) customers with the aim of providing them with a greater overall experience. The Director continued to provide a brief overview of the changes which included:


·       The development of a new plan for the Maes in Ynysangharad War Memorial Park (YWMP). The changes relate to the way in which the NE has reconfigured the layout to enhance the experience of the festival.


·       The NE has reviewed the location for Maes B and moved its location from Pontypridd High School to the Berw Road on land adjacent to the Eisteddfod caravan site.


·       Plans have been developed to provide park and ride facilities (pre bookable) at Hawthorn High School and Abercynon with hours of operation being finalised. Discussions are ongoing in respect of the safe traffic management requirements for the site during the week of the Eisteddfod. A communication plan is being developed by the NE to inform the local residents of the details relating to the P+R facility housed in the school.


·       Members were advised that due to the above it was proposed to close the swimming pool within Hawthorn High school for the period of the Eisteddfod (2nd August – 12th August) to ensure safe operation of the park and ride due to the large amounts of traffic entering and leaving the site.


The Director provided Members with detail of the licensing application and confirmed that officers were continuing to work with existing sporting groups and organisations directly affected by the Eisteddfod to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum.


In respect of Traffic and Transport, the RCT Traffic Team are continuing to meet with the NE and Transport for Wales as part of a Working Group, regarding the movement of visitors around Pontypridd and surrounding areas during the festival. The traffic management consultant appointed to work with all partners to devise a traffic management plan is actively supporting the development of a traffic management plan for the town during the event and a draft plan is being finalised. This is in addition to the Traffic Management Strategy the National Eisteddfod is required to prepare in relation to the wider road network and operation of the event.


Members were assured that a single channel of communication co-ordinated by lead officers for all agencies had been agreed across all partners streams of communication (including social media channels and the NE website), working with RCT Council and Transport for Wales communications officers and NE and South Wales Police teams.


The chair commented on the report, which reflected the importance of visitor safety at the event.  The chair acknowledged the collective working within the Council with the National Eisteddfod and other agencies to ensure the smooth running of the event.


Reference was made to the challenges facing the Authority with the different set up of the Eisteddfod compared to previous arrangements in other Authorities. However the Chair commented on the positive differences and referenced the positive transport infrastructure within Pontypridd.


The Chair commented on the adjustments highlighted within the report and the rationale for the changes, which again reflected the fluidity of the plans in place to ensure the best and safe experience for those supporting and attending the National Eisteddfod. The Chair spoke of the ‘slight inconveniences’ that some may experience due to the hosting of the National Event but commented on the overall positives that would be brought to the County Borough.


Members of the committee echoed the comments of the Chair and welcomed the continuance monitoring and developing of the plans in place to ensure the success of the event.


Members commented on the modes of communication available to the public to reinforce the details and arrangements of the Eisteddfod and the important transport messages needed. The Director confirmed that there was a detailed joint communications plan in place with partners enforcing the same messages, with information available on appropriate websites to reenforce the messages.


The Leader reiterated the importance of communication and spoke of the potential creation of an animation to capture the public’s attention with the park and ride messages. The Members were also advised of the ongoing discussions with Transport for Wales and the contingency plans in place to alleviate any pressures during peak times of the event.


Following discussions it was RESOLVED:



       i.          To note the content of the update report.


      ii.          To consider whether further information is required.


    iii.          To temporarily close the Hawthorn Swimming Pool from the 2nd August to 12th August to ensure the safe operation of the Park and Ride facility at Hawthorn High School


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