To receive the report of the Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, which provides Members with an update on the work currently being undertaken in collaboration with National Eisteddfod officers in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
The Head of Community and Welsh Language provided Members with an update on the work currently being undertaken in collaboration with National Eisteddfod officers in preparation for the 2024 Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taf, specifically in relation to community engagement and fundraising.
Members were provided with detail of the community engagement events that had been recently held across the County Borough. The Office advised that Volunteering opportunities continued to be promoted through the Eisteddfod website with an online link for applications remaining open until 30th June. To date 330 applications have been received from people with a range of skills, including those wanting to learn Welsh through to fluent Welsh speakers.
Reference was made to the unveiling of the Eisteddfod Chair and Crown, ‘Cadair a Coron’, in the Llantrisant Guild Hall on 13th June, after which time the items will be moved to be on display at the public in the Library at Llys Cadwyn.
Details of the subsided entry and access to family tickets and early bird offers was also provided.
The Head of Community and Welsh Language informed Members that the fundraising had increased since last reported on 29th April and now totalled £215,000 on 17th May. It was added that the Council continues to support the Eisteddfod to promote fundraising and sponsorship opportunities to communities and businesses across the County Borough and are enabling use of its venues when possible, which are approved on a case-by case basis.
Before concluding the update the Officer provided details of the legacy work being undertaken, with the Community Workstream group continuing to capture information as activities are being developed and delivered in relation to each of the Legacy aims.
The Chair put on his record his gratitude to all the officers in volved in the work to date and the outreach work undertaken with businesses, schools, arts and cultural services and local communities to make the Eisteddfod a success. The Chair commented on the building of excitement and anticipation ahead of the event in August.
The Chair recognised the fantastic number of volunteers who had come forward to give their own time to support this event and the notable fundraising of £250k that continues to grow.
Reference was made to the wider Eisteddfod presence and the Councils priortiy and strategy to increase the number of Welsh speakers across the County Borough. The Chair commented on the success of ‘Give Welsh a go’ initiative encouraging local businesses to use the language.
Councillor Webber reiterated her thanks for the tremendous amount of work involved in the planning and supporting of the National Eisteddfod. The Member spoke about the importance of communication and asked that Local Members are briefed with important key messages to ensure correct, factual information is conveyed to local communities members to which officers in attendance agreed to provide.
Councillor Webber referenced the high number of volunteers and queried whether it was felt this would be sufficient number to run the event. The Head of Service confirmed that the National Eisteddfod did believe the number of volunteers expressed to date would be sufficient, however the opportunity to volunteer was being left open on their national website to allow further opportunities for increased numbers.
Helen Prosser, Chair of the Executive Committee also provided information to Members in respect of the engagement with 70 Welsh learners acting as volunteers, providing a platform for learners to engage in the Welsh language and practice their learning at the National Event, which also took the number of volunteers to over 400.
Following discussions it was RESOLVED
i. To note the content of the report.
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