Agenda item

To provide Committee Members with an overview of the Council’s 2021/22 Revenue Budget and 3-year Capital Programme (2021/22 to 2023/24).


Members were provided with an overview of the Council’s 2021/22 Revenue Budget and 3-year Capital Programme.


In respect of Education & Inclusion Services revenue budgets, Members received an overview from the Head of Finance - Education and Financial Reporting. Members were provided with details of individual school budgets and a breakdown of the budget per service area for the non-schools part of the Group. The Head of Finance - Education and Financial Reporting stated that if there is a deficit in an individual school then the school must follow the Schools Deficit Protocol and must provide a plan on how it will make good the deficit.


Following the presentation, discussions ensued and Members were provided with an opportunity to scrutinise the information.


Councillor Bradwick queried how many schools in the County Borough are in the Red status and how many are in the Black status. The Head of Finance - Education and Financial Reporting advised Members that the information wasn’t available at present but will be distributed to Members following the meeting.


Discussions ensued and Mr Fish queried whether information was available on the figures available in relation to how much of the deficit is in relation to statement of pupils and how much of the 6.2 is still available. The Head of Finance - Education and Financial Reporting advised the Committee that the information was not available at present but will be fed back to the Committee in due course. It was confirmed that a consultation is currently ongoing in respect of Additional Needs Funding and that the service is currently in the process of compiling the results of the consultation.


Following discussion, Members received a presentation from the Head of Finance – Community & Children’s Services. Members were provided with a budget breakdown in respect of Adult Services, Children’s Services, Leisure, Public Health and Protection & Housing and Transformation.


Discussions ensued and Councillor S. Rees-Owen raised a query in respect of the external placement with residential care. It was noted that the cost of care is extremely high and it was queried what plans are in place to tackle this issue. It was also queried what could be done to place people more local rather than sending them elsewhere. The Head of Finance – Community & Children’s Services noted that the complexity of young children coming through is increasing and that alternative ways are being sought through the ICF fund. It was noted that it is also dependent on ‘supply and demand’ and it was emphasised that it still remains a ‘sellers market’.


Councillor Yeo queried whether the Council is currently on target in terms of its budget in this area. The Head of Finance – Community & Children’s confirmed that the service currently looks to be on budget with a potential overspend of £500,000. It was emphasised that the future remains uncertain in terms of social care, particularly in respect of the impact of COVID on the families in the County Borough.


Discussions continued and the Head of Finance - Prosperity, Development & Frontline Services and Chief Executive presented revenue budget information for these areas together with an overview of corporate budgets and the Council’s 3 year Capital Programme. .


Members were provided with an overview of revenue budgets 2021/22 for Prosperity & Development, Frontline Services, Chief Executive’s and corporate budgets.


Discussions ensued and Councillor Bradwick queried how much the National Insurance increase would add to the Council’s budget. Members were advised that the figures had not yet been finalised in light of the recent changes.


The Service Director - Corporate & Management Accounting also referred Members to the Council’s 3 year Capital Programme 2021/22-2023/24 that currently totals £116 million and outlined key schemes such as Education, Leisure, Parks & Countryside and Play Areas and Town Centre Regeneration.


Councillor Bradwick emphasised his support of the investment by the Council in local play areas and thanked officers for their hard work.


To conclude, the Chair thanked officers for providing an in depth overview of the Council’s budgets.


Following discussion, Members RESOLVED to acknowledge the information provided in respect of the Council’s 2021/22 Revenue Budget and 3-year Capital Programme.