Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Hybrid

Contact: Emma Wilkins - Council Business Unit  Email:

No. Item




The Leader welcomed the attendees to the inaugural meeting of the Board following the flooding event of Storm Bert.



To receive disclosures of personal interest from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


1.     Members are requested to identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest.

2.     Where Members withdraw from a meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chairman when they leave.


In accordance with the Councils code of conduct there were no declarations of interest pertaining to the agenda.



To receive the Terms of Reference of the Board.


The Service Director, Democratic Services presented to Members the Terms of Reference for the Board, which formed part of the Leaders Scheme of Delegation.  Members were advised that the Board has been established to ensure an Authority-wide approach in the delivery of services and the prioritisation of resources in relation to any major incident, causing detrimental effect to the communities of the County Borough.


Members RESOLVED to note the Terms of Reference.



To receive verbal updates from Council Services.


The following updates were provided by Council Officers and Key Partners in respect of the major weather incident ‘Storm Bert’:


The Chief Executive provided an overview of the incident and the impact on the County Borough:

·       Major incident with significant impact due to significant rainfall over short time period

·       Significant volume of contacts from customers

·       Impact on buildings across multiple locations across the County Borough

·       Preparatory work undertaken in advance of potential amber weather warning, although this amber warning never manifested.

·       First Class response provided during the Storm

·       Rapid level and volume of rainfall resulted in the Council declaring a major incident on the 24th November

·       No demand for emergency or temporary accommodation

·       Water contamination issues in Rhondda with ‘Boiled Water’ precautions measures in place

·       Need to assess damage and collate detail of impact

·       Voluntary Sector providing further assistance and helping to co-ordinate

·       Business continuity is a priority

·       Acknowledges the distressing impact on those affected and those re-affected


Director Highways Streetcare and Transportation Services.


·       Officers out assessing damages across the County Borough

·       Environmental Health Officers also assisting with door knocking gathering information

·       159 investigations taking place – teamed up with EHO officers to reduce as much disruption to residence as possible

·       Information gathering  - 5 Teams split into different areas (preventing duplication of information gathering)

·       Developing centralised database which will need cleansing to ensure as accurate as possible

·       Will review information once gathered to establish extent of damage and recovery plans needed

·       Working with Housing Associations

·       Supporting residence with provision of skips

·       Production of s.19 reports when appropriate

·       Minor issue with Tylorstown Tip

·       Based on current information 125 properties have been affected (potential to increase to 150)


Director Corporate Estates

·       26 sites affected -  reported through to One Stop shops


Director of Social Services

·       Evacuated one children’s home which housed three young people

·       One elderly resident who received home care was transferred to care home

·       No issues reported with Care homes or Day centres


Director of Prosperity and Development

·       Mill Street Pontypridd main Town Centre location affected

·       6 businesses affected – looking at how can support

·       Treforest Estate and Nantgarw Industrial Estate also pockets of flooding, although better prepared following previous flooding incidents

·       Will continue to monitor other areas across the County Borough



·       Upper Rhondda Homes impacted

·       Rest Centres and Contact Centres created

·       Linked in with Housing Association partners

·       No temporary housing provision needed to be provided but will continue to review.



·     One school affected – Practical Measures put in place to allow school to open today

·     Minor issues in other schools across the County Borough

·     Bottled water received to those schools affected with ‘boiled water’ notice

·     Community Meals – all delivered today.



·       Prepared for an amber warning with Roads double manned

·       Level of preparation was proportionate to the level of warning received

·       Benefit from working with partners – need to start earlier

·       River gauges all broke Storm Dennis records

·       Need to review our processes and modelling management arrangements – Need to establish whether issuing of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.